• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 893 Views, 25 Comments

War of the worlds. - Glitched Grim

Equestria is invaded by the Martians of the Red planet.

  • ...

The Ponyville massacre.

Author's Note:

Hey! finally the third chapter…..

I’m so sorry this took forever. I’ll make sure future chapters come out quicker, but I probably won’t guarantee it. Also could some of you kindly give me a name for the guard please? It took me awhile to come up with Emberlane but I cant seem to come up with a good name for the guard, so please comment it and a will choose one, or don’t….your choice.

Also I apologize if there’s already a canon character or an OC with the name Ember, I’m just coming up with characters and names *SNAPS* just like that, so take these names and descriptions with a grain of salt.



Luna was walking down one of many hallway’s in the Canterlot castle, she was going to ask her sister something but was informed by one of the guards the Celestia was currently in her room, “in her room? What could she be in there for, it’s not exactly time to go to sleep yet” she wondered out loud, so she decided to go to her sisters room because of her “curiosity” when in reality she just wanted to just because, however when she got there she heard something odd, a secondary voice and by listening a little more the voice seems to belong to a male creature, “are you sure this is a good plan?” The male voice spoke in a questioning tone, “yes i’am sure of it, I can’t have my little ponies catch sight of you or your kind” said a much more familiar voice….aka Celestia, wait why can’t their kind be seen? Another question appeared in her mind, wait..their kind? Does that mean another creature is in there? If so then who are they and why can’t they be seen? Before she could come up with another thought she heard the voice say something else, “alright if you say so, but if there’s anything causing trouble you know how to contact us, but remember only if ABSOLUTELY necessary” it said making sure the “absolutely” part was well heard for Celestia, “I will remember, don’t you worry” Celestia said in that commonly reassuring tone of hers, “alright just making sure, I’ll see you whenever you need us” and just like that she heard a sparkling sound and then a poof sound, Luna decided it was a good time to knock on the door.

“Who’s there?” Celestia asked on the other side.

“It’s me sister” Luna confirmed.

“Oh Luna! Please come in” Celestia said on the other side.

After getting permission to do so Luna walked in, making sure to close the door behind her.

“What brings you here Luna?” Celestia asked.

“I was going to check on you, but I heard another voice, who was it?” Luna asked.

It seemed that after this question Celestia’s mind began racing until ending it off with what sounded like a defeated sigh.

“Fine I’ll tell you, you deserve to know after along time” Celestia said, why Celestia was acting like Luna asked this question multiple times in the past was all her guess.

“Deserve to know what?” Luna asked.

“Sister….have you heard of the human’s?” Celestia asked



Starshine was still running to Ponyville, she feared what would happen at that town which caused her to run even faster which was beginning to hurt her hooves at this point but she didn’t care, she wanted to get Everypony to safety before the horrid inevitable, the lack of sound she heard from the tripod was beginning to increasingly concern her, she kept thinking that she was already to late and the tripod already made it to Ponyville but instead what she saw surprised her.

Ponyville was still normal, and by normal I mean not in total chaos, you know, no ponies running around in every direction while every house is in flames burning to a crisp, while the tripod victoriously stands above it all, silently watching it all ensue, no what she DID see was ponies who managed to survive the first attack run out of the Everfree with her in an equal state of panic and fear, Everypony in the town looked at all of them with a look of both confusion and extreme worry, but that was when Starshine saw a familiar face and a close friend, Rose, no not the rose you’re all familiar with, no a different rose, this rose had a pure white Coat (like redhearts) and a blood red mane and tail and her cutie mark strangely being what looked to be like a….portal? Yeah I’m not going to ask either.

“Hey Starshine…why is Everypony acting so scared?” Rose asked with a mostly confused tone with a little bit of worry.

“Rose we need to warn Everypony NOW” Starshine demanded.

“Woah, woah hold on I still have so many questions right now, like for example..WHY IS EVERYPONY RUNNING OUT SCREAMING LIKE THEY SAW GHOSTS?! And why are there only five ponies coming out at a time? There were like 15 of you in that forest COUNTING twilight and her friends!” It seemed like Rose was about to continue her jumble of questions but Starshine quickly put a hoove to her face.

“I’ll answer your questions later, but first we need to get Everypony out of Ponyville to a place more safe!” Starshine said.

“Ok fine, what’s your plan? I mean it’s not like the entirety of Ponyville is gonna listen to just the two of us, and last time a checked twilight and her friends haven’t come back so it’s not like they can do or say anything.” Rose stated.

