• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.

Comments ( 138 )

Reborn as bacteria? Let's hope grandpa nurgle is generous to him.

If only our protag was a 40k fan:ajsleepy:

Doesn't mean he can't get something sort of like that, it would just take longer.

Possession through infection, seems like a cool idea.

I rubbed at the needle-like protrusions penetrating the back of my palm, the hard, black surface still visible in the darkness of the room.

I know that’s supposed to mean hair, but it really makes me think of the movie Splinter, which is somewhat related to where this story looks to be going.




Well that’s not good news at all…


So we have a formless protagonist, I’m curious to see where this goes.

That doesn't sit right with me.
Why would our protagonist not respond to that.
It never said he was too tired to care, perhaps implied but not said.
I want to like this story, but this is making me weary for things to come.
No offense, but confusion can ruin a story.
And no, mystery is not the same as confusion.

Hope this finds you well and hope my fears are unfounded.

I did enjoy, thanks!

Quite an interesting little concept we have here, very much can't wait for more.

Interesting idea with great pacing. Remember, writing is more of an endurance thing, not a sprint. :)

I am speechless right now, you have no Idea how much your comment means to me!

Thank you for taking interest in my story, I'll try not to burn myself out before making something out of it!

You've already made something out of it, now you just gotta stick to your guns and see it through freindo.

wow, this got dark quick, can't say it's not warranted, but still...

I like it, keep up the good work.

I wonder how far our parasitic protagonist will go?

Gotta earn those tags, amirite?

this is that R6 hallowen event thing am i right, the one that introduced the hazmat operators

So far he's kinda been like the symbiote Venom but spiky and causes more balding

My greatest fear - premature balding.

Hm. Would you believe me if I said I had experience with this kind of thing? I'd gladly help you, long as you can guarantee my sister Pinkie is safe from your infection.

Yes, this story is inspired by the Outbreak event.

The infection begins it's spread.

I'm getting mixed vibes of Splinter, R6S Outbreak, and a bit of halo flood.

I'm loving it so far.

Ooooh yessss... I like this. A story about someone, or should I say something, with extremely powerful and deadly powers, using them to do what they where actually ment for, and becoming possibly the next big bad of Equestria (and maybe the world)? Yes please!

Fascinating premise. These sorts of stories always have a delightful amount of theory-crafting as to what they can do. I look forward to it.

Gives some good R6 outbreak and R6 Extraction vibes.

Though I hope it becomes not as bad as the Chimera Outbreak.

I am loving this! Keep it going!

This is horrifying. I love it.

I love the story a lot... but I feel sorry for the situation of the protagonist and the future infected, will they be mindless puppets with their memories stored in the original body? Will they be mutant beings parasitized with the organisms of the protagonist? Will they become monsters for eternity in endless emotional suffering? Or against all odds the parasites aren't really bad and the protagonist will find a way to become a "human" again?

PS: the thing with the black tips reminds me of a movie with the same theme, but that one kills living tissue and turns them into its slaves, it happens in a gas station/convenience store, it was strange but the idea was great

Hmm, I was expecting a more gradual decline rather than a complete drop-off of empathy, but this should still be interesting, nonetheless.

I'm hoping there's a turn about where he realizes the weight of what he's doing.

Edit: looking back at the tags, I doubt it.

I really love the fact that you go into detail for all the processes that are happening, especially the sun light resistant cells.

Isolation tends to do scary things to people, having no one to stop or criticize you has the same effect.

Our protag definitely needs an intervention, or at the very least somepony with a different perspective than him.

Damn this is dark, I like it though. The guy turned into a psychopath quicker than I thought he would

Just read up to this point and found this song that I find fits this story. https://youtu.be/t8hURaX54GA

Interesting to see how fast he fell into cold and calculated infector. If most of the human population was given that power/infection I doubt the result would be any different.

Me encantó mucho el capitulo

Hmm, looking good so far, I get that he has been alone in his head for a long time and might be a little mad but he has gone almost full psycho lol.
I do get the feeling that maybe he might get a wake up call later, maybe looking through the eyes of a pony as they are about to kill their foals or just a pony hiding and pleading for someone to save them and that snaps him out of it.

I also have a prediction but I'll put a spoiler bar over it in case it's even close to what's planned.

