• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 4,143 Views, 212 Comments

Sky Pirate Cowboys - Ghost wolf

A human is mistakenly taken from his home and is stuck in Equestria. After a failed promise to return him, he embarks on a quest of solitude. At least thats what he thought he was gonna do. Join him as he accidentally forms a pirate crew of misfits.

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Adventure Time!

Its been a few days since Rainbow and I had our fight on the Free Spirit. It took about a two days before I saw Rainbow again, and like it never even happened, she was back to her usual self. Well, on the outside anyway. I knew that deep down I pretty much broke her heart.

…Which was for the best. Maybe its cruel for to say that, but its true. She won’t follow me now… I won’t lie—a part of me wanted her push for it again. I don't think I could manage to say no this time around. But the responsibilities she shares is just too much for her to leave. I think she realized this too, hence the reason she didn’t bring it up again. I want her to bring it up. Please.

Maybe… Maybe I shouldn’t go?

No no, stop. I can’t think about this anymore, it’s literally breaking me. I need to focus on something else.

As per usual, I had my early morning flight in the cool spring breeze, to which Rainbow had already been waiting for me. Seeing her made me feel lighter, but as the thoughts came back, I felt a heaviness in my chest. Keep it together, Mav.

We flew a little longer together this morning as today was the day I would head out to on my journey. Rainbow decided that she would help me finish gathering all the supplies I would need in Free Spirit, which happened to be almost everything I owned, except for the house itself, which I was sincerely thankful for. I took out all of my funds from my EBA account, packed it all into lockbox in a secret compartment I made in my private quarters. I ensured I packed all my non-perishables, a hefty amount of water and extra fuel reserves for emergencies. I also packed extra hydrogen tanks, not really enough to fill the balloon, but just in case I needed it. With that, I should have everything I needed.

I also spent yesterday doing the course Princess Luna needed me to do to get my license. It was easy enough, just needed to make a few turns, stops, and make a docking attempt—which was by far the hardest thing, but not as hard as I expected it to be. I didn’t scratch anything so it was a pass. I now have the proper paperwork for air travel!

As I finished counting my personal inventory, I turned around to see Rainbow standing in the doorway of my private quarters, blocking me from leaving. My heart leaped a good bit, anticipating her being adamant about going with me again, but she didn’t say anything. Neither of us did, for a moment.

“Rainbow…” I started, but she cut me off.

“Mav, I’m not angry with you. I… you’re right. I can’t just pack my things and leave. As much as I want to, I know I can’t.” She looked away, trying to cover her tears. My chest was hurting seeing her like this. I didn’t say anything, letting her continue. “I talked to Flutters yesterday about it. She kinda… made things make sense for me. About a few things.” Her cheeks started to flush. She coughed into her hoof and wiped some of the tears away. “I don’t want you to leave with tension between us. You mean a lot to me and I want today to be exciting for you.” I tried to say something, but she continued.

“Um, I also have parting gift for you. Twilight helped me make it.” She reached around the corner of the door way, pulling out what looked to be a mailbox—the ones you would place on a door or wall. It was small, about eight inches long and four inches high, and white in color. It also had a little flag with Rainbow’s cutie mark at the tip. “It uses the same magic that Spike uses to send letters to the Princesses. Y’know… so we can send letters to each other, even when you are in the air.” Her blush deepened. I was blown away.

“Rainbow… I don’t know what to say. This—this is great gift! Thank you so much!” I gave her a hug that she didn’t hesitate to give back. Did she always smell like rain? After a long hug I pulled away. Rainbow again wiped away some tears. I didn’t know she could cry this much. “I’m sorry it’s not the greatest, I just wanted to be able to talk to you somehow.” I patted her head with a claw.

“This is perfect, Rainbow. I’m sure it will get lonely at times. I’ll write to you as much as I can.” I gave her a small smile that she also reciprocated. Then, as if remembering something important, her eyes lit up. “Oh shoot! Fluttershy wanted me to give you a gift as well! Give me ten seconds!” With that, an exuberant Rainbow Dash dashed out of the ship off to who-knows where.

