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Greed, Ice cream, Present

Previously on Kamen Rider O's: A mysterious arm known as Ankh had unleashed a ancient evil known as the Greeed from the tomb that they were sealed in. A young teenage boy by the name of Flash Sentry found Ankh's Core Medal during his part-time job at the Museum where the Greeed were released. After an encounter with Ankh near an odd vending machine, Flash Sentry along with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer were attacked by a yummy and a police officer by the name of Shining Armor was injured by it. Ankh then gifted Flash with the seal, the O's driver. After Flash transformed into Kamen Rider OOO and defeated the yummy, Ankh had possessed the injured Shining. And now:

Ankh was inspecting Shining Armor before he attached himself to his right arm. "Oh right! We need to call an ambulance for Shining Armor, right now!" OOO told the girls.

"I'm on it, darling." Rarity said as got her phone while OOO and Applejack ran over to Shining. Ankh, however attached himself to Shining's right arm and lift him in the air a little to make him stand up.

"I've found the perfect body for me." Ankh said before Shining Armor open his eyes and they were red instead of blue. "Now..." He spoke in Ankh's voice as his hair turned blond with red streaks. "...I can move a bit more easily." Both OOO and the girls were shocked that Ankh is possessing Shining Armor. OOO then straightened the belt and transformed back to Flash before Ankh walked over and took back both the belt and medals. Ankh looked at Flash and the girls before he smirked.

"Why did you...? How did you take that officer's...?" Sunset asked Ankh as she grabbed his right arm, but only to see it was completely normal.

"I took this body." Ankh told them as he jerked his arm back. "That form was disadvantageous."

"You took it? Well what about Shining Armor?!" Flash asked Ankh.

"Why's it matter? He was moments from death anyway." Ankh told them, which shocked them.

"No way." Fluttershy said in a worried tone. Ankh the saw something passed the group.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Ankh called out. Flash and the girls turned to see what he was shouted at and saw a robotic red hawk holding one of the sliver medals in its beak. "Do not touch that!" He shouted as he ran to the robo hawk as it took before a bunch of them came flying down. They all picked up all the sliver medals on the ground before taking off in the sky. One of them try to take the one Sunset was holding as she struggled to hold on to it. "That's bullshit! Those are mine!" He shouted as he grabbed one them before it could get far. Applejack managed to grab the one that was trying to take the medal Sunset is holding while Ankh took the medal from the one he grabbed. Ankh then walked over to the group with a mad look. "Hey! What was that just now?! His right arm was back to being the claw from before when he grabbed Flash's face.

"We don't know!" Flash answered.

"None of us have seen them before." Rarity told him.

"Well, I caught one of them." Applejack said as she held on tight to the robo hawk that struggle to get free. "Maybe we can-" It quickly turned into a can after it flipped out of her hands.

"Did it just turned into a soda can?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Forget that! Back to Shining Armor..." Flash said before Ankh pushed him to the ground.

"How peculiar..." Ankh said. "Something happened while I was sealed." He said as he looked at the medal in his claw. Steel had his bike helmet back on before he drove off. Meanwhile, the rest of the robotic hawks flew their way to Kougami Foundation building as a window lowered and they flew in Crimson's office. Each robo hawk sat down the sliver medals in stacks on the table before they went to another table and turned back to cans.

"Look, Starlight. All this in just one day." Crimson said as she walked over to the medals. Starlight just took a bite of the slice of cake as a part the floor open up under some glass is more sliver medals. "I think they'll be essential for my life's work. As well for the Greeed...and for OOO too."

By an ice cream cart, the ice cream man was given two popsicles to a couple while Ankh was taking some from his cart. After the couple paid him, he turned to see Ankh taking four popsicles from his cart. "Hey, what are you doing?!" The guy asked as he ran over to.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll pay." Flash said as he and girls caught up with Ankh.

"Of course you will!" The owner said as Ankh was examining the popsicles. He then saw Flash take out his wallet. "That's four, so it's $5.64."

"We're sorry." Flash told the owner as he paid before they saw Ankh walking off.

"Just wait a sec, bucko!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she stood infront of Ankh. "Answer our questions from earlier!" She demanded as Ankh took a bite of one of the popsicles.

