• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 32: So much Work, Mummy

In a farmland, a couple of colts are moving past the fence and into a cow field as they see a couple of cows. “M-Maybe we shouldn’t be here.” A third colt said as the two turned and saw a muddy earth pony colt holding a baby pig.

“I knew we shouldn’t have brought him. He’s nothing but a big baby.” The orange mane colt mocked as the colt moved underneath the fence.

“Come on, Apple. Don’t wimp out now. It’s just a little fun.” The other colt said to him. “You push over the vow, and it can’t get back up.”

The orange mane colt gave a laugh. “We’ll even let you tip the first one unless… the baby wants to go home so mommy can change his diaper.” He mocked in a baby tone while sucking his hoof.

Apple gave a glare as he stomped past the two boys and went up to the first cow, but he struggled to push it down considering how big he is as his pet pig tried to help. But Apple fell to the ground as mud splashed onto his pet pig as the two boys laughed at him as he and the cow looked at them as they kept laughing.

“Princeless! Haha!” The colt exclaimed.

“Haha! Doof!” The orange mane colt taunted as they kept laughing, but then they saw the cow mooing angrily at them as the two colts ran off in fear while the pig shrieked and ran off as well.

“Hey, where’s everypony going?” Apple asked in confusion before he turned when the cow snorted at him as he pawed his hoof. But Apple stood up as he gave a courageous look. “Back off, cow chip!” He called, but then the cow saw something behind Apple as it ran off in fear as it bellowed, while Apple just smiled. “Huh. Yeah. That’s right. You do not want to mess with Apple Crops.” He said with a smile, not seeing a purple glowing streak figure behind him as he heard it snarl and slowly turned as he flinched in fear as it roared at him. “Mummy!” He screamed as he ran away in fear as the creature stood there as purple lightning flashes behind it.

In the forest, the mobile base is parked up next to a lake as the young group are relaxing while doing their own things while Helix plays some video games. “You got to love summer vacation.” Helix started with a smile.

“You said it man.” Manny said with a relaxing smile. “Nothing to do all day long but sit around and--” He was cut off when he felt a hoof on his shoulder. “Whoa! Hey.” He said in startled as he turned and saw Rarity in her bathrobe while having soap on her mane as she gave a look while the adult ponies were behind her.

“Miss Rarity, what’s wrong?” Silverstream asked.

“What’s wrong is that I ran out of water in the shower, again.” Rarity said with a tone as she wiped the soap off her mane.

“Helix, it’s your job to keep the tank full.” Delta said firmly to his son.

“I will. Just, later.” Helix said to them as he continued to play his game.

Misty gave an amusing smirk. “Sure. The same way you’re going to make your bed or take out the trash?” She questioned while gesturing to Helix’s messy bed and the trash can that is filled to the brim.

"Oh like you're one to talk, you think those dirty dishes are going to wash themselves?" Dust questioned as she looked over at the sink full of dirty dishes. “In fact, all of you have chores you all have been neglecting the entire week."

"Oh come on, it's summer vacation!" Smolder complained.

"Yeah, if we wanted to do chores we could have just stayed at home." Gallus mentioned as they all went back to being lazy around. The adults then went to the back of the base to have a little discussion.

"Okay, you think they're taking this little trip a little too vacationing?" Flash asked the others.

“It appears they are being that which is commonly known as, lazy.” Azmuth said to them.

“Seems like it.” Rainbow said with a sigh. “I think they’re being a bit too lazy for their own good.”

“You’re one to talk to.” Applejack said with a look at her pegasus friend. “You sleep anywhere in Equestria, either at home, the trees, or the clouds.”

“Hey! I may nap, but at least I get things done!” Rainbow said in defense. “But for them, I think they’re overdoing it.” She said while gesturing to the young group.

“If they keep this up, they’ll be too lazy for their own good.” Pinkie said while scratching her mane. “Like rotten cupcakes of baked bads.”

"That's enough!" Twilight interrupted before it could get out of hand. “Obviously, we've all been neglecting our own duties around this mobile base and I believe it's time for drastic measures." She then looked towards Applejack. "Is one of your relatives nearby?"

"Oh why do I have a bad feeling when she asks that?" Rainbow questioned the others with concern.

