• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 47: Alien Force V.S. Negative 10 Part 1

In a town at night, a couple of Pegasi are flying by wearing ski masks while holding a bag filled with jewelry. “The perfect crime. We got the loot and made a clean getaway.” One of them said as he looked at the jewelry they’ve collected.

Then flying up beside them are Jetway, Zs’spoocy, and Ocellus in her armor. “Oh, we wouldn’t say that.” Ocellus spoke up.

“The names Zs’spoocy, Techno Armor, and Jetray.” Zs’spoocy greeted.

“And we’re here to tell you that this joyride is over.” Jeray said firmly to them. "Land now and we might go easy on you!"

“Not a chance!” A stallion called as he brought out a cloud and used it to make a thunderstorm, which caused the three heroes to dodge the lightning bolts as they flew ahead while the stallions followed across the buildings.

“Oh, wanna play rough, huh?” Jetray taunted as he turned to Ocellus. “Techno Armor, how about you give these guys a wash?”

“Sure thing.” Ocellus said as she ready her blaster and aimed at the two. “Time to clean their clocks.” She quipped as she fired a big water beam, which got the two wet as they closed their eyes when they got some in their eyes as they started falling.

“We can’t see! We can’t see!” The second stallion called as they all started falling before Zs’spoocy and Jetray caught them before tossing them to the ground so that the police could be heard coming. The three heroes flew up to a tall building before the Omnitrix timed out as they looked down at the two goons getting arrested.

“Well, that was almost too easy.” Ocellus said with a smile under her armor.

“Yeah. We’re getting pretty good at this.” Helix said as the three looked out through the city. “Isn’t there a villain left out there who could give us a challenge?”

“Something tells me there’s hardly any baddies in Equestria these days.” Zs’spoocy said.

But unknowingly to the three, a Forever Knight ninja was spying on them as his visor glowed red.

The next day, the mobile base was parked outside of a camp, Delta and Dust was walking a short unicorn colt with a brown coat and yellow mane. "Thanks again for picking me up from summer camp.” He thanked the two. “With my parents out on a business trip and my grandfather sick with the flu, I was afraid I was going to have to walk home."

"Hey, your grandfather was friends with my father." Delta mentioned with a smile. "It's the least we can do, Sparks."

“What are friends for?” Dust asked as they walked up to the mobile base. “Anyway, you’re gonna love everyone in our group. They’re a lot more fun than you think.” She said as she opened the door. “Hi, everyone. This is Sparks. The grandson of an old Plumber friend of ours.”

"Give it up!" Helix shouted as he and the boys were fighting with the girls over a phone. "We heard it first!"

"No way doofus, we heard it first!" Misty shouted back as Helix's parents looked confused as to why they were fighting.

"What's going on?" Delta asked the others.

“Listen to the radio.” Twilight sighed.

Okay, it’s time to pick the winning caller to the premiere of Rara’s most exciting movie concert, and meet Rara at a special V.I.P. party after the show!” A stallion spoke up as the girls managed to take the phone from the boys as Misty started dialing it before Gallus took it. “Hello, you’re lucky caller number 10!

"We won, give us the phone!" He shouted as he tried to take the phone from Misty.

"No, we won considering I'm the one who dialed up the number!" Misty shouted as the girls tried to help her while the boys tried to help Gallus.

Hello? I-Is anybody?” Gallus accidentally pressed the end call button as the call ended. “Well, I guess we’ll see if the next caller wants those tickets.” The announcer on the radio said.

"Look at what you boys did!" Smolder shouted as they glared at each other.

"Us?! You're the one who didn't let us have the phone!" Sandbar told them.

"Now you owe us tickets to the movie premiere!" Manny added.

“Yeah, right! If we had a ticket, we certainly wouldn’t give it to pushy boys like you!” Helen retorted.

"I have extra tickets to the premiere." Sparks spoke up which caught their attention. "My uncle worked on the movie and sent me some VIP tickets. My friends from camp had other things to do so they couldn't come with me. But judging by your numbers, half of you can go with me if you want.” He said with a smile.

