• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 20: The Root of the Problem

It was a cold rainy night in Equestria as the mobile base was coming around the mountains while the young ones were having a discussion. "You're kidding, right?!" Manny asked in disbelief.

"I'm serious and you won't change it no matter what!" Helix replied with an annoyed tone while he was scratching his back hoof. "And it was Misty's turn this year!"

"And you're saying she already picked the cake, color-coordinated the balloons, and sent out all the invitations?" Ocellus asked with confusion. "All six months in advance?"

“Yeah! She even gave one out to me!” Helix said while showing the invitation his cousin gave him as he tossed it away and scratched his back hoof harder.

“I’m just gonna say it, your cousin is more organized than Twilight.” Rainbow said while gesturing to Twilight. “And also to Pinkie Pie since she always plans these parties ahead.”

“Yes-siry!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“Even I’m surprised she’s that organized.” Twilight said with a slight chuckle.

“She really planned out her birthday alright.” Helen commented.

“Well, I’m not going!” Helix said firmly while placing his back hoof on the table. “Mom and Dad are taken my for laser tag for my birthday.” He said while scratching his hoof harder.

“But you shouldn’t miss your cousin’s birthday.” Fluttershy said with a frown.

“I would rather be in Pinkie’s rock farm then to go to Misty’s since we shared the same birthday for ten years.” Helix said with an annoyance.

“Now, now. You two shared the same birthday for years, and if you two don’t stop arguing over things, neither of you will make it to eleven.” Delta said firmly to him. “I know you and Misty don’t see eye to eye, Helix, but you two could learn to get along every once and a while.”

“Easy for you to save to have a cousin who is over organized.” Helix said while rubbing his back hoof harder as he groaned in irritation. “Geeze, my back hoof is really itchy!” He exclaimed as he kept scratching.

Twilight inspected his hoof and cringed. “Yeesh, Helix. I think you might be having a fungus.” She said before Dust pulled out a spritz bottle.

“I might have something for that.” Dust said as she gave Helix the bottle. “Here, son. Try this on your hoof. It can get rid of all kinds of fungus.”

"Athletes hoof powder?" Helix read the label. "Well I am an athlete, so it fits perfectly." He started to spray the powder on his hoof as they continued down the road.

"Where we go next?" Yona asked the adults.

“Don’t know yet. But this storm is really coming down.” Delta said as a colt walked up to the road with one hoof over the other before he noticed the mobile base disguised as a carriage coming down.

"They're coming, you gotta help me!!" The colt called out before Delta noticed him and quickly applied the brakes.

“Whoa!” They all exclaimed as the mobile base skid on the road as the colt screamed and duck, but he slipped and grabbed onto a branch on the edge as Helix rushed out.

“Jetray to the rescue.” He declared as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed it down, but transformed into Gax instead. "Oh come on, can’t this thing ever get it right?!" He questioned as he had no time to change to another alien or complain as he rushed to the cliff. The colt hand’s slipped from the branch as he started screaming as Gax jumped down and grabbed the colt. “Got ya!” He called as he curled up when he place the colt in his chest.

They fell down the hill and knocked a tree down as Gax rolled on his back with the colt ontop of him as the colt shook his head and saw Gax. “You okay?” He asked before the colt shrieked and fainted. “Uh, I’ll take that as a no.” He said.

Later he climbed back up the cliff and took the knocked out colt inside the mobile base as he rested on one of the beds. “A few scrapes and bruises, but he'll be fine.” Fluttershy told the others after inspecting him. "He's just out cold from shock."

“His name’s Wood Chopper.” Twilight said.

“Whoa! How’d you know that?” Rarity asked in surprise. “Mare’s intuition?”

“No. It’s because he’s wearing a nametag.” Twilight said as she moved Chooper’s towel that showed his name on his shirt. "So he must go to the camp that we passed by a couple miles back."

