• Published 6th Nov 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Take the Bait

After the group's meet with Pain King and Steel Toe and learning villain Duff Killigan was behind all the stolen first place sports trophies, they returned to Kim's place to talk shop.

“Ok, Duff Killigan is going around stealing first place sports trophies.” Kim began.

“Question is why?” Twilight wondered.

“Could it just be out of spite?” Ron suggested.

“Gotta go with Ron on this.” Rainbow admitted.

“Yeah, villains will do anything out of spite.” Raph agreed.

“Even so, there are still so many trophies to steal from. How will we be able to get the drop on him if we don't know where he'll strike next?” Karai wondered.

“Or where he'll take them too.” Shini put in.

“Yeah I mean it's not like we can dress one of us up like a trophy and wait for him to steal it?” Mikey said rhetorically Everyone looked at each other for a moment before they all smirked, “What?”

“Mikey, you just might be onto something.” Donnie said excitedly.

“I am?”

Kim nodded, “We'll disguise Mikey as a trophy and broadcast it. Duff Killigan will see him and come take him back to where he's keeping the other trophies.”

“And when he does we'll keep a tracking device on Mikey so we can follow him.” Leo finished.

“It's genius!” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Question is how're we gonna broadcast it?” Applejack wondered.

“Don't worry, A.J. I got a plan.” Kim smirked.

Later the group was at a condo inside a room loaded with golf memorabilia and were setting things up, “Thanks for helping us out Jed Murko.” Kim thanked a man whom was identified as Jed Murko; a renowned golfer who agreed to assist them.”

“No problem, Ms. Possible. It's the least I can do after you helped get my favorite golf cart out of the mud.”

“No big.” Kim brushed it off humbly.

'Hey, guys!” Mikey came out covered in gold paint while dressed like a golfer. He then posed on top of a platform with first place labeled on it, “What do you think?”

“You make a spankin' trophy, Mikey.” Kim commended him.


Donnie spoke to his brother, “I outfitted the shoes you're wearing with magnetic soles to keep you on the platform so you won't fall off it.”

“And what happens when I need to get off it?” Mikey asked.

“Don't worry, we'll be tracking you, and I'll disable the magnets when you reach Killigan's location.” Donnie assured him.

“Alright, guys. We got trophies to find.” Raph said, as they got in positions, where Rarity was live streaming Jed standing before the fake trophy.

“Hello, fellow golfers! This is your man Jed here wanting to show you all my latest first prize trophy!” Jed displayed Mikey still keeping in his golf pose, “First place regional champion. Yeah it's a big one, alright. But only the best for a regional champ like me!” the turtles, Rainbooms, Kim, Ron, and their friends watched hoping Duff would be watching.

Sure enough at Drakken's lair, Duff who was at the computer was checking out the live stream of Jed saw the trophy next to him and his eyes lit up.

“Sweet Golf Clubs!” he cheered, “Aye, Drakken, Stockman! I need your ship and robots for this one!”

Soon enough that night, everyone was hiding out as Mikey remained in his trophy pose, while fighting the urge to move.

'Oh, my nose itches. I really need to scratch it.' he thought fighting the urge.

“We've been waiting here for hours.” Scootaloo whispered to the others.

“Think Killigan will take the bait?” Fluttershy whispered.

“He has too.” Raph whispered back.

“Shush.” Rarity shushed them as they watched, before a hole was carved above the ceiling in the golf room.

Dropping in was a Stockman Bot and Shego Bot that connected some cables to the 'trophy' before they hung onto the cables and were hoisted up out through the hole they came in from. Mikey managed to glance up and see he was being hoisted up into a ship. When he was secured inside the ship took off.

When the coast was clear, Leo spoke, “The baits been swallowed.”

Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator, “Wade, you got the signal from the tracker place on Mikey?”

“Sure do, Kim. Better follow while the trail's fresh.” Wade suggested.

“Let's move!” Leo ordered.

“Thanks again, Jed.” Kim thanksed him.

“Anytime, Ms. Possible. Good luck to all of you.”

The group took off to follow Mikey's trail from a chopper Kim called in. Drakken's ship had returned to base. The trophy was brought out and presented before Drakken, Shego, and Killgan.

“Oh, look at all that gold.” Killigan marveled.

“And you want to melt it down?” Shego voiced protest.

“Shego.” Drakken warned her.

“Right, it's Killigan's plan.” Shego sighed.

Stockman squinted, “Something's familiar about that trophy.”

“Whaddaya mean, lad?” Killigan wondered.

“Not sure.” the genius said, before dropping it.

“We'll melt this one down first.” Drakken said, as Mikey got nervous but kept his cover up.

Outside the lair, Kim, Ron, and their friends arrived, “That's where Mikey is?” Pinkie asked.

