• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,452 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Changeling Queen

Author's Note:

Alright, we are back to our regular schedule writing. Enjoy.

[Canterlot Judicial Hall.]

The ponies in the gallery were scrambling within the courtroom. The judges were screaming for order. However, most of the attention was now on Rainbow Dash. Her body was comically flat against the opposing wall of the courtroom. With her speed, no one can react in time to stop her. Rainbow is just that fast. Everyone expected to see Jason flatten against the wall. However, no one expected Pinkie Pie to push Jason out of the way. Jason and Pinkie sat on the floor with the party mare lying across his stomach. Pinkie winces as Rainbow peels off the wall and hits the ground. Looking back at Jason, Pinkie wonders why he stares intently at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" Pinkie asks tentatively. Jason remains silent. "I better get up now, huh?"



Pinkie Pie removes herself from Jason as Chrysalis approaches him. The changeling queen offers a hoof as he takes it and sits up. "Thanks. I slipped and couldn't get up for some reason,"

Chrysalis arches a brow at this before turning to Pinkie's hurt expression. "Yes, you should be more careful around marble floors. I don't know why you insist on balancing on two limbs when you have four,"

"What do I look like, a baby?"

"Speaking of foals, the Rainbow one and Cream one are stirring,"

Rainbow Dash was indeed shaking off the cobwebs. Her eyes refocus on Jason as she snorts angrily. Instantly, she was in the air again. Only this time, Chrysalis catches her in her aura. "Ah! Let. GO!!!"

"Dashie, please stop. You're making things worse!" Pinkie pleaded.

"I'm making things worse?! Are you bucking kidding me!? Look at what he did to Fluttershy! Trying to make us the bad guys. Spying on us! Everything was fine until he showed his ugly mug. Now Fluttershy's cutie maker is gone!!!"

Rarity was right beside Fluttershy as the shy mare had a vacant hollow expression with fresh tears staining her cheeks. A hateful scowl lands on Jason as Rarity goes on a tirade. "Are you proud of yourself? Does it feel good to harm an innocent mare? Fluttershy is a fragile pony. She abhors violence. It's only natural she'd run away from it. She doesn't deserve to lose her cutie mark for the actions of others or be criticized for her timid nature!"

"A timid mare? Is it true that Fluttershy? - as an element of harmony - faced the likes of Nightmare Moon, Discord, and yours truly?" Chrysalis asks. Jason emphasizes her point with memories from the Gjallarhorn of Fluttershy performing said acts.

"Yes, but she didn't do it alone,"

"Did she not face down a dragon that thousand times her size? A timid mare convinced a dragon to leave its den,"

The image changes to the elements going up to the cave where the dragon is sleeping. The court saw the various attempts of the bearers to wake the dragon failing. At first, Rarity smiles at the memory as it shows Fluttershy being her timid self and hiding away. But then, her smile leaves, leading her to get the dragon to go so she can claim his hoard of treasure. She cringes when Rainbow Dash bucks the dragon's snout, waking him in a rage. And she becomes nervous when Fluttershy activates her stare and dresses him down.

"How dare you. How dare you! Listen here, mister! Just because your big doesn't mean you get to b a bully! You have huge teeth, snore smoke, and breathe fire, but you do not - I repeat - do not hurt my friends! You got that!"

"Y-Yes, she did do that," Rarity said reluctantly.

A groan sounds from the judges as Ember covers her face. "Wonderful. Now I have to talk with Crimson about his dwelling relocation. No dragon believed it when he returned to the Dragonlands because of a pony,"

"I must ask why a group of civilians went to convince a fully grown dragon to leave its cave instead of you or your guard, Celestia?" Queen Novo said.

Celestia sighs as another of her decisions comes into question. "I believed that the presence of the royal guard might have led to a gross misunderstanding between the two parties. It was a chance to test Twilight and her friend's diplomacy skill,"

"A test that they very nearly failed due to the actions of that one!" Queen Novo points to Rainbow Dash, who stops struggling with Chrysalis's' hold as Luna's and Cadance's aura overrides Chrysalis as they sit Rainbow back at the defendant's bench."