"Ugh! And that is one scary looking rash he has on his hoof." Gallus mentioned as he was poking something on Chooper's left hoof

"It looks more like some sort of fungus, but none that I've seen before." Twilight mentioned after seeing it while Gallus just kept on poking it.

“We should turn back and take him back to his camp. They must have a nurse that could help him.” Flash said as they nodded.

After driving back around, the group entered through the camp’s sign as thunder rumbled and rain kept pouring down as they made it to the camp and quickly entered the mess hall. Once they entered, they saw that the mess hall was a complete mess. "Hello! Anypony here!" Pinkie called out as they saw scattered chairs and a few plates of food on the table while one table was flipped on its side.

"Man, this place looks abandoned." Manny mentioned as they got a good look around the place.

"Yup, it's definitely abandoned." Attea said as Applejack walked up to one of the plates that had spaghetti on it and covered her hoof over it.

"But the food is still warm though." She told them after feeling the heat coming off of it.

“Well, whatever happened, they left in a hurry.” Delta said suspiciously as thunder crackled and the lights turned off.

Twilight and Rarity used their horns for lighting while Delta and Dust brought out some flashlights as they looked around before spotting the door was open and Helix was nowhere to be seen. But they heard odd sounds before they turned to see Helix sitting down and eating the plate of spaghetti. After slipping up some of the noodles, he noticed them giving him an odd look. "What?!" He asked before swallowing the food. "I'm hungry, don't judge me."

“Here, you’ll have to share the flashlight with the others.” Delta said as he gave Helix the flashlight before they heard clanging sounds.

“What was that?” Sliverstream asked nervously. They pointed the light towards the kitchen door before a shadow puppet suddenly appeared in front of it. Gallus was making that shadow puppet as his friends let out a groan but Silverstream giggled at that. Soon light shined through the kitchen window before they cautiously entered the kitchen. They then carefully looked around for the source of what made the noise as they walked in.

“This place is like one of those horror stories.” Spike said nervously as they then saw four eyeballs looking at them as hey screamed and Helix dropped the flashlight as it poiting to the glowing eyebrows to reveal to be a colt with a blue and red coat and a filly with a red mane and blue coat, both wearing the camp uniform.

“Is it safe to come out?” The two foals asked in unison and fear as the group looked at them in surprise.

"Oh my goodness, are you both okay?" Fluttershy asked the two foals as they crawled out of the cabinet.

"For…" The colt started.

"Now…" The filly finished.

"What happened here and where are all the campers?" Flash asked them.

“We heard something outside, but…” The colt started.

“We were too scared to come out.” The filly finished.

“I’m Fire Juice.” The colt greeted.

“And I’m Water Clear.” The filly said next.

“We’re twins.” The two twins said in unison before thunder crackled as they ran in fear and hid behind Twilight and the others.

“Where’s the camp nurse?” Twilight asked the twins in wonder.

“G-Gone.” Fire said nervously.

“With all the others.” Water added.

This made them worried as Dust walked up to a phone and tried to call, but nothing. “The storm must have taken out the land lines.” She said in worry. “Let’s get back to Gilbert. We’ll drive into town to a nearby hospital.”

"Good, because to be honest, this place is giving me the heebie jeebies." Spike mentioned before they all rushed back to the mobile base. The twins were a little amazed about how big it was on the inside and high-tech as well before Twilight hovered a few clean towels over to the wet young ones.

“Here, to help you dry off.” Twilight said while passing some towels around. “Sorry, there’s not enough clean ones.”

“That’s okay.” Fire said with a smile.

“We’ll share.” Water said as the twins wrapped the towel around them.

Ocellus and Silverstream shared one as well, as did Yona and Sandbar, so did Manny and Helix. But those like Gallus and Smolder, as well as Helen and Attea, fought over their pairs as they are tugging on the towels. “Let go!” The two groups exclaimed to each other while the others looked at them oddly.

“A couple of kids we know could learn a thing or two from you guys.” Delta said in amusement as he rubbed Fire’s mane and walked up to the wheel.