"About 800 years ago, we were born from the Core Medals." Ankh began. "We're called Greeed. For a long time we were sealed..."

"Whoa there for a moment!" Applejack interrupted. "First off, I didn't get any of that."

"Neither did I." Pinkie Pie said.

"What I'm asking about is Shining Armor." Flash told Ankh as he went to sit down.

"It'll be okay!" Ankh quickly said before he took another bite. "From time to time, I'll let him eat."

""Let him eat", what do you mean by that?" Sunset asked.

"What is it?!" Ankh asked. "I can taste too!" He told them before taking another bite. "This is cold, but I know it's also sweet. And..." He brought his arm up and it was the claw again. "Would you all rather I eat like this?" He then brought three of the popsicles up to the claw and they saw him eat them by absorbing it by the palm. They were disturbed by this, and Rarity almost threw up by it as well.

"All right, all right, all right! Cut it out!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she grabbed his arm before she yanked Ankh off of Shining.

"Hey, he's back to normal!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Thank goodness." Fluttershy said with relieved.

"If we're separated, he wouldn't last ten minutes." Ankh told them.

"Eh?! No way! W-wait a moment!" Flash said as he and the girls attempt to put Ankh back on Shining Armor and nearly pushing Shining over. Once Ankh was reattached, they were sitting by the park's fountain after getting more popsicles. "If separated he won't survive..."

"Then the officer is..." Fluttershy said in a worried tone before Ankh place popsicles in each of their mouths to shut them up.

"Eat up!" Ankh told them. "It's trouble for me if you don't survive as well. I need you all for gathering the Medals." He said as he shook his arm and three medals fell out before he quickly caught them. The red hawk Core Medal and two sliver medals.

"You're made of medals just like that thing Flash just beat?" Rainbow Dash asked when they saw the medals fall out.

"That thing before said, "hand over the Core Medal."" Sunset said. "What exactly is that?"

"Huh? You mean that Yummy?" Ankh asked. "Medals come in two types." He told them before he picked up his Core Medal. "Core Medals and..." He then held up the sliver medal. "...Cell Medals. Listen, like that ice candy..." He points to their popsicles. "The part you're eating is the Cell. The stick is the Core." He then took Flash's popsicle. "The Cells stick to the Core, which is our center. That's what composes us Greeed who were sealed away. Consider the Yummy you defeated to br like the ice without the stick." He said as he puts the popsicle in Flash's and pulled out the stick.

"Why do I have a feeling we gotten ourselves into something bigger?" Sunset asked in a worried tone.

"Well, I better get home." Applejack said. "It's getting late and my granny is probably wondering where I am."

"We all should get home." Sunset said before she looked at Flash. "Could you look after our, "friend" here?" Flash looked at Ankh and felt like he asking to be a babysitter.

"Okay..." Flash said before they all went their own homes. Flash took Ankh to him home which is a two story house, with white wall bricks. Over the roof is a satellite dish and has glass windows and garage other side and garden small for playing or relax. "You can stay here for awhile. Just please don't cause any trouble." They walked through the front door and Ankh saw a few pictures on the wall. They are of Flash when he was a boy with a middle aged woman with a silver skin tone and purple hair tied in a tight bun. Another photo was a man that looks like an older version of Flash, but his hair was red. Another photo is a young Flash with a younger girl with orange skin, short, magenta hair, and purple eyes. Behind them is an old man with dark yellow skin, with grey hair, and mustache. Ankh noticed Flash was giving a sad look at that photo and wondered if that one is real important to him.

Flash heard the t.v. was on and walked into the living room to see the girl in the photo watching it. "Hey Scootaloo, is Mom and Dad home?" Flash asked the girl.

"No, Dad is out for business and mom is at a archaeological site out of town until next month." Scootaloo told him. Flash saw that she watching the news and they were saying the destruction at the Museum was an attempt of a robbery. Scootaloo then turn to look at Flash and saw Ankh standing behind him. "Who's that?"

"Oh, him? He's a friend from out of town." Flash told her. "I offered to let him stay here in our guest room."

"Okay. Plus I told grandfather you said hi." Scootaloo told him.