The young group looked surprised by this before the girls quickly pushed the boys aside as they rushed up to Sparks.”Where are our manners?” Ocellus asked with a smile. “Hi, Sparks. I’m Ocellus. These are my friends Silverstream, Smolder, Misty, Helen, Zs’spoocy, Lolaxx, Yona, and Attea.” She greeted.

“And we loved to go to the premier with you.” Silverstream said with a smile.

"Hello, if anyone is going to go to the premiere with Sparks, it's going to be us!" Helix declared after he and the boys pushed the girls aside.

"Yeah, he'll want to go with boys to talk about boy stuff!" Gallus told them.

The two groups then glared at each other while Sparks rubbed his head in confusion. “Well, this should be interesting.” Rainbow commented.

“You said it.” Venus said with a chuckle.

At a bank that is known to be the toughest bank in all of Equestria, a tour group was following the tour guide as they stopped in front of a bank vault. "Fort Colts is proud to be home to the equestrian Federal Gold Reserve where over 100 billion worth of gold bullion is stored here." The tour guide said with a smile. “Of course, for obvious security reasons, the actual vault is off-limits to the public. Now if you’ll follow me, we’ll continue our tour.” She said as the tour walked off, leaving only three hooded figures behind as they walked up to the vault.

“Halt!” A security guard called out to the three. “This is a restricted area. You’ll be escorted back to the public section of the base.”

The three removed their disguises and revealed themselves to be the Circus Freaks, which made the guards quickly raise their weapons on them. “There’s no need for violence.” Acid Breath said as they moved aside and showed Mind Melder was behind them as he waved his watch at them.

The mobile base was on the move as the young group was getting to know Sparks. “And I’ve always been pretty good at researching and making some tech and stuff like that.” Sparks said with a smile.

“Then you’ll love this.” Misty said as she opened up her laptop and logged in. “It’s the first ever computer ever created in Equestria.” She said as she showed Sparks the computer. “Use it whenever you like.”

Helix then shut the laptop. “No fair! That’s bribery!” He pointed out with a look.

“Oh no?” Helen questioned as she brought up a gift back full of treats behind Helix that says ‘To Sparks’. “And what do you call this, Helix?”

“Helen, I’m not all selfish you know.” Helix said with a sheepish look as he took his gift basket back.

"Yeah, some of us enjoy sharing, unlike a certain dragon among us." Gallus mentioned while gesturing to Smolder.

"I'm so telling for that!" Smolder growled.

“That what, you’re a jerk dragon?” Manny questioned.

“Boys! Get up here.” Delta spoke up, which made the boys flinch.

“Oh, boys busted.” Yona said.

“You too, girls!” Twilight called, which made the girls gasped as Sparks gave a confused look as the young group went up to the adults.

“Take a look at this.” Xylene spoke up while gesturing to one of the monitors. “We just picked this up from one of the security cameras at Fort Colts.” She said as they saw the Circus Freaks entering the vault as Acid Breath used his breath to take out the camera.

“The circus freaks?” Helix muttered.

“So, what’s up with those freaks on the video?” Sparks spoke up as they turned and saw him behind them.

"Oh it's uh…a video…" Helix said with a nervous smile.

"Of music, a music video!" Ocellus quickly added before she looked at the others with a confused look. "Is that a thing?"

"Yeah, totally is the thing nowadays." Manny mentioned with a nervous grin.

“It’s starting that new group with…” Smolder tried to come up with something to add.

“Psycho Circus Freaks!” Misty finished as they all nodded in agreement while Sparks looked unconvinced.

"Seriously, that lame story is the best you guys got?" Sparks questioned with a brow. “You know my grandfather was a plumber too like yours. I'm talking about the ones that are Intergalactic police officers. Your grandfather was told everything by your parents, Helix. Then your grandfather told my grandfather everything about the spell book, the two Omnitrixes, you guys being aliens and everything." The group turned to both Delta and Dust in surprise as they just shrugged in response. “So, what's up with the freaks in the video?"

A bit later after explaining everything to Sparks, they drove up to the vault as they parked the mobile base. “Maybe Sparks should stay here.” Hope suggested.