"The disappointment is mounting, Miss Dash. This is the second time you are acting both carelessly and recklessly. There shall not be a third!" Luna stated. "The court will add attempted assault charges after your little display,"

"What!? But he--" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Jason conducted himself as a plaintiff should. You, as a defendant, only hurt Fluttershy and those beside you more," Cadance said with a shake of her head.

"Why did you not report the issue to Celestia instead of resorting to violence? Why were you also without the elements of harmony"?" Queen Novo continues."

"W-Well, the dragon wasn't bad, just a little thoughtless in his sleeping pattern. And Princess Celestia trusted us. I believed we could handle it, and we did!" Twilight said.

"Was it misplaced trust or incompetence all around, I wonder?"

"A little from column A and a lot from column B. But we also forget when sweet, timid Fluttershy stood up to a minotaur seeking his proper monetary compensation," Chrysalis said.

Playing the memory shows Rarity and Pinkie trying to dissuade a minotaur from seeing the shy mare. The judges all frown when Rarity and Pinkie refer to Iron Wall as a monster. Finally, after Fluttershy opens the door, Iron request what he is owed.

"You were a doormat, andIronn Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine! Pay Iron Will what you owe Iron Wil!"

"No," Fluttershy said to the shock of everyone. "As I recall, during your workshop, you promised one hundred percent satisfaction from your customers, or we don't pay. Well, I am not satisfied,"

"Not only do we see FLutterhsy stand up to several creatures larger than her, but we also see the supposed good pony scamming a hardworking creature," Chrysalis said.

"Now, hold on! That Mon-"Rarity quickly catches herself. "That Minotaur's seminar turned Fluttershy into an awful and horrid pony," Rarity said.

Another memory plays of Fluttershy interacting with ponies after IronWill'ss seminar. However, while some cases show ponies being rude to Fluttershy and the shy pegasus responds accordingly, other issues show Fluttershy being the aggressor. "Now, can you tell the court where in Iron Will's seminar he says throw ponies into haystacks, beat ponies out of a taxi, and mail post ponies in a display of irony? Fluttershy clearly states she is proud of her new attitude. And you two supported it. Fluttershy, in the end, even openly admits that she took the assertiveness lesson too far. So, Iron Will has grounds to sue all three of you for his compensation. Especially considering it was you two that convinced Fluttershy to do so,"

"But, his so-called lesson was far too general. Any pony could've done the same things Fluttershy did!"

"Then, where are the cases of other ponies who attended that seminar going over the top with their assertiveness?" Rarity could not answer. "It is only common sense to know when and where to be assertive. Although being assertive is not grounds for assaulting ponies."

"The court is inclined to agree, Miss Belle," Luna said. "The crown will hear his case about producing Iron Will with his full and proper payment for his seminar,"

"And, now the question becomes this; Is Fluttershy going to avoid accountability for her actions again? We saw it in the memories of Iron Will. We saw it with Jason. Hay, we even saw in this court when she used an ability known as the stare to attack Jason,"

The murmurs were starting to grate at Rarity's nerves. "Enough. You stand there so smug while talking about accountability? What about yours? You evaded punishment for crashing the wedding! You impersonated and foalnapped a princess! You committed espionage and brainwashing against Shinning Armor! You attempted an invasion! Yet, here you are now, trying to champion a creature that happens to have a grudge to make yourself seem virtuous! This whole charade is nothing more than your latest revenge plot. If I am guilty of hypocrisy, what about you, little pot?"

Chrysalis loses her smile and glares at the prissy unicorn. "You think it is so simple, don't you? I am a big evil villain who comes to ruin your lives. You believe me to be one-dimensional, only desiring revenge. Well, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. But, like I told Shinning Armor, we are effective because it is not just revenge. It is justice that drives us. You see, my dear element bearer, the one thing a villain affords you is that you can spot those of the same cloth. I've been around plenty of despicable creatures. Some are overt, like Sombra and Discord. Others are subtle and covert, like me. But, you and the Princess? Yours is a villainy that makes me sick to my stomach. The kind that hides behind their sanctimonious platitudes while being either willfully ignorant or blindly dismissive to the harm they cause!"

"And what harm has any of us brought unto you!" Cadance asks.

Chrysalis scoffs as she approaches the Gjallarhorn for the first time. The memory took place in an unknown castle and throne room. A different yet similar changeling to Chrysalis was waiting inside an empty throne save for a few guards. A small nymph beside her huddles closer as she can see and feel the baneful glares of the assembled ponies.

