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Previously on Kamen Rider O's: Ankh hand to explain to Flash and the Rainbooms about the Core Medals and the Cell Medals. He even told them if he and Shining Armor are separated for ten minutes, Shining Armor would die. The next day, Flash and the girls told Sandalwood and Micro about Ankh and the Yummy Flash fought as OOO. At the Crystal Prep School, Twilight Sparkle have been worried sick about Shining Armor, her big brother. Meanwhile, another Yummy had gone on a rampage at one of the banks. Ankh had dragged Flash Sentry, his two friends, and the Rainbooms out of school when he sensed it. Flash had made a promise with him to let him use the O's driver whenever he wants and to let him save people before getting any medals. After Steel had arrived to deliver a birthday present to OOO, the Medajaribur, a Rider Vendor, and a few Tako Cans, OOO defeated the Otoshibumi. And now:

Pinkie Pie gave Ankh a hug. "And thanks for saving Flash, Ankh." Ankh gave an annoyed look at Pinkie as he brought his claw up. They others saw him and worried he was about to attack Pinkie, so they ran to stop him. Rainbow Dash and Applejack quickly pulled her off Ankh just in time.

"What was that?" Ankh asked them.

"She just gave you a hug." Flash answered. "You never been hugged before?"

"That's kind of sad if you think about." Fluttershy said before she and the Rainbooms got text reminders from Principal Celestia.

"Oh right, we got to get going!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "We have to help prepare for the Friendship Games! Looks like you boys have to do the rest of us." Ankh gave a grin before he grabbed Rainbow by the throat and frowned.

"Perhaps you don't understand, I decide when you are done." Ankh told her in a threatening tone. "You do not choose to go and to leave. I decide when you're done, understand?"

"Stop it, Ankh!" Flash shouted as Applejack grabbed him by his claw and flip him over, only to pull Ankh off of Shining Armor.

"Understand this," Ankh told them as he flew out of Applejack's hands. "You will gather the Cell Medals and you will not stop until I say so!"

"We can do whatever we want!" Rainbow Dash argued. "You can't just-"

"Flash! Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo's voice called out. Applejack quickly grabbed Ankh and hide him behind her back as Scootaloo and the other girls were running to them. Sandalwood and Micro stood infront of Shining Armor's body as to not let them see it.

"Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, what are you three doing here?" Rarity asked the three girls.

"You need to check out the news!" Sweetie Bell told them as she had her phone out. They gathered around the three girls the seeing what got them so excited as Sweetie Bell turned on the news.

"We are coming to you live near the the City Bank what appears to be a monster on the Rampage! " A news reporter said in a helicopter as the camera was pointed to the of the building where the Otoshibumi is wrecking everything. "We have no idea what this thing is or where it came from or- Wait, I see someone dangling on the side of the building!" The camera zoom in as close as it can, and they can see someone dangling. The Rainbooms and the guys knew that it was Flash who was dangling. "Who ever that is, he's in trouble and is that an arm floating next to him?" they watched as the figure, who is Flash lost his grip in was falling. Then they saw the arm which was Ankh place the O's driver on him before he transformed. They watched how OOO used the claws to slow down his descent before Steel arrived to give him the Medajaribur, a Rider Vendor, and a few Tako Cans to stop the Otoshibumi. "Tell me you're getting this?! I've see anything like this, folks! Whoever this masked hero is, he's able to hold his own against that thing!" The reporter said as they recorded OOO did a Triple Scanning Charge on his Medajaribur and slashed the monster before it exploded into medals.

"So awesome, right?!" Scootaloo shouted. "It was the most coolest thing I have ever seen!"

"Not only that, that mask hero is all over the news!" Sweetie Bell told them. "It's just so cool!"

"Yeah, and it was so cool how he changed the center of his suit from yellow to green so quick." Apple Bloom said.

"I suppose so..." Rarity said with a sheepish smile. She and the others kind of already knew about all that, because they were there in the first place. "Now, why don't mean three head on home. We've got some things to do for the Friendship Games."

"Sure, we understand." Apple Bloom said before the three girls ran off.

"Were they humans?" Ankh reattached to Shining Armor asked and surprised the group.

"Of course they are! You already met my sister Scootaloo, those were our friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They're the CMC, the Canterlot Movie Club." Flash told him.

