• Published 6th Nov 2022
  • 4,841 Views, 217 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

The Shego-Bots

Later on as school let out, the students were heading to their lockers, staying behind for after school activities, or heading out. The ninjas and Rainbooms met up at Kim's locker to discuss the day.

“So, Turtles, how did you enjoy your first experience in high school?” Kim inquired.

“I actually enjoyed it.” Donnie confessed.

“Yeah, you did,” Mikey complained, “It was so boring.”

“How would you know? You were asleep most of the time.” Twilight reminded him.

“Yeah, because it was so boring.” Mikey replied.

“School seems so much different compared to back when I was a student back in Equestria.” Blade admitted.

“While it's not CHS it still felt homey.” Fluttershy admitted.

“So now that class is over what should we do now?” Sunset inquired.

“Well, there's no practice for today so Ron and I can show you around Middleton some more.” Kim offered.

“Sounds good, Kim.” Rainbow said.

“And I have just the place in the mind.” Ron spoke up.

“Where's that?” Applejack asked.

“I know where it is.” Kim said knowing full well where Ron had in mind.

“We'll rendezvous there in twenty. We'll go back to my place so the guys can get their weapons.” Ron said.

“Same for us back at Kim's.” Apple Bloom replied.

So the group split up, and after retrieving their weapons they all met outside Ron's favorite place in all of Middleton.

“Bueno Nacho?” Blade asked.

“I heard this place does make some good eats.” Rainbow admitted.

“While not my type of go-to for food it is nice to stray from my usual choices once in awhile.” Rarity confessed.

“I wonder what we should try?” Scootaloo asked.

Suddenly, Ron came over with trays of food with Mikey and Pinkie helping, with the two carrying additional trays.

“Guys! You won't believe what Ron just introduced us too. Probably one of the greatest foods in history.” Pinkie cheered.

“Second only to pizza,” Mikey put in, “Anyway, what do you get when you make taco and nacho together?”

“Uh, Tacho?” Sunset guessed.

That's silly, Sunset,” Mikey answered, “No. You get... The Naco!” He and Pinkie showed the group a Naco each.

“Oh, heavens!” Rarity gasped at the sight.

“Ron came up with that?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“I have no words.” Donnie said in disbelief.

“Come on, give it a go.” Ron beckoned them.

“Well, I'm always up for trying something new.” Leo admitted.

“I will too.” Twilight agreed.

Each of the reluctantly took a bite of a Naco and chewed it up. Soon their looks of skepticism started getting replaced with wonder.

“Hey, not bad.” Karai admitted.

“This is good.” April agreed.

“Quite delicious.” Rarity said in surprise.

“What'd I tell ya?” Mikey asked.

“Even I was surprised at how popular it's gotten.” Kim told the group.

“Blade, don't you want one?” Ron offered.

“I'm afraid I cannot, given my true nature.” Blade hinted at.

Ron remembering he was a pony in another world knew better than to have him eat anything meat, “Well, then here. These should be fine.” he slid a tray of nachos dipped in cheese his way.

“Now these will suffice.” Blade admitted, as he at some of the nachos.

“I'm impressed your creation made the menu, Ron.” Twilight said fascinated.

“Yeah, it made quite a splash.” Ron boasted.

“A splash big enough to make him wealthy.” Kim put in.

“You're wealthy?” Sweetie Belle asked Ron in shock.

“Yes! Well, I was.” Ron sighed.

“How?” Spike asked.

“Well, one day while we were getting a bite here, I received a royalty check for my Naco creation for 99 Mill.” Ron explained.

The group stopped eating and looked in shock, “Ninety-nine million dollars?!” they asked.

“Dudes, you have any idea how many pizzas I could buy with all that green?!” Mikey asked.

“Or the tech I could purchase?” Donnie gasped.

“Yeah, well when Ron received that money he changed for the worst,” Kim explained dryly, “He hired himself a bouncer and entourage to follow him where he went, and kept on giving money away and spending it on other things. And what's even weirder, he started calling himself 'The Ron'.”

The group looked to Ron, “Seriously?” Applejack asked dryly.

“Ok, so I went overboard with the money, but I went back to normal in the end.” Ron said.

“Only after Drakken stole the rest of your money.” Kim put in.

“That stinks.” Apple Bloom said in sympathy.

“Well, it was for the best.” Ron admitted.

“But won't you keep on getting royalty checks?” Sunset asked, “I mean, it's still your creation so you should still get paid for it.”

“Yeah, but it took them awhile to distribute the first check to me. So maybe it's just taking a little longer for the next one.” Ron suspected.