So it has been made clear that he has the minds and memories of the ponies he has infected in himself so maybe if/when he snaps out of psycho mode he can either reverse the infection or maybe grow them new bodies since we know he can make copies of organisms once he has "eaten" enough of them. Or maybe he is the villain of the story? Could go either way but I'm thinking he might snap out of it since he seemed like a regular guy before and with some of the comments you've made it looks like it might go that way.

So yeah, don't know if I'm even close with that prediction but the pieces are there so maybe, maybe not, either way, it's good so far, the pacing is good, can't see any obvious spelling/grammer mistakes and I commend you on all the scientific terms, if you are looking all those up then that's some dedication right there.


I get that he has been alone in his head for a long time and might be a little mad but he has gone almost full psycho lol

I may have overdone that a bit, but I think it's a somewhat logical reaction to what's happened to our protag. Also don't forget that he's hard coping with being a murderous asshole by trying to justify it with a 'sink or swim mentality'.

My options were as follows. Either a): I become a bleeding heart humanitarian and spare the poor creatures of this earth, remaining a slowly-spreading goo for the rest of my existence, or at the very least until the authorities find the grove of tree-spikes, and a mutilated body of a local farmer.

Or b): I come to terms with my situation, do whatever is needed, anticipate an intervention by building up a solid defense, and then... Well, ideally find a way to be human again, but at the very least secure my continued existence.

Wether or not the protag is right, is up to the reader.

So yeah, don't know if I'm even close with that prediction but the pieces are there so maybe, maybe not,

That's an interesting theory!

I commend you on all the scientific terms, if you are looking all those up then that's some dedication right there.

Funny story: I wanted to be a doctor when I was young, so looking up all the medical stuff was insanely fun, all the while adding a little something to the story. Glad you appreciated it!

Oh don't get me wrong, the first part wasn't a criticism, merely an observation, trust me, the fic I'm writing has a psycho Changeling queen eating people, at least your protag has the excuse of thinking he will die if he doesn't do it.

He does seem to be very balsa about making people into living bombs but if that's the character then that's the character, I wouldn't expect nor want you to change them from what you have planned. Although, if he is meant to be reluctant but resigned then that isn't shining through yet but again, if that's the idea then it's all good.

That's an interesting theory!

Thanks :twilightsmile: Yeah, don't know if it's even in the ballpark but it's the vibe I'm getting, could be way off of course.

Funny story: I wanted to be a doctor when I was young, so looking up all the medical stuff was insanely fun, all the while adding a little something to the story. Glad you appreciated it!

I get ya, did the same with my Changeling story and went done the rabbit hole of bug body parts lol.


I get ya, sis the same with my Changeling story and went done the rabbit hole of bug body parts lol.

Had enthomology during my first year of uni, that shit was weird as hell. I remember some guys found a live praying mantis at our uni's doorstep in november! My buddy nearly fainted when that thing tried to chew on the skin of his finger lol. Idk why he was so afraid of it, I don't think it even broke the skin of my palm when it tried to do the same.

Oh don't get me wrong, the first part wasn't a criticism, merely an observation,

It's all good, I'm just coping with not being confident in my abilities to write a character by trying to rationalise his actions that I though through and considered at least somewhat logical.:twilightsmile:


It's all good, I'm just coping with not being confident in my abilities to write a character by trying to rationalise his actions that I though through and considered at least somewhat logical.:twilightsmile:

Yeah, I know that feeling, it's going to be one of the big things I will have to work with on my own fic, not so much yet but later on they are going to have that kind of conflict with how the world I've made works.

i mean its logical in a how to infect and kill the most people way, he didnt have that much of a moral quandry about braeburn except seeing him in the mirror

So he's like, half zombie virus, half Blacklight virus?

This story is very interesting, I look forwards to seeing more of it.

Interesting. Continue.

I get the feeling that the protag has become a sentient piece of the sludge that you fight in StarCraft.

So is this a sociopath in equestria story or is there no pretence to immersion here.

I have no idea what your name is, or if you even have one anynore, infection. But I would advise scouting out the rest of the area. Might be some Buffalo you can find... heheh.

"Horseapples!" The Braeburn cursed, quickly folding his chair and placing it into his saddlebags, galloping down the hill like a stallion possessed.

The Braeburn? The the is not needed in this sentence. Also interesting start to the story!

And just like that i hate him and root for the ponies to wipe him out.

Yeah, the dude's a dingus.

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