"Mother. Why are they staring at us like that? I feel something making me ill,"

"Tis alright, little Chrysalis. Keep close to me, always. We'll see the king and Queen of the pony land for aid,"

A moment later, a large teleportation dome appears. Two alicorns were flanked by two unicorns, a commander pegasi and a grinning Earth pony. The female alicorn arches a brow as she speaks while holding her foals. "Husband? What manner o creatures are these?"

"Egads!" The Earth pony said. "They remind me of the ants during the summertime harvest,"

"They do appear insect-like at first glance," The breaded wizard unicorn said.

"Urgh! And they are as vile!"[/] The unicorn mare said.

"State your business. Why have you come here?" The king spoke in a commanding tone.

My name is Metamorpha. With me is my daughter, Princess Chrysalis. We have to your bedding kingdom to ally ourselves with you," "/b]

The alicorns looked skeptical, while the unicorn mare was unimpressed. "You come to us, asking to participate in our kingdom and reap our spoils, with nothing to prove your worth? Such impertinence!"

"We are waring with the minotaurs of the east. What might you bring against them? Mayhaps you will use your visage to terrify them," The pegasus said.

Metaphorma smiles at her before green flames shroud her. A moment later and a minotaur was standing before the ponies. "We are changeling. We assume the form of any we desire. With our skill, we can--"

"ABOMINATION!!!" The king roars as the guards aim their spears. "You steal the form of your slain? Might you do the same to us if left unchecked,"

Chrysalis flew up to eye level with them. "No, sir. You don't die change. We can do so on our own," Chrysalis morphs into one of the foals in the Queen's hooves. "See?"

However, this did not get the reaction she hoped for, as the Queen sent out a burst of magic at her. Metamopha had little choice but to take the blast herself. "MOTHER!!!" Chrysalis shrieks as his mother collapses.

"Seize them!" The king ordered.

"Stay. S-strong little June bug...!" With the last of her magic, Metamorpha's magic surrounds Chrysalis, and she finds herself back in the hive. The memory ends with the little nymph releasing a wail of sadness.

"That's how I met your mother and father. King Solaris and Queen Selina. Starswirl, Princess Plantium. Commander Hurricane. Chancellor Pudding Head. You met with all of them while we were foals?" Celestia said in a hollow voice.

"Yes, that's how I met that's founders of Equestria. A political meeting of rulers ending in bloodshed!" Chrysalis sp" t as she glares at Celestia and then at Luna. "That is the true virtue you ponies hold. Fear. Hatred. Distrust. We came to offer our services. We came to see if we could join you, and what did that get us?"

"No. I-It was a time of war. It hardens us all. And harmony was yet to be found between the tribes. Surely, with your ability to change the form, that such a reaction---"

Chrysalis cut Luna off before she could finish. "So, because of who we are, my mother deserved to be tortured?! Yes! Tortured! After she got me to safety, your famed wizard Starswirl experimented on her for days!" Chrysalis took an aggressive step to the defendant's bench. "Go ahead! Doubt my claims! I'd love to shatter that image of the great Starswirl the Breaded! Do you want to see what it's like to hit your skin peeled away? Well, any takers?"

No one breathes a word in objection. "We shall accept your word on this. Such imagery may prove traumatic to witness. As I am sure you already know...." Luna said softly.

"When you share a connection to the hive mind, your thoughts are not just yours. Your feeling is not just yours. My mother was strong enough to hide what she was experiencing, but her memories came to me when she died. I saw everything he did! My only saving grace was that some of our elite drones recovered my mother before that bastard could gleam anything of our species!"

"B-But he's Starswirl the Breaded. He wouldn't..." Twould pauses as Chrysalis stares into her soul. She would not dare finish lest she sees her all-time hero's name forever tarnished.

"Then, that's where your animosity towards ponies comes from? Because of how you were treated as a foal?" Cadance asks "more softly this time.

"That's where it started. I suffered two more slights against me years later. One was from you, Princess Celestia. And you, Mi Amore Cadenza!"

"How can you count that as an offense when I was but a foal? Or perhaps, you are referring to the wedding day? It is my shame to admit that you bested me that day. Or are you counting me along with Cadance?" Celestia asks.

