• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,357 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Tribunal

Author's Note:

Okay, I tried not to speak in the past tense so much here. But let me know if I missed something.

[Canterlot - The Next Day.]

A turquoise and gold-maned earth pony trotted down the street of Canterlot. The pony spots his favorite shop and enters the establishment. Taking a seat at the counter, the pony rang the bell. "Hey, Joe. Are you there?"

"One sec," Pony Joe said, stepping out of the kitchen. In his mouth was a brew of coffee. "How you are doing, Hefty Tips,"

"Hiya, Joe..." Hefty Tips pauses while taking in Pony Joe's features. "Jeez, Joe. You look like you slept in an Ursa cave,"

"Yeah, well, I haven't gotten much sleep at all. Did you hear that Queen Chrysalis is back? I still have nightmares from the last time those changelings busted through the roof. Now, they could be walking around in this shop right now! Anyway, you want the usual?"

"Yes, please," Pony Joe goes into the kitchen before coming back with a small cappuccino. He set it in front of Hefty as the two ponies looked around the store to see various ponies. However, they were spread out to put as much distance between each other as the store would allow. The conversations were kept to a bare minimum as everyone eyed each other. Hefty couldn't help but share his head. "I can't understand why ponies are freaking out like this,"

Pony Joe tilts his head in confusion. "What do you mean, Hefty?"

"Well, we didn't know there were changelings in the city until yesterday, and everything was fine,"

"Yeah, we did not know there was love stealing parasites walking among us,"

"But, if they've been here so long and haven't caused any trouble, should we start making it ourselves?"

One of the ponies overheard the conversation and approached the counter. "Of course, we should do something. Did you forget the wedding invasion? They don't get a pass from that!"

"I'm just saying we shouldn't lose our heads over this if nopony is causing problems..."

"How can you say that? What if somepony got replaced, and we don't even know it!" Another pony said.

"Come on, nopony is that good at impersonating others. Even Princess Twilight discovered Princess Cadence was a fake,"

The ponies around the counter regarded the earth pony for a moment before another spoke. "Why are you so calm about this?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"It's just that you're arguing that we should accept a bunch of parasites in our mist. That we should forgive them for attacking us and harvest our love!"

"What, no! I am saying that if the changeling has been with us all this time and didn't cause any trouble, why should we? Maybe they want to live in peace or even make friends. Isn't that what Princess Twilight wants?"

"What kind of creatures sneak in and disguise themselves if they want friendship? Why hide away? For all we know, they could be brainwashing ponies to like them!"

Hefty suddenly felt the atmosphere in the store change. The customers were looking at him more intently now."C-Come on, that's ridiculous,"

"You know, I've noticed something about you, Hefty. You moved in Canterlot a while ago, and you were quick to make friends with me," Pony Joe said.

"W-well, yeah. Shouldn't I?"

"You always come in and order drinks, but never any food,"

"I don't like sweet food. Joe, what are you getting at?" Hefty backs away from the counter as Pony Joe get in his face.

"It's just that you could be a changeling yourself! Why else does it seem like you are on their side?" The ponies in the store share the same sentiments, forming a line by Joe.

"What? Joe, listen to yourself. That's crazy! I've been a loyal customer and friend since I moved here!"

"Yeah, you could suck out my love or replace me when nopony was looking!" Pony Joe took the glass he had prepared and hurled it at Hefty. The cup missed him but broke against the floor, the shards of glass cutting the lower part of his forearm.

"Ah! Wait, wait, see? If I were a changeling, then you would've lost your magic. You're all just being paranoid. I'm sure the princesses handling the situation--"

"--If the princesses could handle things, then why haven't they?" One pony in the crowd said. "How do we know they haven't been replaced or mind-controlled? It happened before!"

"But, it's the princesses we're talking about right now. Surely, you are not saying they would fail or betray us!" Another pony said.

"Hey, let's not forget whose the changeling puppet here!" Pony Joe reminded.

"Hey, what if we break the spell?"

"How do we do that?"

