• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,079 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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Dirty Tricks, Showdown, and Interrogation

Dirty Tricks, Showdown, and Interrogation

That afternoon, the girls were rehearsing at the stadium where the contest would be held. While the others were readying their instruments, some were already filled with great worry over both Twilight and Sunset.

“What are we going to do about Twilight?”

“And Sunset? Poor girls must be terrified already in custody?!”

Both Fluttershy and Rarity asked everyone else.

“With who knows what those Secret Service Agents are doing to them right now?!” Ono nervously brought up with the agent leader’s dreaded reputation shivering through his skin.

“I’m sure they’ll be all right.” Fuli assured. “They’re both tough and can handle a few hard-hitting questions no problem.” She thought to herself thinking mostly Twilight could. “I think.”

“Fuli’s right.” Kion agreed. “We just need to focus on preparing for the upcoming show.”

“But we need both Twilight and Sunset if we’re going to perform the counter-spell together!” Bunga pointed out.

“Yeah, how are we supposed to do it without them even here?” Other Bunga added in agreement.

As bizarre as it is hearing it from Bunga of all people, they both did have a point. Without both Twilight and Sunset to back them up, they have no chance of standing against both the Dazzlings and Wild Ones.

After pondering it for a bit, Kion decided with one of the only other options he can think of. “We fight them, the way we did with Sunset Shimmer.”

“Really? Are you sure about that Kion?” Applejack voiced not too keen to agree with the idea itself. “Even after what they did to you the other day?”


“Are you sure you didn’t have one too many apple ciders last night?” Rainbow asked as if he is being crazy now.

“No.” Kion looked at her seriously to assert that he is not. “I mean I take four other friends to confront the Wild Ones to keep them from joining forces with the Sirens. That way and hopefully we can buy both Twilight and Sunset time to get here before they join forces with the Sirens.”

“Oh, okay!”

“Thank makes sense!”

Both Bunga’s realized.

“But we are going to fight them anyways are we?”

“Heck ya!”

Sure and true to form, the Lion Guard’s human counterparts were quick to side with Kion on the matter.

“Very well I’m in.” Fuli declared.

“Me too.”

“I suppose somebody’s got keep a sharp eye on you all.”

“But what about us…” Pinkie started to say before realizing. “…Oooooh! Right get ready for the upcoming performance tonight. Got it!” He then saluted to Kion. “We won’t let you down sir, ma’am, sir!”

Kion just chuckled in amusement knowing full well that Twilight would have done the same if she were here before turning to the rest of his friends willing to join him. “All right Lion Guard, let’s go!”

After half of the team set off leaving the Rainbooms behind, Rainbow Dash was the first to start getting adjusted her microphone so she can herself better. Since Sunset wasn’t around to help monitor the speakers and microphones, Pinkie decided to help take care of it.

"Check, one, two. Testing, testing…" Rainbow tapped her microphone but her voice was barely heard. Not knowing what she is toying with she flipped the switch on one of the controls. "Testing…!"

Now while Rainbow's voice was now heard, it was a bit too loud and her voice echoed by the microphone's feedback, causing the girls to cover their ears. Pinkiie then quickly Sunset fixed the problem by lowering the switch and smiled nervously and apologetically.

“Whoops! My bad!” She giggled while doing so.

Just then all eyes turned when they saw Trixie approach them along with her two bandmates with their leader looking on with malevolent intent written on her face.

"What are you doing here, Trixie?" Rainbow disdainfully asked. "Pretty sure the losers are supposed to be up there in the cheap seats."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is the most talented girl at Canterlot High. It is I who deserves to be in the finals. And I will not be denied!" With a snap of her fingers, Trixie's lackeys pulled a lever and a stage door opened up from underneath the Rainbooms, causing them all to scream as they fell. Spike jumped out from behind the large speakers, sinking his teeth into a doggy toy, until he witnessed what happened. Trixie laughed evilly as the stage door closed shut, leaving the Rainbooms trapped inside.

"See you never!"