And, just as she said, ten seconds later, I saw her dash right back onto the ship with something in hoof. “Whew that was a close one, I almost forgot this little guy!” In her hoof was a cage that held what looked to be a dazed hawk. Poor guy wasn’t expecting to be snatched up like that. I gave her a confused look.

“A bird?” I asked with a brow raised. Rainbow sat it down and opened the cage, allowing the bird to hop out. “Yup! Fluttershy said she didn’t want you to get lonely out there and asked if you’d like to adopt this little guy!” The hawk met my eyes and gently flew up to my back, where he perched up. Huh, cute. I took a moment to think about it—it would be nice to have another person with me, but a little companion wouldn’t be too bad. I was thinking of getting a dog, but this would be better. Wouldn’t have to worry about a bird falling off the ship. Rainbow spoke up again.

“I thought a parrot would fit better, with it being a flying ship and all, but Fluttershy didn’t know any parrots that needed to be adopted.” She grumbled a bit.

“Aren’t parrots for like pirates? Fairly sure I’m not a pirate, Dash.” I say, rolling my eyes in amusement. “Well yeah, but I think it would still fit better!” She said, her hooves crossed. I laughed.

“Yeah, yeah alright. A hawk will do though. He looks dope.” Appearing to understand me, the hawk stroke a dramatic pose as the wind ruffled his feathers. “Does he have a name?” I ask. Rainbow perched her lips and squinted her eyes in deep thought. She looked very cute. Then she looked to the cage to see if a name was on it somewhere. “Hm, I don’t know, I guess I didn’t ask. I don’t see one on his cage either. Oh! Why don’t you name him?” She said with excitement.

Name him? Hm what would be good na… Oh I have the perfect name. No no no, don’t do it. Oh but I have too! It’s just too perfect to not pass up! But think about it, no one will understand it! I don’t care! I’m doing it!

“Oh I know the perfect name for this little guy!” Both Rainbow and the hawk looked to me with anticipation. “Goose!” Rainbow took a second before bursting out laughing. The hawk, now named Goose, gave me a deadpanned stare.

This is it. I looked over the port side of the ship down at my now empty house. I had everything aboard and stored away. All I needed to do now was… well, go. Rainbow walked up beside me and Goose landed on the railing next to us. The cool breeze blew through our fur and feathers as we just looked out at to the sky. Rainbow spoke first.

“So… this is it.” She said, echoing my thoughts. Her voice was bittersweet.

“Yeah… this is it.” I gently placed my foreleg around her, bringing her closer to me and laying my head a top of hers. “Thank you. For everything. I don’t think I would have done well without you by my side.” I say, quietly.

“Of course. I’ll always have your back—I am the Element of Loyalty after all.” She said, giving a small smile. I gave a soft chuckle. “It fits you well… I’m… I’m glad to have you in my life. Even when I felt like I lost everything, you remained by my side.” And now I’m leaving without you. I’m a terrible friend.

“When will I see you again?” She asked, removing herself from me and looking me in the eyes. I wanted to place a claw on her face, but I didn’t. “I don’t know. Once my wanderlust dies I guess. Don’t worry though, I won’t be gone forever. I’ll come back and we can go flying again like we always do… everyday if you want.” She gave me one last hug.

“I would like that a lot.” She let go of me and we began walking to the cockpit, Goose landing on my back. “I’m going to miss you, Mav. Please be safe, okay? Don’t make me come and find you.” She bumped her shoulder into mine as I laughed in response. “Don’t worry Dash, I’ll be sure to message you every day.” She just rolled her eyes. “You better. I’ll sick Tank on you if you don’t.” She joked.

As I walked into the Cockpit behind the control console, I saw Rainbow stopped at the doorway.

“Goodbye Mav. I lo—I’ll miss you.” She said.