“Well, next time, I'll be making sure he doesn't carry it all with him or go on another spending binge.” Kim promised.

“Yeah, good call.” Ron agreed.

Suddenly Kim's Kimmunicator beeped, and she answered it, “Go, Wade!”

“Kim, we got trouble in downtown Middleton!” Wade warned her.

“Trouble as in what?” she asked.

“See for yourself.” Wade started streaming the current news footage of Stockman's Shego-Bots running amok with some breaking into the bank or jewelry stores.

“Are those robot Shego's?” Ron asked in confusion.

“This is just plain weird.” Kim said in surprise.

The others looked at the footage, “Only one person we know can make robots like that.” Donnie suspected.

“Yeah,” Mikey began, before looking confused, “Who're we talking about again?” his brothers just shook their heads in disbelief.

“We better get down there and stop them.” Leo said.

“Agreed, come on!” Kim said, as they were all rushed out of Bueno Nacho.

Meanwhile in Downtown Middleton, Shego and her robot lookalikes were still robbing places of money and valuables. Shego looked at a bag filled with money and pulled out a pack of hundreds.

“Mm, my favorite color.” she smirked.

She heard a ringing and pulled out a communicator which displayed the back of Drakken's head, “Shego, where are you?

“Turn around, doc.” Shego said with a scowl.

Drakken looked back seeing her on screen, “Ah, there you are. How's things?”

“Oh, never better. Stockman's robots here are working like a charm.”

“Good. Any trouble?”

“None at all.” Shego smirked.


“Hold it!” came a voice as Shego looked seeing the ninjas, the Rainbooms, along with Kim and Ron who managed to change into their mission attire.

“Call ya back, doc,” Shego ended the call, “Well, what do we have here?”

“Put the money and the jewels back, Shego.” Kim warned her.

“Otherwise we will force you!' Rarity declared aiming one of her sickles in Shego's direction.

“Oh, I'm so scared.” Shego said in sarcasm.

“You will be.” Raph said while gripping his sai.

Kim looked at the robots surrounding them, “I didn't think you'd have an ego like Drakken.”

“Please, this was not my idea. Stockman decided to use me as a model.” the lady explained.

“No matter. You know how this works, right?” Kim asked as she got into a stance followed by the others.

“Not this time, Kimmy. Ok, girls, get them!” Shego ordered the robots who went into battle.

Kim went right for Shego with Sunset Shimmer following, as Leo announced, “Attack!” the group went into battle as they fought the robots.

As Rainbow dodged two of the robots strikes she kicked them back, “It's like fighting Foot Bots,” The two Shego-Bots suddenly channeled energy into their hands like Shego does surprising the rainbow head athlete, “Except Foot Bots couldn't do that.” She started zipping around as the two fired energy blasts at her.

Applejack using a combination of her magical strength and claw gloves was striking at three Shego-Bots, “These gals sure are putting up a fight.”

“Probably because Stockman modeled them after someone who really knows how to fight.” Blade said, as he channeled his lightning magic into his sword and released a shockwave destroyed a few of the robots.

Shego seeing while fighting Kim frowned at Blade before firing an energy blast right for him. The blast missed Blade but knocked his sword out of his hand, “My sword!” he then saw a few more Shego-Bots close in on him, “Alright, second round.” he drew his hockey stick and started whacking it at the robots while using his own ninjitsu to defeat them.

Ron who had been cowering behind a mailbox close to Blade spoke to him, “You fight with a hockey stick like Casey?” he noticed Casey fighting some of the Shego-Bots with his goalie stick.

“I was inspired to use it when I visited a place called Dakota City. It taught me about weapon improv. And sure this kind of choice for a weapon seems beneath a swordsman of my talent, but as long as it helps get the job done.” he whacked another Shego-Bot away.

The turtles were all spread out fighting the Shego-Bots, “And I thought fighting Kraang droids were tough.” Donnie said, as he dodged some energy punches from one of the robots.

“Well at least it's good fighting robots who know how to fight back.” Raph said, as he destroyed one of them.

Leo cut down one of the robots, as Mikey sweep kicked one before stabbing it with the blade in one of his chucks. The party turtle noticed more coming their way, “Incoming!”

The turtles readied themselves until a few glowing sprinkles landed on them and exploded destroying them. The bros saw Pinkie standing on a tree branch, “Sprinkle power!” she declared.

Rarity was striking down some of the robots with her sickles, but when more Shego-Bots were firing energy blasts her way she used her diamond shield to protect herself. When it looked like more robots were ganging up on her, Rarity knew she couldn't block and fight them all at the same time.

“A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE!” she cried.