“Who?” Gallus, Smolder, Attea, and Helen asked in confusion as Delta tried to start up the engine, but then he heard squeaking sounds, which made him go into the loop.

"What's up?" Manny asked before Delta got out of the vehicle and checked the engine.

"Huh, now that's really strange." He said as Helix walked up next to him.

"What, what is it?" Helix asked before he saw the engine covered in some sort of mold all over it.

"It's some kind of fungus, but it's like the one on Chopper's hoof, a very unknown fungus." He said with a brow. "But how did it get on the engine?"

“Well, whatever the case, it looks like we’re stranded here for a while until we get this fungus off the engine.” Dust said to them. “Let’s head into one of the cabins.” She said as they didn’t notice some living things like mushrooms were spying on them as they entered the cabin as Dust placed Chopper down on a bed.

Helix sat on the bed as he groaned as he kept scratching his back hoof. “Not again.” He muttered as he place some hoof powder, which got the twin’s attention.

“Athlete’s hoof?” Water asked.

“Everypony gets it here.” Fire stated it.

“Now, everyone remains put and keep an eye on Chopper. We're gonna see what we can do.” Twilight told the Young ones. "Me, Flash, and Rainbow will try to fly into town to see if we can find anyone to help. The rest of you stay here and try to make some dinner for later." They then left the young ones behind before they realized that Dust and Delta were in charge of making dinner with the others.

"Your mom and dad making a meal, and knowing what kind of meal it is." Manny said nervously.

“Now there’s a scary thought.” Helix said as he put his hoof powder away.

"There's got to be a care package around here somewhere, parents usually send them to their kids when they feel homesick." Helen mentioned before she and Attea started searching for one until they both found one under a bed and started to fight over it.

“Found it!” The two girls called before they glare at each other and started fighting over it.

“Can’t you guys just just share?” The twins asked while each giving a dull look.

“Actually, I don’t think they can.” Manny said dully. “You two wouldn’t understand.”

“Uh, Manny, they’re twins.” Applejack reminded him. “As in, born on the same day.”

“I knew that.” Manny said in embarrassment as Attea and Helen kept fighting over the care package.

“They’re here! All around us!” Chopper yelled as he woken up, which startled the others as Attea and Helen let go of he care package as the continents fell out.

“Who’s here?” Ocellus asked before they heard Delta and Dust screaming.

“That’s my parents!” Helix called out in concern before they heard screams that belonged to Twilight, Flash, and Rainbow Dash. “And that must’ve been Twilight, Rainbow, and my cousin!” He was about to rush out of the cabin, but Chopper tackled him down before he could exit the door.

“Don’t go out there!” Chopper pleaded as he looked around. “They’ll find you!”

"Relax, I got my own animal instincts." Helix told him as he held up the Omnitrix.

Spidermonkey was seen swinging through the forest as he was looking for any signs of his parents, his cousin, Twilight or Rainbow Dash, not even paying attention to the mushrooms growing on some trees until he spotted some sort of carriage up ahead. "What's that doing up a hill?" He asked himself before he went over and his eyes went widen when he saw.

There was a giant hole on the ground with fugnus roots sprouting while giant mushrooms surrounded the hole as Spidermonkey jumped down and rushed towards the hole. “Wow. The fugnus must’ve grew really fast, because there’s so much here.” Spidermonkey said as he looked down at the hole. But then, some tentacles shot out and bursted up. “Oh boy.” He said as he was about to rushed off, but the tentacles grabbed him as he tried to break free. “Hey! Let me go!” He called as he was dragged into the hole as he fell down as he screamed.

Spidermonkey fell as he then turned and started pulling himself free as he broke a vine, but then he saw his parents, his cousin, Twilight, and Rainbow wrapped in vines. “Helix!” Delta yelled.

"Get out of--" Twilight tried to warn before more Roots started wrapping around them and pulling them deeper into the cave.