"If they're around, they'll get in the way of the Cell Medal collecting." Ankh said. "There's no problem if we eradicate them. I will take care them." He was about to go after the CMC before Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash stood infront of him.

"If you touch my little sister, I will break that arm of yours!" Applejack threatened Ankh.

"We will not let you lay a filthy claw on them." Rarity glare at him.

"Scoots is like a sister to me, so don't even think about it!" Rainbow Dash shouted at him. Ankh just scoffed at them as he raised his claw and reached out to them, like he was about to hurt them.

"Oh no, Ankh! Look this way! It's terrible!" Flash shouted in a dramatic tone. They all turned to see Flash holding the O's driver over the railing near the water. "If I can't transform into OOO, we can't collect the Medals!"

"Smart." Sunset said in an impressed tone.

"You..." Ankh growled.

"I can't hold it!" Flash shouted as he acted to lose his grip. He lifted off three fingers off the driver over the water.

"Stop!" Ankh shouted.

"Sure...but only if you don't hurt my little sister and her friends and let the Rainbooms do what they want to." Flash told Ankh in a normal tone. The others had smug smiles on their faces while Ankh snap his fingers. "You girls can go now."

"We owe one Flash!" Sunset called out as she and the Rainbooms went on their way.

"Now to find me a job, so I can pay for a new car." Flash said before he a paper add for a job opening at a place called "World Palace" on a lamppost. Meanwhil, a bunch of police officers had a tunnel blocked off and were frightened by what's coming through, the four Greeed.

"While we Greeed were sealed, the humans have changed." The feline Greeed said with arms behind his head. "They seem more of a nuisance now."

"That's true... although their foolishness seems about the same." The aquatic Greeed said. "How sad." Both the rhinoceros Greeed and Uva walked out of the tunnel.

"Man... where do we go now?" Uva asked. "They sure are noisy." The rhinoceros Greeed grew a very long elephant nose that went through a car near the police and pulled it towards himself with the driver still inside. Once it hit him, the rhinoceros Greeed started tetora part the hood of the car before he climbed on it. The driver inside quickly got out as the Greeed beat on the glass before it grabbed him and slammed him against the wall before it threw him near police. The police started to shoot the Greeed after the man was thrown, but their bullets weren't having any effect. Uva then leap over onto two of the police officers and pinned them to the ground. He then knock one away when he tried to shoot him and then swipe at a few more as they try to charge him.

"Mesuuru... I don't have enough Cell Medals..." The rhinoceros Greeed told the aquatic Greeed as she walked pass him.

"It's because you use them up so quickly." Mesuuru told him in a sweet tone. "Here." She kissed her hand. "I'll share." She hold her arm over him a few Cell Medals popped out of her and into him. "Finding Ankh is important, but we need to gather Cell Medals too."

"I know that." The feline Greeed said after he jumped on the car. He then swiped his claws and a big gust of wind blew the officers away. "I'll do it next. I'm sure it'll be easy. Just as humans have changed, so has the nature of their greed. It's become immensely large... and bottomless." Somewhere in the city, a teenage girl with light green skin, golden orange hair and eyes, wearing a black sweatshirt hoodie and pants was running through like she was running a marathon. She didn't stop when the light was Green at a crosswalk, or let anybody slower down as she passed through them.

"Got to keep going!" The girl told herself. "I'm not letting Rainbow Crash one up me ever again! I'm going to be faster than her or my name isn't Lightning Dust!"

Flash, Sandalwood, and Micro made their way to World Palace which which looks like a house with a archway near the door and a window on the side of the building. When they walked inside, they find a few things from the wild west. "Huh, this looks very exotic." Micro said as they got to look of the place.

"Sure is man." Sandalwood said. "But where's the owner?" They looked around until Flash saw a guitar on a stand with a note that says "play me." Flash walked up to it and picked it up. From behind a door, a woman with long magenta and purple hair was watching him from the door's window. Flash then began to play the guitar and the song he was playing on the guitar was the "W-B-X Boiled Extreme." Flash stopped when they heard clapping from the door that leads to the kitchen before a woman with long magenta and purple hair, with bluish purple skin, and wearing a cowgirl outfit.

"Nice work there partner!" The woman told Flash. "I knew trusting my instincts was that I call!"

"Thank you, I am a musician and a guitarist in a band." Flash told the woman. "I'm here for the job Ms...?"

