• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,079 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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The Sleepover and the Midnight Talk

The Sleepover and the Midnight Talk

Later that night at Pinkie Pie's house, the girls and boys were all in their pajamas, happily hanging out. Rarity was taking selfies with Ono and Sunset Shimmer while Fluttershy and Beshte played with Spike. Pinkie Pie typed on her laptop while both Bunga’s leaned over her shoulders, while Fuli, Applejack and Rainbow Dash played a video game together. Twilight sat on the bed, attempting to write a counter spell while Kion sat beside her so he can get a look at her progress at least without invading her personal space.

Twilight wore yellow pants and a long sleeved button shirt with pink hearts. Kion wore a yellow sleeved shirt with orange lions on it and red pants thanks to their host providing them said pajamas.

Rarity wore a violet nightgown with a fiddled white collar and a blue bow. Sunset wore magenta shirt and long pants with her cutie mark on the shirt. Pinkie Pie wore a long blue sleeveless shirt with yellow balloons and matching shorts. The shirt had purple straps and a pink bow above the chest. Applejack wore blue footsie pajamas with pale blue apple prints. Rainbow had a white shirt with red sleeves with her cutie mark on her blue pants. Fluttershy wore green pajamas with yellow butterflies on it.

As for their Lion Guard friends, Beshte wore a white sleeveless undershirt and gray gym shorts, Bunga wore a sky blue t-shirt with matching boxer shorts, Ono wore a white sleeved shirt with orange pajama pants, and Fuli wore yellow pajamas much like Twilight and Fluttershy’s with brown cheetahs on it.

As Twilight wrote on the pages, or at least tried, Kion could only look aside. Twilight's writing had improved the more she practiced with her hands back home, but the attempt to write counter song isn’t going well given her poor attempts at writing good lyrics and melody.

“Everything okay, Twilight?” Kion asked upon seeing her looking like she has writer’s block.

“Mmm-hmm.” She replied still focused on her notes, even though it was clear she is lying.

Seeing that now isn’t the time or place to try to inquire on how she truly feels, he decided to leave it be for now. "Okay, just let us know whenever you have it ready.” Even though Kion is no expert in music, he could tell that his friend is really having a tough time trying to make progress here.

Pinkie Pie happily typed on her keyboard. "Status update: "Okie-dokie-lokie.""

“Looks great!” Bunga One stated with a thumbs up in approval.

“Un-Bunga-veilably great!” Bunga Two agreed with the same thumbs up approval.

Rarity got her phone ready and snapped another selfie with her, Ono, Beshte, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer. However, after she took the photo and checked it out, she noticed a very certain little dog along with a couple of look-alikes had all photo-bombed the shot. Rarity and Ono both glared at them while the others simply laughed in amusement.

Fuli, Applejack, and Rainbow continued to play the game, and by the looks of it, Applejack and Fuli were neck and neck while Rainbow was dragging behind them. Unlike her pony counterpart, the Rainbow Dash here is a definite sore loser when she decided to slam her hand on the console to instantly end the game just before the final outcome could be decided.

“Hey! Rainbow Dash! What the hay was that for?! You shut it off before a winner could be decided!”

"Yeah! I was about to beat you!"

The two complained while Rainbow spun the controller with one finger like a basketball, smiling smugly and arrogantly.

"I doubt it.”

Fuli simply glared at her for her poor sportsmanship. “I won’t count on it if I were you because after dinner, we are all going to play the game again and if you try to touch the console again…” She grabbed her wrist and twisted it causing her to grunt and nearly scream in pain. “…you and I are going to have a serious game of twister together. So unless you know how to play it like you did the last time you played it, learn how to act like a true player than a coward. Got it!“

Rainbow having mustered enough strength to avoid screaming outloud nodded in response with a forced smile before Fuli moved to let her go. “So, Twilight, Kion, how is that counter-spell coming?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, good. Great." Twilight lied while making it sound believable. "Thanks for letting me use your notebook, Fluttershy. I really like the song you wrote for the Rainbooms."