"No!" Spidermonkey called out before he got free of the roots and started to chase them down. But then the Omnitrix started beeping as he transformed back to normal as he tripped on the floor. “No! Not now! Guys!” Helix cried out before he saw the large mushrooms moving as they had eyes and two mouths. They all walked towards him before he started to run away from them.

He ran down the tunnel before a sprout grew behind him as it opened up and closed as Helix fell to the ground as the mushrooms tackled him. But Helix managed to get away in time as he rushed out and climbed the hole while avoiding the tentacles before going to the carriage. “How do you work this thing?” He asked as he got it going. “I’m taking you guys out at the root!” Helix then drove the carriage and cut some of the vines and took the mushrooms down, but the tentacles crawled around the carriage as Helix jumped out before the tentacles picked up the carriage . “Okay. So much for that idea.” He said before the tentacles threw the carriage as it collapsed on the ground as he rushed off.

More tentacles were coming before the trees above reached down and picked him up. "Now what?" He exclaimed before the trees set him down gently any saw a brown stallion earth pony standing in front of him.

“Go! Get out of here!” The stallion called as he then stompped his hooves down as some vines grew and blocked the mushrooms and the tentacles. “It’s not safe here!”

“W-Whoa! Who are you?!” Helix asked in shock.

"Later, now we need to get as much distance away from them as possible!" The stallion told him as they both ran back to camp.

In the cabin, the others waited for Helix to return before he and the brown stallion rushed in and quickly closed the door. “You won’t believe it! There are--”

“Killer mushrooms everywhere!” Chopper exclaimed.

“And they took over the camp!” Applejack finished as Helix looked surprised at them. "Chopper filled us in."

"Right, and they took my parents, Flash, Twilight, and Rainbow!" Helix quickly told them.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy cried out.

“They must be a-a dormant spiecess that came alive when the camp dug in this new area.” Chopper theorizes. “See, that’s what I was trying to tell you when your mobile home almost ran me over. We gotta get out of here!”

"I will get you all out of here." The brown stallion told them.

"And you are…?" Attea asked him.

“Name’s Venus Bloomer.” Venus said to them with a serious look. “I’m the one who got the campers out of here before the mushrooms invaded. But I didn’t account for you three still being here and some unexpected visitors.” He explained. “Now come along! I can get you all out of here.”

“I’m not going without my family or my friends!” Helix said firmly as he walked out of the cabin.

"That makes two of us!” Applejack declared as she followed Helix out.

"Wait for us!" Helen called out as the others followed behind them.

"You don't understand how much danger we're all in right now." Venus told them.

"Oh yeah, does this mean you know what they want?" Manny questioned him.

“Oh, I do. They want…” Venus was cut off when a giant spore sprouted in front of them.

“Ah! They want us for plant food!” Helix called as they ran back to the cabin, but another spore grew inside.

“Everypony, out!” Fluttershy yelled as they all rushed out before the cabin was wrecked as they all looked as more and more spores sprouted around them until they stopped.

"Okay… they stopped. That's good, right?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Actually, it's worse than before." Chopper spoke up nervously. "Those are puffballs containing billions of mushroom spores."

"Right now the mushroom creatures you all saw are still maturing, and if they fully mature and release those spores, they will spread across the entire world." Venus told them. "No creature will stand against them when that happens."

"All the more reason to stop all of this.” Helix said with determination. "Helen, you come with me to where I saw them last. As XLR8 and with your speed, we'll find them in no time and we'll start chopping them up by the roots."

"That won't work." Venus told them. "Even if you get them by the roots, they'll still grow back."

"H-He's right." Chopper agreed. "The only way to eliminate a mushroom is to destroy its mycelium."

"My-what now?" Helix asked in confusion.

“It’s brain.” Fluttershy translate.

“You guys know way too much about mushrooms.” Sandbar commented.

“We’ll see ya. Come on, Helen.” Helix said as he and Helen walked off.

"Wait, we're coming with you." Attea spoke up as she gestured to the rest of him.

"No, I am." Venus spoke up. "You're going to need my help if you're going to find your friends and parents."