“I’ll miss you too. Goodbye, Rainbow.” Although hesitant, she flapped her wings and flew away, looking back a few times, and leaving only me and Goose in the cockpit.

I’m going to miss her. I’ll be back Rainbow, I’ll be back.

I looked over to Goose, who was standing on the control console, looking at all the lights and dials. “You ready to go, buddy?” I ask as I throw the thruster controller forward, turning on the turbines. He looked up at me and squawked in excitement as we began to depart from Ponyville.

Its time for adventure.

I watched as Mav, Goose, and the Free Spirit sailed away. I had to fight myself from flying back, to just say to Tartarus with it and just go with him. I saw it in his eyes, he wanted me to ask again, this time saying yes, but we both know I can’t.

I wanted to say it when I said goodbye, but I choked. I’ll say it when he comes back to Ponyville. I’ll wait for him. I swear it as the Element of Loyalty. I flew up in the air higher, matching the altitude of the ship, and used my hooves to cup my mouth.

“MAV! I’M WAITING FOR YOU! I’LL WAIT AS LONG AS I HAVE TOO! PLEASE WAIT FOR ME TOO! MAV! WAIT FOR ME!” I should with all my might, my voice going hoarse at the end, I also felt my eyes water. He was the only one that could make me cry. Damn that hippogriff.

I waited as I watched the ship sail further away. Hoping for a response. After a moment of not hearing anything I started to fly away. But as I do, I heard a voice shout back to me.

“RAINBOW! I’LL COME BACK! WAIT FOR ME! PLEASE! RAINBOW!” The voice came from a blue figure standing on the back of the ship’s hull waving at me and a bird flying in loops. I could only smile and wave back as he drifted away.

“See you later, Maverick.”

It has been two days now since I left Ponyville. Nothing eventful has happened since I left town, other than seeing some beautiful sites, drawing and listening to my Walkman, and sending some letters to Rainbow. Which was perfectly fine with me. I needed some time to adjust to the ship and get a feel for how she flies.

At first, I wasn’t really sure which direction I should head too, but I after some thinking, I chose to go to the Western reach since there was a large port called the Western Skyport, or just WestSky for short, in that direction. At least according to the map I have, anyway.

WestSky was the hub that separates civilization and the wild. That entire region beyond WestSky also has yet to be documented and explored by Equestria, which is exactly what enraptures my curiosity. It very exciting to go to the frontier of civilization, I just had to be wary of the weather and elements, as well as other ships. Equestria might be mostly friendly, but I can’t guarantee it’s like that in the wild frontier. I brought some precautions with me just in case—though I hoped that I wouldn’t have to use ‘em.

Anyway, I spend most of the day just enjoying the beauty of the sky, and ensuring that everything was working perfectly—which it was. It was smooth sailing. Literally. Haha.

After a long while just drawing and looking at the scenery on the deck, I spotted what appeared to be a large, compact city within the clouds that seemed to be floating by large red balloons. Attached to the balloons were tethers that reached towards the ground that disappeared in the clouds. I could also see a bunch of other ships—both recreational and commercial—flying and buzzing around the area.

It was certainly a sight to behold—something you would see in a movie or video game. I can’t explain it other than it’s just awesome. I slowed my pace down by turning on the turbines, and lowering my decent. I could see a few open ports available, so I chose the nearest one to land in. I really wanted to take a look around at WestSky and see if anyone knew of any interesting sites to visit.

As I lowered my decent, I aimed for the port dock until I was level with it and then turned off the turbines. It was a perfect parking job. Even better than when I took the course. Couldn’t help but pride myself at being a natural.

I made sure to lock up Free Spirit as I made my way off the ship, with Goose in tow, and met with the port-pony to pay for my docking. I also asked for a refuel, but he said I’d have to wait until tomorrow morning since that’s when they get their new fuel supply from the ground. Guess those tethers are for more than keeping WestSky from drifting.

