• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,079 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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Fallen Heroes and Broken Hearts

Fallen Heroes and Broken Hearts

In the same world, where Canterlot High resides, is the current residence of a young girl who a while back ended up becoming her own worst enemy. The sinister and creepy laugh, blood red eyes with fiery flames appearing on her brows, the razor sharp teeth and a long tongue sticking out like a venomous snake. Her large wings flapped as the crown on her head glowed with a black-colored aura. Her eyes locked on her foes on the verge of victory, at least until one shimmer of hope came up to face off against her. Said shimmer of hope came from one brave girl, their leader, one with a horizontal scar on her left eye, stood up tall and bravely locked eyes with her in return. With her eyes narrowed and calm stormy gray clouds surrounding her, she unleashed a mighty and powerful roar empowered by the rainbow magic that winds up serving as her defeat.

Upon waking up, the girl found herself in the comforts of her own bed, thankfully. But was still greatly panicked from the painful memory. Not because she did something wickedly evil back then when she transformed into a demonic monster, but because of how bad she was up until that point. She managed to change her ways but the trauma still lingered in her guilt-filled heart with the painful memories still fresh on everyone’s minds here.

Because of how much of a jerk she was to everyone ever since she first stepped foot in this world, everyone is still holding her in great contempt for her actions, shooting nothing more than strong disdainful looks in her direction.

Hoping to get a breather to calm herself down, she took a walk on over to where the statue that serves as the gateway between her pony home world and her current home world, a gateway that is still two years away from its next three day opening.

She sighed and looked away with deep regret with what she threw away for the sake of power through cruel and dishonest means. And now she has to live with the guilt of what she has caused and nearly did through it all with no good conscience in wanting to go back. Her former mentor Princess Celestia had tried to tell her she’s not ready until she opens her dark heart up to friendship, but despite her efforts she wouldn’t listen and ended their teacher-student relationship on bad terms.

She could only look up at the moon at its near full state with a remorseful look towards the Great Lions of the Past direction for abusing the Gift of the Roar Kion’s crown briefly bestowed upon her in a moment of blind anger. After looking away with mortified tears she exhaled deeply and sharply to the point she released a small lion-sounding growl unintentionally after attempting a small blow from her lips.

She then gasped when that happened wondering how that is possible considering she lost the Roar when she used it against her fellow classmates. She looked up just when strong and calming winds circled around her with a rainbow shimmering glow.

Before her very eyes when she looked up again was the Lions of the Past appearing from the sky through dark clouds. Her eyes bulged open with shock, trying to understand what is truly happening when thunder and lightning appeared from the sky as they roared all together. They all roared judgmentally yet in a gentle like manner.

When their heads disappeared back into the dark clouds, a small and slightly heavy down pour of rain fell upon her body. Unlike the previous rain she’s dealt with, when it made contact with her hair and skin, it caused smoke and steam to emerge from her body that really stung her to the core.

She could only grunt and fall to her knees in pain for a minute as she felt herself forced to absorb all of that rain that was literally burning her. Then suddenly, she felt an internal pain being ripped out of her as a result of the demonic figure that she once was appeared out of her body and ended up vanquishing in a bright golden light with painful shrieks and screams.

As she looked up in time to witness this, she could still feel tears streaming from her eyes as she felt a former part of her getting forcibly ripped out of her even though after that had happened she felt relief that the rains were no longer stinging her body. She couldn’t help it and feel like she deserved painful judgement from the heavens just like her former mentor would if she were here right now.

The only question on her mind from this is what? What could that all truly mean?

In the other world it’s been just recently since Scar was defeated and already things were starting to shape back up to the way things were before he took over.

Just now, Twilight was able to figure out the magical properties to Scar’s magical dome that had trapped everypony inside the Crystal Empire along with keeping everyone who was just kicked out of Diamond Valley out of the kingdom. With this new knowledge she was able to work her magic in undoing the spell Scar had cast on them allowing them all to emerge freely from the stadium.

Though sadly, it was not meant with complete warm gratitude and thanks, since every Pride Lander and Diamond Valley resident (expect the kindest souls in the animal kingdom) returned it in kind. All of them were holding her in contempt for her failed plan in countering Scar’s successful takeover of the Crystal Empire that got them all in this mess in the first place.