A bit later, the mobile base drove through the farm fields. “Trust me, y'all. You’re gonna love it. Farming is the best way to work hard labor and learn the value of little hard work.” Applejack said to the group. “It’s just what you youngins need.”

So they parked in front of a barn where an earth pony mare standing next to Apple Crops was waiting. “Howdy, Applejack!” She called with a wave.

“Howdy, Applecrisp!” Applejack called as she walked up to Applecrisp and the two shared a hug. “It’s been so long since our last family reunion. And you, Apple Crops, you’ve gotten so big.” She said to Apple next to his mother.

“Hi, Aunt Applejack!” Apple Crops said with a smile.

“And y'all must be Applejack’s friends.” Applecrisp said with a smile.

“That’s right.” Twilight said with a friendly smile and gesturing to her friends. “And these are our friends.” She said while the young group looked away boredly. “And these children are our students.”

“Hi!” Apple Crops said with a smile.

“Hey.” The younger group said dully as Apple's pet pig snorted.

“Well, enough chitchat.” Applecrisp said to them. “You’re here to work. You can start by unloading that wagon of feed over there.” She pointed to a wagon filled with bags of feed.

"Y'all heard my cousin, line up and prepare to move the feed!” Applejack told the young group.

They all started grabbing some bags of feed, but for some of them, the bags were heavier than they look, but for those like Manny, it was easy to lift. “Oh, man. There’s got to be like 1,000 of these things.” Smolder complained.

“Looks like a job for--” Helix started as he was about to reach the Omnitrix, but Applejack stopped him.

“Helix ‘I’m too lazy to fill a water tank’ Watch, and only him.” Applejack said firmly as she gave a glare. “If ya know what I’m saying.”

"Yes, Applejack." Helix replied with his ears folded back.

"Is it just me, or is the fun part of our summer just ended?" Attea asked the others as they started moving the heavy bags of feed into the barn.

A bit later near sundown, Applejack moved the last of the bag onto the huge pile of them as she sighed. “Whoo-wee! That’s the last of it. Whoo! Nothing like working up a good sweat, right y’all?” She asked as she looked around, only to look down to not only see the children panting in exhaustion, but her adult friends as well, except for Manny since he’s used to heavy weights.

“Y-You call this, good sweat, AJ?” Rainbow questioned while panting.

"And I'm starving…" Manny mentioned. "When's dinner?"

"Come and get it, y'all, suppertime!" Applecrisp called out chiming a triangle.

"I did that with my mind!" Manny called out jokingly.

A bit later, the group are in the farmhouse’s dining room while they are having an apple based dinner. “Mmm. Good grub, Applecrisp.” Dust complimented.

"Yeah, with no actual grubs in it this time." Smolder whispered to the others.

"So you don't have any TV or video games here and there's no mall around for miles?" Helix listed out before he looked at Apple Crop. "What do you guys do around here for fun instead of working?"

"Well you won't believe what I saw last night." Apple Crop mentioned with a smile.

“Now, none of that.” Applecrisp said with her head shook as Apple Crop frowned. “No one’s interested in your tall tales.” She said as she then stood up while carrying her plate. “Let’s get these dishes washed and then hit the hay.”

“What?!” Spike asked in shock as they looked out the window. “But it’s still light out!”

“Trust me, y’all be glad you got the sleep come morning.” Applejack said to them with a smirk.

“Well, we better get ready for bed then.” Fluttershy said to them.

The group are then following Apple Crop through the fields with the younger group walking up to him. "So tell us, what did you see last night?" Helen asked as they walked.

“Ah, nothing. You wouldn’t believe me anyway.” Apple Crop said to them.

“Try us.” Zs’spoocy said to him. “We’ve seen some pretty bizarre stuff this summer.”

“It’s true. We really have.” Ocellus said.

“Well, I was down in an old stallion Appleseed’s pasture when, right in front of me, bigger than life was…” Apple Crop said as the others listened to him. “A mummy! A genuine Equestrian ancient walking-dead mummy!” He exclaimed as he stood on his hind hooves and walked like an undead-pony while getting back on all four.

“Really?” The young group asked in surprise as they looked at each other in interest.

