• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 893 Views, 25 Comments

War of the worlds. - Glitched Grim

Equestria is invaded by the Martians of the Red planet.

  • ...

The shooting star.

Author's Note:

Just to clarify to all of you if you’re wondering, no this is not the original H.G Well’s story but with ponies, this is my original Wotw story that takes place in the MLP: FIM universe, and yes it will ofc include our lovable tripod’s, also this is my first time using the mane 6 characters, so please tell my in the comments if there are any inaccuracies, that will be all, feel free to criticize but DON’T BE MEAN ABOUT IT.

The Shooting Star.

It was late at night, most of the ponies in ponyville were either asleep or about to be, but one particular pony just couldn’t find a way for herself to get to sleep, there was this nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen, but she couldn’t figure out why. Because seriously what was going to happen that was SOO bad the she had a gut feeling about it, she still didn’t know and she was losing sleep, so she decided that looking at the stars with her telescope was a slightly good idea, but little did she know that doing so would confirm her gut feeling about some horrible unforeseen events…ok not really, but it would confirm why her gut feeling even existed in the first place.

She went to her attic and started locating her trusty telescope and found it by a nearby pile, “Wow has it really been that long since last time I used it?” She thought out loud to herself, yes it had actually been that long since she used it, two years to be exact, every since she moved out of her parents house she decided to take the telescope with her simply because that very telescope was a big part of her childhood, she and her dad would stare at the stars with it for a few hours until her father would decide it was time to go to bed, and now after two years she’s finally gonna use it again.

To be honest she would be a bit more excited if it wasn’t the most boring time for “Star-Watching” as her dad called it, nothing but a couple of flickering stars here and there, like come on! Where are the extra bright stars! Where are the SHOOTING stars! Over time she decided if nothing happened for the next 2-3 minutes she would give up and go to bed, but that’s when she remembered that going to bed was the reason why she was doing this in the first place, stupid energy making her forget! It’s been two minutes and she is about to head off, until… “wait a minute..what is..that?!”, she said, what she was indeed looking at was a bright green shooting star, the reason why she was surprised was because in her years of star-watching she only seen white or blue shooting stars, but this one…this one is bright green!

“What in Celestia’s name are you?” She said with pure confusion and with a little pinch of curiosity, not only was the thing bright green, but the fact it was getting brighter was also a bit confusing, but then it just got brighter…and brighter…and brighter, until she realized why…the thing was hurdling towards their planet! That’s when she started to panic, where was it hurdling towards to?! How big was it?! Was it a meteorite or an asteroid?! But before she could come up with another panicked thought, all of a sudden…..


She then realized that whatever that was, had just made it’s collision, she was about to look out her window and investigate, but she then started thanking celestia for the fact that all they got was a shockwave, a big one at that but still just a shockwave and not the mere apocalyptic destruction of their world, she finally looked out her window and noticed a bright orange glow along with smoke coming out of the infamous Everfree forest, she then concluded that whatever it was had made it’s impact in the forest.

She also noticed that she was no longer the only one awake now, and that other ponies were now beginning to investigate the crash site, well at least she wasn’t going in alone, so as quickly as she could she dashed out of her house and joined the crowed of ponies that were as equally confused and terrified (if not down right) about what just happened, but little did they know that the more they trotted over to the crash site, the more closer they were to their impending doom.

When she got to the crowed she not only had noticed that the mane 6 were with the crowed but also three royal guards, 2 staillions and 1 mare, they seem to be leading the crowed into the direction of the crash site, the guardsmare seem to be a little scared by looking into her eyes but still had a little bravery as she and the other two guards continued to lead, she started to feel the gut feeling again that something bad was about to happen, but she ignored it mostly out of curiosity (first mistake) and continued with the crowed, while she proceeded with the crowed she started to hear ponies making up theory’s as they went along.

“What do you think it is?”

“Is it aliens?”

“No it can’t be aliens, they don’t exist!”

“Well what do you think it is?”

“Probably some stray meteorite”

The conversation was starting to get ridiculous so she didn’t listen any further and continued to wherever the crowed was being led to, it took 15 minutes to get close to it, and for some unknown reason the Everfree forest was oddly quiet save for the chitchatting of some of the ponies in the crowed, she brushed it off thinking it was because the impact of whatever this is scared the creature’s off. They had finally made it to the source of the crash, and the crater it caused was big like REALLY big, it didn’t take long for her to start questioning a million things along with other ponies, the first thought that came to mind was “how in Tartarus did this things impact only cause a mere shockwave?!” She thought to herself, and by the shocked look of the other ponies faces she automatically guessed that they thought the same thing to.

While they kept talking one of the guard’s yelled to all of them, “Quiet all of you!”, the guard yelled, “listen…” the guard told them a bit quieter this time, they all listened and tried to hear whatever the guard had told them to listen to, and then they heard it, it was coming from under the ground and despite being muffled because of it she and the others knew it was a machine, something from it started moving and then she heard a hissing sound and kept hearing more things moving and hissing and while this is happening some wind starts picking up out of nowhere, but then the fifth and final hiss goes off beneath them and then nothing, the wind becomes more aggressive as it can get and they finally start looking to see what’s causing this, it takes a couple of seconds until they finally look up and see that a storm cloud has managed to form without any of them noticing.

And then a lightning bolt hits the ground about 20 or so times before stoping abruptly, after nearly getting a heart-attack from the first strike by being jump-scared to oblivion, she and the other ponies move up to the crater once again but cautiously this time, when the look into the crater again they realize that little to nothing changed…aside from the fact that a giant ass crater is in front of them, as their trying to look for any changes they start to feel something….something familiar…the ground is starting to shake, after this sudden occurrence the crowed began to panic.

“What’s going on?!”

“I don’t bucking know!”

“I don’t remember any reports about earthquakes!”

“Everypony stay calm!”


As the crowed continues to panic a tree gets thrown out of the crater, catching the crowed’s attention rather quickly as it began to fall right for them, they quickly scrambled trying to get out of its way, as the tree collided to the ground the crowed quickly put their attention back to the crater as more things got flung out of it, from rocks to sticks to more trees to just plain dirt, it seemed as time went on things made less sense. Bright green meteorites or astroids (they still didn’t know), small earthquakes and storm clouds that appear out of nowhere, lightning that strikes in the same place 20 times, debris getting flung out of giant ass crater’s, WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!

The ground was shaking more violently then before, with the ground starting to break open, trees swaying to the left and to the right, the crowed of ponies now scrambling like a bunch of ants now more terrified than confused, the shaking begins to die down but doesn’t stop, the crater has collapsed and is now filled with dirt and debris, everypony backs away from the crater after everything that’s happened, and then (quote of the day) all of a sudden the dirt and debris rises quickly catching the crowds attention, then it proceeds to go back down as quickly as it rose causing an explosion of dirt, what happens next catches the crowd off guard rather quickly, a giant tentacle like leg rises up from the debris & dirt filled crater and what appears to be its foot steps onto the ground and proceeds to rise again and stomps on the ground more forcefully this time.

Then on the left a second leg rises and a third leg behind the first two, they do the same as the first leg, the second and third leg forcefully stomp on the ground and then they just….stop. The two royal guards along with the crowed move up to the legs as silently as possible, one of the guards is able to look into the crater and notices the pile of dirt still remaining inside of it, she then looks closer…and closer and stops when she realizes something, the dirt is beginning to rise again and more slowly this time, but this time…..it’s not stopping.