"Thanks, sis." Flash said before he took Ankh upstairs. "Go down that right and third door on your left is the guest room." He told him before he went to his own room. Inside his room is a bed by a window with blue blankets, a couple of dressers, and a mirror with a few pictures of him, his family, and friends. One had a teen long green hair was tucked under a black beanie, and was garbed in a pair of jeans, a red t-shirt, a brown vest, and a pair of black wristbands. On his vest was a button of the recycling symbol. Another was a short teen with short grayish hair and a pale violet skin tone. He was dressed in a pair of slacks, white suspenders, and a yellow sweater. A dark badge depicting an atomic symbol was pinned over his left pectoral. His black eyes were hidden by a pair of taped, black glasses. Flash lays down on his bed and looks out the window. "Some day."

The next day, Flash and Scootaloo had to take the bus to their school: Canterlot High. There Scootaloo ran over to two girls about her age. One had yellow skin and long, red hair tied up in a big bow. She was dressed in a pair of jeans rolled up above her knees, a pair of light boots, and a green blouse. The other had the same skin tone as Rarity, with long, curly hair colored pink and lavender with a red hair band in it. She had bright green eyes as she wore a dress with the skirt portion being yellow while the top was pink and white striped. She had a short sleeved, magenta jacket with a belt over it and a pair of knee high boots of the same color.

The three girls head inside the school before Flash spotted his two friends from the photo. "Hey Micro, Sandalwood!" He called out as ran over to them.

"Sup, Flash." Sandalwood said as he gave Flash a high five. "We heard what happened at the Museum on the news. You okay, man?"

"I'm fine. It was my car on the other hand is totally wrecked." Flash told them.

"Sorry to hear that." Micro said. "But knowing you, you won't let that slow you down." Flash gave a nod in agreement before Sunset walked up to the group.

"Hey Flash, Micro, Sandalwood! Me and the girls needs some help." Sunset told them. "Meet us in the computer lab after class." She then walked over to Flash and whispered in his ear. "It's about that robotic hawk turned into a can yesterday." Flash gave a nod before they all headed inside. In the city is a different school, the Rival School of CHS, Crystal Prep. One of the students heading in to the school is the girl who tried to contact Shining Armor yesterday. She had a concern look on her face as he didn't pick up or came home the other day.

"Twilight!" A woman's voice called out to the girl. She turned to see a tall woman with pink skin and long hair colored purple, magenta, and yellow. She was dressed in a blue blazer, teal blouse, and green skirt. This was Cadenza mi Amore, or Cadence to her friends and family. "Are you alright?"

"Cadance, I'm worried about Shining." Twilight told her. "He hasn't responded to any of my calls or messages, and he didn't come home last night."

"I'm sorry, Twilight." Cadence said as she place a hand on our shoulder. "I'm worried about him too. I went to the police station and they said that he and his partner didn't come back from patrol. I just hope he's okay."

"Me too." Twilight said before the school bell rang. "Well, I better get to class. Bye Cadence." The two went their separate ways as Twilight headed to her history class and took her seat.

"Quiet class, quiet." The history teacher told his class. "Good, now we will begin today's lesson starting 800 years ago. When a great King has sealed away a great evil that threatening humanity. Turn your textbooks to page 309 and we will begin."

"Man, that was terrible. I guess this is our punishment for stealing." One of the thieves said as they sat outside the hospital with their arms and legs in casts.

"That's absurd. That had to have been some kind of trick. Just a trick." The other said with disbelief. "Hey, anyway..." He grabbed his partner.

"What? That hurts!" His partner said. "What is it?!"

"I've got an even better job set up." He told his partner. "This time..." He pulled out a folded map and un-folded it that show a route. "We'll attack a bank's armored car."

"A bank's armored car?!" His partner shouted. "I'm done with this!"

"Fool! It's all about the money! I even know the transport route." He told his partner who saw something on his forehead.

"What is that?" He asked as saw a coin slot on the guy as a bunch of Cell Medals gathered behind him. In the center of them are four green Core Medals as they took form of the insect Greeed. The sight frightened him and cause him to fall back. The insect Greeed turned the guy with coin slot to face him.

"I will release that greed of yours." The Greeed told him as holds a Cell Medal before putting it in the slot. A Yummy then emerged from the thief's back while the thief was frightened by the Greeed.