Spike immediately ran from the scene to find help, meanwhile The Dazzlings witnessed the whole thing.

Adagio chuckled. "Told you someone would give them a shove."

"She didn't shove them. She pulled a lever." Sonota corrected.

Aria groaned. "Go back to sleep, Sonata."

Adagio face palmed herself in response before rubbing her temples. “I surrounded by idiots!” She muttered to herself before speaking up. “Stop! Talking!” She then smiled knowing that their side of the problem has been taken care of. “And now we await for our friend’s success in dealing with their rescue party.”

“On what?”

“The Wild Ones silly!”

“Oooh! That makes sense! They are wild at fighting.”

“They don’t call them the Wild Ones for nothing.”

Both Aria and Sonota traded.

“They sure aren’t.” Adiago agreed while pulling out her phone to make a quick phone call. “Just listen and learn.”

Upon connecting to her desired contact, Uovu picked up his phone once he heard the ringing from the school track and field stadium.

“Are you going to answer it?” Hifadhi asked.

“Yes…” He moved to answer it to her Adiago’s voice. “…the hyenas are all in tunnel?”

“At the very dead end.” She spoke while raising an index finger to keep Sonota from even saying anything.

“Good. Stay connected and don’t hang up because we have yet to have our pre-concert fun.”

“And here it comes now.” Hidadhi reported when he spotted Kion and the Lightning Bolts approaching them.

"This should be fun." Kidevu remarked with eager glee upon seeing the serious expressions on their faces.

“Kion, Lightning Bolts, welcome…” Uovu greeted like he is talking to a group of friends. “…we figured you’d stop by to wish us luck sooner or later.”

“Then you’ll know that it’s not in our best interests to wish you the best of luck…especially when it means harming our friends.” Kion assertively stated not buying the whole faux friendly act.

“Now, now, Kion…come on. I would never dream of doing anything like drop them dead.”

“You did what?!” Fuli calmly yet angrily asked like he was serious about that statement.

Before she could advance on him, Nguvo quickly came to his defense with fierce anger on par with Fuli’s when he moved in between them. “He meant having them trapped somewhere where you’ll never find them, ever!”

“And I’m supposed to take an angry little boy seriously?” She asked unintimidated by the boy.

“Yes you are!” He proceeds to try to fire a punch right at her face to which she effortlessly catches her fist before it could even hit her. “Huh? Whoa!” He then gets suddenly thrown aside and sent tumbling across the turf. Upon spitting out the turf and grass, he growled angrily in the girl’s direction. “And now you’re going to pay!”

She adopted a fighting stance ready for that fight. “Bring it.”

“So…” Uovu held up his hands in surrender before he and the others got into stances ready to fight as well. “…that is how it’s going to be?”

“That is how it must be.” Kion returned as they all got ready to fight too and in an instant both sides all charged and leaped into action.

Nguvo made good on his threat when he another charge at Fuli who simply stood her ground and blocked off every attempted he threw at her. She then quickly went on the offense and connected each and every punch back at him before kicking aside and knocking him unconscious.

However she didn’t have time to smirk victoriously when Kasi quick sprinted over, tripped her up, and then kicked her off of her feet in an instant.

“Oof!” She grunted before being grabbed by the throat and pinned down by her attacker. “Let go of me!”

“Not a chance woman!” He moved to aim his hidden gun right at her face ready to put a bullet through her head.

Kion upon witnessing this growled as he quickly turned and charged right at him. “Hey!” He shouted as he tackled the guy before he could pull the trigger on her. While successful, Kasi had already pulled the trigger and the bullet ended up grazing his right arm causing him to remain laying down and grasping his shot arm in pain.

“Kion!” Fuli gasped as she quickly leaped up and kicked the gun out of his hands and performed another punch to the face to force him backwards. Kasi had to hold up his arms in order to block off the furious girl’s attacks on him as the battle continued to rage on.

Ono moved to take on the guy with the fancy hairstyle who is as cocky as ever while throwing punch after punch at him. It is incredibly one-sided that the former was getting punched in the face with his own fists when under the latter’s control.