Ron seeing this got determined, “I got this!” he ran in to help Rarity, but no sooner after entering the battle field, his pants were blasted off him by one of the Shego-Bots leaving his boxer shorts exposed, “AHH!” he cried.

“Oh, that's just what I needed to see.” Rarity said dryly.

“You'd be amazed at how many times this happens to me.” Ron replied, before screaming as he dodged more of the robots energy blasts.

“Hang on, you two!” Sweetie Belle called, as the CMC jumped in and helped Rarity fight off the robots ganging up on her, “Are you ok?”

“Yes, Sweetie Belle, thank you.” the older girl said gratefully.

As Kim and Sunset fought Shego , the iconic teen hero spoke, “Your robots may be tough, but my team's even tougher.”

“Can't say the same for you.” Shego said, as two of her robot lookalikes grabbed Kim from behind restraining her arms.

“Hey!” Kim struggled against the two robots.

“Kim!” Sunset called, as she tried to get to her only for Shego to block her.

Shego and Sunset fought, but the lady managed to knock Sunset back and turn towards Kim, “Now, let's see if you can handle this, Kim.” Shego was ready to nail her with an energy powered punch.

“Shego!” the woman looked back and suddenly received the Dragon's Tail move from April nailing her in the stomach knocking her back.

The Shego-Bots restraining Kim were suddenly cut down by Karai and Shini, “You ok, Kim?” Karai asked.

“I'm good, thanks, girls.”

“Anytime.” Shini said.

Shego got up and saw the four girls and Sunset who got back up staring her down while most of the robots were destroyed, “No matter I got what I-Hey, where'd they go?” she saw the bags of money and jewels were gone.

She looked and saw the bags had been levitated over by Twilight and collected by Fluttershy. Shego looked back at Kim who spoke, “Game over, Shego.”

Shego frowned, until she looked up seeing Drakken's hovercraft flying above before dropping a rope to her, “For now.” she grabbed the rope and pulled up as the remaining few Shego-Bots followed after.

“They got away!” Raph grumbled.

“Well, at least we saved the money and jewels.” Leo reminded him.

“We sure have.” Rarity agreed, as she marveled over the bag of jewels.

Apple Bloom handed Ron's pants back, “Here's your pants, Ron.”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom.” Ron put them back on.

“Come on, let's go.” Leo said, as they all took off.

Meanwhile as Drakken and Stockman flew with Shego back to the back, the blue doctor spoke, “So even with that army you were still beaten?”

“Don't get cute with me, doc. Stockman's robots were the problem.” Shego answered.

“Well, this was a practice run for them. And they worked better than I thought. Now we just need to keep upgrading them for next time.” Stockman admitted.

Later that day back at Kim's place the group was resting and enjoying some pizza, “That Shego is one tough fighter from watching you two go at it.” Casey told Kim.

“Hate to have her for an enemy.” Twilight said.

“Well, would you believe she used to be a good guy?” Kim asked.

“What?!” the group asked.

“That gal was good?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, in fact she was a superhero.” Kim added.

“A superhero? Shego?” Mikey asked, “I'm just not seeing it.”

“Can't blame you. Even I never would've imagined it.” Kim replied.

“So how did she go bad?” Blade inquired.

“Well, this all started back when she and her four brothers were kids. They were hit by this multicolored comet that gave each of them a specific superpower. Since then they became Team Go, the protectors of Go City. But the more crime and evil they fought the more Shego started to enjoy it.”

“The fighting?” Pinkie asked.

“The crime and evil.” Kim corrected her, “So she left her brothers and turned to a life a crime since then.”

“Well, that just ain't right.” Applejack crossed her arms.

“She's more of a traitor than Subprime.” Donnie told Leo and Raph who nodded.

“Well, traitor or not, that still won't stop us kicking butt next time we meet.” Rainbow said eagerly.

“You all fought well out there.” Kim admitted.

“It's what we do.” Pinkie smiled.

“I've fought Storm Guards, Dusk Ninjas, Metahumans, and objects possessed by Equestrian Magic. But robots are a whole new level for me.” Blade said.

“You'll get used to it.” Rainbow replied.

“I sure enjoyed the experience.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, it was just what we need.” Scootaloo added.

“I do feel stronger already.” Apple Bloom said flexing the muscle in her arms.

“Well as long as we're working together to stop Drakken and Stockman, there'll be plenty of more chances.” Kim said.

“But for now, let's just enjoy our victory for today.” Leo said, as they gathered drinks and clinked them together.


Author's Note:

Blade using a hockey stick for a weapon since his fight in Dakota City comes from the story Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shock; an idea by AmethystMajesty25 and DarthWrex-49 and written by TMNTony at deviantart