Kion too agreed. “Yeah, I never would have guessed you have what to takes it write a good song.”

"Thanks." Fluttershy sighed sadly as she held close Pinkie's stuffed alligator. "Hopefully one day, we'll get a chance to play it." She said sadly and hopelessly. She knew Rainbow Dash would prefer to sing the songs she herself wrote rather than even look at Fluttershy's and it is only her friends backing her up that she even gets one song performed during rehearsal.

Rarity moved to sit beside both the prince and princesses. "Twilight, Kion, I think I speak for all of us when I say I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come back to help us."

The others nodded and said “Yes.” in agreement unknowingly putting pressuring on the two especially Twilight who has yet to create and put together the perfect counter spell. Thankfully the sound of the doorbell was heard with Pinkie Pie immediately jumping up to her feet upon hearing it.

"Pizza's here!"

In a flash, everyone expect for Twilight and Kion all ran out of the room as fast Fuli on a normal day.

After everyone else had left Twilight looked down sadly at her notes knowing full well this won’t be of any help at all. If only Kion had more expertise in magic than maybe he could have helped but sadly that wasn’t the case.

“It’ll be okay.” He assured the best he could.

Before Twilight could say a word, Pinkie quickly zipped inside with a slice of pizza in her mouth alongside both Bunga’s.

"Don't you want any pizza?"

“It’s piping hot delicious!”

“And there’s plenty of it!”

Both Twilight and Kion both nodded in response which was enough for Pinkie and both Bunga’s to rejoin the others.

“Come on, maybe your mind will be benefit from a little dinner.”

“Maybe.” Twilight agreed coming to decide she really could use a break to clear her head, before moving to place the book inside the nearby drawer, which was filled with candy and other half-eaten sweets including a doughnut.

“Wow, Pinkie sure knows how to pack away a lot of sweets.”

“She sure does.”

The two shared along with a giggle before moving to have a pizza dinner alongside their friends.

Later on that night, everyone was now asleep after all of that unwinding and relaxing throughout the night…

…well almost everyone expect for Twilight who is now having a bad dream.

Her bad dream is mainly having her mirror friends ever-growing encouragement replay in her mind all while feeling great anxiety and pressure of trying and failing to right a proper counter-spell only to crack under pressure and run away back to the other world.

Once she got there she found much to her horror she is surrounded by an angry mob filled with the entire population of every pony and Pride Lander all rearing their ugly heads towards her.

“There she is! There’s the pony that sold us out!”

“Let’s get her!”

Both Thurston and Big Baboon shouted before everyone all lunged to tackle and attack her.

Acting quick upon being charged at, she teleported her way out of the library and outside of the castle just a fraction of a second to spare, much to her own relief.

Sadly that relief was short-lived when she heard very familiar and a sinister sounding voice laughing from above.

“Life isn’t fair my dear!” Scar mockingly said as he floated from the air with his large black wings. “You see I well I shall never be king, at least not the king my brother Mufusa was. But you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.”

Before Twilight could do or say anything, she found herself quickly overwhelmed when the evil lion zapped her into unconsciousness with a super-charged blast of dark magic from his fiery green eyes.

When she came to she found herself being held prisoner with a complete beaten up, bruised, and messy appearance over the very big pit of lava inside the Outlands Volcano. All surrounded by eager and malicious Outsiders seeking to see her plummet to her fiery end.

Upon seeing her predicament, her heart was now racing with death right in front of her, but with nothing she can do about it as long as Scar held onto with his magical grasp while floating right in front of her all with a fiery coated appearance much like Celestia and Twilight at their angriest.

“Sweet dreams, princess!”

In an instant, Scar swooped in and delivered an upper cut claw to the face sending her directly down into the pit at great speed.


Before she hit the lava…

…she suddenly jolted up from her sleeping bag all while sweating and heavily gasping.