"And besides, the rest of you need to stay here and protect these three campers while we're gone." Helen added. "No telling how many mushrooms are out there."

Attea gave a thoughtful look before she spoke. “Becareful.” She said as they nodded and rushed off.

In the forest, Helix, now as XLR8, Venus on his back, and Helen rushed through the forest as they saw the whole as more mushrooms grew. “It’s worse than we thought. More and more mushrooms are growing at a fast rate.” Venus said in worry.

“This isn’t good.” XLR8 said.

“No it’s not.” Helen said as the three entered the whole as they search the cavern at highspeed. “Guys?” She asked before more mushrooms came to life.

“Keep moving!” Venus called as they rushed off. They soon raced down the tunnels as they searched for Helix's parents, Flash, Twilight, and Rainbow.

Meanwhile at the camp, Applejack and the rest of the girls were keeping the young ones safe as they tried to stay clear of the mushroom spores. “Maybe if we can make it ot the dining hall, we can barricade ourselves in the kitchen.” Ocellus suggested as she got her armor on.

“And fight these things off with that, a spatula?” Fire questioned.

“We’re so dead. I hate it, hate it, hate it here!” Water cried as the ground shook and a giant mushroom sprouted from underneath them and the twins got stuck on top of it. Soon at the top of the mushroom opened up and a bunch of tentacles grab the twins before pulling them inside.

“Okay, that’s not right!” Attea yelled as she looked around to find a weapon.

Underground, Helem. XLR8, and Venus are searching the tunnels as some tentacles grew to them. “Watch out!” Venus yelled as he stomped his hooves down and used some plants that were green to block the tentacles from grabbing them. Helen and XLR8 then started chopping them up as fast as they could until they were gone.

"Keep your roots to yourself!" XLR8 quipped before he looked at Venus. "Which way to go now?!"

Venus placed his hoof to the ground and felt an energy surge through the roots as he pointed to the right. “This way!” He called.

“Wow, you are good with these powers.” Helen commented.

“Why thank you. Eversince I had them, I’ve been more of a guardian plant angel. I can control plants, grow them, and even sense which way they’re connected.” Venus said with a smile.

“Well, you can tell us more once we free the others.” XLR8 said as the three ran down the tunnel to the right.

Back at the camp, Applejack was firing arrows at the large mushroom until it went down. Manny then pull both twins out of the giant mushroom as they coughed from the lack of air. They then run when they saw some more mushrooms grew around them. “Move it!” Manny called as they went upt to the climbing wall.

“We need to get to high ground!” Spike yelled out

“But the rock wall is only for the older campers!” Water pointed out as some mushroom minions came up from behind them.

“Sorry, darling. But right now, some camp rules are meant to be broken.” Rarity said nervously.

Somewhere deep in the caves, Twilight slowly regained consciousness as she noticed she and the others were surrounded by some sort of fungus as some roots had them pinned to the wall. “W-Where are we?” She asked nervously as she tried to use her magic, but then saw that some roots were wrapped around them. “I-I can’t use my magic.”

“These roots must be keeping us from trying to escape, even by magic users.” Delta said as he looked around.

Rainbow struggled to break free as she kept pulling hard. “I can’t break free! They’re like steel cables, with sap!” She exclaimed.

“Eh, I can’t believe we got caught by plants.” Flash said with a look. “Should’ve seen this coming.”

"It's obvious these are no ordinary plants.” Dust mentioned before they saw something cutting away the fungus that blocked the entrance. They then saw XLR8 and Helen coming through with a brown stallion behind them.

“Guys!” XLR8 called as he and Helen rushed to them as the brown stallion got off of Helix as they started pulling on the vines.

“Helix? Helen?” Twilight asked in surrpise.

“Save your strengths. We’re getting you all out of here in no time.” Helen said as she and Helen kept cutting the vines. But then, the Omnitrix beeped as Helix transformed back. “Oh boy.” She muttered.

“No!” Helix cried out.