"Big surprise! You got mad because Cadance and Shining Armor sent you packing for crashing their wedding!" Rainbow said. Most of the gallery shares her sentiments.

"No, Celestia, I am not counting you with your niece. The wedding day shall forever be her sin against me and my race. No, the slight you dealt me came from this," Chrysalis brings two documents up to project the words for the court.

"Dear Princess Celestia. My name is June Bug. I am the Princess of the changelings. I am writing this letter to you because I heard you were a kind pony, unlike the others. My mommy doesn't like ponies very much. But I know you are good and that there are good ponies. I look forward to meeting you,"

"Who letter is that from? June Bug?" Cadance asks"

Chrysalis shivers before she responds. "...She was my daughter. There must always be a queen to the hive. The most potent queens are born from the love of a mate. However, as a survival trait, a queen can asexually reproduce should no mate be present. This method runs a high risk of the Queen becoming infertile to the prior process of conceiving progeny. And, unfortunately, I am picky when choosing mates," Chrysalis said as a soft smile formed.

"You seemed fond of my Shining Armor!" Cadance said, her tone laced with venom.

Chrysalis rolls her eyes. "Please, do you know how much love a bride and groom produce on their wedding day? Weddings are a full buffet to a changeling. Shinings a decent colt toy. But I never dip into someone else's sloppy seconds,"

"Hey!" Shining calls out, only for Cadance to silence him with a glare.

"I see. But I've never gotI'vethat letter in my docket," Celestia informs.

"Then, what do you call this?!" Chrysalis summons a second paper to read aloud. "To whom it may concern, it is within the interest of preserving Equestia's gloEquestia'se by not associating with the inferior likes of literal bugs. Your presence would be a plague to our way of life. Therefore, an audience with you and your ilk is denied. Further attempts at interactions will resort to ill tidings. Don't write again, signed Princess Celestia. This is your royal seal!"

Inspecting the letter, Celestia frowns as she replies. "I know who wrote this letter. It was a unicorn by the name of Flippant Desire of house Avarice. They were a noble clan that I disbarred for stealing from the royal treasury and selling equestrian secrets to the enemy. One of his duties was handling royal documents while I was busy with other affairs,"

"I suppose it did not matter if it was you or that stallion. The result would've been would've. Ponies skittish nature rejecting non-ponies,"

"Now you speak in conjecture! Had I known of this letter, I would have offered you an ear and worked out some negotiation. I have made great strides to turn Equestria away from those savage beginnings. If you had come, you would've been--"

"--Don't give me that!" Chrysalis cuts the Princess off. "Even if you are different from your wretched parents, can you say the same for your subjects? Would they hold your views when you are not huddling over their shoulder? How many of my changelings would've stuffed before they are treated with basic decency?"

"No, I can not force ponies to confirm my views. Doing so would take away free will - make me a tyrant - I can only stand as an example for all ponies to carry themselves,"

Chrysalis smirks as she gestures to Jason. The human glared at a hole through the Solar Princess as she did not meet his gaze. "I am sure Jason has some critiques of how wonderful an example you set, Princess. He still has so much to show,"

"You said it was your daughter. What has happened?" Queen Novo asks.

Chrysalis lets out a bitter chuckle. "The royal wedding of Princess Carance and Shining Armor happened. June Bug was a healthy nymph despite her birthing method. But she was stubborn. She argued with me constantly about trying the pony method, believing that true friendship you tote so much. Naturally, because of my experience, I forbade it. But, she would go with my plan if I did not follow some of her requests,"

"Which were?" Luna asks.

"No one comes under harm. Everyone has their memories erased after sufficient love harvesting. And, sending a note to announce our arrival,"

"Why would you knowingly declare your attack? Is that not arrogant?" Ember asks.

"Yes, but then, June Bug had a stroke of genius to the idea. Ponies generate more emotion during a stressful situations. So, with the threat against the capital made and my agents soothing the masses, the emotional harvest would've kept my changeling fed for decades. But everything fell apart when you got wise to my plan, Twilight,"

"The fault all your own. You treated every pony like dirt. Then, you sent me to the cravens with Cadance. If you had been nicer or left me alone, I would not have freed Cadance!" Twilight said.

