• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 4,142 Views, 212 Comments

Sky Pirate Cowboys - Ghost wolf

A human is mistakenly taken from his home and is stuck in Equestria. After a failed promise to return him, he embarks on a quest of solitude. At least thats what he thought he was gonna do. Join him as he accidentally forms a pirate crew of misfits.

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It has been eight months now that I have lived in Equestria. Eight months since I was mistakenly taken from my home on Earth from a botched spell that was meant to explore other dimensions. Eight months since I have seen my friends and family. In those eight months, I have done nothing but sit in my newly built house, fly, and wait for the pony wizards to find me a way home. These eight months have felt like eight years.

When I first arrived, I freaked the hell out. Made a whole scene. The worst part was when I realized that I was no longer human. Thought I was dreaming or lost my marbles or something. Maybe I did... Anyway, I am now something called a hippogriff, which is half-eagle and half-horse. Or pony in this case.

Despite this, I also tried to find the silver lining and found this experience to be once in a lifetime. There were some pretty awesome and exciting things to see in this world. I got to experience what it was like to be a bird horse, see new creatures, and even experience some magic! The coolest part was that I could fly, something that I always wished I could do.

Unfortunately though, as time continued on, my excitement and bewilderment had slowly cascaded and I had become depressed and homesick. Especially when I was told that my return may take a long while as they had to start back at square one on their project. "They" being the pony wizard scientists. They wanted to tread a little more carefully to not repeat their mistake again, which I can understand, but I still can't help but be impatient about it.

When I had arrived to Equestria, the Princesses graciously gave me a stipend for living expenses until they could find me a way home. At first I had roomed with her student, Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn that was skilled at magic, but about two months in, they built me a small home near the Everfree. I was exceedingly grateful for their generosity and kindness, but I also knew that my journey home would be long. They wouldn't build that for me if it didn't mean that I would be here for an undetermined amount of time. While they did their best to send me back home, I had to keep myself occupied.

Unfortunately, my boredom quickly set in as my usual hobbies, like gaming, didn't exsist the way it did here. They had some retro games and stuff, but it wasn't the same. I eventually started to exercise my wings and learn how to fly to hopefully make the time go by, which was extremely fun and became a new hobby of mine.

Since I flew so much, I had made some fairly good progress on improving my stamina and my overall fitness. When I first arrived, I had carried over some chub from when I was still human. Blame the many midnight trips to Taco Bell. Anyway, since my diet consisted of mostly greens and the occasional Everfree game, I had lost a lot of weight and put on some lean muscle. Nothing crazy, but I was proud of myself.

I also made a friend named Rainbow Dash, one of Twilight's friends. Well, friend might be pushing it, we arent that close, more of an acquaintance that I say hello to or hang out with during my flights. She's still fun to be around though and I have spent many days flying around and getting advice on how to fly properly. It was a good distraction from my anxiety as I waited for updates about the project to send me home.

Though, recently, I have not been able to contact Princess Celestia in the last few weeks.

Usually, she either sends brief letters or gives me sharp replies to my letters, usually the same thing about how "Her best ponies are on it," or that "Progress is slow, but there are new breakthroughs everyday." Lately though, I haven't heard a single thing, seen a single letter, and haven't felt any closer to making it back home.

I thought maybe perhaps she was busy and didn't have the time to contact me, but as a week turned into two, then into four, I decided that something was up and tried to contact Twilight about it. Unfortunately, she also couldn't reach a response out of the Princess about it either, and only got letters about her friendship reports (whatever that means), which was strange. Twilight tried to defend her saying that Princess Celestia is a very busy pony and that she's sure she will reply as soon as she can and that she would let me know when she gets a letter back, but I still felt reluctant to believe that for some reason.

Not like the Princess was malevolent or anything, it just felt like she ghosted me or something. I didn't tell my feelings to Twilight of course, so I said thanks and went on my way.

Despite my rising concern, I decided today that I would carry on with my usual activities until I heard something back. Hopefully it would be soon. It was about 6:00 am, which happened to be a perfect time to go flying. It was about mid fall so it was quite cool and cloudy in the mornings, my favorite type of weather. Plus, not many ponies were up at this time and it was the perfect time to be alone. Back on Earth, I never got up this early without a good reason, but now? I get up as early as I can now to get some flying in.

Anyway, I got up and did my daily morning routine before setting out to do my daily dose of flying.

