• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,452 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Element of Generosity

[Canterlot Judicial hall.]

Rarity trots to the center of the courtroom with determination in her eyes. She glares at Jason and Chrysalis as she speaks. "I believe I am wise to your methods. You point out our worst moments to smear us. But I am well aware of my faults. And I have no shame in revealing them if it means beating all this slander!"

Rarity places a hoof on the Gjallarhorn as several memories play for the court. "Listen, spooky eyes! Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer! On second thought, don't! I can't stand to have my picture taken in this state!"

"Oh! I left my scarf for the wedding at the boutique. Of all the things that could happen, this is the Worst. Possible. Thing!"

"Oh, this is horrible. Look at those drapes! I can't tell if they are tacky or not!"

The memories end as Rarity speaks again. "So, yes, I will freely admit that I play up the dramatics. But, I ask this court, do we all not have our little quirks? Can we not improve ourselves and strive to be better? I, for one, do not let my negative tendencies stop me from being a good pony," More memories started playing, depicting Rarity performing acts of generosity.

More acts play out, such as cutting off her tail to give to Steven Magnet. Another was when she offered to make costumes for a designer for their show. And she makes clothes for needy foals in various orphanages between Ponyville and Canterlot. And all the times she and her friends dealt with threats to Equestria. "Of course, there are the more personal challenges my friends and I face," It was confirmed as Rarity dons a detective outfit to expose a ploy to get Rainbow Dash kicked out of the Wonderbolts by Wind Rider. A different scene with Rarity applauding Fluttershy during her stint as a model where no one else would. And, the time at the Canterlo garden party where Rarity chose her Ponyville friends over Canterlot's elite.

"As you all can see. Yes, I am flawed, but that is not all I am. I believe my better qualities far outshine my worst ones,"

The gallery applauded, but it wasn't as loud as before. The gallery members were cautious about giving their full support as Jason has a counter for all of the defendant's rebuttals. The fact that Jason is applauding them supports the thought. "Very nice show. But I believe you left out some aspect of that generous personality, Miss Belle,"

Rarity narrows her eyes at Jason. "And you presume to know me better? Does that little show about our lives grant you that knowledge!?"

Jason shakes his head. "Only important key events, not every single aspect. But, from my experience, some of your negative tendencies take priority over your generosity. What I mean is that you are vain, manipulative, and greedy,"

"I beg your pardon!" Rarity shrieks in denial and outrage.

"My people have another saying; we all wear masks. The one that hides your face and the one that is your face. For the mask that hides your face. It can be a literal mask. For the latter, it can be a smile from a fair maiden. Or a reassurance that everything is fine when it's not. Princess Celestia has had thousand years to craft her mask," Celestia shifts in irritation. "You hide your true face behind your looks and charms. Just look at how you take advantage of Spike's crush on you,"

Several gasps go out as Rarity's jaw falls open. However, more gasps erupt as Spike runs to the center and shields Rarity. "D-don't listen to him, Rarity. I like you as a good friend. And I won't let you use me anymore!" Spike said with a sharp glare.

"I'm not using you, kid. I'm waking you up. Girls like her only know her to use her looks to get what she wants. Rarity has no problem stringing along others if she can benefit from it,"

"That is not true!"

"Alright, let's ask then. Rarity, are you aware of Spike's feelings for you?"

"It's as Spike said earlier. I love him as a dear and irreplaceable friend!" Rarity said.

Jason stares flatly at her. "Alright, I'll be more specific. What I mean when I say that is, are you aware that Spike loves you as more than a simple friend?"

"That is not relevant at all to the matter at hand!" Rarity stated.

"I'd say that it is!" Ember said with a low growl. "Answer the question!"

"I intend to prove all three claims I levied at you. You know about Spike's feelings - as do the other defendants - and use that to your advantage. Do you deny it?" Jason made a gesture to the Gjallarhorn. The mystical artifact gave off a low hum as if daring the unicorn to say otherwise.

Rarity bites her lip before she sighs. "...Yes, I am aware of Spike's feelings..."