Chrysalis sucks her teeth. "You try being around the creatures that killed your mother and stay civil. I had to remove you since you proved troublesome. Just be glad I loved my daughter more than I hated you, ponies. My original plans were far messier. Especially for you, Cadenza. But my daughter was so insistent on her plan. Right up to the moment, you blasted us from Canterlot," Another bitter chuckle leaves Chrysalis as creatures display sadness. "You know, you would think that your barrier of love would strengthen us instead of blowing us away. The funny thing is that it did,"

"It did?" Shining Armor asks nervously.

"Yes, you dullard! While the kinetic force of the spell pushed us away, it was still love-infused magic. But that did not matter in the end. That much love all at once without proper increments is like feeding a starving, malnourished creature a fast food buffet. Most of my drones died of sensory overload before they hit the ground…."

A sudden and horrible realization hits Cadance like a freight train. "You mean the other drones—"

"…" The changeling queen remains silent as Chrysalis shows the memory to everyone. She was the first to hit the ground. Her limbs broke apart upon impact, and the chitin around her torso cracked. Despite these injuries, Chrysalis slowly heals. Her features are one of pain and anger.

"Gah! Insolent prey. I will - Ah - I will be back!" A shadow looms over the downed Queen as she looks back up. There was a heavy thud and sickening splat as Chrysalis saw several of her drones crash against the ground Blood and viscera shot out in every direction as she watched her hive die. "N-No. No!!!" Chrysalis could only watch as my body fell. A particularly harsh impact lands right next to Chrysalis. The dust settles as Chrysalis feels all the color drain from her being. There, her daughter June Bug lay with a jagged, sharp stone piercing from her bin through her left eye socket. The vision was lost while blood oozed from the wound. Her right gaze was unfocused, with tears streaming down her cheek. Chrysalis hobbled to her daughter as best as she could. She stumbles and falls next to her daughter's face as she gently caresses it.


Chrysalis choked back a sob at the pitiful sound her daughter was making. There was no saving her. With tears streaming from her eyes, Chrysalis taps her horn against June Bug and the noises she is making. The memory ends with Chrysalis softly crying while holding her deceased daughter, glaring into the space toward Canterlot. "...I'm sorry..." Cadance said after a moment of silence. "I didn't mean to - I wanted you gone for ruining my wedding and attempting to steal Shining. But, I'd never wished that on a mother..."

"Don't be too quick to lay your sympathies, dear. What happened was a tragedy, yes. But you still attacked another nation's capital with an army. Casualties in any conflict of that scale are bound to happen," Shining Armor said.

"Well, what was the alternative when someone is desperate?" Jason suddenly said. "Can anyone here - who saw what happened to Chrysalis's mother - feel safe enough to open negotiations?"

No one had a rebutal. "You ponies and your skittish nature and tribalist tendencies leave no room for negotiation. I suppose I should've tried peace again, but at what risk? Are you and your kind any different from a thousand years ago? How can you ask me to let go of my hatred when you all cling to your fear and distrust?" Chrysalis said before gesturing to Jason. "Meeting Jason has only reinforced my opinion that you are as villainous as I could ever be!"

"Since the beginning of this trial, you two have come up in many conversations and speculation about your relationship. Cadance posed the question earlier. Now, it is time you expand upon that; how did you and Jason meet?"

Chrysalis walks back to the Gjallarhorn. A new memory plays out with Jason running through the Everfree Forest. From his panicked expression, everyone assumed that one of the creatures native to the forest was chasing him. However, as Jason stopped to catch his breath, nothing was behind him. Collapsing on his knees, Jason stares intently at the ground. The court saw Jason looking the worst he's ever been so far. A tattered and ripped-up cloak covered his malnourished-looking frame. The same scarring over his blind eye looked more recent. However, a new addition the court participants missed gave everyone pause. An angry red indention formed a perfect circle around Jason's neck. The human in the memory was not bothered by this newest scar. He idly traced it with his fingertips before rustling in the bush caught his attention. Spotting the scrub, several more rustles went off. However, Jason made no move to hide. Instead, he sighed and waited.

"Not my first choice, but I won't complain..."

The rustling continued until several changelings emerged from the bushes, with Chrysalis closely following them. "The emotional spike is here, my queen," A drone said.

"There's nothing here," Chrysalis said. Chrysalis notices Jason kneeling in front of her as she recoils. "Expect the unusual wildlife,"

"My queen!" The drone alerted with his horn glowing. "The emotions are coming from this creature!"