"A friend of mine goes to Celestia's School for gifted unicorns. She said we can usually break by disrupting the spell or by knocking the pony out,"

"What, no! Even if I was under mind control, shouldn't you at least get professionals?" Hefty suggests.

Soon, the shop broke out into arguments with yelling and accusations. Before everything could spiral out of control, a pair of royal guards burst through the shop. "What's going on in here?"

Every hoof pointed at Hefty Tips as Pony Joe spoke. "He's been brainwashed by changelings! he was saying how ponies shouldn't worry about changelings hiding near our homes! He probably snuck some of his buddies to feed off of us!"


"He's a traitor!"

"Take him away!"

"No, no, no! Please! It's all a misunderstanding!" Hefty pleaded.

"Save it! You're coming with us to the station for questioning. All of you are to vacate the shop immediately and go with us. We're closing this establishment down for possible changeling activity!"

"Whoa. Hold on a second. I can't close down my shop!" Pony Joe argued as more royal guards poured into the store.

"Take it up in day court!" All the ponies were carted out of the donut shop as the royal guard locked the shop down. On the way to the station, Hefty noticed many more shops getting the same treatment. "What a morning,"

[Guard Station.]

A guard shuts the cell to the latest batch of ponies into a cell. All the ponies inside are screaming about wrongful imprisonment and blatant injustice. "That's the third batch of ponies we put in there. And it's not even noon,"

"Well, when you have shapeshifters running around, ponies tend to get jumpy,"

"Too jumpy. Have you read the case of some of them? Stalking. Disorderly conduct. Vandalism. Flash mobs. It's like Canterlot is going mad. Some of us are still on duty from a double. I saw Swift Sweeper asleep in one of the bathroom stalls!"

"Unfortunately, until this mess gets sorted out, we all stand between complete anarchy. Come on; the captain had an announcement in the conference room,"

The two guards began walking as one of them continued. "If you think it's bad here, you should've read the reports from Manehattan. I heard all the sky scrappers were on fire,"

"Yeah? Well, Detrot always has something burning. That's nothing new,"

The two ponies enter the conference room with other guards of both divisions. The night guards were busy trying to stay awake, while the day guards appeared to be overcharged from caffeine. A gruff-looking pony stood in the front of the room with a grim expression. "Hmm? Good, you're both here. You better have a seat and brace yourselves. I just got news from up top," The two ponies exchanged a look before sitting down. "Now, since the revelation of changelings living in our fair capital, the Princess has ordered extra patrols. That means we have to make some cuts of responsibilities. Anypony that's been stationed to guard any nobles are to cease and work the beat on the streets," That change garnered several groans from the guards. Guarding VIPs in Canterlot was easy because it is the capital where crime is low, and you can stand inside a fancy mansion. "Next, we are getting some CSGU graduates to help sort out the prison population to see whose a ling from a pony. However, the apprehension process must require as little force as possible. We don't want to get sued because a prep turned out to be a pony and didn't like the horn handling. Or, get our magic sucked out,"

Another set of groans went off as many of the preps were entitled know-it-alls that needed a good hazing. "Finally, all staff - senior and junior - shall serve to undergo reevaluation. We will be looking at the time of enlistment and thorough background checks to see if any pony is who they say they are. Any resistance will result in immediate disbarment,"

The groans cascaded in rightful belligerence. "Captain, that's not fair! Are you saying I might get kicked because I'm a recruit?"

"I agree. It should just be the recruits under evaluation. I don't want my twenty years of service thrown out because of some upstart,"

"More like you don't want the brass to see your report records before you have time to alter them again,"

The two ponies glared at each other as the other guards voiced their concerns. "Bat ponies should get more breaks during the day. We nocturnal after all,"

"More breaks? I haven't been able to sleep for the past two days!"

"Alright, alright! Enough! Like it or not, this is how things will be for a while, with no exceptions. If you have any more issues, quit or take it up with the royals. Dismissed!" As the ponies filed out of the room, the captain wondered how many would return later in the day.