"It seems Uva's doing it again." The feline Greeed told the other two as they are walking though the woods. "He's being pretty extravagant considering how precious the Cell Medals are."

"Well, it's obvious that OOO is using two of his Core Medals." The aquatic Greeed told him. "I'm sure he feels compelled to act." The rhinoceros Greeed was trying to get a fly while they talked. It landed on a tree, so he punched a part of it.

"Huh?" The rhinoceros Greeed asked as he thought he got it.

"If we had all our Core Medals, we'd be able to devour as much of this world as we wanted." The aquatic Greeed complain as she looked herself over.

Back at CHS, the boys joined the girls in the computer lab like Sunset asked and they showed Sandalwood and Micro the can that turned into a robotic hawk. Micro was amazed by this as Flash and the girls explained where they got it. They told the two about Ankh and the mantis Yummy. They told them about how Ankh gave Flash the O's driver and he transform into OOO to defeated the mantis Yummy. They told them how Ankh possessed Shining Armor before a flock of robotic hawks took the Cell Medals before they grabbed the one Micro. "Ankh told me that what's important for the Greeed are the Core Medals before I left." Flash told them. "He also told me that while they were sealed, many of them disappeared."

"So with no stick, the ice has nothing to cling to." Sunset assumed. "And by the way that Yummy wanted the Core Medals, they haven't completely revived."

"Dude and dudets, that's heavy." Sandalwood said.

"So this Ankh guy has his comrades' Cores, doesn't he?" Micro asked as the robotic hawk turned back into a can.

"He told he has a few." Flash answered. "Only him as an arm was regenerated. He said it wouldn't be fair unless they were handicapped too."

"So he took them to even things out." Applejack said.

"He said he won't let them get their way first." Flash told them before they heard a phone ring. Flash they all checked to see it wasn't theirs before Flash realize that he took Shining Armor's phone and took it out.

"You took the officer's phone?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I didn't know what to do or who to give it too." Flash explained as he answered the phone and saw it got a text from someone called "LSBFF."

"Who's LSBFF?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know but whoever it is, they seem worried about Shining." Flash said as he read the text. "It says, "Shining, this is my filth text. Where are you and why didn't you come home?"" They looked at each other with concern looks.

"Is it his wife?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but we should really text who ever this is back for him." Sunset said before she took the phone and started typing. "I am doing fine. I just have a lead on a big case right that I have found. Top secret. Tell no one." She then send it back.

"Do you really think that will work?" Micro asked.

"Well it's better than telling whoever that is that we're not Shining Armor and he's being possessed by an arm." Rainbow Dash said.

Somewhere in the city, the armored car was attacked by the Yummy Uva unleashed. The driver was surprise by this before the Yummy punch through window to cause the car to crash and killed to inside. The Yummy open the back of van started to devour the money. As it feed, it was creating Cell Medals within it. Back at CHS, the group was about to head out before they heard tapping on the window. They all turned to see Ankh was there. "Is that him?" Micro asked when they saw him.

"Yup." Flash said as he walked up to the window and open it up. "What are you doing here?"

"Medals! The sounds of Cell Medals!" Ankh told him as the rest joined Flash by the window. "Come!" He grabbed each of them by their shirts and yanked them out. Once he did, then dragged the three boys and the six girls with him.

"Please be gentle on the fabric!" Rarity told Ankh.

"How is he able to pull all nine of us?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"But what about the rest of our class periods?!" Micro asked. At a bank, people were either withdrawing or depositing their money before the Yummy that attacked the car appeared and frightened everyone.

"What are you doing?! Stop right there!" A security guard shouted as he grabbed the Yummy while people ran for their lives. "Stop!" The Yummy kept moving as it threw the security guard over the front desk. The Yummy then jumped over it itself as people scattered and it went over to the bank vault. It was able to tear down the vault with one jerk before it went inside and devoured the cold in it. Ankh, the boys, and the girls had made their way there and saw the Yummy.

"Is that the watchamacallit Medal?" Sandalwood asked.

"Yeah. A Yummy. Candy without the stick." Ankh answered.

"Looks like it hasn't noticed us yet." Sunset said. "Might be a good time to take it out while its guard is down."

"Just what I was thinking." Flash said as he holds out his hand to Ankh.

"What is it?" Ankh asked.