It was about evening time, so I wasn’t worried about waiting. I had planned to stay overnight. I paid the port-pony some more bits to dock overnight and set out to explore WestSky.

I spent the last few hours going to different shops and stores, mostly just browsing, but I did find a few tools and trinkets that I really wanted. The place was crawling with creatures of all types. Unlike main Equestria, WestSky was diverse—There were minotaurs, griffons, and even other hippogriffs! There were even creatures I’ve never even heard of or seen before. It was quite mesmerizing. It also felt better that I didn’t stand out, like I felt in Ponyville.

I was feeling fairly hungry at this point and decided to go find some good food before venturing off into the wilderness, and although there were some good options, I also saw what appeared to be saloon. It had been a long time since I had a drink, and I had time to kill so I decided to go there. Even before entering, I could hear a cacophony of yells, singing, and laughter. It was glorious.

This would also help me loosen up a bit. The last few days were quiet and peaceful, but the feelings were coming back again… of what I lost.

No, stop it, man. Shake it off, Mav. Shake it off.

As I stepped into the saloon, it was exactly what I imagined. There were groups of sailors and marines laughing and cheering as they danced with some of the waitresses, while some others were playing some poker and billiards. The place smelled of alcohol, but it also reeked of fun. Goose gave some squawks of excitement as he also saw the chaos in here.

As I made my way to the front bar, a large bird-like creature stumbled in front of me, taking the seat I was going for. As he sat down, he fumbled his drink as it leaked from his beak and then sat it down on the counter harshly. All the while looking at what appeared to be a purple mare siting by lonesome self at the bar. Uh oh.

“W-well howdy t-there, beautiful. F… fancy seeing you here, heh.” The bird creature stumbled over his words as he tried to talk to the mare. I decided to sit on the other side of her, eavesdropping out of curiosity. I silently hoped he would just walk away.

The mare said nothing as she stared at her drink, and then taking a small sip of it. As I stole a glance at her, I saw something quite interesting—the mare had a broken horn. In all of my time in Equestria, I have never seen a unicorn with a broken horn. I started to get some intense vibes from her.

H-how about you put that drink d-down… down, and we have some… f-fun in my racer?” The drunk bird slurred hard as he put his face closer to the mare. She continued to drink her drink, ignoring him completely. The bird started to get angry.

“Hey, bitch, I’m t-talking to you! Hey!” As he went for a grab her shoulder, almost in a blink of an eye, she grabbed his arm with one hoof, and then used the other one to bring his head down on the counter, slamming it hard against the wood, the bird-creature squawked in both surprise and pain. She got close to his head and began whispering.

“Touch me again and I will break your beak off.” She growled in a low and intimidating tone.

“O-okay! Okay! I’ll leave you alone! Let me go!” He said in a pained voice. She held onto him for a moment longer before letting him drop to the floor. He held his head and got back up, looking at her with disbelief and anger. “You crazy bitch!” He said as he stumbled off in pain.

Me and Goose just looked at each other in bewilderment. The rest of the saloon didn’t even seem to notice the altercation though, as the noise continued. The mare sat back down and gave a deep breath. Then took a sharp glance at me as I found myself staring at her. Shoot! Both Goose and I looked away quickly and tried to ignore her intense stare. I saw the bartender, who appeared to be a bear-like creature wearing an apron, walking near me, so I called out to him to get me a drink to save myself from the embarrassment.

I carefully glanced over back at the mare, which thankfully wasn’t looking at us anymore, but instead looking at her drink again. She’s kind of a badass. And scary.

After some time drinking, and eating some decent food that I ordered, I was feeling pretty good. I took in all the noise and was looking around to see if there were any spots open for billiards. Unfortunately the guys there seem to be hogging it. Oh well, it’s been a long time since I’ve played so I probably wouldn’t be all that good, anyway.

