• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,843 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

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Yamanouchi Team Up

One night at a prison, inside a jail cell a Japanese teenage boy sat on his bed brooding. On the walls were carvings of Ron Stoppable with strikes through lethal points on his body. Suddenly the lights in the jail went dark putting him on alert. He heard the sounds of guards being knocked out and dragged away. He heard his cell door get unlocked and opened. He looked seeing the ones who released him were three monkeys wearing black ninja garments. The figure in the cell got up to reveal to be Fukushima who smirked wickedly.

Outside the jail, Fukushima and the three monkey ninjas waited on the roof, until they looked back seeing more monkey ninjas and with them, Monkey Fist.

“It's about time you sprung me,” Fukushima began, “I was beginning to think you'd leave me for dead.”

Monkey Fist smiled, “Well, I have a new plan in mind, and I could use your assistance once more, Fukushima.”

“If it means getting revenge on the outsider who beat me, I am in.” the boy smirked.

“Oh, they'll be plenty of time for that I assure you. But for my plan to succeed we'll need something from the school.” Monkey Fist explained.

“And that would be?”

“All will be explained, but I must warn you when word reaches Ron Stoppable it will for all we know attract the attention of Kim Possible.”

“I am not afraid of that outsider or that teenage heroine I've heard about.” Fukushima replied.

“Maybe not, but they won't be alone.”

“How so?”

“I've learned from an acquaintance of mine Stoppable has new friends with him. Ninja friends.” Monkey Fist warned the boy.

“I doubt these ninjas are any match for me.” Fukushima said skeptically.

“You'd be surprised. For these ninjas I've been told of belong to the Hamato Clan.”

Fukushima gasped, “It can't be! The Hamato Clan is extinct!”

“Not quite. It is still alive, and from what my acquaintance has told me they are formidable fighters.”

“I see.” Fukushima said with his head down.

“But fear not. For with our skills and my legion of monkey ninjas we will make the Hamato Clan go extinct.” Monkey Fist promised as he began laughing which started sounding like insane monkey hooting.

The next day at Ron's place, the gang was sitting around watching Mikey and Ron compete in videogames.

“I almost got it, I almost got it!” Ron said with determination before losing, “Oh, man!” he groaned.

“Oh yeah boy, I owned you!” Mikey boasted as he stood proudly.

Kim patted her friend's shoulder, “Sorry, Ron, you've lost this round.”

“This isn't over.” Ron promised, as he was ready for another round.

“I can't believe there's someone just as hung up on videogames as Mikey or even you Sunset.” Raph told the group.

“Even I'm amazed.” Sunset admitted.

Just then, April put her hand on her head, sensing something, “April, what is it?” Donnie asked, as all eyes were on her.

April whispered, “Guys, we're not alone in here.”

“My parents?” Ron asked wondering if his parents were home early.

“I don't think so.” Raph said.

The ninjas had their weapons at the ready, waiting for something to happen. Then Shinigami felt something behind her, so she threw her chain and out from the shadows came a ninja.

“Who are you and what are you doing here!?” Raph demanded.

The ninja stood in silence. Raph then charged at them to attack, but the ninja blocked Raph and threw him over their shoulder.

“Ok, that's stupid.” Raph groaned.

“Get 'em!” Rainbow announced, as the ninjas began fighting the intruder.

“Careful! Careful, don't break anything or my mom won't let me hear the end of it!” Ron cried, as he tried to make sure nobody knocked over anything fragile.

Applejack and Rarity tried to grab the intruder but the ninja fought both of them before clonking their heads together.

“Oh, that's going to leave a mark!” Rarity rubbed her head.

Blade frowned and attacked the ninja head on, “You're certainly skilled. But I don't go down easily.” he thrust his fists forward knocking the ninja back.

Karai jumped forward and pulled off the mask, revealing a young Asian teenager, one who Kim and Ron recognized.

“Yori?!” Ron gasped, “Guys, back off, she's a friend!”

The ninjas ceased their fighting and looked between Ron and the ninja now known as Yori, “She is?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, she is.” Kim confirmed.

Ron and Yori hugged each other, “Stoppable-san, it is good to see you again.”

“Thanks, Yori. But listen, I know you're a ninja and all, but... you could've just used the door.”

Yori chuckled, “Oh Ron, you and your American jokes.”

The group looked at each other on confusion, as Ron tried to shine some light on things, “Guys, this is Yori, a friend from the...”

Yori spoke up, “The Yamanouchi Ninja School,” she looked seeing Ron and Kim shocked she would openly say that, “I know it's secret but these people have proven themselves to be trusted with the secret.”

Applejack spoke up, “Now wait an apple-picking minute, there's a secret ninja school?”

“Pretty much. I was a temporary student there.” Ron answered.

“What, and you're just telling us this now!?” Raph asked loudly.

“Sorry, but I took an oath to not tell anyone, not even Kim at first. But circumstances forced me to tell her.”

“Believe me, I was surprised when I found out.” Kim admitted.

Ron decided to continue introductions, “Yori, these are my friends who're also ninjas... There's Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael.”

“How's it goin'?” Mikey greeted only to get smacked in the back of the head by Raph.

“Then we have April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, and Shinigami.”

“Those were some impressive moves.” Karai admitted to Yori.

“Thank you, you all weren't so bad either.” Yori admitted.

“And these girls are from Canterlot City,” Ron continued, “Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.”

