• Member Since 5th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Comments ( 36 )

Well, this is a nice start, always like the idea of a human posseting King Sombra sense the fic 'All Hail the King' being a fun comedy, but from the looks of it it's an entirely different beast. Through I would call this reforming Sombra but more like changing his public image. It would be nice to have a prologue chapter that explains the guys situation from before before arriving in Equestria but that could be done later. I am hoping that can calm down long enough to just surrender to them but that wouldn't get him very far if he is thrown into the dungeon. I wonder why Discord even decided to even make an offer to him in the first place and why did he pick Sombra of all ponies to inhabit? Discord despite his antis always has an angle in things and I don't think it was done for lol's, at least not entirely, and there might be some bigger scheme in all of this. There is no reason to believe there isn't any time travel shenanigan involved so this which he felt he needed to do to change the path in the present future which he can't change or prevent, so there might be something in the time frame which made it easier for him to get his desired outcome. I wonder if the guy will continue to resist the Mane Six and be on the run or try to help them in giving out the location of the crystal heart, or will he just be on the run? I wonder if his body is truly pure evil, like holly water kind of evil?

If you'd like an OC to borrow, let me know via PM.

a story with an interesting beginning, I look forward to the next chapter

Honestly, I prefer conquest than reform.

Well you might want to stick around, can't say much more than that without spoilers.

"Due to the revival of king Sombra's physical form, its muscles had condensed.

Do you mean "atrophied"?

You have garnered my attention. I can't wait to see this story unfold

I saw it had titled


"Careful King, your crown is titling."


Lmao thank you, can't believe those somehow slipped

Awesome all my questions were answer, and in the most delight way possible, except for Sombra's real soul, but I am fine with that.. I love the angle that anger and using dark magic could actually kill the guy, I am sure it will make for hilarious scenes.. I am happy to hear that the reason Discord brought the guy there was to prepare his second come back as to create Chaos. For the Pillars also appearing much sooner, I think it adds also a new interesting dynamic to the situation, I would wonder If Sombra was maybe Starswirl's student like Clover the Clever at one point: unless you are following the basic premise of the comic with the umbrums, which is fine. through if that is the case it could be that the old unicorn is the only pony in all of Equestria would just might believe his willingness at reforming for have some sympathy, but given how judgmental he and being willing to Throw Stygian under the bus like he did, I doubt it, unless he still has rose tinted view about him. to I wonder if the Sombra and the Shadow ponies have a link to each other.

I wonder if the Guy is in Sirers Hollow, where Sunburst came from?

Warning: When this story is finished you will regret getting attached. Read at your own peril

I’m confused what to feel here, imma hope it’s excitement

That got to be the most fake named for a town in Euqestria, it must be a trap for him where he will be cannibalized by meat eating ponies . Nice to see a pony Toph. I wonder what she mean that she couldn't sense him, those that mean he is 'souless' or that King Sombra didn't actually have a physical presence or is it that Discord made him invisible to magical senses like her of could there be more to it. It would have been fun if Discord have made it show that he can't refer to himself other then King Sombra just to make sure he can't spill the beans on what he originally was. Now I wonder how all how it will all go wrong.

Okay I know you didn't mean to but you try to come up with a good made up just now village! Names I've already used are teetering on simplistic to bad as is! (Im joking of course, but I assure you it's meant to be real, I am just supremely bad with village names.)

Well I meant more that I was speculating job that the dull uninspiring was actually hiding something nefarious and that it was part of a surprise reveal for later. Formally G4 has some pony pun link to it or something that can tangibly be horse related in an abstract way or even having multiple possible meaning as is some abstract way or even Western cowboy in theme. In this case, the name doesn't really hint to much about the the town which they tend to be humble or refers to some land mark in some way in tone which Shimmering Sunset, come off as a little presumptuous I feel that it sounds, really close to Sunset Shimmer which I don't think she had helped found it or possibly by one of her ancestors. which think my issues is mostly the lather reason why it bothers me. If you want a really dark themed name 'Sun Down Town' could be very onerous in meaning, Sunset Pines or maple could work because it's right next to a forest, Sunset Falls, Sunset peak, Sunset Valley
Heck it could even be that they just cracked open a dictionary and pick the first word that stood out and other other names were already taken at the town registry to the crown I hope it helps in some way.

You know that actually helped immensely, sadly it's set in stone now but maybe later on they will change their town name... And well, nothing ominous has happened in their lovely little quaint town...yet.

Commencing observation. The Displaced Entity Control Division will watch with interest.

I wonder if the anger he is feeling is even really his or what ever remains of Sombra within him that makes him more prone to anger? Through I wonder why Dark magic could kill while it couldn't for Sombra. I wonder if there is more to what ever the earth pony senses described his arrival. I am willing th guess there is a link between Sombra Nightmare Moon and the pony of Shadows.

Also thinking about a link between them.
For the Dark thing not killing sombra, maybe sombra learned to control it?

Wonder if she is a changeling or somehow related to one, that ability sounds very love bug to me

Fun chapter, sorry I just didn't noticed that your story was updated

Well that was a info dump to say the least and not even in a bad way I'd say this was worth the wait but that aint true It was TOTALLY worth it I do wonder if sombra will actually offer good advice throughout the story possibly like a Kurama type thing or is just gonna go all sukana on shadey and just completely screw him over but I guess we'll figure that out throughout the story then but seriously this was a good chapter for explaining the situation and if you can keep going into detail about situations like these then keep at it

Yes, quite a HEFTY (HEFTY HEFTY *snrk*) info dump; I'm impressed with how you wrote it though, because I didn't skip nearly as much as I usually do!
I don't know. I feel like there is something really significant buried in the jargon, but I also feel somewhat like I shouldn't expect to get any payoff from this... introduction course in whatever kind of magic system you're attempting to establish.

Oh, let me try it this way: I feel like I didn't pay close enough attention in class while receiving an important lecture :twilightoops:
There is a hazy fog of vagueness veiling my ability to follow (the plot *snrk*) what is happening here.

Nice chapter, keep it up.

Oh interesting! Thanks for the chapter :)


.......What brown? I think the hair should be black.

Lmao, she's the one who gave him the nightmare. :rainbowlaugh:

"Yes, and he calls himself...Starswirl the bearded, says he fears the end of Equestria is on the horizon."

Hope this guy is actually a human trying to survice to bullshit his way away from the rest of pillars. Like lord ainz.

Nahhh just been having a busy life, BUT since you reminded me I'll give another go at the next chapter and I'll try to get it out. No promises on when it'll be out though

You have no idea how much I appreciate you I check at least every two weeks to see if it updated we might not get the next chapter but so hope is better then Nothing

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