“We’ll keep an eye on him.” Manny said while wrapping an arm around Sparks.

“Yeah, he probably wants to see us in action, anyway.” Helix said while looking at his Omnitrix.

"Uh hello, I have one of my own." Misty reminded him with a brow.

"Yeah, but I've been doing this way longer than you." Helix replied with a smirk as the girls gave him a look.

A bit later, they all entered the vault as they looked around. “It’s quiet. Too quiet.” Fluttershy noted a bit nervously.

“Where is everypony?” Applejack asked as they stopped and saw a couple of security guards acting like chickens as they bawk.

“They’ve all been hypnotized to think they’re chickens.” Flash said in surprise.

“Still funny!” Pinkie said with a laugh.

“Since when could the Circus Freaks hypnotize others?” Silverstream asked in confusion as they continued on.

“Not sure. But I believe this is more fitting of their style.” Venus said while pointing to the melted vault door. "Mostly Acid Breath to be exact."

“The dude seriously needs to see a doctor or something about that.” Manny mentioned before they suddenly were getting shot at from a few security guards on the upper railing. What they didn’t see is that they’re drooling, meaning that they’re sleep firing.

“Why are they firing on us?! We’re the good guys!” Sparks called in shock after taking cover behind some crates.

“Trust us, we get that alot, darling.” Rarity said as they saw the loose chicken acting guards in the crossfire.

“Those chickens are gonna get fried!” Helix called out before he activated his Omnitrix and transformed into Quillspeed right in front of Sparks.

"Whoa, it's even cooler than how my grandfather described it." Sparks gasp after seeing Helix transform into an alien.

“You think that’s great, check this out!” Misty called as she activated her Omnitrix and slammed her core down as she transformed into her version of Diamondhead.

"Oh, turn into a bigger target for them to shoot at." Quillspeed told her sarcastically with a smug smile. "Let's see who beats them first!" He already ran ahead and saved the hypnotized guards and placed them in barrels before racing up to the upper levels. “Look, I don’t wanna hurt you guys.” He said before the guards started firing at him, but then a diamond wall was placed in front of him to block the shots.

“A bigger target, but with a strategy. Diamond is hard to break.” Gemgirl said with a smug look as Quillspeed growled.

“Okay, touché.” Quillspeed said as he jumped over the diamond wall and took out the guards at a fast paste as they were all knocked down, but then the bottom of the bridge he was standing exploded as he fell to the ground.

The other's gasp as they see a couple of more guards with a bazooka walking up to the knockout Quillspeed. Then a guard aimed their missiles at them as they gasped, but before Gemgirl or the others could do anything, a forklift drove by and crashed into the two guards before crashing into the wall. Quillspeed came to and rubbed his head as they all turned to Sparks.

“How did you do that?” Applejack asked in surprise.

“I said I was pretty good with mechanical stuff.” Spark said as he levitated a wrench with a shrug and a smile.

“Sparks, you really impress us.” Spike commented as the others gave him proud smiles.

They then made their way into the vault but were confused as they looked around. "This doesn't make any sense, all the gold is still here." Helen said as they were still rows and rows of gold.

"So wait, the Circus Freaks broke into the toughest bank in all of Equestria, hypnotized the guards into thinking that their chickens while we're the enemy, but didn't steal any gold?!" Quillspeed questioned in confusion.

“Maybe they were after something else.” Sparks spoke up as he pointed to a certain cell. “Check this out.” He said as shown a hole that melted through the ground by Acid Breath as they looked down and saw some stairs as they all climbed down.

“Where are we? Another hidden vault?” Pinkie asked in wonder as there was some dusted up equipment around.

"No, this is a blast of the past." Delta spoke up with a serious tone. "This is an old Plumber base."

“Like the one at Mount Alimore?" Attea asked.

“Not exactly.” Xylene spoke up. “From the size of this base, it’s more of a Plumber outpost than a base.”

“Xylene is correct.” Dust spoke up as the three Plumbers searched around. “At the height of the Plumbers, some of these satellite complex outposts were established around Equestria in hidden locations, like this one.” She explained.