[Canterlot - Jason's room]

Chrysalis sat in the middle of the room. To the onlooker, she appeared to be sleeping. To those that knew the subtle twitch of her wings and the shimmers of magical aura around her horn, Chrysalis is currently communing with her progeny within the hivemind. It is a place of darkness where the only light comes from the Changeling queen's aura surrounding her body. Soon, multiple auras appeared around her as Chrysalis smiled. "Hello, my little brood. How goes your affairs since my announcement?"

"The ponies are reacting exactly as you thought they would, my queen,"

"They scramble and panic but fall just short of a full-blown riot,"

"They are attempting to locate us through many measures. Some by dragging random ponies to the stations. Others by accusing new ponies that moved to Canterlot,"

"And have they been able to find any of you?"

"No, my queen. The ponies do not have an effective means of tracking us while in disguise. The best they can do is put a spell on themselves to prevent replacement,"

"Hmm, do not free any spells the ponies may use. The Gjallarhorn is proving to be an excellent deterrent against brazen actions. However, make sure you rotate if somepony gets wise. Remember, if this is to work, we cannot be the aggressors,"

"Yes, my queen," The drones said as the connection faded.

Chrysalis blinks away the spell as she smiles. She turns to find Jason sitting on the bed while reviewing several documents. "Our changelings are doing well," Jason grunted in acknowledgment. "The ponies are practically tripping over their hooves with panic and paranoia. You were right to suggest complete integration in this regard. I haven't had this much fun in ages. Who justice could so much more gratifying,"


Chrysalis scoffed at Jason's silence and flew over to him while encasing the forms in her magic to neatly pack away the papers. Jason glares at her while Chrysalis smiles. Jason tried to reach for the documents again, but Chrysalis pulled his hands to her hooves with her magic. "You know, it's no fun gloating all by myself,"

"...There's nothing to gloat about until after the trial,"

"Jason, at least try and humor me. Do you know how long I've wanted an advantage like this?"

"Chrysalis, I need to go over our evidence!"

"You need to relax. I can feel your hands shaking and your anxiety building. Between your memories and these papers, the trial - as you would say - is a lock,"

"Chrysalis. This trial needs to go well. It's the only way I can--"

"--I know. Jason. I promise you that everything will go well. They can scream and shout today, but tomorrow? They'll beg for your forgiveness,"

"...And I'll whisper no..."

[Canterlot Judicial Hall - First day of the trial.]

It's a rare sight when the courtroom is filled with this much activity. Ponies scampered about trying to get the best seats. The reporter ponies line the outer walls with the royal guards. The resident nobles of Canterlot made up the rows of spectators. Starlight and Spike sat closest to where the elements were on the defense side while the plaintiffs had yet to arrive. Princess Celestia is currently sitting in the middle of the judge's bench. Next to her on either side were Cadence and Luna, along with the other world leaders. With a burst of green light, Chrysalis and Jason appear in front of the door. Once again, the boos and jeers filled the room. Chrysalis puffs out her chest in mockery of the poor reception, while Jason is as stone-faced as ever. Unlike last time, the ponies knew better than to express their distaste for the pair through physicality. Jason and Chrysalis calmly walked to the plaintiff's stand as Jason set his papers down. The Gjallarhorn materializes next to him, and all the jeering and boos cease. Celestia sighs in disappointment at her ponies. It takes a magical artifact to bring order. Regardless, she steels herself and meets Jason's glare with an impassive one. She clears her throat as she speaks.

"I thank you all for attending this tribunal. As the offended party called this court session in Equestria, I will preside as the leading judge. Any questions?"

Twilight instantly raised her hoof. "Princess, in the interest of fairness, why are you presiding? Wouldn't that spark a potential conflict of interests?"

Celestia nods in understanding. "If this was a standard trial, then yes, but that is not the case for a tribunal. It is a meeting of the world leaders, who will also act as judges, to hear a grievance that could potentially affect their kingdoms. As such, these proceedings will be transmitted live to the other domains so that there is no fallacy or undermining of the ruling. Now, will the plaintiffs please announce their names, species and aim for calling this tribunal,"

"Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling. I've already stated my terms. This trial is all at the behest of my benefactor,"

All eyes fall on Jason Wright. "My name is Jason Wright of the human race. What I want is for those that wronged me to face the punishment of my choice regardless of their status!"