“Okay, that’s bad timing.” Venus commented.

“Guys, behind you!” Flash yelled as more tentacles started swarming them as Helen tried to claw them away, but more kept pouring and started wrapping around them. Venus tried to stomp his hoof before they quickly grabbed hold of them and pulled him up in the air. All three of them struggled together free as they were completely wrapped in the roots.

Back at camp, the others managed to climbed the wall. “Come on! We gotta keep moving!” Attea called as she looked down and saw the mess hall across the mushrooms pods around them.

The twins then grabbed a railing holder. “Me first!” Fire yelled.

“No. Me!” Water countered as they fought over it.

“Does it really matter?!” Manny questioned them. “Now, zip it!” Water blew a raspberry at her brother before they each went down the zip line.

"Let's hope Helix and Helen are faring better than us!" Sandbar called out.

They weren't as they were wrapped up against the wall like the others, along with Venus. “Can't you use your magic to get us out?!" Helen asked Twilight.

“I tried but these roots seem to be blocking my magic." Twilight explained.

"Can't you at least reach your watch and try to get us out?!" Rainbow questioned Helix before she looked at Venus. "And who exactly is this guy?!"

“Quick version. Names Venus Bloomer. Have the power to control plants. Help the camp evacuated until I saw you.” Venus quickly explained as his hooves are tied together to keep him from using his powers. “Though with my hooves tied up, I can’t use my abilities.”

“Well, son, can’t you use the Omnitrix?” Delta asked.

“I’m trying.” Helix said as he kept fiddling with it. “Trying to put in the instant recharge combination with my hooves tied up is not easy.” He said as he got the Omnitrix to turn green. “I got it!” He called before the core suddenly popped up and he slammed it down without even selecting an alien as he was engulfed in a flash of green light.

Once the light died down, Helix transformed into a humanoid, plant-like alien that has an overall green and black colored body encrusted with muck, mostly with a red flame-patterned head and root-like feet, seemingly holding black rocks. His eyes are oval-shaped with points at each end with pupils copying the shape but are smaller. And his shoulders and head have red petals and his elbows and legs have green frills sticking out with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

“What is that?” Flash asked in shock.

“I don’t know. I never went this guy before.” He spoke with some sort of mucky tone in his voice before the ends of his hands suddenly lit up and ended up burning up the roots to get himself free. "But I already like what he can do." He then threw Flames at the other roots to get the others free before he caught a width of the air. "Ew gross! Was it those roots I just burned?!"

"No, that smell is coming off of you." Helen told him. "You smell like a swamp, literally."

“We can talk about about this later.” Venus said with a serious tone. “Let’s get out of here before these things attack again.”

“Agreed.” Helix said with a nod.

You’re not going anywhere.” A voice said as Helix and Venus turned their heads around.

“Do you hear that?” Helix asked in worry.

“Hear what?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Yeah, we didn’t hear anything son.” Dust said in agreement.

“Wait, I heard it.” Venus said seriously before they were dragged down. Helix tried to pull them out before the same tentacles pulled him down and they all came face to face with some sort of giant pink puss.

"I communicate to all vegetation on a telepathic level." Both Helix and Venus heard the voice coming from the pink puss.

Back at the camp, the others are still ziplineing while Chopper screamed, but then a mushroom cut eht line as they fell to the ground while hopping off the mushrooms before they turned and saw a whole legion of them.

“Uh, that’s a lot more shrooms then for a pizza.” Gallus said nervously as Yona looked around and saw a shed.

“There!” She called as they all rushed up to the shed before the tentacles bursted out as they quickly entered the shed. Once they were all inside, Smolder quickly slammed the door as they all took a moment to catch their breath.

"We wouldn't be stuck if you didn't make us hide in the kitchen!” Fire blamed his sister.

“Me?! It was your idea in the first place!” Water pointed out.

“Well, you didn’t have to listen to me!” Fire yelled as Smolder got annoyed.

“Stop it!” Smolder yelled, which startled the twins.