“Ok fine” Starshine admitted, “I may not have a plan, but we need to come up with something QUICKLY, we don’t have much time” Starshine exclaimed with a hurried tone, Rose had no idea what her friend was talking about, but thanks to Starshines face of fear she decided to save the questions for later, because for some reason, some dangerous threat is upon them, which was the first thing she assumed.

Rose could only guess what it was, but it had to be a REAL threat if it was causing this much panic….great now she has a sense of dread she can’t get rid of, wonderful am I right? Surprisingly enough Starshine and Rose ran all the way to the train station, Starshine appeared to be quickly counting all the cars the train had and realized there were enough cars for the remaining ponies of Ponyville, if only they knew….

Starshine proceeded to rapidly look around until she found what she was looking for, a ticket booth, strangely enough what appeared to be a guardsmare was also making her way towards the booth, ‘a royal guard? Why is she going for the booth can’t she fly?’ Starshine thought.

“Hey you!” Starshine yelled

“Hm? Oh hello!” The guard said, greeting them in a strangely cheerful tone, ‘shouldn’t she know what happened?’ Starshine thought. “Getting tickets as well, Canterlot I’m assuming?” The guard said.

“Yes Yes! We need to get to Canterlot now like RIGHT NOW” Starshine exclaimed

“Hey wait a second” Rose said, “why are you taking the train? Aren’t you a Pegasus?” Rose asked.

“Yeah well you see, I recently injured my right wing.” The guard said, showing her bandaged right wing, “about a day ago to be precise” the guard revealed. “And thanks to that fact, I now have to take the train”.

“I can imagine how time wasting that was for you.” Rose said.

“Oh you couldn’t imagine!” The guard exclaimed.

“Um girls?” Starshine said getting the other’s attention. “I’d love to have this chat, but we can’t right now, we need to get Everypony on this train so we can evacuate to Canterlot.” Starshine said.

“HA! I knew you were going to Canterlot!” The guard said in triumph. “Wait…..why are we evacuating?” The guard questioned, she didn’t get any specific orders to evacuate Everypony, so why is this civilian telling her this?

“Well let me put this in the most calm and polite way possible…*GASP*…THERE IS A GIANT THREAT THATS COMING HERE AND ITS GONNA KILL US ALL IF WE DONT LEAVE!” Starshine said rather politely.

“Whoa whoa slow down there, a giant threat?” Rose asked, she knew the threat levels was big but she didn’t know it would be literal. However before Starshine could say anything, a groan from what sounded like a mare made itself known inside the booth, arose what looked liked to be said mare, the mare having a bright orange mane and tail while having red coat. Judging from the bags under her eyes it became clear that she just woke up.

“Alright what’s goin— didn’t they see me sle—“ the mare appeared to be mumbling most of what she was saying, however it wasn’t until she looked at the three that she finally said something clearly.

“You three need something?” The booth mare said with her voice oblivious filled with the ‘I don’t want to be here right now’ tone. The three looked at the booth mare until the mare spoke again, “you need something or not?” The booth mare said now sounding like she’s getting annoyed with the lack of answers, Starshine decided to be the first to speak.

“Hello my name is Starshine, this is Rose, and this is…” she was going to introduce the guard but the guard silently declined the introduction. “And you are?” Starshine said clearly asking for the mares name.

“Names Emberlane, but you can call me ember for short, now do you need something?” Emberlane said sounding like she’s trying to end the conversation in the quickest way possible. But of course that wasn’t going to happen.

“Alright” Starshine said looking over at the guard, “you’re a guardsmare right?” The guard nodded her head, “that means if you order Everypony to get on this train, they will follow suit or something?” Starshine said, the guard giving her a reassuring look but also a questioning one.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure they’ll listen to me, but what exactly do you want me to tell them or better yet why do you want me to tell em?”


“Because of what I’ve been saying, there is a threat upon us!” Starshine said sounding like she expected the guard to know everything. But of course that wasn’t the case.

“Yea but what am I supposed to tell them?, that there is a threat coming to kill us all, because if you don’t give me a clear description of said threat, the civilian’s will probably not believe me.”

“I don’t have time to give you a clear description!”


“Well then just give her a small description.” Rose said not looking at Starshine or the guard, but rather she was looking amongst the crowed of ponies like she was looking for somepony.

“Fine! The threat has three legs and is 150 ft tall! There you have your description now TELL THEM!” Starshine said exclaiming the last part but not with a demanding tone but rather both a desperate one and a pleading one.


“Alright there ya go, now we can evacuate for some reason that involves a 150 ft tall three legged thing..” Emberlane wasn’t sure whether to believe it or not but she had to admit, a giant three legged monster was a kinda scary thought.