“Why are you hitting yourself?”


“Why are you hitting yourself?”

“Quit it!”

“Oh, I’m not doing it, you’re doing it to yourself!”

Thankfully that moment of arrogance allowed Ono to manage to throw an elbow right in the guy’s gut before landing a backhanded punch to the face to force him to remove his grip. Upon seeing Ono moved to advance on him had him now moving to try to take him down all while forgoing the gloating.

Both Bunga’s moved to deal with both Kidevu and Hifadhi who are trying to give him a hard time but is seemingly blowing by them without much effort. “Ha.” Equestrian Bunga scoffed while doing back flips and repeatedly dodging the former’s hand-to-hand punches.

“Can’t touch us!” The other Bunga further taunted while taking on the latter.

At this point Kidevu was starting to get frustrated and a little winded due to having a good ten years over every other member of the team. For a guy pushing in his fifties, age certainly is starting to catch up to him when his Bunga started landing hits on him from his face, gut, and knees.

Hifadhi caught attention to this just when the other Bunga managed land a finishing blow on Kidevu causing him to pass out when he landed flat on his back. Seeing this he moved to quickly grab the Bunga he is currently dealing with by the wrist and then used his body to ram the other Bunga on the side causing him to stumble and fall down to the ground.

Even though he felt a little winded by that blindside attack he quickly flipped and used his feet to trap his attacker’s arms before he could take advantage of it. Before he could react the guy wound up getting slammed repeatedly onto the floor from side to side leaving him no time to recover and regain his ground.

And of course the Wild Ones leader is now duking it out with the Lion Guard’s Strongest and it is so far an evenly matched between the two. So far the two have been in a brawler lock for a good couple minutes trying to outwrestle each other. Not one of them had the edge up until Beshte was able to lean his opponent back and forced to stumble backwards allowing him an opportunity to tackle and pin him to the ground.

Uovu quickly forced Beshte off of him when he managed to punch him in the face twice followed by a spinning kick to get stumbling backwards onto his back. Beshte was quick to tumble to the side so he can stand up without getting pinned to the floor allowing himself to regain his ground before they locked arms again.

So far so good for Beshte…up until Uovu kicked him square in the gut leaving him little time to recover when he pinned him to the ground and then performed a painful headlock on him that knocked him out cold (while not outright killing him.)

“No!” Kion screamed while standing up to his feet while still clutching his arm in pain. By then the rest of his team were already subdued into submission by the remaining team that hadn’t been beaten yet.

After a struggle Kasi was able to swiftly take down Fuli while Mywene Kuona was able to take down Ono. At the same time Hidafu was able to reverse the body slamming beat-down on both Bunga’s before having both of them slam into each other’s faces to knock them out silly to cap their fight off.



They each uttered before passing out.

Upon glancing at every single defeated member of his team having taken down, Kion then looked back at the ruthless leader of the Wild Ones with pure rage before charging and tackling the guy to the ground.

Uovu was able to flip over and reverse pinned the boy to the ground after punching his shot arm. Kion screamed in pain as he finds himself gripped by the neck. Luckily, Kion was able to kick the man off of him causing him to tumble and take a few hard hits to the side as he hit the ground.

Uovu groaned a little before shaking it off and reached out for Kasi’s dropped gun. Kion however was able to quickly snatch the gun away before aiming it right at his face. Even when he is unable to snatch it away without getting shot dead, he still looked on bravely in the face of raging boy about to snap.

“Go ahead, shoot me!” He tauntingly chuckled while his opponent now hesitated to pull the trigger and end this man’s life. “Be a man!” He further laughed in a triumphantly manner before the boy moved to give into his anger and placed the gun right on his neck. With the guy dead to rights, he gave in and pulled the trigger…

…only nothing happened.

“What?!” Kion looked at the gun completely stunned as he looked inside and realized there were no bullets inside of it.

And to top it off, it was the opening Uovu was looking for as he moved to punch Kion square in the jaw causing him to collapse to his knees, thus leaving him defeated and at his mercy.