Many murmurs went off at the terms laid out. Some talked about what a human is, while others sneered at the ridiculousness and audacity of the strange new creature. "And you believe that the elements of Harmony have harmed a creature we've never seen or heard of before?" Celestia asks.

"Ah, there's that arrogance again. The elements can do no wrong. The elements are paragons of good. And everyone loves them!" Jason lets out a bitter chuckle. "You know what I discovered about those little trinkets? They spread falsehoods,"

"What do you mean?" Queen Novo asks.

"You might've been led to believe the elements of Harmony are forces of good. But that's not true. They are forces of balance. When one side tips too far in one direction, Harmony balances it out. Harmony mirrors chaos because it doesn't sway between good and evil."

"You seem to know a lot of artifacts that you couldn't possibly know without wielding them yourself. As a former bearer, I can tell you that your assessment is wrong," Celestia stamps her hoof down to emphasize her point. The gallery gave her applause while her entourage said some supporting words. However, Celestia felt a sliver of doubt at Jason's passionless look.

"My, my, Princess. I never know you to be so foolish and haughty. You are making this event all the more sweetie for me," Chrysalis taunted, earning her a round of boos.

"And you speak for all the past and present elements?" Jason asks. Celestia gave a curt nod. "Good. It's not just them. I wouldn't get too comfortable up there, your highness. You're not innocent either!"

"And what crimes have I committed against you?" The indignant tone was palpable within the solar Princess.

"Criminal negligence. A crime you have repeated multiple times during your rule and even more so recently. I know you doubt me when I say this, so let's start with the big one. A thousand years ago, when ponies embraced open tribalism and slavery, two alicorn sisters united the three tribes for the birth of Equestria. However, one sister was more cherished than the other. So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory that long was the shadow she cast," Jason smiled as every word made the normally unflinching Celestia's eyes go wide in shock. "But that shadow fell on the one you loved most. How long did it take you to notice your sister wasn't getting her due? A week? A month? A decade?"

"I-I-- No! How could--" Celestia stammers. Lullaby for a princess was insanely popular after its release. It was also widely considered how many relate Celestia's viewpoint about the birth of Nightmare and a favorite theory for how Celestia's mane became rainbow-colored. Judging by the reaction, the video was spot on with events of this world. "This is pure speculation! You were not there! You couldn't possibly know the events leading to--"

"--Nightmare Moon's birth? Everyone should know that by now. As for speculation? That's not possible with this thing!" Jason points to the Gjallarhorn. Although, the truth is more abstract to a degree. What Jason know is the truth of his world. It's only a happy coincidence that it lines up with this world's history. "If you want to dispute this, you can touch the horn and display what happened through your memories. Or, you can opt out and accept what's been said,"

"There is no need to accept anything! Becoming the Nightmare was my sin due to my jealousy!" Luna stated., coming to Celestia's defense.

"But, is that all, Princess? Did you honestly play no part in your sister's descent into madness?"

Celestia grimaced as she eyed the horn, which turned to face her. It was as if it was daring her to say anything but the truth. "I was self-absorbed back then. I was but a young, foolish little mare, barely into her adult years but responsible for the most prosperous up-and-coming kingdom. My subjects adored me, and I reveled in that adoration. But such is the way of the limelight. It sweetly takes hold of its host. I..." Celestia pauses as she gathers her thoughts. "I did not notice Princess Luna's alignments until a year after she petitioned to have the nights last longer," Celestia openly glares at Jason for reopening this wound. "The rest is ancient history now. Princess Luna returned as the elements cleansed her of Nightmare Moon, allowing us to make amends,"

Princess Celestia got up from the bench and walked to the Gjallarhorn. She places her hoof on it as it glows and projects the image of Luna cleansed of the Nightmare. "It has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister. Will you accept my friendship?"