Rose was started to get agitated by the fact the she seemed to be the only one to notice the massive stomping sounds along with the ground rumbling, indicating that something BIG was getting close by the second, finally Rose shouted at them.



Everypony immediately shut the hell up as the massive blaring war-horn came to a stop, even Emberlane was jolted from her exhaustion and was immediately wide awake, as Emberlane slowly walked outside the ticket booth joining the trio outside all four of them slowly looked to the town and saw…

A giant

150 ft tall

Three legged


They and the rest of Ponyville all stared at the thing for what felt like a minute until finally…


The two arms on the side’s of its head finally shot beams of neon light, torching and destroying structures and disintegrating ponies left and right turning them to ash, it didn’t take long for the guardsmare as she quickly went into action, picking her spear she quickly got into her battle stance and was about to throw her spear but was stopped by a certain hoof.

“NO! You cant fight that thing!” Starshine yelled, “we need to get Everypony onto this train NOW!” Starshine pleaded, after hesitating the guard finally made the decision.

“EVERYPONY! EVACUATE TO THE TRAIN NOW HURRY!” The guard yelled, and soon a crowed of ponies made their way to the train, one by one they got on the train, Starshine and the guard looked and saw a total of 16 ponies inside, and no more ponies came, so they decided to get in themselves, but Starshine stopped as she saw Rose paralyzed with fear, she called out her name and waved a hoove in front of her face quickly snapping her friend out of the daze, once Rose snapped out of it she quickly followed Starshine inside the train.

The guardsmare ran through the cars of the train before reaching the driver of the train, he also seemed to be paralyzed with fear while watching the carnage being displayed before him, but the guard had other ideas.

“You! Get the train running through the secret passage NOW!” The guard ordered.

“We can’t use the secret passage, unless somepony pull’s that lever out there!” The driver said.

The guard thought until Ember came in.

“Can someone please explain why we aren’t moving?!” Emberlane yelled questioningly. And suddenly the guard had an idea, and a risky one at that.

“Ember I need you to pull that lever out there, if you do the tracks will turn in a direction leading us to the secret passage, do you think you can do it?” Emberlane had gears turning in her head, she thought about it until she finally came to a conclusion.

“I’ll do it” and just like that she ran out as fast as she could and went for the lever, she reached the lever and pulled as hard as she could, she kept pulling and pulling with the tripod’s destruction constantly going off in the back, and finally she pulled it completely and the tracks moved into the direction of the secret passage, she turned to see if the tripod was anywhere and found it looking the other direction completely, most likely ‘busy’.

Emberlane quickly ran back onto the train, doors closing behind her as the train started moving immediately, as the train turned the windows darkened as it entered the tunnels of the secret passage, the sounds of death and destruction behind them becoming more quieter and quieter until it was impossible to hear unless you listened very closely, Emberlane moved through the car she was in and eventually found the trio of ponies sitting on a single seat, as the guard noticed Ember she moved slightly to give room for Ember, with Ember kindly taking the offer, as she sat down multiple thoughts crossed her mind until she finally spoke, “what in Tartarus just happened? It all happened so quick I couldn’t keep up, we were talking, and then that THING appeared and just started killing…” Emberlane couldn’t finish that sentence as tears began to form but never falling out as she resisted the urge, “what even was that thing anyway? It didn’t resemble anything I’ve seen in my lifetime!” She didn’t get an answer, not even the guard would speak.

Emberlane looked through the car and saw more ponies, each and every one of them all filled with the faces of terror and dread, the one group that caught her eye was what looked to be a single mother and her kids, a filly and a colt, both whimpering despite the mother trying her hardest to calm them down and comfort them, ironically she was practically whimpering herself, she couldn’t blame her though, after what they’ve just been through the mother could bawl her eyes out and she still wouldn’t be surprised, however a certain pegasus on her left beat the mother to it.

She turned to her left and saw Starshine sobbing up a small waterfall with Rose comforting her, she looked to the guard, the only thing the guard could think of was give her a sympathetic look and gently pat her on the back, Rose noticed this.

“Sorry she’s just very sensitive” Rose said trying to lighten the mood, but she realized that the candle already burnt out long ago so there was no need to.

Emberlane looked back to the guard, she was going to ask for her name but stopped herself from doing so, feeling like it wasn’t an appropriate time to do so, eventually she had nowhere else to look but the floor, she kept thinking about the tripod invading canterlot what would they do then? Of course Canterlot is filled with royal guards so if Canterlot were to go down it wouldn’t without a fight, after all it’s just one right?

I mean there can’t be more than one right………..right?