"Get out the Medals and belt to me so I can transform." Flash told Ankh, only for him to knock his hand away.

"Not yet!" Ankh told them. "If we defeat it now, we won't obtain a single Medal."

"What are y'all going on about now?" Applejack asked.

"It grows by feeding." Ankh said. "If we defeat it after that, we'll get Medals. If it goes well, we can even get 100 Medals."

"B-but... what it's eating is..." Fluttershy spoke.

"Greed." Ankh said, causing the others to look at him. "It's the same for Cells and Cores... The source of the Medals is human greed."

"Greed!" Crimson shouted in her office with Steel. "It's a pure and wonderful energy! Cake! The table too!" She was mixing some cake batter. "Homes and buildings too... The city and the country too! Everything is a mass of greed, created from human desire! Isn't that right, Steel?!" She fling some cake batter pass Steel.

"An invitation." Starlight said as Steel turned around. "It's a party to commemorate the completion of a high-rise building." She hands Crimson a letter.

"Wonderful!!" Crimson shouted as Starlight took the bowl of cake batter before throwing away the letter. "When a baby is born, it cries to show what it wants. To live is to want." She picked up some cake frosting. "When Medals are born from the greatest of that power and collected..." She said as she walked over to a table. "...what you will obtain is infinite..." She used the frosting to draw an infinity symbol on the table. "Greater than infinite...something even greater." She drew a third circle on the infinity symbol, making them three O's. "OOO!"

Back at the bank, they watched the Yummy beginning to transform into something else. "Greed..." Flash said.

"Just wait. Let him build up Medals." Ankh told them as the Yummy's transformation was complete.

"That looks absolutely atrocious!" Rarity shouted when she saw its new form.

"Chase it!" Ankh told them as they followed it out of the building. From on a few floors of another building, people were enjoying a classy party.

"Everyone!" A man called out as brought in a lard cake. "The Kougami Foundation has sent a celebration cake!" Everyone were clapping at this news. At the bottom of the building, people were running away from the Otoshibumi in fear. The others managed to catch up to it.

"This is great. We're earning interest on this one." Ankh told them.

"Okay, let Flash transform now." Sandalwood said.

"Yeah! If I don't transform soon..."

"Wait till he eats this building." Ankh interrupted Flash as the monster crawled up the wall.

"Hey! Are you saying you don't care about the people inside?! Flash asked Ankh in an angry tone.

"Don't get the wrong idea." Ankh told them. "Your job is to gather the Medals." People began fleeing as the monster was eating its way up the building and growing bigger. "Cell Medals are needed. For now, just wait."

"But we can't sacrifice innocent lives for your own benefit!" Sunset shouted at Ankh as the monster burst out the building and continue to go up. They all rushed outside to see it continue its rampage up the building. The building then tip over to the next building when the Otoshibumi burst through the middle of it. The people in the classy party in the other building felt the after shock as they started to run out of the building.

"If I recall, you said it's not easy to save lives, right?" Ankh asked Flash. "You don't get to save lives for free. You all will do as I say!"

"You..." Flash glared at Ankh before Shining Armor's phone rang. Sunset took it out and LSBFF was calling. In both CHS and CPS, all students and teachers from both schools watched the news that's showing the Otoshibumi on its rampage up the building and Twilight was trying to call her brother in fear if he's anywhere near it. She prayed for him to answer as she watched the news. She heard about Spearhead and how he was injured in a crash.

"She's crying." Flash whispered when they saw LSBFF was calling.

"What?" Ankh asked.

"I said she's crying." Flash told him. Flash then remember him and Scootaloo was younger and she was crying as the old man in the photo back in his house was injured, under a car wreck and was yelling at them to go. Flash tightened his fist as he remembers the car exploding before looked up at the monster. He then ran into the building before anyone could stop him. He made his way up the staircase to top as the Otoshibumi made its way to the other building. The people in the other building saw the monster through the windows as it climbed up. Even with all the shacking and rumbling, Flash continue his way up the staircase and didn't stop. The Otoshibumi grabbed a man inside and as it he was being pulled back by it, Flash quickly grabbed the man's arms to save him as he pulled him away from it. After he recovered, the man run away while the floor was given way and fell apart. Flash lost his balance and almost fell out the window before he grabbed hold of the ledge.