They then entered a shed as they walked upstairs where there were some lamps and rows of bunk beds around. “Here it is, home sweet home for the next week.” Apple Crop said to them.

They then smelled something in the air. “Ew. What’s that smell?” Flash questioned while covering his nose.

“Oh, this is the chicken coop too.” Apple Crop answered before he walked off. “See you in the morning.”

"Why did we come here…?" Rarity questioned after hearing they're sleeping in a chicken coop.

"Hey now, this is one of my family's farms.” Applejack reminded her.

“Uh. Can this day get any worse?” Helix questioned as he laid on a bed, but then a hard cluck was heard under his pillow, which caused him to jump up. “Hey!” He called before he moved his pillow to see a chicken underneath it.

Pinkie gave a giggle. “Well. At least we won’t have to worry about fresh eggs in the morning.” She joked as the chicken fluttered off.

"Sorry, Ms. Chicken." Fluttershy apologized to the chicken.

A bit later in the middle of the night, Helix and Helen carefully snuck out of the guest house where the other young ones were outside waiting. "Where do you think you two are going?" Misty questioned with a brow.

"Same place you are." Helix replied as they all had the same idea in mind.

"Mummy hunt." They all said in unison before they went off to find this mummy.

They walked through the field and a bit later, they entered the farmland Apple Crop told them about as they found a crater with a trail of purple glow on the ground. “Think it’s where Mummy’s tomb was?” Yona asked.

“A tomb in farm lands?” Misty questioned with a brow.

Zs’spoocy then noticed something on the ground before she flew closer to the glowing footprint. “These prints are glowing. A kind of glow I haven’t seen in years.” She said.

Then coming out of the fields ahead were purple glowing mutated cow-like creatures as they growled at the group. “Uh, I know I’m a city girl, but cows aren’t supposed to look like that, right?” Helen questioned nervously.

"No, but that glow is kind of familiar." Zs'spoocy mentioned before the mutated cows started to charge at them. They quickly scattered to avoid the horns before the disguised alien young ones took off their ID Masks.

“Split up!” Helix called as the group scattered from them as most of them went after Attea and Misty, but Helix, who transformed into XLR8, and Helen quickly grabbed them as they moved them away from the mutant cows.

“Thanks.” Attea said as XLR8 put her down while Helen put Misty down yet before Misty gasped as the mutant cows head towards them.

“Better get to high ground while we distract these guys.” XLR8 said as he and Helen zoomed off to the mutant cows before they stopped behind them. “Ha! Toro, toro!" He called out before the Bulls charged right at them and they quickly zipped behind them again.

"Olé!" Helen shouted before they noticed the glow on the mutated cows became brighter as they sounded angrier. "Okay, that's definitely not what a cow should do right?"

“No, they don’t.” XLR8 said as he quickly zoomed to the back and pulled on a mutant cow’s tail.

“Helix, watch out!” Ocellus called as a mutant cow came out behind him, but then it charged at him as XLR8 flew and crashed into a tree. “Never mind.” She said sheepishly as XLR8 fell to the ground.

“Okay, time to get serious.” XLR8 said as he got up. “Helen, help me grab some wiring.” He told her.

“Right!” Helen said as she and XLR8 sped up with the mutant cows chasing them as they quickly grabbed some wiring from the fences and quickly spun around as they tied the cows down. “That’ll hold them.”

"Yeah, but what happened to them?" Manny asked.

"Only way to find out, and that's to follow the glow trail." Attea said as she gestured to the glowing footprints on the ground. "And judging by those footprints, I say this mummy isn't equestrian at all."

“Then what exactly is it?” Sandbar asked in wonder.

“Only one way to find out.” XLR8 said before gesturing to the glowing prints that seem to be going into a pasture.

“Helen, Helix, don’t you dare leave us here…” Misty tried to say, but the two speedsters already sped off. “Alone.” She finished in slight fear.

“Sometimes they think way too fast.” Manny muttered while rubbing his head.

Helen and XLR8 sped off while following the trail before they looked and saw a tower and a shed before they saw a glowing figure digging a hole, which happens to be the mummy, which its bandages glowing purple on the inside with a pharaoh’s head-dress that is red and gold while it’s bandages moved around while digging on the ground.

“Whoa! Looks like Apple Crop was right!” XLR8 said in surprise.