The baby dragon adopts a look of surprise until a smile forms. "R-Really? Then, does that mean you..."

"I care deeply for you, Spike. But only as one would care for their little brother," Rarity turns away as Spike's smile falls off his face. "The age gap between us is simply too big,"

"In dragon years. B-But, by pony standards, I have five years until I'm of legal age!"

"Spike, I never had the heart to tell you because I didn't want to break yours,"

"So, leading him on, making him believe there was a chance was the better option?" Jason cuts in, earning a glare from Rarity. "Oh, I get it. It's easy to order someone around when they adore you. How many times did you throw flirtatious signs at Spike just so he could perform a task for you,"

"That has never been true!" Rarity denies.

"I present to the court exhibit A, Vanity," The episode of the Sonic Rain-boom plays. At first, everyone was surprised to see it was mainly about Rainbow Dash. However, Rarity's moment came when Twilight cast a spell that allowed the unicorn to fly. From there, Rarity became self-absorbed by all the praise Rarity's new wings gave her. So much so that Rarity completely disregards Rainbow Dash and the bullying she suffered. The fashionista showed Rainbow Dash up every time turn until it was the two of them left in the Young Flyers' competition.

"Look upon me, Equestria! For I am Rarity!" The memory ends with Rainbow Dash saving Rarity and the Wonderbolts after Rarity's wings burnt away in the sun.

"Is this not vanity in its purest form? You were the one to propose you support Rainbow Dash for her competition. Yet, the moment you got praise for your false wings, Rainbow became an afterthought,"

"I already apologize to Rainbow for losing myself with my wings. Everything resolved itself in the end," Rarity stated.

"Oh, so we should just gloss over the fact that three Wonderbolts nearly lost their lives trying to save a unicorn that never should have been in danger in the first place? How appalling. But, it does not stop there members of the court,"

The Gjallarhorn glows as an image of Rarity and Spike in her shop plays out. Rarity is currently working on a dress Fluttershy is modeling. "More sequence!" Spike comes skipping along with a bowl of glitter and a lovestruck face as Rarity sprinkles it on Fluttershy. "Ah! It needs more ribbon!" Spike appears behind Fluttershy while adding two ribbons. "No, less ribbon," Spike removes them. "No, wait, more ribbon!" Spike returns it as Rarity inspects the dress's helm. "Urgh! The helm is completely off. Pincushion!" Spike returns with several needles sticking out of his back a moment later.

Twilight and Pinkie walk into the frame with a look of concern for Spike. "Doesn't that hurt you?" Twilight asks.

"Thick scales. I can't feel a thing. Besides, anything is worth it to help the most beautiful pony in the world~." The memory ends with Rarity getting ecstatic to the point where she repeatedly jumps up and down in joy onto Spike's tail. The baby dragon winces at every stomp with the same lovestruck face until Twilight moves him away.

"Miss Belle, do you deny the events we just saw?" Jason asks as murmurs from the crowd go off, and a growl escapes Ember's maw.

"No, those events did happen. I recruited Fluttershy's and Spike's aid for that dress. I asked them both, and they wholeheartedly agreed," Rarity said.

"Yeah! There's nothing wrong with friends helping each other!" Spike stated.

"So, Rarity, ordering you around like a servant is fine? Rarity using you as a pincushion is fine?"

"You heard what I said. Thick scales! It did not hurt. I was the one that put them there, not her,"

"But, did Rarity show an ounce of concern? Twilight at least did that. And what about when she was jumping on your tail? You were clearly in pain there,"

"..." Spike could not find a proper retort and seethed silently.

"I tend to get swept up at the moment whenever inspiration hits. I would never intentionally harm my little Spiky-Wicky," Rarity said.

"And that's an excuse for hurting your friend? It's fine if it's not intentional. No wonder I didn't stand a chance if that's how you absentmindedly treat those you call friends. Throughout that whole memory, you paid Spike no heed. You even waved him off in a dismissive manner. Was Spike even paid for helping you with your profession? Doesn't Equestria have strict rules against foal labor?"