“After we brought down Vilgax the first time and the Plumbers went off world, except us,” Delta continued while gesturing to him and Dust. “These annexes weren’t needed anymore. So we eventually shut them all down.”

"So if the Circuit Freaks didn't come here for the gold and found this place, what did they want here then?" Twilight questioned with a worried tone.

"Don't know, and that's what worries me the most." Delta mentioned as they didn't notice something was missing on one of the shelves.

“I’m telling ya. This mare’s brainpan is empty.” Acid Breath said to his team as he looked at the device they got from the outpost. “Look at this stupid piece of junk.” He said before a cable was shut and the device was took out of his hand by a Forever Ninja as he caught it and the Forever Queen walked in and the ninja kneeled to her with the device.

“Is there a problem?” Forever Queen questioned.

“Yeah.” Acid Breath said with a frown. “Bad enough you stick us with the amazon Mr. Nerd here,” He started as he pointed to Mind. “But then we pull off the heist of the century, and don’t even have a gold tooth to show for it!”

"Why I don't like that name, I'll have to agree with them." Mind mentioned with his front hooves crossed. "We broke into the toughest bank in all of Equestria and you only had us pick up an old relic."

“I find your lack of faith disturbing. Mr. Melder and Mr. Breath. Or may I call you, Mind or Acid?” Forever Queen questioned.

“For now on, you can call me boss, cuz I'm taking over this whole operation!" Acid told her.

“Since only one of us can have that honor, allow me to cast my argument." Forever Queen said before the ninja robot jumped high into the air. The ninja robot then took care of the Circus Freak with ease as they were all knocked down to the ground. “Now that’s settled, let’s get back to the business at hand, shall we?” She questioned.

On the road, the mobile base drove by, Helix was putting tape on the floor with the girls on one side and the boys on the other. "This is such a dumb idea." Misty complained.

“No. It’s gonna help Sparks decide who’s side he’s on.” Helix said to the girls.

“So this is the girls half, this is ours.” Gallus said while gesturing to the half. “Deal?” He asked with his hoof raised as Silverstream shook it.

“Deal.” Silverstream said.

“Ha! You girls are at a disadvantage!” Manny called with a smirk. “Our side has both the TV and the refrigerator.”

"True, but our side has the bathroom." Lolaxx told them. “The only bathroom."

"Oh by the way, how were those extra large drinks you boys had for lunch earlier today?” Smolder questioned which made the boys flinch.

“Oh, wish you hadn’t said that.” Sandbar said nervously.

“They really are pushing their luck, huh?” Rainbow asked with a smirk.

“They just don’t know when to quit.” Flash said with a chuckle as Delta and Dust walked by.

“Excuse us.” Dust said as she and Delta went up to the monitor, which shocked everyone as they turned to the wheel and saw no one’s driving it.

“Uh, Mom, Dad, who’s driving?” Helix asked his parents as he and the others saw the two Plumbers in the back.

“Autopilot. Sparks rigged it up.” Delta said while pointing to Sparks, who is working on a motherboard. “Real work saver.”

“My grandpa says that my brain must look like the inside of a computer.” Sparks said as he kept looking.

“Amazing. You are truly a genius, Sparks.” Twilight said with an impressive smile.

"Thanks, Twilight." Sparks replied before a hologram computer showed a map of Equestria with some locations marked with dots.

“These dots represent all the closed Plumber facilities.” Xylene said to them.

“Wait, why is the one in Las Pegasus flashing?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“It’s an alarm.” Delta said with a serious look. “That can’t be a coincidence.”

“Must be the Circus Freaks again.” Helix said as he gave a serious look. “Let’s go there and stop them.”

“Unfortunately, Helix, even in turbo-mode, it’s doubtful we could get there in time to stop them.” Attea pointed out.

"Well, well you guys are playing two squares, I messed around with the turbo boost system a little." Sparks mentioned with a smile. "It should be fast enough to get us there in time."