“But why would a mummy try to get back into the ground?” Helen questioned with a brow before seeing a purple glowing rock. “And what is that stuff?” She asked, but then the mummy turned when it noticed them as they gasped. “Uh, hey, we didn’t mean to disturb you. We were just wondering.” She said nervously.

The mummy then gave a roar as it jumped up high and slashed its bandages at them, but the two speedsters quickly moved aside as they moved next to the shed. The mummy then slashed again, which hit the shed as the front part opened up.

XLR8 saw this as he went into the shed and tossed many sharp tools at the mummy, but it unravels it’s bandages as they went through him and hit a pillar behind him as Helen and XLR8 then gave the mummy a kick to the head, but it was unfazed as it wrapped it’s bandages around them and smacked them to the wall of the tower.

“Okay, that didn’t work.” XLR8 said as he and Helen zoomed up to the tower as they looked around for the mummy with their visors, but no signs of them. “Where did it go?” He asked before he and Helen were smacked down to the ground as the mummy jumped down in front of them with its back turned.

“Found him.” Helen groaned while rubbing her head before she and XLR8 heard the Omnitrix beeping. “Oh, boy.” She muttered before the Omnitrix timed out, which got the Mummy’s attention as he turned to them and saw Helix normal form.

“I hate it when that happens.” Helix groaned while looking at himself.

“Sometimes I wonder if the timeout function has an on or off button.” Helen muttered as they turned and saw the mummy wrapping its bandages around the pillars behind them and pulled it off as the tower was about to come down on them. “Helix!” She called as she quickly grabbed Helix and sped out of the way before the tower collapsed.

The others managed to catch up as they saw the two on the ground, with Helen on top of Helix. "Do you two need a moment?" Gallus asked with a brow as the two blushed and quickly got off of the ground. "So what happened here?"

"The mummy Apple Crop told us about, that's what happened." Helix replied before they noticed the mummy was gone. "Where'd it go?"

"The moment it saw us, it just attacked us after it was digging something out of the ground." Helen told them as she pointed to a hole in the ground. "But it looks like it grabbed it and ran."

"What did it look like, you know, the thing it was digging up?" Attea asked.

"It looks like some sort of purple rock that was glowing the same color as the footprints." Helix answered.

“But it’s gone now.” Helen finished as they all looked at the empty crater where the purple rock was once at.

Back in the shed, the young group went up to their beds and flopped on them in exhaustion. “Oh, man. I’m beat. I could sleep for a week.” Helix said as he slept on the bed, but then Applecrisp came up behind him.

“Rise and shine sleepy heads!” Applecrisp called, which caused Helix to jump out of bed as he fell to the floor while the others got up from their beds.

“You’ve got to be kidding. It’s 5 a.m.” Misty whined.

“And those cows aren’t gonna milk themselves.” Applecrisp said to them while the adult ponies got up with a tired groan while Applejack stretched and felt well rested.

“Now, aren’t y'all glad y’all went to bed early?” Applejack asked with a smile.

"Could get a bit more though…" Rainbow muttered as the young ones had dull looks on their faces as they didn't get any sleep at all.

“Was it really a good idea for Applejack to teach the children about hard work by going to a farm?” Flash questioned his marefriend with a brow as Twilight gave a sheepish chuckle, realizing that her idea to let Applejack teach them may have backfired.

The young ones were in the barn with Apple Crop as he was showing them how to milk a cow. "Just squeeze and pull, squeeze and pull." He told them as a bucket of milk was being filled up.

"Dude, aren't there like machines for this kind of thing or something?” Manny questioned him.

“Ma doesn’t believe in them. Says they spook the cows.” Apple Crop explained.

“Isn’t there something else we could do?” Gallus questioned.

“Well, the manure needs to be shoveled.” Apple Crop said while gesturing to the large amount of manure next to the barn with flies flying around, which made the young group's eyes widened.

“Milking!” They all said in unison as Apple Crop and the adult ponies walked out.

“Okay, this is gonna take forever.” Smolder complained about the amount of cows around them that needs to be milked.

"Unless…we get a little alien help to speed things up." Helix mentioned as he activated the Omnitrix.