"Equestrian law dictates that foals under the age of fifteen are not permitted to work in any capacity," Luna recites.

"I am already past that age limit!" Spike reminded.

"In pony years, not in dragon years!" Ember stated. "Ponies may have raised you, but you are not one. So, that one had no right to use you!"

"Excellent point, Judge Ember. What's the law about other creatures/non-ponies regarding work labor?" Jason asks.

Luna did not answer right away. "Any non-pony is not eligible to apply for work themselves. They must have a third party of a pony living in equestrian. The employer must take the non-pony to an official establishment for processing. After that, the third party can determine the payout for any labor assigned,"

All the judges narrow their eyes at that law. "So, you must be an enslaved person with less pay than a pony citizen. I have other documents of incidents where non-ponies suffer unjust treatment. But I will get into that later. By Equestrian law, Miss Belle, you did not register Spike as under your employ. Hell, you had no grounds even to do so since Spike is the house of Sparkle pet,"

"Spiky-Wicky is not a pet!" Rarity shrieks.

Jason pulls out another document. "I have here a letter of adoption signed by Princess Celestia and Twilight's parents for Spike the Dragon," Luna levitates the letter and displays it for the court. "As the court can see from the writing, Princess Celestia signed over ownership of Spike the Dragon to the house of Sparkle under Canterlot Pet Emporium!" Several gasps went off as Jason continued. "I also have the documents of Spike's registration into the emporium as a stray. Now, I ask the court where Spike's birth certificate is. Where is his citizenship? Why did he have to be admitted in the system as a stray - an animal no different from a dog or a cat - in the eyes of Equestria?"

"T-That's not-- Twilight? Princess?" Spike asks.

"Spike. I didn't know," Twilight said before turning to Celestia. The Princess of the sun turns away. "Princess?"

"As a creature like a dragon, citizenship was never possible given their nomadic nature and various issues of raids in the past. Using the adoption agency was the only way to keep Spike in Equestria..." Princess Celestia stated.

"It should go without saying that Spiky-Wiky is not a pet in our eyes!" Rarity staunchly defends.

"That's funny that you keep calling him by that pet name," Jason said, earning a sneer from the unicorn. "It's just another means of you manipulating a creature that's keen on you. That brings me to Exhibit B: Manipulation." The memory of Fluttershy facing the dragon returns. "I want to bring back the time the elements went to remove the sleeping dragon. As we can see here, Miss Belle enters the cave after Twilight's failed attempt. She begins talking to Crimson by laying on the 'pony charm,' as she calls it. At the same time, we see Rarity taking pieces of Crimson's hoard on her person. I do not doubt that if she convinced the dragon to leave, the treasure hoard would've vanished without a trace!"

"Ah, haha..." Rarity laughs nervously, unable to deny what was evident.

"Crimson isn't the only dragon Rarity lays on the pony charm,"

Another memory plays from the Gjallarhorn. "Spike! You got to stall Twilight! Whatever you do, don't let her come home!" Rarity asks.

"Like forever? But she lives here," Spike says.

"Oh, well, maybe you can manage until sunset-sh," She ends her sentence while fluttering her eyelash in a flirting manner.

"Anything for you, Rarity~,"

"Ah, yes, the fluttering eyelashes. Always a favorite for the prissy types," Chrysalis said, imitating Rarity's blinking. "Who knew the element of generosity was such a seductress,"

"That isn't true!" Rarity denies.

"Then, what do you call this?" Jason said as another memory played.

Spike is coming down the stairs of the Library with a gem. It was no ordinary jewel as it was bright red and shaped like a heart. When Twilight inquires, Spike explains that it was a fire ruby he had been cultivating for months. It was a birthday present to himself as a snack until Rarity entered the Library.

"Hellooo. Twilight? Is anypony home?" Rarity gasps as she spies Spike with his gem. "Is that a fire ruby?! That must be twenty carrots! No inclusions. New facets!"

"And, totally delicious!" Spike said.