Outside felt nice and cool and as I began flying, I felt that same cool air flow between my fur and feathers, which was a stress-relieving experience that I needed. Spending time alone was a way for me to recharge and to think about things. Right now though, I didn't want to think about a single thing and elected to just drift in the sky.

That was until a certain someone, or rather somepony, shook me out of my daze with a her voice.

"Hey, Mav, what's got you up so early?" The rainbow pegasus gave me a slight scare and I shifted the opposite way out surprise, throwing off my rhythm for a moment.

"Oh, hey Rainbow. You gave me a scare there," I say, my heart racing a tad.

"Haha, yeah I saw that, bud. Might or might not have done that on purpose." She put a hoof to her mouth as she tried to push back a giggle.

"Ha. Ha. So funny. Anyway, why are YOU up this early? You usually sleep 'til noon." I gave a slight elbow bump to her side.

"Weather. There's supposed to be storm later this morning so I'm helping the Weather Team prep for it." Ah, work. Lovely.

"Ah, gotcha." I continue my flight in resumed silence as I flew around some clouds. Rainbow followed her own way, doing loops and tricks all the while.

Although I wanted to fly alone, I didn't mind Rainbow flying with me. It was soothing in its own way.

"What's got you all yapped up? Seem a little... down about something." Am I that easy to read? Or is she that perceptive?

"Uh... Well, I haven't heard anything new about the project to send me back home. Tried to contact Princess Celestia, but she hasn't sent anything back. It's been a few weeks now," I say.

"Oh, got ya... Oh! Have you talked to Twilight? She might be able to help you with that. She is the princess' student after all."

"Already did, still got nothing. She still sent letters to Twilight though about her studies. I... I think she's ghosting me right now or something for some reason."

"Ghosting you?" Rainbow gives me a slight confused look on her face. Oh yeah, human term.

"Back home, ghosting means someone is intentionally avoiding contact with you. In other words, it feels like she's ignoring me," I say. She gave me a apprehensive look.

"Uh, that doesn't really sound like the Princess, Maverick. She wouldn't just "ghost" you. I think the nerves are really getting to you. Just take some time to breathe, rushing the princess to send some letters won't send you home faster." I wanted to be mad at what she said, but what she said rang true. I sigh.

"Be as that may, it still feels like I was pushed to the way side."

"Well, if it has you so worked up, why not go see the princess for yourself? I'm sure she would gladly see you, with your situation and all." I also thought of that, but I honestly wasn't sure if I should. That's like going to see the president because I wasn't given get my passport yet. Alright, maybe it's a bit different than that, but still. She saw the reluctance in my face.

"Alright, alright. How about this. I'm off work tomorrow, why don't we go see the princess together? We'll get some train tickets." She gave me an elbow back.

"You'd do that? You know you don't have to..." I say, a little embarrassed that I wasn't confident to go on my own.

"Heck yeah I'd do that! I'm Rainbow friggin' Dash, the Element of Loyalty! I don't let none of my friends hanging. And Mav, you're my friend." She crossed her forelegs as she smirked at me. I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea. Ah to hell with it, might as well. Can't ghost me in person right?

"You know what? I'll take you up on your offer, then. Tomorrow morning, let's say around eight, we'll head over to Canterlot and give Ms. Princess a hello." I put up a claw for a fist bump.

"Alright, let's do it!" She returned my fist bump with some of her Rainbow gusto. She's a good pony. I didn't really think she was a friend before, but I guess that changes now.

"Say, Rainbow, aren't you supposed to be working right now?" I say. She looks down dejected as she let's her forelegs hang and sighs. Her mood changes so fast, haha.

"Trying to get rid of me just as I try to help you out, huh? We'll work on that. But yeah... I guess I have to go now. Are you gonna be flying later after the storm?" She asked.

"Uh, maybe. If not, I'll be in and around my house, you can come by if you want to hang out," I replied.

"Awesome, sounds like a plan! I'll be over after I'm done. Make sure to stay dry until then, dude!" With that, she took off like a jet into the clouds. She's so goofy.

I decided to fly for a while more before it started to drizzle. I headed back home to do some chores and clean up a bit. Didn't want Rainbow to see my mess of a house. I also prepped for the morning by putting a satchel together.

Hopefully, the princess would see me, especially with Rainbow there. Maybe she really was just busy or something. Or maybe she really has been ghosting me for some reason and I'm gonna blow up on her. I guess we'll see. Oh well, that's an issue for the morrow.

Author's Note:

Hello :)