"Uh Helix, Applejack told you specifically to not go alien to do farm chores.” Ocellus reminded him as he already picked an alien form and pressed the two buttons to make the core pop up.

“I guess you’re right.” Helix said with a smirk. “You wouldn’t want to miss out on the experience of milking all these cows?” She questioned while gesturing to the cows as Oellus looked at the amount of cows as one of them let out a moo.

"I vote he changes into an alien!" Silverstream quickly exclaimed as the others raised up a hoof, claw, or arm.

“On second thought, change please.” Ocellus quickly said as Helix smirked and slammed the core down.

A bit later, most of the young group, except for Manny and Helix, are relaxing on a pile of hay. “Oh, yeah. This is working out great.” Gallus said.

“Sure is relaxing.” Silverstream said as Fourarms and Manny are trying to hold the cows to stand still.

“Stand still, will ya?” Manny questioned.

“We don’t like this anymore than you do.” Fourarms added as one of the cows kicked a bucket filled with milk.

“Hey, man, that one was almost filled!” Manny yelled out.

"Don't blame me, the cows won't stay still!" Fourarms called out before the two of them fell back with the cow weight on them.

“How’s it going in there?” Applecrisp asked while knocking in the barn as they all gasped and looked at Fourarms, since he was still transformed as they quickly thought of a plan before Applecrisp entered the barn and saw the young, except for Fourarms, started milking while Manny is back in his ID mask disguise.

“Oh, just milking away.” Misty said with a sheepish smile while she and the others started milking.

“Where’s that Watch pony friend of yours?” Applecrisp asked, seeing that Helix isn’t with them.

“He…went to go get more buckets for the cows.” Attea said with a nervous smile.

“Ah.” Applecrisp nodded. “Well, when you’re down here, find Apple Crop.” She instructed as she walked up to the doors. “And he’ll show you your other chores for the day.” She said before she closed the door as Fourarms popped up from the pile of hay as they all looked at each other with smirks.

Later, Apple Crop was showing them how to slog the hogs as he poured some pig feed into a feeder for some pigs to eat. He then handed Helen the bucket as there were multiple pig pens around them. After he left, they smiled at one another before Helix transformed into Swampfire before throwing seeds next to bags of pig feed. A few vines then grew out from the seeds as he controlled them to fill up every feeding bin within each pig pen.

A bit later, they are at a chicken coup where Apple Crop showed them how to pick the eggs from the chickens while giving one to Helen. Who smirked as she raced into the chicken coup as the door closed. The group then heard all the chickens clucking as Helen rushed out with a bunch of eggs, but one of the chickens was still on the stack as they pecked on her head as she sighed.

A bit later, Apple Crop hooked up a prowl to Sandbar as he walked off. But the group looked at each other as Helix activated the Omnitrix and transformed into XLR8 to grab the prowl and race across the field to plow it.

Then lastly, Apple Crop showed them how to put up the fences as he gave them the tool as he walked off. The group smirked as Helix transformed into Diamondhead and poke a hole into the ground before putting in the fence's support beam as he gave a smile at the work.

Near sundown, the group walked with Apple Crop through the field. “So, do you have to work like this every day?” Helix asked in wonder.

“No. During planting and harvest seasons, we don’t have it so easy.” Apple Crop said with a shrug. “But, to tell you the truth, at least it keeps you busy. It’s usually pretty boring around here.” He said to them. “It’s not like everyday a mummy appears in a flash of purple lightning.” He said as he walked off.

“Purple lightning!?” They all asked in shock as they are familiar with the lightning.

“Purple lightning?" The grown-ups asked after hearing what the young ones were told from Apple Crop.

“Just like when we fought that alien werewolf in the desert." Helix reminded them.

"And last night, we sort of went looking for the mummy and we ended up finding it, along with a couple of mutant cows." Ocellus added. "No way any of those things can be a coincidence."

"I don't like it, but it might be worth checking in on." Twilight mentioned as she had a thoughtful look on her face. "You can fill us on the way while we can see what Azmuth can give us to figure this out."

A bit later, the group are at the mutant cows that were still tied up by Helix and Helen as Azmuth scanned it with his scanner. “Well, this would explain your mutant cows, but I’m afraid we’ve got an even bigger problem to deal with." Azmuth told them.