“But how…?” Kion could only say as he is hoisted up in the air when the Wild One’s leader hoisted up to his eye level.

“Did you honestly think that I would have one of men carry a fully loaded gun onto the school premises?” He asked like he actually believed that. “While that’s true you would, but unlike other’s I’m not dumb enough to allow a gun full of ammo to fall into the wrong hands. That’s like throwing your life away over a careless mistake towards your enemies.” As he talked Kasi handed him one of the bullets for his gun he kept in his jacket pocket. Once handed the bullet he briefly opened it so he can place the bullet inside it allowing him to have an armed gun in the boy’s face. “Back in the day when we were Secret Service Agents we were trained to be able to take down our enemies with only one bullet.” While cocking the gun ready to shoot him dead if he tried anything on him. “Much like the legend of the famous yet awkwardly entertaining cowboy in the west, it only takes one bullet to do the job whether it’s just you…” He aims the guy while everyone in the group holds up their badges like shields “…or the whole gang.” He aimed his gun right at Hifafdu’s badge which ricocheted off of every one of the gang’s badges before grazing Kion’s hair thus incinerating it and turning him bald again.

All Kion could do was hang his head in defeat just knowing he’s been outwitted and overpowered. And top of that, feeling like a failure due to the fact that he and the others are now at the Wild One’s mercy.

“Are you both okay?” He asked both Nguvo and Kidafu in genuine concern.


“I’ve been better.”

“Don’t worry. Now that many of our problems have been taken care of, we can now prepare for the big finale of our career. One that will enhance our magic to our fullest potential. By then, no one not Twilight, nor Sunset, and not even Special Agent Askari can stop us.” By then the Dazzlings have arrived on the scene behind him. “All right, not that the Lion Guard here has been dealt with…” He said as he spoke to both teams as the Wild Ones cuffed and gagged each and every one of them. “…we got make sure they are fully secure so they don’t interrupt our concert tonight.” He and Adiago moved to head out together. “…lock them up with the others while we make sure both the principals don’t swing by.”

“Yes, sir.” Kasi replied on behalf of both teams before he and the others moved to carry each and every one on over to the stage where they have the Rainbooms trapped inside.

Meanwhile both Twilight and Sunset were both walking through the hallways of a federal office building while still handcuffed and escorted by the agents who arrested them in secret. Both girls being smart enough to know their rights, didn’t dare say a word as they walked and looked around their surroundings. All they could do right now was just keep whatever they might ask them short and simple, straight to the point hoping whatever punishment they might face is simple light sentence, whatever it is they did.

They were eventually led inside an interrogation room where Askari would lead the girls inside the room while his team went into the room next door before removing the cuffs on both girls. Inside the interrogation room there is a big table where there is plenty of sitting and walking space around it. In front of one side where both Twilight and Sunset are sitting there is glass where they can see the reflection of the whole room around them. What they don’t know is that Askari’s crew can see them and their boss from the other room so they can witness this upcoming interrogation and questionnaire from outside.

“Sit.” Askari ordered of them before pulling out and reading some files he had brought inside so he can go over them. Both girls did as they were told without speaking though still curious and worried over what he is brought them in here for.

“Um, Special Agent Askari…” Twilight said after breaking her silence. “…why are we here, again?”

“Because, I want to ask you two some questions.” He said as he moved to take his seat on the opposite side of the table.

“About…?” Sunset piped up with her tone wanting him to lean on something more specific.

“Like I said, the recent magical disturbances nearby Canterlot High throughout your appearances here.” He open the two files with both girl’s recorded criminal offenses throughout their stay in this world. “And from what I got here, I have heard a great deal about you both.” She then eyes the girl with the red and yellow hair while showing her photos of her being her evil self. “Sunset Shimmer. Treason, Theft, Abuse, Conspiracy, Psychological torment, Torture, Stalking, Slander, Cruel and unusual threats, Blackmail, Property damage, Sabotage, Usurpation, Incrimination, Stalking, Animal cruelty, Attempted destruction, Brainwashing, Attempted murder.” He then turns to Twilight with the similar procedure. “Twilight Sparkle. Arson, Abuse, Conspiracy, High Treason, Abuse of power, Attempted murder, Property damage, Psychological torment, Stalking.”