Thurston, Big Baboon, Bupu, Cranky Doodle, were amongst the most notable one’s who gave her the hardest time for something she tried her hardest to prevent. Sadly, Scar being much more skilled at the game was better at manipulating the events in his favor and was able to figure out how to turn the tables on her.

He knew that Twilight would try to help set up the Crystal Empire’s defenses so that he and his army can’t get in from up high and on ground, so while she was busy in keeping the Lion and Pony Guard along with the Royal Family busy during her time as his second-in-command he personally lead the lionesses and changelings in expanding the underground tunnel network beyond Canterlot’s borders so they can sneak under force fields undetected.

Thinking back, she could only mentally berate herself for not foreseeing it considering that’s how they managed to enact the attempted invasion at the wedding in the first place and for that they feel they have every right to deny her gratitude and treat her like an hated Outsider outcast.

But to her it’s quite disheartening considering that she just managed to defeat Scar and restore peace to both worlds and instead see her as the mare who ruined their lives forever by siding with him in the first place all in the name of suffering bad friendship experiences.

After another tough fly through she landed on the ground while leading the way away so she can survey any damages that may have been done ever since she they’ve last been here. Thankfully, after a thorough search and scan, it has been deduced that the place hasn’t changed at all ever since they left. Though it doesn’t take a second glance to get a feel of what the relieved residents returning to their homes are thinking of her now.

To allow herself some breathing room from them, she flew head to the nearby stream of water so she can take a calming drink. While she was sipping it in, her best friend, Kion, the new Prince of Friendship having recently become a half-alicorn much like his granduncle himself, joining by her side as she was looking down at the river’s reflection.

“Feeling okay?” He asked.

“More or less.” She replied somewhat downheartedly. “Nothing new ever since I stepped up to the mantle again.”

“Sorry.” Kion apologized as he walked himself into an obvious answer there. “I mean sorry to hear that things haven’t improved.”

“No kidding.” She still kept her eyes on the river. “It’s bad enough everyone’s mad at me for how everyone got into this mess in the first place, but you’d think that after defeating the lion who nearly took over both worlds that everyone would forgive and forget but I guess not.”

“Well…” Kion struggled on what say next. “…I’m sure they’re just upset and taking a little longer to adjust to the fact you’re not a bad guy anymore…” He sees that his friend is looking on unimpressed. “…I mean you’re not a bad girl anymore…” He was now feeling he dug himself deep and personal with what he just said. “…and that you’ve truly changed for the better and you are not as bad as Scar…” He then quickly added upon her expression having not changed. “…anymore.”

“But for how long?” She asked. “How long until I can expect this whole thing to just all go away like magic?”

Kion again hesitated to give a good response before settling with. “I’m not sure, but soon, very soon.” He then quickly added. “And for what it’s worth at least you no longer have to do community service. That’s good right?”

“Right.” She replied rather deflated than excited that one court ordered obligation has been settled before flapping her wings ready to fly off to take to the skies on patrol.

Kion could on look on feeling pity for her seeing that there is now clear sight of it happening before spreading his wings and trying to fly off after her.

While he is right, the question is when? When will the many Pride Landers and Diamond Valley residents all come to decide that this whole matter is something that can be considered all in the past and water under the bridge?

Maybe a little time to unwind along with a break from all of the ongoing stress is in order, but what?

"What would be the ideal place for a mare with a healing heart to go and unwind?" He thought to himself as he tails her from behind.

At the same time Sunset wakes up in the morning as she dons her attire. As she puts on her black leather jacket and black and purple boots to go with her purple shirt and orange skirt, she heavily sighs knowing what’s in store for her the moment she walks through the doors to Canterlot High and faces every single face she’s faced ever since she became the antagonistic force of nature there…

Author's Note:

Here in Part Two, as one would expect two ponies, both former major antagonists, both facing the tough life of being rejected outcasts due to the crimes they both committed, and while they are truly repent and are trying to do good, it is a tough working progress for everyone to trust them again.

Not hard to see why, but still with all things considered that's heartbreaking for both girls in it's own right there and it's hard not to pity them.

Next up after seeing a day of Twilight's now hard life, we get to see more of Sunset Shimmer as she goes through a day of what she's been going through and how she's been able to cope with her first new friends who are more than willing to give her a chance to prove her worth, so stay tuned...