"Uh, you guys don't mind?" Twilight asks in irritation.

"Oh, sorry, dear. I came by to see if you have any books on historical fashion," Rarity begins to walk away before questioning Spike. "Did you say delicious?"

"Sure did. Next week is my birthday. And this is my birthday dinner," Spike said.

The memory shows Rarity reading her book, but her attention keeps returning to Spike and his Ruby. "I hope it is as tasty as it is beautiful, Spike. I've never seen anything quite so stunning before,"

Spike looks at his Ruby as Rarity paws at the ground. "Gosh, you like it, huh?"

"Like it? It's magnificent~," Rarity, in the memory, made another show of flicking her mane and fluttering her eyelashes.

The effect causes Spike to sigh as he hands Rarity his Ruby. "Then, you should have it. This beautiful gem should be with you, Rarity,"

Rarity takes the jewel in her magic while prancing around happily. "I don't know what to say. What a thoughtful gesture. Thank you, Spike. Mmwuh~," The memory ends with Rarity kissing Spike on the cheek as the dragon goes stiff and faints.

"It looks like we also have an early example of your greed. Don't you feel any shame using your charms to con Spike out of his Ruby that he spent time nursing? And all he gets is a kiss on the cheek?" Jason said in an accusatory tone.

"N-No. It wasn't like--"

Rarity started, but Jason cut her off. "Then, what was it like!? You heard Spike say he was saving that Ruby for his birthday! He found and was entitled to it, but your greed prevented him from having it. You can find gems on your own; why take Spike's? Because you knew if you laid on the charms knowing Spike wouldn't refuse you,"

"I-I still could've said no. It's not Rarity's fault for liking the same gems I do!" Spike defends.

A sudden slam got everyone's attention as Ember stood up, flaring her wings. "It's more than that, Spike. Don't you realize what you did?" She moves to the center of the room while glaring a hole through Rarity. "Fire Ruby is a special jewel because of their rare and elusiveness nature. Do you know why?"

"Um, why?" Rarity asks cautiously.

"Because a dragon's essence cultivates it. Our ambient magic allows it to grow anywhere near the dragon's location. That makes it easy for the dragon to find. In the dragon's possession, it gains more of our essence the longer we keep it. Yes, it makes for a tasty snack. But, more importantly, dragons use it as a sign of love! We present it to a mate we find desirable. What Spike did was basically like giving you his heart. Hence the shape of it! But it's also dangerous because rejecting a fire ruby can cause the dragon to go into a deep depression. Or, taking it and not giving your love back makes the dragon subservient to you!"

Now, it was the defendant's turn to gasp. "Subservient?"

Anger and contempt began forming on the Dragonlord's features. "It means he can't say no to you. He'll always yearn for you and no one else! Where is it? The only way to break the effects is to give it back!"

"Oh, well, I - um - sold it..." Rarity taps her hoof together nervously.

"You got rid of it?" Spike asks in a heartbroken tone.

"It was a slow season when I did it. I needed the extra bits to support my boutiques. Surely, the effects of the gem are exaggerated?"

"It could take years to get over the feelings he gave to you!" Ember shouts.

"So, you took Spike's heart, his kindness, generosity, and love for yourself just to throw it away at a moment of convenience," Jason summarizes.

"No, none of us knew that was the case. Dragon culture is still a mystery to us," Twilight spoke up.

"I find it shocking that a studious mare like yourself would leave such a glaring gap in knowledge. Especially for one so close as their supposed brother," Chrysalis taunts.

"That was one of the purposes of my new school. To learn about a friend's culture and how to respect it!"

"Spike's been with your family since you hatched him. And you are telling us that you are only now seeking knowledge about his kind?" Jason counters. Twilight shrinks away from the judgemental stares of the judges. "I guess it's better late than never. But it doesn't stop there, does it, Miss Belle? I call the court's attention to Exhibit C: Greed. For this, I have two more witnesses..."