“But I never did any of those things here.” Twilight pointed out since many of those listed charges are from another world.

“No, but we have you for theft…” Pulls a picture of her pickpocketing money from other people’s wallets. “…along with stalking…” Pulls out another picture of her doing so at school when Kion was first exploring the place. “…and of course the property damage on school grounds.” He added while presenting said photos of her doing so during some of her scuffles in the hallways.

“But how would you know of what or whatever I did in a world you have no jurisdiction over?”

“Because we do our research, that’s why...” He replied. “…Thanks to my men watching your every movement ever since you magically appeared here.”

“But if you knew of what we did then why wait until now to bring us in here and start pressing charges?” Sunset asked feeling confused herself that this is all happening now.

“Because as much as it would be tempting to start filing charges against you both, you girls are not my prime target. These guys are.” He answered before pulling out some more folders containing images of each and every member of the Wild Ones.

“The Wild Ones?!” Both girls asked in unison.

“Correct, girls. Twenty-five years ago back when I first joined the agency, this group of men showed up here after a mysterious source of magic had them appearing here. Given the impressive combat skills they displayed upon when we first met them working on a hit and run case, we scooped them up to join this agency to help take down criminals that threaten the peace of this place. We treated them like equals and allies, and how did they thank us by leaking confidential documents of our battle plans along with taking full credit of our achievements when really they were setting up false flag operations for their heroics in the first place to get themselves into the agency in the first place. We’ve been after them ever since we piled the evidence against them and disappeared before we could file charges against them.”


“They just vanished…” Sunset snapped her fingers. “…just like that.”

“Yes.” Askari nodded as he gathered his files together. “I’ve had this theory that they somehow been drawing magic from another universe maybe two that’s been allowing them to get away with their crimes but I have get concrete evidence to solidify being able to arrest them.”

Upon figuring out where he is heading with this Twilight asked. “And is that why we’re here? To help you get that proof you need to finally catch and incriminate them of their actions?”

“Correct.” He replied as he held up both her and Sunset’s files. “And if you help me do that, I’ll make it worth your while and by that I mean I’ll wave all charges against you and you’ll both be able to go forward with clean slates. As for what else, well depends on how generous I am.” He moved to place both hands over their files ready to rip up them together. “So, will you both help me?”

Both Twilight and Sunset looked at each other briefly before turning back with their answer.

“Of course. I mean they are about to cause a magical catastrophe here and put everyone under their spell.”

“And it’s not like we have another choice. So yeah, we’ll help you out.”

Askari smirked in response to their answer as he pulled out and slid across the table two fully loaded guns on over to the two girls for them to use against their enemies. “A wise decision, my friends. And ultimately the right one if you ask me.”

The three all chuckled together in response as they formed an interesting alliance together in order to take down great and ancient evil lurking and ready to give the performance of their life.

Author's Note:

With both Twilight and Sunset arrested, the best the others could do was try to hold their own against the Dazzlings and Wild Ones which predictably doesn't go to well.

Especially not great, when the girls enlist an enraged Trixie into trapping the girls under the stage while the Lion Guard winds up getting their butts kicked by the Wild Ones who are not senior students but actually fully grown men in their late 40s to 50s. Given that they are also former federal officers doesn't help too, especially ones that Askari and his men have been hunting down for nearly three decades.

And interestingly and thankfully, being able to take down a group of men who have a treasonous history here during their time here in this world might be the key negotiation in Twilight and Sunset's interrogation with the leader of Secret Service, in addition clean slates from their checkered pasts.

Next up is the final battle between the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts vs. The Wild Ones and Sirens, the Battle of the Bands reaches it's conclusion in a musical showdown against Ancient Evil where both heroes and villains hope to finish things off on a high note, so stay tuned...