“According to the tracker it is.” Kim confirmed.

“Not exactly the kinda lair I'd expect from a mad golfer.” Casey noted.

“That's because this isn't Killigan's lair,” Ron replied, “It's Drakken's.”

“Drakken?” the ninjas and Rainboom asked surprised.

“Killigan and Drakken working together.” Kim said.

“And if this is Drakken's lair.” Twilight began.

“Then Stockman's gotta be there too.” Leo deduced.

“Perfect opportunity.” Blade said.

“So we goin' in?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We're going in all right.” Kim assured, as they headed for the lair.

Inside, Mikey was placed on a conveyor belt that led to a machine that would melt the trophies down. He noticed a huge trophy mold off to the side he could tell would be used for when Killigan was finished melting down all the other trophies.

'So that's his plan.' he thought, before seeing figures moving around from above him and knew it was time as he felt the golf shoes he wore were un-magnetized from the platform.

“Soon, I'll be havin' the biggest first place trophy ever!” Killigan declared to his three partners and laughed wickedly.

“I don't think so, golf dude!” the villains looked and saw, Mikey flip off the stand on the conveyor belt landing right before them, “Boo!”

Killigan and Drakken screamed and hid behind a surprised Shego and Stockman, “It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!!” Drakken cried.

Stockman got out of his stupor and realized, “Wait a minute, that's no trophy, it's one the Turtles, Michelangelo!”

“That's right. And you dudes were totally fooled by my awesome fake trophy skills!” he removed the golf clothes but was still covered in gold paint.

“Why am I not surprised?” Shego asked rhetorically.

“Shego, sick him!” Drakken ordered.

“With pleasure!” She lunged at Mikey with her energy attacks while he dodged. But soon found himself surrounded by the Shego Bots, Mousers, and Stockman Bots.

“You may have fooled us, Turtle.” Drakken warned him.

“But you're outnumbered.” Stockman continued.

“With no back up!” Killigan finished.

Mikey sighed, “You're right. If only my bros and friends followed me here. Oh wait... they did!” he pointed up to the rafters. The villains looked up to see the rest of Ninjas and team Possible perched on there.

“I cannot believe you chumps fell for this old trick.” Raph mocked, as they dropped down.

“Again, not surprised!” Shego grumbled.

“Dudes, I got Killigan's plan!” Mikey spoke up, “He's gonna melt all the trophies down and use them to make a big one!”

The group gasped, “You're serious, Killigan?” Kim asked.

“Indeed so, lassie.” Killigan confirmed smugly.

“You're an even bigger creep than I thought!” Raph frowned.

“And worst bad sportsmanship I ever saw. Stealing trophies from real champions!” Rainbow voiced her disapproval.

“They didn't deserve them, but I'll be puttin' them to better use. And when it's all over I'll have the biggest trophy dedicated to me. And you'll all be finished. But to show there won't be hard feelings. I'll let ya join me for some of me granny's haggis.”

At the mention of that everyone minus Blade expressed looks of disgust and some like Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy looking green in the face.

“I will never eat that!” Rarity cried.

Blade looked around, “What's wrong? What's haggis?”

“Uh...” Twilight began before whispering into Blade's ear.

When Twilight finished, Blade's eyes widened in shock and even his face turned green, “YOU PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!”

“Not everybody, thank goodness.” Applejack assured him.

“Enough of this!” Stockman directed the Mousers, Stockman Bots,and Shego Bots to his enemies.

“Attack!” Drakken ordered, as Shego led the robots on the attack.

“Spread out!” Leo ordered, as they spread out with Kim going after Shego, and the ninjas and Rainbooms going after the three types of robots.

As Killigan laid out several golf balls, Rainbow laughed, “He's shooting golf balls at us? I don't think I've ever met a lamer villain."

"Not to mention, golf is such a dull sport, yo." Casey added.

"I'll show ye dull! Fore!" Killigan hit several golf balls their way, but they only rolled up to them.

"Seriously?" Rainbow smirked, "You didn't even hit us!"

"Look out!" Kim tackled Rainbow and Casey away as the golf balls exploded, knocking them back by the shockwave.

"Exploding golf balls?" Casey asked in surprise.

"Ok, that is pretty awesome." Rainbow admitted.

"Oh there's more where dat came from!" Duff shot more balls, forcing the heroes to scatter.

"This guy needs anger management classes." Sunset said as she dodged the golf balls.

“Ya think?” Ron asked in sarcasm.

Blade drew his sword and started slicing down Stockman bots while swatting a few Mousers away. When some Shego bots surrounded him, he sheathed his sword, “Alright ladies, let's settle this with our hands.” he started attacked the robot ladies with his hand to hand combat skills.