They all then quickly sat down as they got ready for the turbo. “Well, let’s put the spring on her and see if she’s got some extra giddyup.” Dust said as she pressed the turbo button, which caused the mobile base to take off at impossible speed, which made everyone inside feel their faces being pushed back by the force.

“WHOOO!! NOW THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!! NOW THIS IS SPEED!!!” Rainbow cheered off in pure excitement at the sudden speed they were going.

“Sparks definitely have some skills!” Helen muttered as she faced her face being pushed back. “Not even I can go this fast!"

The mobile base was soon on the freeway as they were coming close to their destination. "Coming up on downtown Las Pegasus!" Dust called out. "We should throw the anchor out and start slowing this puppy down!"

"Uh oh…" Sparks muttered as he forgotten a very important part.

“Please tell us you didn’t forget about the super-duper brakes to go with the super-duper turbo.” Lolaxx pleaded.

“Well, this could be a problem.” Pinkie said as her face was pushed back so hard, her skull was showing before she grabbed her skin and placed it back in. “We need to stop this crazy thing!”

“Don’t worry! I got your backs!” Helix called as he activated the Omnitrix, but when he slammed it down, he was gone as the group looked up and saw diamond spikes poking through the ceiling, revealing to be Diamondhead up top as he nearly tripped. “Whoa! Major windage up here!” He soon regained his balance before focusing and made a few diamonds grow out of the ground up ahead. That however did not slow down the mobile base as it just shattered them when it drove right into them. "So much for speed bumps!"

"Helix, we could really use an acre right about now!" Flash called out.

“On it!” Diamondhead called as he formed an anchor and tossed it to the ground of the road as it skied on the road. As they made it to the tallest tower of Las Pegasus, the mobile base finally stopped as they all exited the vehicle. “What I tell you, no problem.”

“Tell that to the city roadcrew.” Misty countered with the torn up road from the anchor before they heard screaming as they turned and saw ponies leaving the building as bugs started swarming up.

“Okay. We know the Circus Freaks have flies, but since when do they have wasps?” Manny questioned weirdly.

"Look out!" Smolder shouted when the wasps flew towards them, knocking into Diamondhead before slamming him into a wall. The flies then formed around to reveal a familiar figure they hadn’t seen in a while.

“That’s Bug Juice!” Applejack called out as the group that knew him looked in shock.

“The bug guy?” Attea asked in confusion.

“We thought he was gone for good!” Flash called in shock.

Bug Juice let out some sort of roar before he launched a bunch of wasps right towards them. Diamondhead created a diamond wall as they blocked the wasps as Manny, Helen, and Ocellus jumped forward. Ocellus armored up while Diamondhead fired many shards at Bug Juice, which shredded his clothing before it revealed that he is now a full fledged bug mutant.

“My word!” Rarity cried out in shock.

“What the heck happened to him?!” Spike asked in shock. “Sure, he’s part bug, but not this kind of look!”

"This looks more of Dr. Test's work then the Circus Freaks'!" Twilight mentioned before Bug Juice shot wasps from his mouth when it split open.

“Okay, that’s just wrong!” Gallus called as Sparks was caught in the wasps path. “Sparks!”

Smolder paws then glowed. “Galeas disruptus!” She called as she created a breeze that blew Bug Juice away from Sparks as he flew off as Smolder used the twister to lower Sparks down safely.

"That…That was amazing!" Sparks told Smolder. "You saved me…"

"Hey, that's what friends are for." Smolder said as she and the girls walked ahead before they stick their tongues out at the boys as they gave them a look as they followed after them.

They entered the tower as they went into an elevator as Delta typed in a code on the buttons. “The Plumbers annex is near the top. The Circus Freaks are probably still up there.” He informed as they went up, but the elevator then shook up.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“It’s coming from on top of the elevator.” Venus said as the ceiling was punched through before ripping part of the ceiling open as they gasped and saw a familiar mare above them.

"Windvo?!" Delta gasped when they saw her with some alien Tech suit on. "Where did you get that alien tech?!"

"Sorry, don't have time for questions because this elevator is no longer in service." She said as sharp claws grew from her right glove claw. "Going down?" She taunted as she swipe her claws on the cables, causing the elevator to fall while Windvo went up with a laugh.