“Bigger than a rampaging mummy and monster cows?” Misty questioned.

"I’m picking up trace readings of Corrodium.” Azmuth said while looking at the scanner.

"Corrodium?" Zs'spoocy repeated with realization. "No wonder that glow is familiar to me. It's from my solar system. It's a very powerful mineral that you don't usually find in other solar systems. But it's very dangerous as well if you're not from mine."

“Then perhaps a meteor must’ve crashed around here a few thousand years ago, scattering debris all over the area.” Twilight theorizes. “Depending on how deep and how far they’ve scattered from the two locations you’ve shown us.”

“The mummy is a rock collector?” Spike questioned with a brow.

"No Spike, if this mommy is trying to find some corrodium, that means it's not a mummy, it's an alien from my solar system." Zs'spoocy explained. "You see, my species along with other species in my solar system are immune to it, but other species that are exposed to this mineral… well, you can see the results." She told them as she gestured to the two mutated cows.

“Which is why it's impossible to even get a DNA sample from there." Azmuth added. "And you said this mummy dug up two holes. If it finds more of this stuff, it'll be near impossible to defeat. Lucky for us, I can use the mutated cows to trace the corrodium and if we find it, we'll find the mummy."

“But we have to move, because if the mummy gets more corrodium, he could turn every living being in Equestria into one of them.” Zs’spoocy said while gesturing to the cows.

The mobile base followed Azmuth’s scanner as they stopped next to a big building. “Scanner indicates that the corrodium readings are highest right over there.” Azmuth informed while gesturing to the building.

“Digby Dairy? They make my favorite Ice Cream!” Pinkie said with excitement.

“Sweet!” Helix added with a wide smile as the group quietly went past the security guard and into the building.

With Azmuth on top of Twilight's head, they followed him into the building until his scanner went haywire when they came to a large open area of it. "I'm picking up a large amount of corrodium buried right underneath the floor, right here." He informed the others.

"I'm on it!" Helix called out as he activated his Omnitrix and transformed into Shock Rock before jumping down to the lower floor.

"Helix, wait!" Dust called out as Shock Rock morphed his hands into drills and started digging into the floor.

After a bit of digging, Shock Rock found the corrodium. “Found it.” He said.

“Nice work, genius.” Misty said with a look as they walked down to him. “You just did the mummy’s work for him.”

“Oh, yeah. My bad.” Shock Rock said sheepishly as the lights started flickering.

“We’ve got company.” Delta said as they saw the mummy appeared. He came up towards them with each flash as his eyes glowed at them.

“I don’t think he’s here for the chocolate zoomies.” Venus said with a cringed look.

"You think?" Smolder as Ocellus quickly armored up just as the mummy jumped right at them. Shock Rock quickly morphed his right arm into a blade before stabbing the mummy right through its chest.

"Now that's going to leave a mark!" He said before the mummy wrapped its bandages around his arm. ”Hey, let go of me you overgrown toilet paper!" HE called before the mummy tossed him aside and opened up its chest to reveal the other two corrodiums as the bandages grabbed the third one and placed it in its chest.

“It’s got the corrodium!” Hope called as the mummy closed its chest and gave a roar.

“Okay, time to suit up.” Ocellus said as she put on her armor while the alien youngs removed their masks while Venus and Hope ready themselves as did the others. The mummy started to attack, but they dodged its strikes while Shock Rock came out as they fought the mummy as it got its bandages wrapped around Manny’s wrist.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Manny called as he pulled the mummy towards him and smacked him back before Shockrock charged through a wall and tossed him as they all regrouped as the mummy stood up unfazed by their attacks as he opened up his chest to show the corrodiums, which they backed away from.

“He’s trying to expose us to the corrodium!” Delta exclaimed as they all backed away from the mummy, who is advancing towards them as the security guard came up from the door above.

"What's going on in here?! The security guard from outside questioned as he looked down.

"Get away!" Flash tried to warn the security guard before the mummy quickly grabbed him and pulled him closer. The security guard screamed as he was exposed to the corrodium began to mutate right in front of the others.

“It’s terrifying!” Fluttershy cried out as they saw the security guard mutated into a creature similar to the cows from before as Dust and Delta quickly put in devices on everyone's chest as a suit formed around them.