“Nice to meetcha!” Pinkie smiled brightly, making Yori giggle.

Blade approached, “And I am Blade Swipe, you truly make for a worthy opponent.”

Leo approached and bowed his head to Yori, “It's an honor to meet you Yori."

“You too, Leonardo-San.” she replied.

Just then a light appeared above them and then an old man appeared floating down. The sight made Mikey scream with the CMC.

“Old man ghost!” the four cried.

“Sensei!” Ron gasped.

“Sensei?” the ninjas gasped.

“Greetings Stoppable-San, Kim Possible." the old man greeted.

Ron smiled, “Great to see you again sensei,” he turned to the others, “Guys, this is my teacher and the head of the Yamanouchi Ninja School, Master Sensei.”

Leo spoke up, “Greetings, Master Sensei. It's a pleasure to meet you.” he bowed his head.

Sensei nodded, “It is. But I was not expecting ninjas, who judging by your fighting style, are of the Hamato Clan.” the others were surprised he knew.

“Yes, our father was the last master of the clan, Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi.” Leo explained.

“Hamato Yoshi,” Sensei began sounding nostalgic, “I remember him when he was a young boy. I was good friends with his father, Hamato Yuuta.”

“Whoa, you knew our father and grandfather?” Mikey asked.

Sensei nodded, “Yes, your Grandfather and I trained together. Then I went on to train at the school and Yuuta would fulfill his duties as head of the Hamato Clan.”

“So if you knew our father, then did you also know...” Donnie began.

“Yes, Oroku, Saki,” Sensei confirmed, “During my various visits to the Hamato clan dojo, I had watched Yoshi and Saki train and compete. They were the best of friends, and yet rivals as well. But every time I always felt there was a darkness in Saki's heart.”

“No denying that.” Karai replied.

“So tell me, how has the Hamato clan come to teach ninjitsu to four mutant turtles, and these young ladies and gentleman?”

And so the ninjas and Rainbooms told Sensei and Yori their origin and everything, “And that brings us up to present day.” Donnie concluded.

“I see,” Sensei began, “I am terribly sorry for the loss of your father.”

“Thanks.” Leo said gratefully.

“I knew Saki had his demons, but even I never imagined he'd fall this far.”

“Oh, he fell far alright.” Rainbow noted.

Yori turned to the Rainbooms, “I never imagined magic truly exists. Not even a world of talking equines.”

“It just goes to show you, Yori,” Sensei began, “Some things exist beyond what we see merely with our eyes.” Yori bowed her head in understanding.

“So anyway, what're you two doing here?” Ron asked his sensei and friend.

Yori looked to Ron and said only one thing, “Fukushima.”

Ron and Rufus were in shock, “Fukushima?” Ron gasped.

“Oh, no.” Rufus muttered.

“Yes, he stole from the school again, and I managed to track him here to Middleton.” Yori explained.

Kim butted in, “I'm sorry, but who's Fukushima?”

Ron explained, “Fukushima was a student at the school when I went there. But, he betrayed them and sided with Monkey Fist, who I'm guessing is also involved?”

“Yes,” Sensei confirmed, “Fukushima and Monkey Fist are planning something that may be trouble for all of us.”

Donnie spoke up to Kim, “Isn't Monkey Fist that guy you told us about? The one who genetically swapped his hands and feet with monkey ones?”

“Ghastly!” Rarity shivered.

“Yeah, that's the guy.” Kim confirmed.

“And is it true he commands a army of monkeys trained in ninjitsu?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, he sure does.” Ron confirmed.

“Oh, man, even monkeys known ninjitsu?” Mikey complained, “So much for feeling special.”

“Well, there is a monkey style of kung fu.” Sunset noted.

“Well, whatever he's up to, we'll help you out.” Leo promised Sensei.

“Thank you. Yori, stay with the ninjas and help them against Monkey Fist and Fukushima, I have my worries they are not the only problem.”

“As you wish, sensei.” Yori bowed her head, as Sensei vanished,

“What do you think Sensei means they are not the only problems?” Sweetie Belle asked, as he friends shrugged.

In a warehouse in Downtown Middleton, the monkey ninja master and his apprentice were hiding out, as Monkey Fist held a scroll.

“By now sensei has already alerted Stoppable of what we did.” Fukushima warned Monkey Fist.

“I'm aware of that.” he replied.

“And you think your monkey ninjas will be enough against these ninjas of the Hamato Clan?”

“While I have faith in my monkey ninjas, I felt I could use a bit more muscle.” Monkey Fist explained, as they looked ahead and saw coming out of the shadows was an army of Foot Bots and Foot Bot Elites.

“Foot Ninja?” Fukushima gasped.

“Yes, and no.” Monkey Fist answered, as the Foot Bots sprouted their extra set of arms equipped with bladed weapons.

“Robots?” the apprentice asked the master.

“While robots are unlike me, desperate times call for desperate measure.” Monkey Fist explained.

“How did you manage to acquire these?”

“My acquaintance’s new partner is a former employer of the old Foot Clan and has made robots in place of human ninjas.”

Fukushima frowned, “A respected ninja clan like the Foot replacing warriors with machines? What has this world come to?” he crossed his arms.

“The former Foot Master did that, but according to my sources the new leader of the Foot has gone back to using real people.” Monkey Fist said.

“Well, good for them.”

“Be prepared Fukushima, for if all goes well tonight we will be blessed with unimaginable power.” Monkey Fist held onto the stolen scroll.