“Emergency stop!” Diamondhead called as he stabbed at the side of the elevators and tried to slow down their descendants until they did as they sighed in relief.

“Next time, we’re taking the stairs.” Hope joked with a sigh.

A bit later, Diamondhead used his powers to lift the group up to the top as they hid in a corner and saw Windvo, Queen Chrysalis, and Cursed searching the compound with a giant hole in the wall. “Sister and Chrysalis?” Hope asked in surprise.

“Is there anybody who doesn’t hate us involved in this thing?” Attea questioned.

"You should've seen the looks on their faces when I cut the cable." Windvo told the two with a smirk before she gave a laugh at the thought. "It was so priceless."

“How come you got to slab them instead of me?” Cursed questioned.

“Or for me to even trick them?” Chrysalis questioned with a brow.

“Just lucky, I guess.” Windvo said with a smirk as the two mares glared at her.

“We’ll have to divide up and attack them from all sizes.” Twilight informed.

"I'll get Windvo on the right." Diamondhead whispered.

"Hello, Helix!" A familiar voice called out before they turned to see Dr. Test standing next to a giant mutant bat. "You're all overdue for a visit from Dr. Test!" He declared as the mutant bat released a sonic scream, which made Diamondhead crack a bit as he was flung out and near the edge of the tower as the others rushed up to him.

“Helix, are you okay?” Lolaxx asked in concern before they heard a screech as Dr. Test and his bat came out as he gave an evil smirk as they turned and saw Cursed, Windvo, and Chrysalis behind them.

"You're all still alive?!" Windvo questioned with a glare. "You're making me look bad!" She then fired a laser from her left claw as Smolder quickly ran in front of the group.

Voress nebulae!” Smolder called as she formed a shield and deflect the laser.

“An invisible-force spell, that’s all you got?” Cursed questions with a brow. “You’ve had my spellbook all this time while learning things from my little sister and she didn’t teach you to take off the training wheels?”

"She's learning at a very fast pace!" Hope called out with a glare.

"You mean that she isn't ready to handle the most advanced and complex spells that are in our books, or she's just too scared to use them." Cursed said mockingly. "Face it, that dragon isn't a sorceress, she's a joke!"

Smolder growled while Hope glared as the heroes charged at their enemies. Sparks watches the battle with the heroes while Helix and his team as well as the Mane Six are fighting Dr. Test while Misty transformed into Quadruple Girl, Smolder and Hope are fighting Cursed, the Young Six are fighting Chrysalis with Ocellus in her armor, and the Plumbers are fighting Windvo.

Diamondhead dodged a few sonic waves from the giant mutant bat before Quadruple Girl came up and punched it in the face. "Gotta admit, nice sonic scream." He mentioned before he slammed on the Omnitrix and switched to Echo Echo. "Want to see mine?"

Echo Echo then split into many clones as he surrounded Dr. Test. “Wall… of… SOUND!” THe Echo Echos called as they made a shockwave, which made Dr. Test and his bat screamed in pain.

Dust managed to tossed Windvo through the wally they came to before they saw Bug Juice clinging to a wall before he charged at him and the others. Windvo rubbed her head before she saw a similar device the Circus Freaks took as she gave a smirk. Meanwhile, the Mane Six seemed to have a difficult time with Chrysalis as she seemed to be stronger than them. "Your students and friends aren't the only ones who picked up new tricks!" She told them before she suddenly started absorbing some sort of yellow energy coming from Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie!” Her friends called out before she looked drained as her mane and tail deflated.

"What did you do to her?!" Twilight asked with anger before Chrysalis suddenly took that anger and absorbed it.

“Ah, this is so great.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. “Way better than sucking in love out of others.”

"You mean you can absorb other emotions now?!" Rainbow asked in shock.

“Yes. Impressive, right? If we suck love, why not suck other emotions. And it turns out, they’re more delicious than love.” Chrysalis said as she then sucked the emotional energy out of the Mane Six, which made them weak as they fell to the ground. “And I must say, you six has better taste than anypony.”