"Twinkle, Night Twinkle." She introduced herself. "And you got the job. Welcome to World Palace."

"Just like that?" Micro asked. "You're not going to give him an interview or anything?"

"Nope, I always go with my instincts on everything like my restaurant's theme." Twinkle told them. "Like this week, I thought a Wild West theme would be perfect this week. Next week, I'm thinking either pirate or outer space."

"You should go with pirate theme." Sandalwood told her. "It would be rad if you add a bit of pirate flags here and add a few games with treasure chests next to them for the kids."

"And with a few of that would increase your payment any customer would give you about 78%." Micro said as he crunched some numbers on his calculator. Twinkle looked at the two with interest after they suggested all those things.

"All right then, all three of you are hired! You all can start next week on Monday." Twinkle told them before she went to the back. The three boys were a bit confused as to what just happened but decided just to go along with it. As they followed her into the back, they didn't see the picture frame of her, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle on the wall. Ankh was waiting on the roof of the place for the three to come back out as he holds the Hawk and Tiger Core Medals.

"That punk Flash..." Ankh said to himself. "Considering he and those girls are just Medal-gathering tools...he sure is insolent." With Twilight Sparkle, she was walking home but couldn't stop thinking about what she saw on the news. The masked hero looked kind of like the hieroglyph picture in a textbook of the great king that sealed away a great evil she learned in history class. From the hawk mask, to the tiger claws, and the grasshopper boots. She was so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't noticed that she accidentally walked into the museum that was on the news. She looked around and noticed that nothing was stolen and a large stone tomb was opened. What really alarmed her is that the tomb looked exactly like the one in her textbook and she knew that all of this couldn't be a coincidence.

"Was it really an attempt of a breaking..." Twilight thought as looked closely at the tomb. "or something more?"

After the three left World Palace, they decided to hang out at the park and thought about what to do next. "I did not expect her to give us a job too." Micro said as he was sitting on a bench.

"I know man, she's cool." Sandalwood said before he notice Flash was on Shining Armor's phone. "You still worried about this "LSBFF" person?"

"Yeah, sooner or later we're going to tell the truth." Flash told them. "Plus, I'm also worried my sister will find out too."

"That's why I said eradicating her and her friends would be easier." Ankh told them while he was on the branches of a tree. The three looked at him with "Not on your life" look. Meanwhile, Lightning Dust lean agenst a wall as she was drinking from a water bottle. When she was done, she tossed the bottle into a trash bin before she went back to running. It soon became night and she was resting in the park from another run.

"I'm not giving up..." Lightning Dust said. "I may have been kicked out from track team from school, but I will get Rainbow Dash back for doing it too me! I will get her back for it!" She started to hear the sounds of medals falling with foot steps. She looked up and saw the feline Greeed approaching her. She stumbled back when he hopped over to her. She was utterly speechless as the feline Greeed hold up a Cell Medal.

"I will unleash your greed." The feline Greeed told her as he reached forward with said medal to her. A coin slot appeared on her forehead before he inserted the medal in it. She screamed as bandages wrapped around her before they vanished. A part of her jaw and arms were still wrapped in them as her eyes glowed yellow. The next day as a man was driving through town in his mail truck, something zipped past him so fast it was so blurry to even tell what it was.

If one looks closely enough, you could see that it's actually Lightning Dust moving faster than ever. A man was using the crosswalk, Lightning Dust zipped past him and knocked him back into a wall. The Yummy that was created by that feline Greeed was still inside her and the more she moves fast, the more Cell Medals was being created. Back in Flash's home, Ankh is sensing the Yummy on the move. Ankh jumped out of the window of the room to where Flash and the girls were talking about how they covered for him and the others in the yard. "Flash, Rainbooms, come." Ankh told them before he took off.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Flash shouted as they chased after him.

"Must be another Yummy on the run." Rainbow Dash said. Lightning Dust continue to run before she stopped with a skid and punch through a vending machine to grab a water bottle. She ripped off the top of the water bottle with her teeth before chugging down all the water. Flash and the girls followed Ankh to find Lightning Dust chugging down more water like a wild animal. "Lightning Dust?"

"There it is! A Yummy!" Ankh told them.

"B-But that's Lightning Dust." Fluttershy said in a worried tone. "How can she be a Yummy?"