The memory displays Princess Luna embracing Celestia in a hug. "I am so sorry!" Luna apologized. "I missed you so much, big sister,"

"I did as well," The memory ends with a tearful hug from the two sisters. The gallery erupts in sympathetic cries while the Judges nod in approval. "As you can see, now can we get to the real issue of your grievances? Are we going to continue to waste time?"

"Oh, we're just getting started," Jason said, prompting Celestia to arch a brow. "Since you brought this up, why didn't you apologize?"


"You did not apologize after your big reunion. Princess Luna did. But, your words at that moment were hardly an admission of guilt. You came from a position of moral superiority like you were owed an apology when both parties are at fault,"

Celestia steps back as she realizes how the memory looks. Her words did seem to come from the moral high ground rather than repentance. Sensing the mood shifting in the human's favor, Luna teleports to Celestia's side. "Enough. Anypony can see that the apology was implied. And princess Celestia has more than once asked forgiveness after my banishment. Such matters are private between siblings,"

"Except it wasn't private. Your sisterly quarrel had deadly implications for the world at large. But let's talk about your banishment. Another point to Celestia's negligence. Why did you banish your sister?" Jason asks.

"What kind of question is that?!" Luna stated, growing irritated now. "She did so to stop the Nightmare from plunging the world into eternal darkness!"

"I'm not asking about the motivation. I am asking why she chose to banish you to the moon," Luna's irritation vanished after that as she looked at her sister. "When you returned from your glorified time session, Twilight and her friends used the elements again to cleanse you. Why didn't Celestia free you herself?"

Celestia back peddles at Luna's questioning gaze. "W-We were in the middle of a battle. Nightmare Moon was relentless in her assault. There wasn't time to think properly!" Celestia argued.

"Yet, Twilight, a unicorn at the time - along with mere citizens - faced off against an alicorn! They were in significantly more danger than you were!"

"I had the help of my friends to see me through that! Princess Celestia was all alone!" Twilight defended.

"If an army of Breezies and a pony get into a fight, who would win?" Twilight recoils at that. "My question still stands. Or, maybe you wanted the throne to yourself?"

"No!" Celestia denies the claim vehemently. "I wanted the creature trying to kill me to disappear!"

"Tia..." Luna said in a small voice.

Celestia grimaces again at her choice of words. "I was scared, Luna. Everything was happening too fast!"

"You can't fault the Princess for something done in the spur of the moment!" Twilight counters. "A fight like that could go either way. I know that when we faced Nightmare Moon, she shattered the elements. If it weren't for the spark of friendship I got, then we would've lost!"

"And that brings me to my next point of the Princess's crime; why did the wise and brilliant Princess of the sun send you, her student, to deal with Nightmare Moon? Wouldn't it have been easier to properly prepare for Nightmare's return with an army of guards? You can't tell me she did not know Nightmare Moon was coming back!"

"Well..." Twilight pauses while looking at the horn. She didn't dare risk lying now. "I did notice the signs myself. And Princess Celestia said she knew Nightmare Moon was returning. But, the elements could only work with the spark of friendship that my friends and I possessed!"

"Yeah!!!" Rainbow stated.

"You tell him, Twilight!" Applejack supported.

"Indoably!" Rarity added.

"That's right!" Fluttershy said in a surprisingly firm tone.

"..." Pinkie remained quiet.

Jason crosses his arms at the empty platitudes. "So, the entirety of your success was nothing but a gamble on you making friends? Princess Celestia risked the entire world - millions of lives - on a pony who didn't have friends until that moment?"

"I-I had friends before then!"

"But, did you consider them friends? Did you hang out when they asked you? Did you go to their birthday parties or get together?" Jason could see it clearly in his head. The episode where Twilight ran away from Minuette and Lemon hearts to pursue her Nightmare Moon's second coming. How Twilight brushed off Moondancer's invitation for her studies. And judging from Twilight's shifting eyes and splayed ears, she thinks the same.