“Uh, is it now fashion time? Because if so, I’m not ready and these aren’t fashionable.” Rarity said.

“They’re level 10 hazmat suits. Not fashion designs.” Delta said to them. “It will protect us from any exposure.”

“We don’t wanna return home all mutated.” Dust added.

"Go thing for me, I'm immune to it." Zs'spoocy mentioned.

“Hey! What about me?!” Shock Rock questioned, since he’s the only one without a suit.

"Me too!" Ocellus asked next.

"As long as you're in alien form and have the mechamorph armor on, you both should be okay." Azmuth told them.

"What do you mean by 'should be'?" Shock Rock asked him before the mummy grabbed hold of him and flung him back.

“Well, at least it’s better than nothing!” Manny called as the mutated guard charged at them.

“Run! Now!” Flash called as they rushed off as Hope and Smolder stood in front of the group.

“You ready for a spell run, Smolder?” Hope asked while in ready position.

“You said it.” Smolder said as she ready her arms.

"Let me help you with that." Twilight offered as she readied her horn.

Mulcha objectia.” The three said in unison, but then their suits inflated as they started bouncing around with screams before they knocked the mutated guard away as their suits deflated and they fell to the ground.

"Okay, quick note: never tried to perform magic well inside a level 10 Hazmat suit." Twilight groaned while rubbing her head.

“But it was pretty funny to see you all bounce around.” Pinkie said with a chuckle.

“But it goes to show we can’t use our magic in these things.” Rarity said while gesturing to her suit. “They could at least look good.”

“Don’t look at me.” Venus said while looking at his hooves. “I need to touch the ground if I need to use my powers. But in this suit and in the building with no plants, I can’t so much grow weed.”

"Look out!" Delta called out as they avoided the mutated security guard. They then ran down the hallway as they thought they lost it before they heard something zip by. They looked around before they saw the security guard in front of them as they scattered and Flash removed a pipe from the wall.

“Alright now. I don’t wanna hurt you.” Flash warned before the security guard sliced it in half with its claws. “So much for that idea.” He muttered while dodging another swipe, dodging each strike as he threw the broken pipe to him, but he deflected them and it knocked Flash over the railing as he yelled.

"Hang on, Flash!" Rainbow called out as she tried to fly by, only for the mutated guard to swing its arms and knocked her right into a wall. The mutated security guard then turned its attention towards Fluttershy as she quickly ran away from it. Chick really jumped into a convenient belt and crawled into a machine as it got on top of it. As Fluttershy crawled around, the mutated security guard stabbed through the vent to try and get her.

“Yeeha!” Manny called as he swung on the crane and smacked the mutated guard and into the machine. “Let’s wrap this up!” He called as Misty pressed on the button that activated the machine as the mutant security was pulled in. Once came out the other end, he was tied up as he struggled to break free.

Then an explosion happened behind them as Shock Rock was still fighting the mummy as he shot an electric beam at him, but the mummy avoided it as it went through him as the Omnitrix timed out. Which made Helix eyes widened as he gave a sheepish smile and ran into a corner as the mummy ran past him.

Helix sighed in relief, but flinched as he felt a hoof on his shoulder, turning to realize it’s just his father as he placed the hazmat suit on him. “Okay. Not exactly my style, but…” He was cut off when the mummy grabbed Delta and tossed him away.

“Scatter!” Attea called out as they spread out with the mummy chasing after Helix.

“Helix, slop the hogs!” Misty called out as Helix went to a barrel and tripped it over as some strawberry ice cream spilled out and the mummy slipped and slid across the floor and into the wall.

“Hey, Applejack was right. This farmwork stuff really does pay off.” Helix said with a smile as Ocellus rushed up to the controls.

“One of these has got to do something.” Ocellus said as she pressed a button that activated something. “There!” She called as Attea held up a hose as the mummy got up and charged at them.

“Eat marshmallow, mummy!” Attea called as she fired melted marshmallow at the mummy, causing him to crash and leaned onto a hole where a tube is above it as Helen rushed up to the controls.