"She's right, it's completely different from the previous ones!" Rarity told him. "Isn't she actually a human being?!"

"But there's something wrong with her." Sunset said as she noticed that Lightning Dust is acting different.

"It's inside her." Ankh explain. "That's a human parasite type."

"Parasite?" Flash asked with concern.

"The human with the parasite will have its greed go out of control." Ankh told them as they saw for a brief moment Cell Medals on her arm. "That's how it saves up Medals." He said as he holds up a Core Medal.

After Lightning Dust drank all the water, more medals were shown on her body. "Race!" She shouted.

"It's still growing." Ankh told them as he was tossing the hawk, tiger, and grasshopper Core Medals. "Let her keep running until she's full of Medals." Flash frowned before he quickly grabbed the three medals in the air.

"I can't wait for that!" Flash told him before he puts on his O's driver. After the belt extended around his waist, Flash put the medals in the three slots in the driver before he tilted the center and grabbed the O's scanner and scanned each medal. "Henshin!"


Ta, To, Ba!

As Flash now as OOO, the girls stood a side while Ankh watch from a scaffolding. "Hey! Get out of her!" He told the Yummy inside Lightning Dust. As he approached her, Lightning Dust saw OOO and ran at him with a kick to the chest. After he was pushed back a bit, Lightning Dust opened her mouth and fired a few energy orbs at him. OOO quickly took out his sword to block another blast and charged at her. When he close, OOO grabbed her but couldn't strike her with the sword because he fear he might harm her more than the Yummy. "Hey! I said come out! Otherwise I can't fight you!" Lightning Dust just tossed OOO to the ground before she picked him up before she used the Yummy's speed inside her to slam him against a few walls.

"It won't come out until it's matured." Ankh told OOO. "If you want to fight, then cut open the human!"

"He is not doing that!" Sunset shouted at Ankh. "None of us are!" OOO quickly run up the wall to flip over Lightning Dust before he kicked her back. He then ducked under an a swipe from her before she grabbed him by the arms and threw him to the ground. When he got up, he swiped an an attack from her and stepped a side. Ankh clearly had enough as he jumped down from the scaffolding and land between OOO and Lightning Dust before he grabbed her by the throat. He then pinned her against the wall.

"Looks like you still lack in power." Ankh told the Yummy inside Lightning Dust before he threw hsr to the ground. When he was about to strike her while she's down, OOO and Applejack quickly grabbed Ankh and hold him back.

"Stop it!" They both shouted as Ankh struggle to get free from their hold.

"We said stop!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she try to help.

"We had a promise! You weren't going to to prioritize the Medals over people's lives!" OOO reminded Ankh.

"Like hell I would! It's about time you all learned who gives the orders around here!" Ankh shouted. As the three were struggling to hold Ankh back, Lightning Dust got up and fire a blast at OOO in the back. When the smoke clear, they saw Lightning Dust was gone.

"Oh no! She got away!" Fluttershy said in a worried tone before they saw Steel ride up to them. He got off the rider vendor and took off his helmet. As OOO walked up to him, Steel pressed a button on his bike and it turned back to a vending machine.

"Use this." Steel told OOO.

"Oh right! The bike!" OOO said as he went up to it and took out a Cell Medal. He inserted the medal and pressed the big black button. Once it switch back to the bike, OOO got on it.

"Why'd you change it back? I already told your friend, Micro to send a hawk to find the Yummy." Steel told them. "You should do the same."

"Oh... so that's what you meant." OOO said as he quickly got off it and turned the bike back to the rider vendor.

"Hey! Don't waste the Medals!" Ankh told OOO as he was getting another Cell Medal. Ankh walked over to Steel as OOO walked over to the vending machine. "Give that one back! It's invalid!"

"He already used it. Once spent, you can't get it back." Steel told Ankh.

"What?" Ankh asked as OOO put in another Cell Medal in the machine and press the button under the red can.


OOO reached in and took the can before he opened the can and flipped it over. It then transformed into a robotic hawk and hovered in mid-air. "Sorry, but can you find the Yummy for us?" OOO asked the robo hawk before it took off into the city to find the Yummy. He then got a call from Micro and picked it up. "Micro?"

"Flash, I was told what was happening and I sent out the hawk we have." Micro told him over the phone. "Right now, the one I sent out is searching the park for it. And before you ask how I know that, I did a little twinking to it and I hooked it up to my computer so I can see what it sees."

