• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 894 Views, 25 Comments

War of the worlds. - Glitched Grim

Equestria is invaded by the Martians of the Red planet.

  • ...

The Tripod.

The dirt kept rising slowly with no sign of stopping, the three legs still remaining idle with ponies watching with curious eyes, it seemed any remaining fear was no longer present within the crowed as they continued to watch, the two royal guards backed up quickly as they and the other ponies slowly started hearing the sound of something powering up as the pile of dirt starting rising, not only in height but in speed to, as the dirt kept rising now starting to rise above the crater, the dirt slid off revealing something underneath, that something being the source of the legs.

A giant machine, with each inch it passed as it rose the machine managed to look bigger every second, that’s when the ponies started to run in the opposite direction, constantly looking back every second, when they did they kept seeing it rise and rise AND RISE! Until it stopped, when it stopped so did the ponies, when they stopped to look back at the machine, they were mixed between awe, shock, and horror when they saw the full height, the damn thing was taller then the Everfree forest! By looking closely, some ponies figured out to their horror that the three legged machine was 150 ft tall! It was almost colossal to them, but before they could do anything else, the machine proceeded to emit a horrible war-horn that sounded like it could be heard from miles! Everypony immediately flinched when the sound went off, however immediately right after the horn went off, steam came out of the both sides of the machines head followed by what looked to be two arms coming out of both sides of the head as well, as if the machine materialized the arms in thin air.

While this is happening, a pegasus mare by the name of Starshine was watching it all unfold upon her very eyes, calculating every single little movement the machine made almost as if her life depended on it, little did she know that statement wouldn’t be to far from the truth, but she quickly averted her eyes towards an earth pony mare who seemed to have a camera, ‘she must be ponyville’s photographer’ Starshine thought to herself, after she quickly noted the bravery of the mare for being that close to the machine, she quickly looked back to the machine- ok she was getting tired of calling it machine every gosh damn time, she needed to think of a name but not now, she continued looking at the machine seeing it pulling out its arms, then she started hearing a noise, a noise not all that familiar but she still slightly understood what it meant.

Something was powering up or charging up, when she heard it she almost automatically knew the arms had something to do with this sound, it as if something clicked in her mind like a lightbulb turned on while hovering over her head, but something came back to her, a feeling of dread, a feeling that is telling her to get out of there and run as far as she can before something HORRIBLE ensues, but she could not find herself to move, it was like some apparition was paralyzing her to stay in this very position, she looked at the photographer mare as she held up her camera, the charging sound the machine emitted was reaching its peak, the mare took a single photo with a quick flash, and just like that…the machine reached its peak.


In just a blink of an eye, a beam of neon light struck the mare turning her into ash leaving nothing but her camera behind, any feeling of paralyzation got thrown to the void and Starshine BOLTED in the opposite direction as well as the other ponies, left and right beams of neon light kept flickering as pony after pony after pony turned to ash in mere seconds, the machine just stood there as it individually picked each of the ponies off one by one, Starshine was at the point of tears, she had never felt this much fear since the canterlot invasion from the changelings, this..this THING was different, unlike the changelings which feed off of love, this machine was actively KILLING EVERYTHING IT SAW.

Starshine kept running with tears in her eyes, she looked to her left and saw a quick neon beam shoot at the forest, no doubt originally targeting ponies, causing half of the forest to set a blaze and causing Starshine to start running faster almost to the point of sprinting, the more she kept running the more everything around started to fall apart, quite literally in fact, now she saw nothing but burning tree’s, heard nothing but the sounds of screaming ponies running for their dear life, with most being unsuccessful in the process, Starshine decided to hide behind a rock praying to celestia herself that she wouldn’t be seen by this machine, but that’s when a thought struck her, ‘does Celestia know about this?’ She thought to herself, but her thoughts were cut short when she started hearing a sound that started to repeat itself, she risked her safety by looking behind the rock and towards where the machine was.

The machine started to walk, the sound it was creating was ominous, repetitive, and dreadful, at least that’s how Starshine saw it, it continued to move across the forest looking for more ponies to torch, that’s when a magical beam came out of nowhere and hit the machine on the head, the magic bounced off of it like it was just shot at with a wooden bow! It INSTANTLY looked at the direction where it was shot at and yep, her fears were true, it was the three royal guards trying their absolute hardest to fight and kill it, the second she saw the magic bounce off of it she new it was a lost cause, and sure enough..a single zap and a few screams were all it took to prove that, she noticed that the fire was getting close to her so she decided while it wasn’t looking she would dash to somewhere more safe and warn Everypony else of the machine.

But she then started to finally think of a name for it, but not just for the sake of it, but rather a name that Everypony could know so they could know what to say when one arrived, and she finally came with a conclusion, Tripod was going to be its name from now on, as she was looking around to see if the tripod was still in the forest she noticed the mane 6 going down a certain route in a certain direction, a direction she knew all to well, they were going to Canterlot most likely to inform Princess Celestia of the tripod, so that we could possibly defeat it, but then she started wondering something, why weren’t they going to Ponyville first? It’s closer and since the town is smaller, it would not only be easier but quicker, but not even a single half of the mane 6 we’re going to Ponyville, nope they were all going to Canterlot, which but the job on Starshine.

She now knew what her mission was, she had to get there as fast as possible, to warn Ponyville, to evacuate citizens, and most importantly…

To prevent a massacre.

Author's Note:

Another day, another chapter! Despite the fact it’s one day late, I tried to get this out as soon as possible, so sorry guys. However I also got my internet back so I no longer have to use a hotspot! And if your wondering: yes these are the 2005 tripods from Spielberg, and Starshine is the name of my OC, guess I should put the tag somewhere up there, but anyways thanks for reading and have a good day, feel free to criticize but DON’T BE MEAN ABOUT IT!