The mare was also still here, doing the same thing as before, but I elected to ignore her—mostly to save myself from pain—and just played with Goose a little, feeding him some bread crumbs. He’s actually a really expressive little guy; I forget how smart animals are in Eques—

“PIRATES! THERE ARE PIRATES!!” someone shouted. Almost simultaneously, everyone started to run, and yell—some running to leave the bar, while others went to go hide under tables or into the back rooms. The bartender reached under the desk for what appeared to be a blunderbuss. Holy shit!

“Hazel! Lock the doors!” The bartender yelled. A waitress, now identified as Hazel, ran over locking the doors. I doubt they would hold.

Now that the noises in the saloon had died down, I could hear the sound of swords clashing, gunfire, and screaming coming from outside.

Fuck! Pirates? Now? Of course! Just my damned luck! I don’t have anything on me to defend myself, just my satchel. I could see the pirates out the windows of the saloon. A mass of different creatures holding torches, swords, and guns were running amok. Shit. This is real. Not even a week into my journey and I run into pirates.

I couldn’t go outside, not now, so I elected to hide behind the bar, but as I was doing so, I heard the sound of the front doors being being blown off its hinges as group of creatures with sword rushed inside. I made it over the the counter top, but landed hard on my back, knocking the air out of myself. I slowly got up, but as I did so, another blast went off right next to my head as the bartender shot off the blunderbuss, deafening and disorienting me. I again fell to the floor, and then so did another body as well as a shower of glass and red. It was the bartender, his face gone.

I was too frozen with fear to scream or shout, or even move as I stared at the body. My hearing was still shot, but I could hear muffled talking and laughing, as well as screaming and yelling. Then more gun shots. They were executing people. I needed to get out of here, right fucking now. I shook my head and tried to ground myself. Come on, Mav! MOVE!

As I lifted myself up, I cut my talon from the glass hissing in pain. As I reeled back, I felt something tap me on the top of the head. As I slowly looked up with dread, I saw a metal cylinder pointed right between my eyes.

There was a gun pointed at my head.


Author's Note:

Hello guys, sorry it’s been a while, I was taking a nap.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter, I’ll try to get more out soon!

Comments ( 22 )

I am so happy to see an update (>.<)
The scene with rainbow made me tear up.
Can't wait to see more

No offense, but I don’t. I’m sure Top Gun is a great movie, but whenever I hear the word “maverick” I think of the bosses from the Mega Man X series. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t think about Mega Man X when you heard that word. Why didn’t you think about it?

After Princess Celestia fails to return him back to Earth and back to his original from,

Why can’t Discord do it?

I have just read through the entire story within a span of an hour or so. (I am a fast reader-ish) from what I gleam from all of this is that maverick at one point will still try to open a way back to his universe. (Note I am assuming based of what I know from how these stories usually go)


Is it just me, or did anyone else get Usopp from One Piece vibes from this line?

There was a gun pointed at head.

Fucking kill me and also, nice job mate

“Oh I know the perfect name for this little guy!” Both Rainbow and the hawk looked to me with anticipation. “Goose!” Rainbow took a second before bursting out laughing. The hawk, now named Goose, gave me a deadpanned stare.

I see what you did there.

If this guy had a long nose, then he'd definitely be an Usopp.

It's very good to see an update from you! :pinkiehappy:

I'm looking forward to seeing more and if he'll make it out unscathed or not.

Mav should tell Goose about the origin of his new name, that'll probably make him feel better about it.

That was a long nap.

...Was it a good one?
I like a good nap, too, so more power to you.

Or not. Have you ever seen Top Gun?

No, but I reckon I know enough. Goose dies from an ejection gone wrong, but he was a great partner and a good friend to Maverick.

Will he ever go into the waters and turn into a seapony?

I found a song for when Maverick begins his journey into the unknown.

he needs the magic of the pearl to do that.

And then he died. The end.


Is that how that works? Alright then.

Comment posted by Fintushamy deleted January 11th

Quite a cliff hanger. I’m hungry for more><

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