Jason smiled at the admittance as murmurs went off around him. This time, they were leaning toward his view. Some even began to look at Celestia a bit differently. "Let's say it had to be you and your friends. Let's say she did put the world's safety on faith in your ability to overcome being antisocial. Why wasn't she there with you to help tip the scales? If Nightmare Moon was trying to kill her, why wouldn't she try and kill you six? That's a sizable risk when her being with you would've given her backup she did not have before. Or, again, having an army to aid her while you six activate the elements,"

"I would like to hear this as well, Princess," Queen Novo suddenly spoke. "We feared the storm king because of his brutal tactics and unrelenting army. It took a large junk of our military force to retreat into the shores of Eris Peak. And Nightmare Moon was a far more significant threat! Where were you? Surely, Nightmare Moon appeared before you again to settle the score,"

That was going to be Jason's next question. But this was a good result. Now, others were beginning to cast doubt on Celestia's decision-making. Celestia looked like a deer in headlights before looking down in shame. "She did appear before me again. But I could not bring myself to fight with my sister. Not again. So, I allowed myself to be sealed on the moon by her. I did so so on the belief that my faithful student would succeed. And, to experience the fate, I subject my sister too as penance..."

Silence reigned over the court as no one knew how to process this information. Chrysalis was smiling ear to ear. She witnessed the pony's faith in their beloved leader crumble right before her eyes. Jason, however, scoffs; it isn't hard to see Celestia's flaws if you point them out. Regardless, it was time to close this line of questioning. "You know why the eternal night was so dangerous?

"Why?" Luna asks carefully. There was no longer any rightful anger in her tone.

"Because it would've killed the whole planet. The below-zero temperature wouldn't allow for any crops to grow. That's Bye-bye for all food sources for the ponies. All plant and animal life would've died out. So, the predators had no chance. And that is just the side of the planet with the moon. The other would've been burnt to a crisp from the sun's heat—a barren world of blistering heat and frigid cold. All those lives lost because of someone's else neglect,'

"No! It would not have been like that. Surely, with magic, a solution would've been found!" Luna tried to argue.

"And how long would that have taken before an untold amount of deaths? And that's considering your would-be subjects accept Nightmare Moon's usurpation of the crown?" Chrysalis chimed in; this line of questioning is too good to sit out on.

"ENOUGH!!!" Celestia bellows while flaring her wings. "Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I have taken things on faith when I could've been more prepared. But I am not a god. I never claimed to be one. Perhaps I am guilty of negligence. But I will not sit here and have you villainize my sister!!!"

"But, you did that! You villainized her when you created Nightmare night. How did that song go again, Chrysalis?"

"Something like this," Chrysalis horns projects an image at a Nightmare Night festival.

Every word of the projection made Celestia shrink away. "One has to wonder why you would do this to your sister, knowing how she would feel. Why, I didn't even know of Princess Luna since you so thoroughly removed her from history,"

Jason levels a glare at the solar Princess as she can provide no answer. "I wasn't trying to demonize your sister. I was pointing out your flaws. Your sins. And there's still a long list. If anything? Princess Luna is just as much of a victim as I am!" Jason looked directly at the Princess of the night as he said his following statement. "Although, I doubt I can call this mare Princess Luna,"

The courtroom did a double-take at that phrasing. "What kind of hooey are you spouting now?" Applejack said.

"Yes, of course, she's Princess Luna!" Twilight firmly said.

"Is she, though? Let's not forget that your little rainbow lasers hit her as Nightmare Moon. Then, she became small before regaining whatever magic to gain her current state. But, Princess Luna - regardless of her motivations - chose to become Nightmare Moon. She didn't get redeemed or convinced she was wrong. The elements saw Nightmare Moon as an imbalance. She tipped the scales of Harmony. So, they took whatever choice Nightmare Moon would've made away from her. And, this mare is the result,"

Princess was now as place as a ghost as she moved away from her sister and the elements, standing in the middle of the courtroom. "...No, I am me. I am!"