Chrysalis arches a brow and approaches with her magic active. Taken aback, Chrysalis began to stalk around Jason's form. "Interesting. These emotions you exhibit. They are far too complex to be from the average wild beast. Despair. Depression. Anguish. And little sprinkles of rage. Well, more than a little sprinkle. The emotion was enough to alert nearly all my sentries around Equestria from potency alone. But, I've never seen a creature such as yourself. What are you?"

"...Does it matter?" Jason asked.

Confusion forms on the gather changelings group. "The queen has given you an order, creature!" One of the drones hissed.

"Well, you didn't call me a freak. You are already better than them. And, Chrysalis asked a question, not gave me an order,"

"You know me? And who are they? I imagine from your sorry state that you escaped from somewhere unsavory. Are you an exotic pet? A new zoo exhibit, perhaps?" Chrysalis asks.

"As I said, it doesn't matter. I might as well be an ant the world likes to step on. What's one more hoof to the list? Who am I before the great Queen of the changelings? Just do what you're going to do..."

Chrysalis arches another brow as her magic surrounds Jason. The human did not resist as she brought him closer. "Do as I wish, hmm? Since you are familiar with me and my kind. You realize that forcefully draining your emotions will render you a withered husk. There isn't a single creature alive that would want such a fate. So, is this act a strange sense of bravado for your kind?"

"Do you usually play with your food? Is that why the ponies beat you so easily? Whose the one with false bravado here?"

Chrysalis gritted her. She's gotten tired of this strange insolence. Her magical hold grew tighter as she sneered at him. "Curb your tongue! Do not think a lowly creature like you can talk down to me. I will--"

"What?! What are you going to do!?" The sudden shout made Chrysalis lose her hold. Jason fell to the floor. He got up with a glare as Chrysalis felt a sudden surge of rage flowing off of him. "Talk. Talk. Talk! That's all you fucking are! You had everything! You beat Celestia! You captured the elements! And you still fucked it up! Now, you're here in this godforsaken forest trying to scare someone who's done with everything!" Jason tore off his cloak and revealed the rest of his battered body. All the changelings recoiled in shock and disgust while Chrysalis was gawking. "Do you think you can do better than this? Huh? Do you think you're a monster? That you're evil? Let me tell you, you got nothing on the ponies! So go ahead! Find a clean spot and leave your mark. Then, for once in your life, finish the job!!!"

Chrysalis was at a loss for words. No one had spoken to her like that. No one has said anything in a tone that sounds so angry and defeated. The raw emotion from every word of the creature sent her reeling. "Ponies? Did you say ponies did this...?"

"..." Jason merely slump back to his knees, his outburst draining him of his remaining energy.

Chrysalis sucks her teeth and moves closer. She taps her horn to his head as her magic glows. There was a green flash as Jason collapsed, and Chrysalis recoiled while doing the same. The drone was by her side immediately. "My queen?"

Chrysalis immediately did not acknowledge her drone as she got on shaky hooves. ...I am fine,

"What of the creature? Should we end its suffering?"

Chrysalis at Jason's prone for a time before getting up. "No, we're taking Jason back to the hive,"

The drones exchanged a look but complied. "Yes, my queen,"

Chrysalis snapped at them when one of the drones began to drag Jason. "Stop it, you idiots! Must I do everything?" She surrounds Jason in her magic, far more gently than earlier, as she drapes him across her back. We are returning to the hive now. I want a room thoroughly clean. And prepare some suitable food for our guest here. I expect you to treat him like he was another ling amongst the hive. There will be no mention of his scars. And, you will be as cordial as possible. Understand?

"Y-yes, my queen,"

The memory ends as the changelings and the human teleported away. "As far as first impressions go, I'd say we hit it off rather well," Chrysalis said cheekily.

"I fail to see how your meeting with Chrysalis is any better than meeting Twilight. The worse you can say was she was rude. But, Chrysalis abducted you!" Rarity stated.

"Yet, she was far more courteous, kind, and generous than the elements you represent. That says a lot about you heroes when your enemies uphold your virtues. But, since you are so opinionated and sure of yourself, let's talk about you now, Rarity," Jason said as Rarity felt a foreboding chill down her spine.