Flash hold on tight to the ledge as tight as he could as the Otoshibumi was feasting on the top of the building. Flash was losing his grip as one of his hands let go. He try to reach for the ledge before Ankh grabbed his arm. Flash looked up and saw it was only Ankh as an arm. "There's a limit to how stupid can be!" Ankh told him as he pulled him up. "If you die, I'm in a heap of trouble, you know!"

"If you're separated from Shining Armor..." Flash said he holds on.

"Is this really the time to be worrying about others?" Ankh asked as he holds the O's driver. "Transform already!"

"Make a promise to me first!" Flash shouted. "Let me transform whenever I want to! Don't prioritize the Medals over people's lives! If you don't, I won't transform again! And I'm sure the girls, Micro, or Sandalwood won't do it either!"

"Damn!" Ankh grunted. "Huh?" He and Flash saw the Otoshibumi going on the roof and causing the part of building Flash holding onto to fall apart and Flash started to fall. "Flash!" Ankh called out as he flew after him. On the ground the girls, Micro, and Sandalwood were getting everyone to safety before they saw Flash fall. Ankh managed to catch up to him and place the driver on Flash as he fall. "Here!" He holds the hawk, tiger, and grasshopper medals to him.

"Is it a promise?! Flash asked as he grabbed Ankh.

"Yeah, I get it! Hurry up!" Ankh told him before Flash took the Medals and quickly place them in the driver and scanned them.

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as he transform into OOO.


OOO used the claws slow down his fall by dragging them down the wall. "Stop!" He shouted before he land on some ruble and rolled on the ground. The girls and his friends ran over to him after he landed. "I'm safe."

"Dude, you look awesome!" Sandalwood told OOO as he checked his armor.

"You know Ankh is right, you are stupid!" Sunset shouted. "Why did you run in there like that?!" They heard Steel riding up to them on a rider vendor before they turned to see him. Once he stopped, he removed his helmet and got off the bike. The group wondered who he is and why he's here as he carried a large rectangular box and walked over to them.

"A birthday present from a great woman." Steel told them as he walked up to OOO.

"Birthday present?" OOO asked.

"My, he's pretty attractive." Rarity thought to herself as she looked at Steel as he gave OOO the box. While OOO hold the box, Steel opened it for him and inside is a few Cell Medals and a sword, the Medajaribur.

"Awesome looking sword!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie shouted when they saw the sword.

"What?!" Ankh was shocked to see both the Cell Medals and the Medajaribur. OOO took the sword out of the box and looked at it.

"This is awesome!" OOO said as he holds the sword.

"Use the medals in that vending machine." Steel told OOO as he took out the medals out of the box and pointed to a vending machine nearby.

"I seen some of those around the city." Fluttershy said when they saw it. "I try putting a quarter in one of them, but it didn't take it and just spit it out."

"Well, I'm fine. I'm not thirsty." OOO told Steel.

"Hurry up." Steel told them as he took the medals and hand them to OOO. The group then walked over to the vending machine with the medals.

"This?" OOO asked as he pointed to it while Micro took a closer look in the soda cans in the vending machine. He saw one of the cans is same to the one to the girls show them. Before he could tell them, OOO put one of the medals in the slot in the machine and press the big black button. they stepped back when the vending machine folded in a came down as the same moter cycle as Steel's. "It turned into a bike! That's cool!" OOO said as he got on it.

"You got to lend some of those Cell Medals, because I want to try that myself!" Rainbow Dash told Ankh before they saw some pieces of the building falling down on them. As the others ran out of the way, OOO rev up the bike and drove out of the way so fast.

"Seems this is also a present." Steel said as he pressed a button on his bike and it turned back to a vending machine. He then walked up to it and put a Cell Medal in the slot before he pressed the second row of buttons under blue cans with an octopus on them. The vending machine the unloaded many of those cans to the ground.

Tako Can

They saw Steel pick up one of the cans and opened it before holding it out. The can then turned into a robotic octopus and flew in the air. The many other cans on the ground turned into octopuses as well flew around. "Octopuses! Hey! Those are octopuses! That's amazing!" Pinkie Pie shouted. One of the robo octopuses hit Ankh as they flew around. They watch as the octopuses gathered to form a ramp up the building.