"Cool, let us know when it finds it. It's inside Lightning Dust." OOO told him before he hanged up.

"Who are you?!" Ankh asked Steel as he pointed his claw at him. "How can a mere human use the Medal's power?"

"You guys were asleep for 800 years." Steel told Ankh. "During that time, mere humans have evolved. We even have ways of dealing with you Greeed." He pulled out a gun and aim it at Ankh.

"The only thing that's evolved is your overinflated ego!" Ankh scoffed before he approached Steel before OOO transformed back to Flash and got between them.

"W-wait, you two! Calm down!" Flash told them before the girls joined him. Rarity looked at Steel with pleading eyes as she walked up to him.

"Please darling, don't kill him." Rarity asked him. "You might kill the man he's possessing." Steel glared at Ankh before he looked at Rarity and puts his gun away. He then turned and got on the rider vendor and drove away from them.

"Who ever that feller is, he and who's he works for seems to be helping us..." Applejack said as they watched him drive off.

"It is indeed strange." Ankh said as he thought about what Steel said about how humans have evolved. "Guess I need that too." He then holds up his claw to his head search Shining Armor's mind. Ankh look through Shining's about how human kind have evolved. Meanwhile at the Kougami Foundation building, a computer was monitoring Ankh and Sunset in Crimson's office.

"Right now he's very balanced, Starlight." Crimson told her as she looked at the monitor. "He has power, but OOO and the girls doesn't have the technology or know-how. ...so our Rider-Vendors and a Greeed have to fill in for that. Then there's that girl named Sunset Shimmer." She walked back to her desk. "She moved out of the city with her parents and yet she's here now without them. It is the most strangest thing. This situation couldn't be better, since we're getting more medals!" Starlight was stacking Cell Medals on the table the entire time.

"Yeah, the collection is rapidly increasing." Starlight said when she placed another medal on top before they fell down.

"Have Steel watch and follow them for now." Crimson order Starlight. "And so...! Whose birthday is it today?" She asked as she flower into a mixing bowl.

"Yes. It's a manger..." Starlight answered as she checked.

Meanwhile, Flash and the girls were following Ankh as he walked away on his own. "Hey!" Flash called out. "Where are you going?!"

"My home." Ankh answer.

"Your home?" Pinkie Pie asked as they followed Ankh to a large apartment building with at least twelve floors. "Oh! Do you mean Shining Armor's home?"

"That's me. In other words, it's my home." Ankh told them.

"That's wrong. And just how do you know about this place?" Flash asked him.

"I can access more than his body." Ankh explained to them. "I can also access what's in his mind." He told before he made his way to the apartment building. The group had a better concern that if Shining Armor had a roommate, he or she would want to ask some questions so they followed him inside. They followed him to a apartment with a couch and table with a small TV in the room, a bookshelf with a few books on top shelf and a few pictures on the middle shelf. A kitchen with a refrigerator and a microwave over the stove and oven. There's also a desk with a laptop opened in the middle of a few papers. "I need to research the humans who are collecting the Cell Medals... as well as the Core Medals that disappeared while we were sealed. Using the "evolved" method." He grinned as he looked at the laptop on the desk.

Meanwhile somewhere in the city, Lightning Dust with the Yummy inside her continue to run through the streets. "Race! Race! Race!!" She repeatedly shouted as she ran. "Must race more!!" In the city library, Twilight was doing research on the king that sealed away an ancient evil 800 years ago. Since the textbook at her school didn't hold that much information about it, she went to the library to see if there's any more. She discovered that the ancient evil took forms of either bugs, sea creatures, felines, large animals, and many others. Each kind of information she looked up in from books to computers, there was two words that kept on coming up over and over again.

Those words are "greed" and "medals." Twilight had thought about how the monster the masked rider destroyed yesterday exploded into medals and how it attacked the bank before. "Could it be that these monsters that are made of medals come from human greed?" Twilight thought to herself before she heard a loud crash coming from outside. Everybody in the library soon saw Lightning Dust run in with glowing eyes. She had a wild grin on her face as she ran through the library causing books to fly off the shelves and knocking people down. Twilight had wondered what was happening as she watched Lightning Dust run through the library. Outside the window of the library, the two robotic hawks sent from Flash and Micro found Lightning Dust.