The doors open, and two creatures walk inside. One was a diamond dog the same height as Celestia. He had black and brown fur with a maroon vest. Jason noted that he reminds him of a Doberman dog in appearance. The other was a pony that sparked several whispers going off. He was as tall as Big Macintosh except with all-white fur. There were black cufflinks and a red rose to rest on his chest. And his voluminous blonde mane bounces regally with his every step. Princess Celestia's eyes widened at his appearance as she spoke his name.

"Prince Blueblood?!"

"What!?" Rarity shrieks.

"Hello, aunty. And, good day, assorted members of Canterlot,"

"Bluey?! You are speaking as a witness for the plaintiffs?" Cadance asks in shock.

"Yes, dear cousin, and you are acting as a judge. Must we state such apparent positions?"

"You-You can not be serious! Why is he here? What possible thing could the worst Royal pony in Canterlot can say against my character!?" Rarity said with a stamp of her hoof.

"We can say plenty," The Diamond dog said gruffly.

"Who are you?"

"Yes, please state your name and occupation for the court," Jasons asks.

"I am Bark Hide. I am the alpha of the Diamond dog pack off the edge of Ponyville,"

"And I am Prince Blueblood. Fifteenth heir to clan Blueblood. Nephew to Princess Celestia herself. And, sixth in line to the throne," Blueblood said with a bow.

"It is surprising to see you are speaking against the defendant, nephew," Luna's tone was icy as her threat.

"But, of course, aunty Luna. Sorry, Judge Luna. When I heard this creature's story of abuse and suffering at the hands of our very defenders, I had to act to improve Equestria's good image!"

"And, this stance you are taking now is in no way fueled by your grievances against Twilight and her friends?" Celestia asks in an accusatory tone.

"Aunty. Your opinion means the world to many. But, even you can see that elevating a lowborn noble clan to your heir was a lapse in judgment. I am sure Mister Jason has regaled his treatment at the hands of Miss Sparkle and her compatriots. As a prince, I cannot let such cruelty go unpunished. We--"

"Can we get on with this?" Bark said impatiently.

"Well, I never. Very well. My meeting with Miss Belle at the Grand Galloping Gala shall be a cautionary tale for all eligible bachelors. Behind those admittedly dashing looks," Rarity cuffs her mane at the praise before cringing at the rest of Blueblood's sentence. "Is a pony the young foals would call a coquette,"

"WHAT!?"Rarity shrieks. The courtroom erupts into gasps and conversations.

"Order! Order, I say! That is no small claim to label, nephew," Luna warns.

"I am aware of the implication, Judge Luna. And I give them for a good reason. Rarity is the same as many other unsavory mares in my life. The ones that look at me and see a crown, a title, and prestige. A means to elevate themselves to royal status. She approached me like a timberwolf in luxurious garments. She blinks at me with her mesmerizing eyes while whispering honeyed words. But it is not the stallion she wanted, but his expansive wealth,"

Blueblood turned out to be just as dramatic as Rarity in his recounting. Soon, the fashionista had enough. "That's it. I won't stand for this! You dare accuse me of such lies. Well, I see right through you!" Rarity marches to the Gjallarhorn show on the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. The memory plays out with Rarity meeting the Prince in the garden. Rarity gestures to the rose, expecting the Prince to adorn it to her person. Instead, he fixes it to his clothing. The night continued with the Prince shattering every expectation Rarity envisioned. Moments like the Prince hogging the pillow for himself, urging Rarity to use her cloak to walk over a puddle, having Rarity pay for the food he instantly found disgusting, and making her open doors for him. Finally, everything fell apart when a flying cake hit Rarity's body after the Prince used her for a shield.

"Urgh! You, sir, are the most uncharming Prince I've ever met! The only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!!!" Rarity shrieks.

"Ew! Get Away! I just had myself groomed!!!"

"Afraid to get yourself dirty?!" Rarity shakes herself violently, launching the remaining cake all over the Prince, who topples over and ends the memory.

"Do you all see? This stallion is the furthest thing from a Prince you could get! He is uncouth! Selfish. And a worse diva than I could hope to be. And you call me a fence squatter!"