"Forget them, I found it!" Windvo called out as she ran out of the building with the device.

Delta, Dust, and Xylene looked at Windvo before their eyes widened at what they saw. “The key. They were after the key!” Xylene said in horror.

“Of course! That’s why!” Dust said while shaking her head.

“Somebody stop Windvo from getting away with that device!” Delta called out to the group.

Echo Echo gave another sonic scream at Test and his mutant bat to knock them off the building. He then saw Windvo running with the device before he quickly multiplied and tackled her to the ground.

“Hand it over, lady, or get your eardrums check, the hard way.” Echo Echo said as the Omnitrix beeped and Helix transformed back as he gave a sheepish chuckle as Windvo gave a brow before Helix grabbed the key.

Windvo quickly grabbed his back leg when he tried to run for it before he quickly threw it over to Helen. “I got it!” She called, but then Bug Juice stepped in front of her as she backed away. “You want it? Then go and get it!” she told him before she quickly threw it off the roof. Bug Juice didn't go after it as he just flew away, causing Helen to smirk with pride before it was short-lived when Test flew up on the back of his giant mutant bat as he held up the device she threw off the roof. "Oops…"

Bug Juice then caught Windvo, who held Helix as she dropped up and flew off. Hope and Smolder glared at Cursed before Cursed smiled and waved to them, which confused them as Dr. Test’s bat took her while Chrysalis flew off.

“I wish I had time to teach you a lesson you so richly deserve, Helix!” Test spoke up with a smirk. “But we have a dae to rule the world!” He finished as he held the key.

As they flew, Bug Juice drool as his spit landed on Windvo. “Hey, how come I got stuck with a ride with Mr. Maggot over here?!” Windvo questioned in disgust.

“Just lucky, we guess.” Cursed said with a teasing smirk.

“You had that coming.” Chrysalis said with a smirk as Windvo gave them a look as the heroes watched them get away as Dust, Delta, and Xylene looked in horror.

They soon went back to the mobile base as it was back in super turbo mode and the Mane Six recovered from their emotional drainage from Chrysalis. “Can't believe we didn't figure it out sooner." Delta said with frustration.

"We should have known that they were after the keys." Dust added.

“This is bad. How could we be so dumb?” Xylene said while rubbing her head.

“What’s so important about that key?” Flash questioned his aunt and uncle.

"You see, back when me and dust were still rookies in the plumbers many years ago, we helped capture an inland convict." Dust started to tell them. "And as a show of gratitude for helping, his alien race gave us a sample of what they call 'Sub-energy', it's a subatomic power source so powerful that it makes Alicorn magic look like wind up toys by comparison."

“Despite its enormous potential for good, the sub-energy was too unstable and dangerous to use.” Delta continued.

“So the Plumbers decided it should be put away for safekeeping within a super-secure force field inside Mount Alimore complex.” Xylene finished.

“And the only way to shut down the force field was to join the two odd-shaped keys that were stolen from here and Fort Colt?” Twilight asked in worry.

“We’re afraid so.” Delta replied firmly.

"I don't get it, how did the Circus Freaks figure all this out?" Sandbar questioned.

"Those freaks couldn't find their way out of a paper bag." Delta mentioned with a firm look. "Whoever masterminded all of this has knowledge of top secret Plumber Intel."

“And it's obvious whoever is helping them is making them stronger, because Chrysalis couldn't figure it out she could steal other emotions all on her own." Twilight added.

“We better get to Plumber Base and stop them.” Attea said as the mobile base stopped as they made it to the side of Mount Alimore.

“I think we beat them here.” Venus said before a blast nearly hit the mobile base, causing it to serve around before it stopped in front of a cliff. They all looked on in shock at what they saw.

The Forever Queen stepped up as she looked down at the mobile base. "Alien Force, so glad you could join us." She said with delight. "Although I wish I could promise a swift demise, but alas, I believe my new partners have other things in mind for you. So low and behold, the Negative Ten!" She declared as she presented the villains the team had faced in the past.

"Oh man…" Helix muttered as he can tell he and his friends are going to have a very bad time.

To be continued…

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