To her relief, none of her friends had woken up otherwise they would have immediately started asking questions about her well-being. Upon seeing that she is now not going to be getting any sleep tonight, she carefully tip toed towards the drawer where she last left the notebook, took it and tiptoed her way into the kitchen so she can try to continue working on her counter-spell.

Upon walking inside, she found Kion was also there helping himself to the pizza leftovers along with a can of cola.

“You know it’s past your bedtime and soft drinks only make you stay awake.” She commented in a jokingly manner and smirk. Kion just looked at her before resuming his midnight snack. “Can’t sleep, either?”

“No.” He shook his head without even looking at her just when she moved to take a seat beside him. “You too?”

“Uh-huh.” She moved to tap the pen on her chin while trying to work her inner magic on the blank pieces of paper.

At the same time, Sunset Shimmer also was having just as much trouble sleeping. The recent events involving the vanquishing of her demon self continued to trouble her was too much for her to be able to sleep peacefully. She moved to walk inside the kitchen where she noticed both Kion and Twilight inside.

"No. That's not gonna work." She muttered as she tossed the pen aside while Kion wisely didn’t comment over her attempted handiwork.

"Hey, guys." Sunset spoke up to get their direction. "You're up late."

Twilight forced a smile as she covered the book to hide her lack of success on ink. "Just looking over the counter-spell. We only get one shot at this. It has to be perfect."

Regardless despite knowing that Twilight is deep down lying, she moved to smile and reassure her while opening the fridge. "We really are lucky you're here."

"That's what everyone keeps saying." Twilight replied truthfully while looking aside feeling downcast.

"Who could possibly need this much whipped cream?" Sunset asked herself when she saw all of the cans in the fridge.

Kion moved to join her in the fridge after finishing up the leftovers. “Possibly because of the many pies she has in there.” He moved to grab a separate can for the pie he is about to help himself. “Then again since its Pinkie we’re dealing with, who’s know why.”

“True, true…” Sunset nodded before her smile faded as she poured some whipped cream onto her thumb. "…Must be nice to have everyone always looking to you for answers to their problems... instead of waiting for you to cause a problem."

Twilight scoffed in response. “You’d wish.”

Sunset turned her head surprised. “Why do you say that?”

“Because it is quite the opposite of what you think I have back home. I’m sure you have noticed that I wasn’t exactly on the right side of the fence back when we last saw each other.”

“I kind of figured from first glance from your tone and similar dress code that you weren’t after the crowns just because it was the right thing to do.”

“No.” She shook her head much to her confusion again. “I did do it because it was the right thing to do, but not to make friends. I just wanted the crowns back in order to ensure that Scar didn’t ever get invested in the idea of ruling this place too.”

“Who now?”


“Is that your nickname?”


“Then who else’s got a scar?”

“No, no, that’s his name.”

“A guy that has a scar is named Scar?”

“Yes. And trust me when I tell you that you are better off not meeting him.” The young princess pointed towards her scarred eye. “I learned that the hard way.”

“Did he trick you into getting bitten by a snake or scratched by a rhino or something?”

“No. If it was from a rhino I probably be in stitches by now, and if it was a snake well, I’d think it’s safe to say of what wouldn’t have happened.”

“I think I got a pretty good what.” Sunset agreed and cringed at the thought of snake venom being injected into her system. One little dose of venom alone is all it takes to kill someone. “So he gave you the scar himself?”

“Yep.” Twilight nodded as she recalled the memory. “Right in front of me when I least expected it.” Even then she could still feel haunted by Scar’s laughter at that very moment. “Right after the whole mess that ensued that day.” She could not bear to allow the memory of being abandoned at the earlier rehearsal replay in her mind. “But back then we weren’t friends before.”

“Ahh…” Sunset said really understanding of how that played out from there.

“I never wanted to experience that heartbreak all over again. From the day I experienced the worst day of my life in magic kindergarten, to the day I nearly lost my friends, my brother, and my mentor, and to the day I crossed over to the dark side, I never wanted to make new friends again only to get back-stabbed when I least expected it and was just warming up to it, but no matter who I trusted it always happens again and again. And now I got a handful of faces who are still mad at me back home even after saving everyone from a terrible fate. That being said, just because everyone expects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen."