"And since when am I under any obligation to cater to the whims of a mare after my status? All you have seen was a creative act and the perfect method for dealing with coquettes. Did you honestly believe you were the only pony approaching me that night? I've had many letters leading up to the Gala from mares with the same desire as yours," Blueblood's horn glows as he produces said letters for the judges.

Cadance sighs as she reads a few. "You might be right about these letters, Bluey. But your method was not becoming, and it was downright humiliating for everypony involved,"

Prince Blueblood, however, adjusts his mane as he turns to Jason. "Mister Wright. Would you kindly show the court what else happened that night,"

"I'll do you one better and show why your claim and mine are true. This next episode is called ticket master," Jason said, touching the horn.

A new memory plays with Twilight receiving tickets to the Gala. All elements state their reason for the Gala and why they should go. Then, it came up to Rarity. "I have designed dresses for the Gala for years. But I never had the opportunity to go there. Oh, the society, the culture, the glamor. It's where I truly belong. And it's where I will meet him,"

"Him?" Pinkie and Twilight ask.

"Yes, him, my Prince charming. I would stroll through the Gala, and everyone would wonder, who is that mysterious mare? They would never guess I was a simple pony from little old Ponyville. The sensation I would cause would allow me to be invited to an audience with Princess Celestia herself. My style and elegance would so take her that she would introduce me to her nephew, Prince Blueblood—the most handsome eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot. Our eyes would meet, our hearts would melt, and our courtship would be magnificent. He would ask for my hoof in marriage, and I would say yes. Then, we would have a royal wedding befitting a Princess, which is what I will become upon marrying him. The stallion of my dreams~,"

Rarity loses vigor as she backs away from the Prince, "Hmm, I believe that proves merit to my claim and yours, Mister Wright," Blueblood stated.

Now, the whispers were thoroughly against Rarity. "W-Wait. That was just a filly hood crush! At some point in their lives, every mare would have the same aspirations," Rarity stated.

"Honestly, Miss Belle, accept your defeat gracefully. It is most unbecoming. No, that is what I expect from your ramble. Mister Wright, please show the court the rest of that evening," Jason obliges and shows the events of the season one finale, where the elements' actions led to the destruction of the Gala ballroom. "As you can see, members of the court, the Princess of friendships little group, are far from the heroes they pretend to be. Just look at the destruction of the ballroom and the Gala. Who do you think had to pay for such a travesty?" Many galleries were now throwing questionable gazes and narrowed eyes at the elements. "I love you, Aunty Celestia. But putting your stock in these six was simply a mistake. One I hope this court will rectify. Ah, it feels good to perform my civic duty. I bid you all goodbye,"

Blueblood proceeds to exit while Rarity slumps on her haunches. She turned to the last witness, who was openly glaring at her. "Mister Bark Hide. You seem to have some grievances to share. What has the defendant done to earn your ire?" Luna asks.

"They stole from the pack!"

"Stole? What did they steal from you?" Cadance asks.

"Our gems! You ponies invaded our territory. Took our precious gems!"

"Wait, you mean you are the leader of those diamond dogs that foalnapped me!" Rarity stated.

"They didn't foalnapped you. You were in our land. You trespassed!"

"I was looking for gems. That is not a crime! I've always gone east of Ponyville to farm for gems!"

"I believe we are getting ahead of ourselves," Jason said. "For clarification, Bark Hide leads the Diamond dog pack that resides in the rocky fields where the defendant said,"

"And you foalnapped Miss Rarity - an element bearer - because she was trespassing?" Luna asks.

"It was not a foal napping, Judge," Jason corrects.

"Of course it was! They took me into their burrows and made me work in horrid conditions, farming their gems!" Rarity said a matter of factly. The fashionista returns to the Gjallarhorn and displays the moment the diamond dogs capture her. From there, everything played out as Jason had seen from the episode, with Rarity whining and complaining to get the dogs to release her and surrender a sizable portion of their gems. "See? Your pack accosted Spike and I while forcing me to mine their gems. And they called me a mule!"