"Are you?" Jason pushed. "Don't you find it strange that you are thousands of years old yet barely taller than Princess Cadance? Nightmare Moon was at least at eye level with Princess Celestia. What if that was your mature state? But because her ideals were so radical, the element deemed a full blanking and personality shift was necessary. Do any of you understand how those trinkets work?"

"..." The silence was deafening despite no word uttering.

Jason shakes his head. "It must've been horrible up there on the moon, trapped for days without any means of contact. You probably had to use all your anger and hatred to stay sane. Then, you come back seeking your misguided justice, only to essentially die in all but your name,"

Princess Luna fell to her knees with her wings, and her ear splayed out in submission. Tears threatened to spill as Celestia held out a branch of comfort, but Luna shied away from it. "...I, as a result of this news, recluse myself as an acting judge. I must reflect on some things,"

"Lulu, wait--" Celestia's cries fell on deaf ears as Luna teleported away. Everyone stares at Luna's former position for some time before Celestia, with her mane covering her eyes, turns back to Jason. "What did my ponies or I ever do you to warrant this hatred?"

Jason stared into Celestia's magenta, sorrowful eyes as they held an undercurrent of hate. Without taking his eyes off hers, Jason touches the Gjallarhorn, and a new memory plays out. The courtroom gasps out as the image displays Celestia standing with Jason Wright at the train station. He was slightly younger and dressed in a black jacket, red undershirt, and blue jeans. His appearance was much cleaner than the current dark robe he is wearing now. His hair was combed over neatly, and there was no scarring or blind eye. He looked happy, a far cry from his current stoic demeanor. The two in the memory were conversing, leaving the courtroom speechless.

"You know, I'm nervous. My hands won't stop shaking,"

"Oh? Well, if your hands need something to occupy themselves, my ears are more than up to the task," Jason, in the memory, leans in and scratches behind Celestia's ears as she sighs contently. "If you lead with this, I am sure no mare would resist you,"

"Haha, a bit early for that. But, still, I'm about to meet my heroes. I don't know what to say. It feels like I got butterflies doing gymnastics in my stomach,"

"I am sure a particular mare might help with your shyness. Don't fret, Jason Wright. Ponyville is the friendship capital of Equestria; after all,"

"Did you make that official, or is that just a saying?"

Celestia tilts her head up playfully in thought. "I can't say. I'm not the Princess of Friendship. But, all the same, Twilight and her friends will welcome you just as I have. Don't forget to Wright," Celestia winks at her little pun.

"Later, Princess Sunbutt," Jason waves as the two share another laugh while Jason broads the train.

The memory fades as Celestia struggles to find words. "W-What was that!?"

"That was when you saw me off to Ponyville three years ago..."

"Wait! You met this human before?" Ember asks.

"I-Impossible! We met two days ago. I-I don't remember..." Suddenly, Celestia went weak in her knees. The Gjallarhorn glows briefly as an aura of magic burst from Celestia. The ponies all shrieked in alarm, but the magic dispersed as quickly as it came, with Celestia's eyes still clear and cutie marks still present. The Princess of the sun shook off the cobwebs and looked at Jason in a new and familiar light. Whatever was clouding her mind was now gone as she whispered his name. "...Jason Wright? I remember now! W-what happened to you?"

"Hey, Princess Sunbutt," Celestia remembered that little observation. But, there was no joy or upbeat tone in the delivery. "You asked why I am doing this. Why am I so different? Why do I hate you and your ponies?" Jason walks to the center of the room, still keeping his eyes on Celestia as he pulls down his robe. Several things happened once the robes hit the ground. Most of the gallery screamed in horror. Others fainted on the spot. Jason heard the gasp of the leaders behind him as he did complete three sixty turns. Jason's body was a road map of pain. The scarring over his left eye traveled down the left side of his torso, left arm, and lower back. A purple and black discoloration of skin stared angrily over his right abdomen. And several more minor welts and bruises decorated his upper right pectoral and right arm. Each injury had its tale as Celestia traces Jason's frame. Her hoof flew to her muzzle in horror as Jason spoke in a bitter and broken tone. "The answer to your question is straightforward, Princess. You left me alone with them!"