Meanwhile, Ankh was on the laptop researching what had happened over the last 800 years. "Um, excuse me." Fluttershy spoke softly to him. "Have you found what you were looking for?"

"If I use his memory, I'll quickly remember." Ankh told her. "Seems this was his hobby. So much so that his little sister was proud about it, and this girlfriend of his as well." He then held up his claw to his head and looked into Shining Armor's memories. He saw memories of Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and Cadence. Either with just Shining Armor with one of them or with both of them. He saw the fun times he had with Twilight and saw the love he has for Cadence. "I see. The hiding place of the tool he secretly brought...should be around here." He opened a closet door and and looked through it while Flash and the girls looked around the apartment.

Flash saw a picture on a small table and it was of a young Shining with a man with dark blue skin and hair with yellow eyes and a woman with white skin with violet eyes and her hair is white with purple streaks. Flash figured that those are Shining Armor's parents and that just makes Flash thing that they have to be worried sick about Shining. Ankh had found a iPhone in an unopened box when he took it out. As he looked over it, the two robo hawks landed on the window seal of Shining apartment. "Hey guys! The hawks found the Yummy!" Sunset shouted when she saw the two hawks.

Back at the city library, the place was a total mess with books on the floor, bookshelves down, and Lightning Dust still running around. Most of the people left the building but Twilight, who stayed out of sight as she watched Lightning Dust bust through a vending machine and rip open a water bottle to chug down. Lightning Dust saw Twilight and through a bookshelf right at her. Twilight quickly rolled out of the way before it could reach her. She heard Lightning Dust roar like a animal before she slowly approached her. Before Lightning Dust could reach Twilight, the doors to the library opened up and a octopus can rolled in before it transformed into a robo octopus. Both it and the two robo hawks flew around lining dust before they flew out the door. "Race! Race!!" Lightning Dust shouted as she ran after the three robots. Twilight had a feeling that it was the mask rider that send those robo animals, so she followed after both Lightning Dust and the robo animals.

As she followed them, she saw in a corner of her eye her brother Shining Armor for a second around the corner. She wanted to see if it was really him, but she had no time because she wanted to know if the mask rider was around and wanted to ask him a few questions. Lightning Dust followed the three robo animals under a freeway until turned back into soda cans. Once she skid to a stop, she picked up the octopus can and opened it, only for it to transform back into the octopus and spray her face with ink. From behind, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed Lightning Dust and hold her tight. "Just hold still!" They both shouted as Lightning Dust struggled to get free from their grasp. It was then that her centered glowed and the Yummy came out of her.

"That's good, hold her tight!" Applejack told Rainbow Dash as they saw the Yummy coming out of Lightning Dust. Ankh then grab both of them and threw them off Lightning Dust before he knocked her into a pillar.

"What are you doing, Ankh?!" Flash shouted when he and the others stepped out from behind a pillar.

"I told you before." Ankh said. "This Yummy could be bigger."

"You're still going on about that?!" Sunset shouted.

"Is that a problem?" Ankh asked. "No one will die if all she does is run."

"But what about her?!" Flash shouted as Lightning Dust ran around the pillars.

"This is reaping what you sow." Ankh told them. "Listen, she's not this way because of the Yummy. It's the fault of this human's own greed. Dying immersed in her greed is what she wants, right?"

"That can't be!" Flash shouted with disbelief before Lightning Dust get to a stop as her body began to glow. "No! Hey! Give me the Medals! Take them out!" He grabbed Ankh's arm, only for him to jerk away and push Flash back to the ground.

"Remember this! I'm the one who gives the orders!" Ankh told him as he picked up Flash by the shirts. "Let me warn you. If you throw the belt away, then you really won't be able to save anyone!" Flash glared at him as he pushed him back and ran towards Lightning Dust.

"Stop it! You'll die if you keep running!" Flash told her as he tried to hold her still. Lightning Dust then let him over her shoulders and he fell to the ground. Flash quickly got up and grabbed her again.

"That fool." Ankh grunted as he watched Flash try to hold Lightning Dust still, only for her to slam him into another pillar. She picked him up and threw him to the ground before she roared. Flash got up and grabbed her again. "Flash, stop. You'll die before she does." Ankh told him as Lightning Dust threw him again.