"Yes, as it was their right to deal out a proper punishment for your crimes," Jason said.

"What possible crimes could I commit against Diamond Dogs? They have no standing kingdom! They are more nomadic than the dragons!"

"Actually. The diamond dogs did have a functioning kingdom several hundred years back. I can attest to this as much I believe our dear Princesses can," Chrysalis said. "No one knows why the kingdom fell. I have some speculate, but nothing concrete or noteworthy to the trial,"

"However, the diamond dogs do have stock on the land," Jason pulls out another paper. "This is a letter from Princess Celestia recognizing Bark Hide's pack's claim to the rocky fields at the edge of Ponyville. Bark Hide's great-ancestor petitioned a few years ago,"

"But diamond dogs are not smart enough to do something like that!" Rarity winces at her phrasing, sounding too insensitive.

"Not all dogs are dumb. My family wasn't. The burrow was good. And my ancestor wanted to keep it. Keep our pack from wandering into danger. So, he went to Princess pony to get the deed," Bark Hide said. "We set up rules and gave them to the neighboring ponies,"

"Each Mayor of each generation had these rules renewed. For some strange reason, when Bark went to complain about all the ponies invading and taking their gems to the current Mayor, he was chased out by the local guard," Jason said, picking two pieces of paper. "I have an invoice from Mayor Mares's office. What's on it is a list of damages. Ponyville is disaster-prone, after all. The second document is a letter Mayor sent to outside contractors to mine in diamond dog territory. Normally, if any ponies wanted to operate in Bark's territory, they would engage in some trade. But, with Bark effectively banned from Ponyville, the ponies can trespass with impunity. Thus, going against Princess Celestia's decree,"

"And you, whiney pony, constantly steal from us!" Bark snarls. "Our rules are simple if you trespass and take our gems. You work off a debt to the pack. Time spent working is measured by how many gems you took—one cart equals one week of work. You and your pony friends took six carts. That's six weeks of work. But you have been taking multiple carts for years!"

"But, what about those three that captured me? Those dogs said they would make me work for them forever!" Rarity said.

"I was away on a hunt. Those dogs I left in charge while I was gone. I told them the rules, but they were not smart. I would've fixed everything when I got back. But you were gone with all our gems!"

"And, if we tally up the crimes you continued to commit until now. It would be trespassing—multiple counts of grand theft. Evasion of punishment. And the invasion of foreign territory without cause. You and the other defendants practically caused an international incident," Jason finished.

"Diamond dogs demand all of our gems returned to us!" Bark Hide snarls.

Luna rubs the temples of her head, trying to dispel the growing headache, before responding. "...Very well. The crown will hear from Bark Hide's pack and discuss suitable compensation for their losses,"

Bark Hide nods and turns to leave. Jason surveys the courtroom. The gallery all whisper harsh criticism about Rarity and, by extension, the defendant bench. Most of the judges sent disapproving glares at the elements. However, Cadance shows a deep concern with how the trial is going. And Luna was a picture of irritation and fatigue. The defendants themselves were looking more run down with each testimony. Fluttershy was still catatonic from losing her cutie mark. Pinkie Pie was by her side. She would send some sad glances toward Jason, which he promptly turned away. Applejack was hard to read as her hat was covering her features. Rainbow Dash was looking angrier with each passing second. Twilight's mane began to gain split ends from all the stress. And Princess Celestia held a tight stoic expression. But the sharp flick of her tail told Jason she was also angry, but not at him. Finally, Rarity was looking lost. She looks around the courthouse for any sympathy but finds none. Now, it was time for the nail in the coffin.

"You know, Miss Belle, I have another claim against you. It stemmed from when I came to you one rainy night. Ugliness,"

The Gjallarhorn glows again as a rain image displays. Jason's ragged form treks, holding his shoulders and shivering from the cold. He looks up to see the carousel boutique and spots Rarity throwing out some trash before returning inside. Jason quickens his pace. He makes it to the door and knocks at it. However, Sweetie Belle is the one to answer.