“She/He started it!” The twins yelled while pointing fingers at each other.

“It doesn’t matter who started it or whose fault it is.” Applejack spoke up. “What matters is, you’re family, and you need to stick together. Got it?” She asked firmly as the twins glared at each other.

“Okay.” The twins said.

"Good, cuz right now we're going to need to fight our way out.” Ocellus mentioned as she held up her armor cube.

"Let me guess, you're the brains of the operation." Helix asked the big puss.

I prefer Mycelium.” The brain said as it opened its jaw.

“Doesn’t make any different.” Venus said with a look.

“Who are you two talking two?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“Mr. Mushroom head over here.” Helix answered as he gestured to the big pink puss. “It’s like we’re connected or something.”

“He said he communicates with plants on a telepathic level.” Venus reminded. “Maybe since you’re a plant-like creature and I have magical plant abilities, we’re the only ones who can hear him.”

“Oh, why couldn’t you be a vegetarian?” Helix asked nervously.

Struggle as you may, you cannot stop me. Soon, I will consume every living creature on this planet.” The brain said to the two plant heroes.

“Well, you’re not starting with us!” Helix called as he shot some fire out of his hands and used them to boost himself up while Venus focus his powers to get the others free as some of Helix’s fireballs hit the brain, causing some goo to burst out as the two heroes got their friends to safety on one of its stems.

Surely as a plant, you must understand the wisdom of sharking a single intelligence.” The brain said to Helix.

“Sorry. But I’m not good at sharing at anything! Just ask my other cousin, Misty!” Helix called as he then somehow started growing some plants around after throwing some seeds and using them to cut the roots. “Wait, I can shoot fire and control plants, while smelling bad like a swamp?” He asked in surprise before he thought of a name. “Maybe I’ll go with Swampfire!” He declared as he formed fireballs and shot them at the brain while using some of the plants to move around. Helen then used her super speed to help cut the roots from the Mycelium.

Meanwhile, the group busted out of the shed and charged with some sports tools and equipment to fight off the mushrooms. They then whack or swipped the mushrooms away or shoot them with paintballs or threw hockeysticks at them. Chopper saw a mushroom about to tackle the twins as he used the baseball launcher to knock it away as the twins turned to him in surprise as he gave giggles.

“Nice shot.” The twins said with smiles before they frowned and dropped their weapons. “Uh-oh!” They cried as they rushed off, confusing Chopper as he turned and saw more mushroom charging towards him as the group ran off to a direction as Chopper screamed and ran to another before he turned back and ran in the right way the others went.

The group then made it the lake as they search around until Pinkie found a boat. “Everypony thinking what I’m thinking?” She asked with a smirk.

They all soon had the kayak on top of them as they used it as a battery to charge through the mushrooms. "Take no prisoners!" Fluttershy called out as they were getting closer to the mess hall.

They ditch the kayak as they were close to the mess hall, but then a root grab Water as she was lifted up with screams as Fire unzip his bag and saw some skate shoes as Water struggled to break free. But then Fire tied the skates together as he tossed them at the roots which set Water free as she landed on her brother as she stood up and ran off before grabbing Fire as they entered the mess hall before closing the door before the mushrooms could enter.

Meanwhile, Swampfire continued to throw seeds and control plants to take out the roots while he threw Fireballs at them, Helen continued to slice through the roots as fast as she could, and Venus also controlled plants to cut the roots as well. "Even if you can stop me, you cannot possibly stop the billions of spores I'm about to release into your atmosphere soon." The mycelium told Swampfire and Venus.

“We'll worry about them after we're done with you!" Swampfire told it before the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back into Helix. "Dumb watch, we weren't done yet!"

“We really need to get that thing extra power!” Helen called as she caught Helix and sped up to the others while Venus kept trying to keep the vines back.

“There’s too many of them!” Venus called out. “I don’t know how long I could keep them back!” He called out as the brain opened its mouth while the vines kept trying to grab them. “And this thing really wants to eat us!”