The CMC were destroying some Mousers, while avoiding them jumping at them intending to bite them, “Watch the mouths on these ones!” Sweetie Belle warned her friends.

“No kidding!” Apple Bloom answered, as she used her tanto to slice one.

Killigan shot a ball toward Mikey and Pinkie, who ducked as it sailed over them, "Ha! You missed us!" Mikey mocked.

"Na na!" Pinkie blew a raspberry.

"Na na, yourself," Killigan rebuked, "That was wedge ah fired, it's got back spin!"

"What does that mean?" Mikey asked, but he soon got his answer when the ball started rolling right back toward them.

"Never mind." Pinkie said before she and Mikey screamed and ran away with the ball rolling after them.

Fortunately, Kim used her grappling hook to swing in and snatch them before the ball exploded. Once they landed, she spoke, "Yeah, I fell for that too."

Meanwhile, Sunset, Applejack, April, and Karai fought Shego, who attacked with her energy punches.

As Sunset held Shego's arms back, she spoke, "You know, Shego, you remind me of an enemy of ours."

"Really?" Shego asked with a smirk, "Is this enemy as impressive as me?" She broke free and fired an energy blast at Sunset, only for the girl dodge with a back-flip. Then Shego was rammed by Applejack.

"Nnope," The cowgirl rebuffed. "Just a traitor."

"Say what?" Shego said as she then dodged April's psychic blasts.

"We have a sworn enemy known as Subprime, but like you he used to be a good guy named Knight," She explained, "Until he betrayed his people for their enemies thinking it was the winning side."

Karai managed to land a kick on Shego, knocking the woman into a wall, then she spoke, "And it's our job to show others the side of villainy is never the winning side."

"Spare me your rants!" Shego stood and fought the girls again.

As Killigan continued firing off exploding golf balls, the others were dodging or taking cover, until Casey decided to do something about it.

"Hey, Duff!" Casey called, getting the evil golfer's attention, "You ain't the only one with explosive sports gear!" He dumped out his exploding hockey pucks, "Eat hockey, chump!" He shouted and shot the pucks at the golfer's golf balls, destroying them as they went off.

"So it's a bomb battle ye want, aye laddie?" Killigan asked, laying out more golf balls. "Den bring it!" And he shot them at Casey, who used his skates to dodge and fired back with his pucks.

“Goongala!” Casey announced, as he skated closer to Killigan before he and the mad golfer fought using their golf club and hockey stick.

“Ya got spirit, laddie! I respect that!” Killigan admitted.

“Wish I could say the same,” Casey growled, “But there ain't nothing to respect about you!” he activated his taser and got Killigan shocking him.

As the group continued fighting Shego and the the robots. Blade looked seeing the melting machine and the giant trophy mold, “Can't make a huge trophy without the right equipment.” he channeled lightning into his blade and started unleashing energy swipes at the machine and the mold.

“No! You fool!” Drakken cried.

“Mah mold!” Killigan cried.

“Alright, Blade!” Ron cheered.

“Yeah!” Rufus cheered.

“Shego, we're out of here!” Drakken called.

Shego looked to the girls, “Next time!”

The two scientist and Shego got on Drakken's hovercraft and took off, while Killigan dawned a jetpack

“So long lads and lassies!” Killigan flies out of there, but when the others looked up, they immediately look away, because they saw underneath his kilt.

“Man skirt, nobody look up!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“The correct term is a kilt, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity corrected her sister, “A traditional Scottish clothing.”

“Well, would it kill him to wear traditional underwear!?!” Ron gagged.

“What he said!” Mikey agreed.

“He won't get away!” Leo threw a ninja star up with Twilight used her magic to make it go further and nailed Killigan's jetpack making it short out.

“Oh, haggis!” his jetpack started flying out of control and he ended up crashing onto the ground before the heroes.

Soon, the cops were escorting Killigan into a squad car, as Kim and her friends watched, “So with Killigan behind bars, we can return all the stolen trophies to their rightful owners.” Casey asked Kim.

“That's right, we'll let the cops handle the latter.”

“Um, Kim,” Raph spoke up, “If it's alright with you. There are two trophies I'd like to personally return.”

Kim looked to the others who smiled beckoning her to let him have this. Kim herself knowing who Raph had in mind answered with a smile, “Sure thing, Raph.”

Later on at the wrestling training gym Raph was delivering the stolen trophies to Pain King and Steel Toe who accept them gratefully.

“Thank you for returning our trophies, Raphael.” Pain King began.

“How can we ever repay you?” Steel Toe asked.

“Well... Can I get your autographs?” he requested.

The two wrestlers were surprised by his request before they smiled. Soon they each made out an autograph before handing them to Raph who smiled and hugged the autographs happily.