"Um, who are you? We're closed right now. You'll have to come back in the morning,"

"I-I know," Jason shivers. "I just would like to speak to your sister, please,"

Sweetie stares at Jason in confusion, trying to see past the hood covering his face. "Okay, I'll get her. Do you want to come inside and warm up?"

"T-Thank you," Jason said sincerely.

Sweetie allows Jason inside. She guides him to one of the chairs and lets him sit. "I know just the thing to help me whenever I am cold—some good old hot chocolate. I'll make you some. Oh, yeah. Rarity, we have company. Somepony needs to talk to you,"

"I'm on my way, Sweetie. Just give me a few seconds," Raity calls out from upstairs.

Jason sits alone and smiles for the first time in weeks. "I knew I could count on your generosity. Finally, something is going right,"

Sweetie comes back with a cup of chocolate, just as promised. "Here you go. Don't worry. It's not burnt. I've been practicing,"

Jason lets out a weak chuckle while looking at the clear brown liquid. "Y-You did a good job,"

Just as Jason was about to take a slip, Rarity came downstairs. "Now, Sweetie, who is it you said was visiting-- WAAH!?! Sweetie! Get away from that thing!!!"

Rarity's magic flares out as she flips Jason's cup into his face. "AAAH!?" Jason screams from the sting of the hot choco. He falls to his knees and feels several items strike against his body.

"You brute. You horrid, disgusting, filthy monster! How dare you come into my home! You were trying to take my sister, weren't you?!"

"No, stop! Please!"

"Rarity!" Sweetie calls to her sister.

Rarity stops her assault long enough to check on her sister. "Oh, my poor Sweetie Belle. What has that thing done to you? It's okay. Your big sister will protect you,"

Sweetie looks back to Jason, who struggles to protect himself. "But, he--"

"It's okay. I won't let that brute harm a hair on your mane," Rarity turns back to Jason with the most hateful glare he'd ever thought a pony could make. "You vile contemptible fiend! Have you no shame? Traumatizing my sister with your wretchedness!"

"W-Wait. Please. I only came for some clothes. Please, it's freezing out," Jason begs, but his pleas fall on deaf ears.

"You'd honestly think I'd waste a single stitch of clothing on your putrid hide. I would sooner sully my brand-making clothes for a mule before entertaining such lunacy! Get out! Get out and don't come!!!"

Rarity throws more items with renewed vigor. This action prompted Jason to hurry out of Rarity's boutique. The memory ends with Jason stumbling out of sight, still reeling from the hot choco to the face. Once again, no one spoke in the courtroom. "Ah, what a beautiful face for one so fair as yourself," Jason said sarcastically. "You know, in an ironic twist, the hot choco to the face did warm me up,"

"N-no. That-- I wouldn't. That was not me!" Rarity cries.

"That is you. That was the mask coming off and your true face and nature coming to the surface," Jason chuckles as he shakes his head. "A filly. A tiny child showed me generosity with two mere acts than you ever did. It must be a cruel twist of fate that such a good pony is related to you. I thought you were generous. I thought you saw beauty in everything,"

"Rarity?" Spike calls out. Rarity looks at him with tears threatening to spill. "Tell me you didn't do that. Please!"

"No, Spiky. It wasn't me. You know me. You know I am generous..." The Gjallarhorn glows as magic from Rarity now. She strumbled much like the others did before her eyes went wide. "...I did. Sweet Celestia, I did do that!"

"Yes, it appears so!" Luna said with a deep frown.

"Princess. Please, I am--"

Luna cuts her off before Rarity can finish. "I believe we have heard enough for today. The court will reconvene tomorrow!" Luna bangs the gavel harder this time as she and the others leave.

Many of the court members also glared at the fashionista as they left. "Wait. Wait! I can explain! Please!" Rarity cried, but no one would heed her. Rarity and Spike share a glance as she smiles through her running mascara. "Spiky-Wiky. Y-You, believe me, right?"

"..." Spike could not find the words. Tears swell up in Spike's eyes before he bows his head and turns away from his crush.