• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 4,142 Views, 212 Comments

Sky Pirate Cowboys - Ghost wolf

A human is mistakenly taken from his home and is stuck in Equestria. After a failed promise to return him, he embarks on a quest of solitude. At least thats what he thought he was gonna do. Join him as he accidentally forms a pirate crew of misfits.

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The train station had done its last run for the night; the next one wouldn’t be until the morning. Wouldn’t matter anyway, all the bits I brought with me were all in my satchel that I left behind at the castle. I also left my sketch pad and Walkman as well. Damn. I debated with myself to get it back, but I don’t want to go back to the castle. Not with her there, at least. It’s fine, I’ll just fly back home tonight and ask for it back later. Right now though, I just want some peace and quiet.

I took a seat on a bench, looking out to the train tracks. In my peripherals, I saw the light of the station finally going out and the pony working there finally leaving for the night. I was finally alone.

Alone. I was alone.

It finally started to really set in. Nostalgic memories flooded my mind as I thought about what I left behind. I would never see my family again. Never see my sister again. Never hug my mama again. I would never see my nieces grow up. I would never see any of them again. I would never see my friends, the brothers I made throughout my life. This was it. I was truly, utterly alone. This is my reality now. I felt hollow and my chest started to ache. I put a claw against my heart and the pain throttled tenfold. It was a pain that I never experienced before—different from anything physical. Something I couldn’t describe or define. Heartache. Torture.

My body started to go numb. From both the chilling air and whatever was happening to me. The tears I’ve been trying to hold back with all my might, all my strength…started to fall. I wasn’t one to cry, at least not openly. But in this instance, in this moment, there was nothing I could physically, mentally, or emotionally do to stop myself. So I didn’t. I didn’t care. I let them fall.

I felt someone sit down next to me on the bench. I knew who it was, but I didn’t acknowledge her. At least not right away. I felt a wing wrap around my cold body as I continued my long awaited breakdown. In the back of my mind I felt embarrassed and emasculated. I wasn’t supposed to cry. I wasn’t supposed to act this way, something my mind was telling me excessively. Yet, I also didn’t care.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before she tried to speak. I spoke first, my voice wavering.

“I’m sorry…for bursting out on you like that. You didn’t…deserve it. Celestia does, but not you.” I wipe away my tears as I try to control myself. Princess Luna lets go of me and sits up on the bench.

“It is fine, dear Maverick. I understand the pain you are feeling. I shall let it slide for now.” She gave a jokingly smile. I didn’t smile back. I couldn’t. She frowned and put a hoof on my shoulder.

“Do you want to go back? To the castle I mean. You are still a guest—my guest. You can bed down for the night until the next train,” Princess Luna said.

“No. I don’t want to be in the same place as that witch.” I caught myself too late as it slipped. Princess Luna didn’t say anything about it.

“Then do you plan to stay on this bench until the morning? It is quite cold already, it will be freezing in a few hours.” I thought about it. I was thinking of just flying home, but I also didn’t have the mental or physical energy to do so. I also didn’t want to stay out here tonight. I didn’t even have bits for a train tomorrow morning. It’s a big castle, I probably won’t see the witch if I try to avoid her.

“…I don’t really have the bits to take a train back on me anyway. They were in my satchel I left behind at the castle.” Princess Luna got up from the bench.

“Well, let us go retrieve it. If along the way you decide to stay then we will prepare a room for you. If not, I know of a luxurious hotel you may stay in. Paid for by the Royal Treasury of course.” Princess Luna was being exceedingly nice. Too nice. I can’t fault her though—I would be too if my unexpected, dimensional-kidnapped guest was stuck here as well. I gave a sigh.

“Lead the way,” I motioned a claw towards the castle. She started to move so I got up from the bench to follow. I personally didn’t think it was wise for me to go back there, but I did want my satchel back.

We walked in silence as we made our way to the castle. The wind was chilly and the night was quiet. Despite being such a huge city, there was no noise or a single pony in sight. Come to think of it, Ponyville is the same way. It was quite different to what I’m used to on Earth. This place really is different.

Earth. Despite all the crap that it had, it was my home. The pain started to come back, but I pushed it out if my mind so I wouldn’t breakdown again. The feeling of wanting to give up was brutal, but I did my best to hold out.

We finally made it to the castle where she guided me to a room. The events of today were finally catching up to me as I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I didn’t have the energy to go to a hotel, so I reluctantly decided to stay at the castle. I didn’t really have to say anything though as Princess Luna seemed to already figure out I was going to come to that decision. She turned to me.

“Two guards will posted at your door. If you need anything, please let them know. I’m sorry that I have to go, but I am still a Princess after all. As much as the awaken need me, so as do those asleep.” Made sense. I don’t want to impose anymore than I have to on her.

“Thank you, Princess. I’ll be sure to grab my satchel sometime tomorrow. Thank you for everything, your highness. I know its been hard to deal with me and my situation, and even though it’s…not the outcome I would have liked, I appreciate actually giving me answers. You have my appreciation.” I have a short bow to her.

“It is nothing, dear Maverick. It is my job to protect my ponies—you included. I hope to see you tomorrow morning before the transition, but if I miss you, I hope that all goes well for you. If there’s anything you ever need from me or Equestria, we will ensure you are taken care of. Now, have a good night’s rest and have pleasant dreams.” As she left, she turned to say one last thing.

“And Maverick…it is without a doubt that my sister has been misguided by her own pride and certainly needs to be corrected—which she shall be—but as her sister, please do not call her a witch.” I wanted to tell her no, but I didn’t have the mental strength to argue so I just nodded instead. I don’t know why she keeps trying to defend her, but I let it go for now. She continued her way and left.

I decided that it was a great time to finally hit the sack and entered my temporary quarters. It was quite fancy inside, large bed, soft looking blankets and pillows, nice bathroom off to the left of the room, everything a royal guest could ask for.

As I made my way to the bed, there, sitting on a pillow, was my satchel. It seemed the Princess knew from the get go that I was going to stay here. She certainly has a good sense for that it seems. Sneaky bastard.

Anyway, I made no effort to fight against my tiredness as I fell onto the bed. Tomorrow would be a new day. A new, permanent day in Equestria.

What was I going to do now? I don’t know. What is there to do? The job skills I fought tooth and nail to learn and be proficient in don’t matter here. They don’t have things like computers yet.

I could always try to find something to keep me busy, but at this moment, I have no motivation for anything. I wish I could ask my mama for advice. Or some good ol’ Christian wisdom. Something that could keep me going or help me find my way. I didn’t realize it, but the tears started to quietly fall again. I didn’t fight back as I began to remember all the good times I had with my family and friends. The time I went to Disney World with my buddies, or the time my family had a fun road trip to Colorado. When we would play Mario Party or Mario Kart.

It hurt so bad, so incredibly bad. I just wanted to see them again, one…last…time…

I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about what I had lost, and will miss for the rest of my days. Thank you Princess Luna, for letting me see them again, one last time

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is the final for the beginning portion. Time to get into the meat and potatoes, to the good stuff! Thank you for staying patient—I promise it will pay off!

yours truly 😘