In the mess hall, the other barricade the door as they all turned to the kitchen, but then the mushrooms came from the kitchen as they screamed before the door bust opened as they were all surrounded.

“If I’m going down, I’m at least gonna take the fun out of this fungus!” Rainbow yelled as she swatted a tentacle away.

Helix eyes widened when Rainbow said that. “That’s it!”

“That’s what?” Dust asked her son.

“You said the hoof powder kills all kinds of fungus, mom.” Helix said as he took out the hoof powder and opened it as he then tossed it at the Mycelium, which caused it to screech in pain as goo started bursting from it as the vines died and let them go before the brain completely exploded.

As the mushrooms were about to close in on them, they quickly noticed one of the mushrooms started to shrivel up before it fell to the floor. The rest soon followed, as did the roots as the home looked at them with curiosity. "What just happened?" Chopper asked.

"Helix just happened." Attea said with a smile.

The group then exited the mess hall now that the mushroom minions are defeated. “This camp rocks!” The twins cheered in excitement.

“Yeah! I can’t wait to come back!” Chopper said in agreement before they turned and sa wHelix and the others covered in slime.

“Oh my! You all are filthy!” Rarity cried in disgust.

“How did you all…” Gallus tried to ask.

“We destroyed the brain.” Venus simply said. “And trust us, it really went boom.”

"So does that mean we did it?" Manny questioned.

"Not yet, we still have to stop those mushroom spores." Helix pointed out before he remembered something and looked towards Fire. "You said everypony gets athlete's hoof, right?" Fire nodded in response. "So that would mean they would have enough powder for the entire camp just in case, like in the nurse's office."

In the nurse’s office, Helix’s group cleaned off the last of the goo off them as Helix opened up a cabinet filled with hoof powder. “Any ideas on how to let this stuff go?” He asked them.

Ocellus then had an idea. “Actually, I might have an idea.” She said with a smirk.

As the sun started rising, Helix transformed into Jetray as he and the other flyers started spreading some hoof powders all over the camp as the mushrooms and spores shriveled up as they all laughed in joy at completing their goal.

Sometime later, after dropping Chopper and the Twins at their home, the others are in a pizza place for lunch with Venus joining them. “Nice work, everypony.” Helix spoke up with a smile. “Couldn’t have done it with you all.”

“Anytime, Helix.” Attea said with a smile.

“And Venus, thank you for helping us fight the fungus.” Twilight said with a grateful smile.

“If it weren’t for your help, we would’ve become plant food.” Delta said with a chuckle.

“Just doing my job.” Venus said with a small smile. “It was a group effort. I’ve been fighting those mushrooms for a week now and now, thanks to you all, they are now defeated.”

"Yeah, and we've been thinking that you should join us on our little vacation trip." Flash spoke up. "We could use somepony like you with your abilities to help out others."

Venus thought for a moment before he smiled. “Well, after that mushroom thing, I have nowhere to go. So, maybe joining you guys on your vacation trip should be fun. And I would like to help others with my powers, so, think you can make room?” He asked with a smile.

“For anyone who helps my family and saves Equestria, you are welcome to join us at anytime.” Delta said as Venus smiled and the others cheered.

“Welcome aboard the team, Venus!” Helix congratulated as he patted Venus on his back as the plant-control chuckled.

“And boy, that was some fungus mushroom thing we have to deal with.” Dust said with a chuckle. “At least it’s now gone.” She added that their pizza was placed on the table, but the toppings were not what they expected.

“Mushroom?!” They all asked in disgust.

“Gross!” Gallus called as Dust, Delta, and Pinkie took a slice.

“Well, almost all.” Delta said in amusement as he, his wife, and Pinkie started eating their slice while their friends gave cringe expressions.

“What? Mushrooms are good.” Pinkie said cheerfully as she ate her slice whole while the others looked away in disgust, after what they’ve experienced, they’ll never see mushrooms the same again, but at least they have a new team member that joined them for helping them save the day.

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