“Or maybe you’d prefer peanuts!” Helen quipped as she pulled the lever as peanuts fell from the tube, which caused the mummy to fall down to the hole where a fan blade was below it as it screamed while the young group cheered before the mummy was shredded, which made them all cringed back in disgust.

“Yikes. That’s disturbing to a mummy.” Zs’spoocy said with a cringed express. “And I’ve seen freaky stuff.”

“Well, at least it’s shredded. Let’s go.” Smolder said as they walked off, but then the bandages shot up and grabbed Helix’s hoof.

“Yikes! Guys!” Helix cried out as they all looked and saw Helix tied up as the mummy got out of the hole and reformed as it dragged Helix closer to him as he struggled to break free. But Helix’s suit ripped up from his right hoof.

“His suit is ripping!” Twilight called in worry. “He’ll be expose to the corrodium!”

Helix struggled to break free before the mummy wrapped around the Omnitrix, which caused it to flash yellow as the hologram ring popped up and switched to many aliens.

“The Omnitrix.” Azmuth said as they looked at it making a mummy’s icon. “It’s sampling the mummy’s alien DNA the second it wraps its bandages around him.” He said as the mummy icon is finished.

"Unknown DNA sample acquired: Thep Khufan now available."

“Helix! Go alien before you begin the mutate!” Dust exclaimed. “It’s your only hope!”

“Time to fight mummy with mummy!” Helix declared as he quickly slammed the core down, but instead of a mummy form, he transformed into Upgrade. “Upgrade?” He asked as he got free from the mummy’s grip. “Well, at least I’m safe.” He said as he reformed behind the mummy, but he was whacked away as he crashed into a machine.

"Helix, be careful near that." Twilight warned him when he hit the machine. "That's filled with liquid nitrogen, it'll freeze you solid within seconds." Upgrade looked at the machine after hearing that information and got an idea before he merged and took control of it.

"Just wanted you all fired up before cooling your way down, permanently!" He told the mummy before blasting it with a beam of liquid nitrogen. The mummy quickly threw its wrappings right at him before it was frozen solid before it could reach him. “Anyone ordered an extra-large of mummy ripple?” He joked as they all smiled.

A bit later, Upgrade got out of a barrel as they saw his friends spreading some cement into the ground where they buried the mummy. “Nice work, Helix.” Flash said with a smile. “By the time the day shift begins, the concrete will be hard and no one will ever know a mummy-sicle is buried under here.” He said just as Upgrade moved himself from the concrete mixer before the Omnitrix timed out.

Misty let out a scream when the red light died down. "The mummy turned Helix into a hideous mutant!" She cried out as Helix just turned back to his normal self. "Oh wait, you always look like that."

"Haha, that's so funny I almost forgot how to laugh." Helix said sarcastically.

"Speaking of which, what about those cows and the security guard?" Helen asked in concern. "What's going to happen to them?"

“Not to worry. They weren't exposed enough to the corrodium for the effects to become permanent.” Azmuth assured them. “It should wear off eventually.”

"But just to be on the safe side, we should probably put the security guard back in this little cubicle." Rainbow suggested.

“Great idea.” Venus said as they carried the tied up mutant guard and out of the factory.

A bit later, the guard woke up, now returned to normal, and saw that his uniform was all shredded as he yelped and tried to cover himself.

The group then walked back to the mobile base. “Guess we’d better head back to the farm. Applecrisp might have more chores for us to do.” Applejack said as she took the lead.

"Yeah…about that…" Attea spoke up to get the grown ups attention while they all looked sheepishly. "We've been talking and well…"


The adult ponies looked down at them in surprise before Delta sighed. “Oh, thank goodness. I forgot how much I hated farming when I was a foal.” He said.

“Definitely too much farming for us.” Dust added with a giggle.

“It does look like you all finally learned y’all lessons on hard work. So, I guess we could leave.” Applejack said with a small smile as they all smiled in agreement. “I’ll send Applecrisp a letter through Spike to let her know.”

“Sure thing.” Spike said as he quickly took out a quill and paper.

“Now let’s get out of here before we get stuck in manure duty again.” Twilight suggested as they nodded and they rushed up to the mobile base to get back on the road before they did any more farm work.

Author's Note:

If you all want to learn more about the alien monsters, just watch this video made by the ink tank gang and learn more about their species and their home planets:

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