"Well, that doesn't stop them from expecting it."

"Which only makes things harder because the last thing you want to do is…"

"…let everybody down." The two girls and boy all said together before looking at one another in surprise.

Like Twilight, Sunset could only look on in amazement with how much they have in common with each other before smiling with the latter turning to the red-head. “And you?”

“Me? Well that’s me and my dad when it comes to me leading the Lion Guard back where I’m from. But mostly because I really want to be able to do my part in taking the Dazzlings and Wild Ones down…at least without getting embarrassed…again.”

“Right…” Twilight remembered why. “…what they did to you just earlier today.”

Sunset just looked on very guilty upon having a replay of what had just happened in the gym right in front of her, only that she wasn’t the one with the razor nor was she the one who had the brazen energy to actually commit said deed and sent the poor boy (mirror guy) crying home, never to return. It was like having one of her most wicked deeds happen before her eyes and just having an full realization of how much unnecessary pain and suffering she had caused him since he never showed face around here again, ever.

“More unforgettable memories…” Sunset muttered in shame before speaking. “…and if you heard rumors, then you know how exactly how it went down with the other Kion.”

“Yep, I know.” Twilight said in response while nodding her head before moving to assure her to help keep her upbeat going forward. “It’ll be okay. I mean sure it’ll take some time for him to warm back up to you but he’ll come around eventually.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure!” She then turned to Kion. “And for someone who’s been there before, you’ll be okay as long you as you stick by me. I have your back and so does Sunset.”

The alicorn’s heartfelt words were enough to get a small smile from Kion as he turned to Sunset with some much needed words to say himself. “I know now she will.”

The two smiled at each other knowing that this truly is the beginning of a trusting friendship with one another along with Twilight, when suddenly.


The three girls screamed upon seeing the sudden appearance human counterpart of Pinkie Pie's sister, Maud Pie.

"Boulder was hungry." She said with the same stoic tone and expression along ‘feeding’ her ‘pet’ rock some crackers.

"I still can't get over the fact that she's related to Pinkie Pie." Sunset whispered while they all watch her leave.

"You and me both!" Twilight said in agreement.

“Even Kyoga on her moodiest days, never has acted like that.” Kion commented with the trio all giggling and snickering with one another.

“No kidding.” Twilight commented in agreement.

Sunset then yawned. “I better get some sleep.”

Kion also yawned too as he finished up his midnight snack and tossed the empty remains in the nearby trash can. “Same here. Coming Twilight?”

“In just a bit, I really want to try to get this counter spell done right.”

Kion shook his head amusingly. “You know it’s past your bedtime.”

“So is yours.”

Sunset chuckled in response to Twilight’s counter reply. “Just please join us in a few minutes, I’d rather see you rested enough than walking and rambling around like you’re crazy.”

“Fair enough, and I will.”

Kion and Sunset then left Twilight alone to do her work which to her is still nothing but scribbles and scrap after multiple rough drafts she’s written. She really wants to help them, but truthfully doesn’t have all of the answers and she really wishes she does, feeling put high on a pedestal right now. But knowing that she just has got to be able to pull through someway somehow, she still remained confident to prove herself.

"No, I have to be able to do this. I have to."

Author's Note:

After a tense first encounter with our fearsome and musical foes, we get a breather part where the Lion and Pony Guard in this world get together at Pinkie's house for a sleepover, complete with makeup, video games, selfies (including the selfie-bombs), and above all piping hot pizza for dinner.

By nightfall, we have a heartfelt bonding bond between Twilight, Kion, and Sunset where their insecurities and fear come to light (mostly), expressing their regrets, and wished for what they want to do better, with the clear agreement that things will get better eventually.

Next up is the main band competition where all four bands face off against other bands in the fight to get to the finals so be on the look out for it along with a few more surprises along the way sometime later in the week so stay tuned...

...and Merry Christmas!