"Oh! This is amazing!" Micro shouted when he saw them do that.

"Put the medals in your sword." Steel told OOO.

"Sword?" OOO said as he looked at the sword. "I don't know who you are... but thanks!" He told Steel before he rav up the bike and drove up the ramp of robo octopuses up the building. They made a turn as he drove a followed them up. Inside, people were frightened as the Otoshibumi burst through the ceiling and was going to devour them before OOO jumped off the robo octopuses and swung the sword at the monster before it could eat anyone. As some Cell Medals fell out of it when he struck it, Ankh started to absorb them. OOO was knocked off the bike when the Otoshibumi try to strike him. He rolled back when it try again.

"Flash!" Ankh called out as he holds the mantis medal. "Damn it! What are you doing?! Here!" He threw him the medal and he caught it.

"I just let my guard down." OOO explained before he stood up, even the belt, and replace the tiger medal with the mantis before he scanned them again.


Once the center of the armor switch to the mantis, OOO ready the arm blades and charged at the Otoshibumi and struck one its legs before he rolled under it. He rolled again and struck it a few times before he stepped back when it fell. "This really is easy to use!" He said before it used its head to fling him off the building. As he fell, the robo octopuses flew down to form a chain and grab him by the legs. He hang over the spot where the sword fell and he sigh in relief. "I'm safe!" He said before he saw the sword sticking up the ground. "Oh! Can you hold on for a bit more!" He told the robo octopuses before he grabbed the sword and they fling him back on the roof and he switch back the TaToBa combo.


Once he was back up, he struck the monster with the sword in the back before he jumped off as it fell off the building. As it crashed on the ground, the robo octopuses made a cushion for OOO as he landed. He turned to see monster coming at him after it recovered and as he run from it, he quickly threw a Cell Medal in another vending machine to get a new rider vendor to drive away from it when it almost got him. "That guy..." Ankh said as he and the others watched. Pinkie was in a cheerleader outfit as she cheered for OOO.

OOO stop about a few feet away from the Otoshibumi before he saw a slot in the sword near the handle. "He said I can put Medals in, didn't he?" He asked as took three Cell Medals and place them in the slot and pushed the lever. He then rev up the bike and drove under the monster when it came at him before he brought the sword up in it. "While I'm at it..." He then use the scanner to scan the sword.

Triple Scanning Charge

Once OOO was behind the Otoshibumi, he swung the sword and slashed the monster. A bright blue line was on the monster and the buildings as it looked like he slash them too. As it look like the top parts of the buildings were slid off the bottom, they quickly fixed them selves before the Otoshibumi exploded into hunders of medals. "There's so many!" Sandalwood said as the medals rain down. Rarity saw Steel on a rider vendor with his helmet back on. He looked back at them before he close the visor on his helmet and drove off.

"It's mine! These Medals are mine!" Ankh shouted as he grab as many as he can.

Later, Ankh reattach himself back to Shining Armor as the group got some popsicles together. Micro got one of those octopus cans from the rider vendor and holds both it and the hawk one. "Dude, that was the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life." Sandalwood told Flash.

"I know, but I wonder who that guy was." Flash said before took a bite out of his popsicle.

"And who was he working for if he gave you a sword like that?" Sunset asked. Flash was looking at Shining Armor's phone and saw that LSBFF text back.

I understand, I hope you come home soon. Miss you.

Flash felt bad that they've been lying to whoever it is about Shining, but it was the only way. "Someday I'll find a way to separate Ankh from Shining." He told himself.

"Man... Why are humans collecting Cell Medals?" Ankh thought as is wearing a white leather jacket with red jeans.

"To beating another Yummy!" Pinkie Pie shouted. She then gave Ankh a hug. "And thanks for saving Flash, Ankh." Ankh gave an annoyed look at Pinkie as he brought his claw up. They others saw him and worried he was about to attack Pinkie, so they ran to stop him.

Author's Note:

Next time on Kamen Rider OOO:

"If anymore hangs around, they'll interfere with the Medal collecting. I will eliminate that sister of yours so she won't cause any problems if she gets in the way."

"I will free that greed."

"They say a hawk is an evolved human."

"Dying completely stained with one's greed is their true desire. Reap what you sow."