"Even so..." Flash said as he was getting up and grab Lightning Dust again, only for her to push him into a pillar. "Even so... it's better than not doing anything!" He had that memory of him and a young Scootaloo crying as an old man was telling them to run before an explosion happened. Flash then got up from the ground again and had a determined look on his face. Lightning Dust's body load as the Yummy emerged from her body and she fell to the ground. The Yummy then ripped off the bandages all over its body and transformed into an anthro cheetah with a chest plate, sharp claws, and wheels on her boots. Flash and the Rainbooms were shocked to see the Yummy transformation before it charged at Flash and swiped her claws at him. He quickly ducked under its attack before it could reach him despite its incredible speed. She charged at him again and when he rolled out of the way, she burst through the pillar. Ankh scoffed as he was disappointed that it wasn't bigger that he hoped it be.

"This pattern again?" Ankh asked in disappointment as he took out the hawk, tiger, and grasshopper medals. "Flash!" He then tossed the three medals to him as Flash kicked the Cheetah Yummy back before he caught them. He quickly dodged another attack from the Cheetah Yummy before he placed on the O's driver on his waist. He then place the hawk and grasshopper medals in driver before he ducked under another attack. Flash then place the tiger medal in the final slot in the driver before he took out the O's scanner and scanned each metal after he tilted the buckle.

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as medals circled around him.


Ta, To, Ba!

Twilight finally arrived to see OOO ready his sword against the Cheetah Yummy. Twilight quickly hid behind a pillar as she took out her phone and recorded what was happening for her research. The Cheetah Yummy charged at OOO as he charged at her. He then swing his sword at her, only for her to catch it in her claws and push him back. She then used her super speed to get behind him and struck him. OOO rolled on the ground before getting back up and blocking an attack from her. He then swing his sword, only for her to quickly grab the blade and push him back. "No way!" OOO said when she did that. He continued to swing his sword only for her to quickly grab it and push him back each time. After she struck him down to the ground, the tiger part of his armor glowed and the claws extended out on his arms.

OOO quickly got up and use the claws against the Cheetah Yummy as he swiped the claws at her a few times. After he did again, she quickly got behind him and he nearly fell forward. The girls, Twilight, and Ankh watch this happen repeatedly until he did fell forward and rolled on the ground. "How's she's so fast?!" Rainbow Dash asked as OOO used the claws to push the cheetah back, only for her to use the wheels on her boots to spin around and charge at him. She then crashed into OOO and send him flying into a pillar. As he got up, the grasshopper part of the armor glowed as energy flowed down to his boots and he leap towards her and kicked her some Cell Medals out.

He continued to kick the Cheetah Yummy back as more medals fell out of her before another kick had her roll on the ground. She quickly got up and fired multiple energy balls right at him, only for him to jump out of the way of the blasts. He sent another kick at her as she stepped aside before he sweep kicked her in the head. After that kick, she rolled on the ground and he took out the O's scanner again. "I will always extend a hand to help! OOO declared as he scanned the three medals again for the finisher.

Scanning Charge

All three parts of the center armor glow bright as energy flowed down to his boots and the changed into grasshopper legs. Energy flowed through him as he jumped high into the air as the Cheetah Yummy got up. Three color of the medals circles formed in the air as the writer came down at the Cheetah Yummy. As he passed through each circle, energy built up even more as broken pillars got in between each circle. Both Ankh and Twilight had their eyes widened as OOO burst through each pillar until he struck the Cheetah Yummy. When he landed on the ground, Cell Medals fell out of her body but still here. "It's still alive!" OOO said when he saw her.

"Someone got in your way." Ankh told OOO. "Kazari... it's you, isn't it?" Everyone around heard clapping and a bit of a bit of scoffed as the feline Greeed, Kazari came out from the shadows.

"Long time no see, Ankh." Kazari said to him. Tension feel the air as Ankh glared at Kazari, OOO and the girls saw the feline Greeed, and Twilight was getting all of this on her phone.

Author's Note:


"Abandon OOO." Kazari told Ankh. "As a fellow Greeed, why not join me?"

"If you peel away the skin, humans are just a mass of greed." Ankh said.

"One way or another, I'm going to figure out everything and find my brother." Twilight said.

"If you don't reach out your hand when you can... the regret makes you wish you were dead." Flash told the girls. "I don't like that. That's why I reach out my hand."

Doubt, Photo E-mail, Saving Hand