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Medals, Guitar, and a Mysterious Arm 

Medals, medals are falling everywhere. Some with the gold ring around them, others completely silver. Some red, some green, some grey, some blue, some yellow, and moans can be heard from every medal that being fallen everywhere. One particular medal is red with a hawk on the front. All these moans can be heard within a sealed tomb, within a museum storage area. The museum itself seem to be closed as there is no one inside and the lights are off. A door opens with two men's insecurity guard outfits shadows being cast on the wall as these two men walk through the halls of the museum. One of them had pliers and cut one of the wires to the museum, shutting down the security cameras and any means of surveillance.

The two men then made their way to the storage and looked around at the many historical items that are placed there. One historical item is a large stone tomb, with a belt like seal on it. Once the two knew they were alone, one of them laughed. "All this treasure is ours for the taking! He told his partner. "Look at this!" He said as he looked at a few vases. "Come on, let's start hauling it out." He said before his partner hushed him.

"Quiet or that kid will hear us!" The other thief whispered.

"It's fine, I made sure he's out like a light." His partner told him. In the security office, a teen boy with bright yellow skin and blue hair with a security guard hat on his face was sleeping on the couch due to a drug one of the thieves put in his drink.

"Be careful with that!" One of them told the other as he was holding a vase.

"Relax, it's fine." The thief told his partner. Little do either of them know that something was there with them. Behind the stone tomb were some medals. Most of them were silver, well one of them is a red hawk with a golden ring around it. As the two thieves were inspecting the historical items around them, that red medal was moving on its own as it rattled on the floor before floating up in the air a little and gathering the small pile of silver medals next to it. Those medals gathered around the red one to form an arm. As the two thieves were gathering the items around the room, the arm slowly made its way up the tomb and to the center of it where a belt like lock with three slots in it is set.

The arm grab hold of said lock and twisted it. Once it did, he unlocked the tomb and the top of it was glowing gold. Some of the medals that made up the arm were falling to the floor and one of them hit a motion sensor. An alarm was sound in a different building not too far from the museum as soldiers in bike helmets were running their way to a few odd looking vending machines. Next to the first one is a man holding some sliver medals as each soldier took one and each one stood in front of each vending machine. About eight of them to be exact. They each pushed a medal in a slot in each vending machine before pressing a large black button in the center of it. Each vending machine then morphed into a motorcycle as the sides folded in and wheels were formed on the front before lowering down.

Each soldier thought on each bike before revving up and drove off to the museum. Meanwhile, back at the Museum in the storage, as of two thieves were gathering the items, they saw the golden glow coming from the stone tomb. "What's that?" One of them asked before the tomb itself turned into medals. They saw a few different color medals being gathered around by the sliver ones and they all took the form of monsters. The two thieves were frightened by these things before one of soldiers on one the bikes burst through the wall. After stopping, the soldier took out a shotgun and took aim before firing at the monsters made of the medals. They seem unaffected by the shooting, so the solder put away the gun and activated his communication in his helmet.

"This is Steel from Ride Vendor first squad." The solder said on his com. "The medals have awoken. Awaiting your command." At the top floor of the building Steel and the other soldiers came from, a woman with velvet red skin, crystal blue eyes, bright pink hair with red streaks, and wearing a business suit with a cooking apron pressed up on the com on her desk next to some cake baking items.

"Exterminate them." The woman answered before she wiped a little frosting off her face.

"Rodger." Steel said over the com. He then revved up the bike and drove around as the monsters walked closer. The medals that formed each of these four monsters glowed in green, blue, grey, and yellow they changed forms.

The two thieves saw the monsters transform while outside the soldiers and Steel got ready. The soldiers launch missiles with rocket launchers while Steel took out a detonator and pressed it. Bombs that were placed in the storage area then went off as the missiles hit the museum in the place exploded. As the two thieves to cover from the explosion, the monsters quickly shifted back into medals as the place was coming down. The teen boy in the security office however was still sound asleep and safe as the place rumbled. The cap on his face fell off and his face was revealed to be Flash Sentry from Canterlot High. The monsters turned medals flew out of the building through a hole that was made as Steel signal to the other soldiers to move out. "Ride Vendors first squad, returning to base." Steel said over the com as they drove off.

Back in the woman's office, a record was being played as the woman was frosting a cake. As the soft music was playing one of the soldiers was being pursued by the medals flying through the air through a tunnel. They land far infront of him and took form of the aquatic mammal female monster. As the woman in a her office was completing her cake, she sing along to the record being played.

Happy birthday to you~

Another solder was shooting at a rhino like monster ahead of him as he drove.

Happy birthday to you~!

Another one was being knocked off his bike by a feline like monster through a tunnel.

Happy birthday, Happy birthday~

Two were then jumped by an insect like monster while they drove on their bikes.

Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~

The aquatic female monster blast the soldier coming at her with water. The rhinoceros like monster through two soldiers over his shoulder when they came at him. Well two of them drove through the tunnel, the feline monster tackled them off their bikes. The insect like monster pulled the two soldiers off their bikes and crashed them into a car.

Happy birthday to you~

"Happy birthday, dear...~." The woman sang as she was writing the name for who she's singing for on a cake with frosting. "Greeed..." She said in a dark tone before she walked around her desk. "Happy birthday to you~."

Meanwhile back at the Museum in the security office, a red medal was set flying and hit Flash on the head. That tiny little hit woke him up. "Oh man, I must have dozed off." Flash told himself as he sat up. He then looked down and saw the red hawk medal on the ground before picking it up. "What's this?" He looked at it before he noticed what time it is. "It's that time? I'm going to be late. Thanks for hard work." He told himself. He got up from the couch and took off the tie around his neck before placing it in a locker. Inside the locker, is his black leather jacket with a blue shield with a lightning bolt in it on the sleeve. He took off the security guard shirt and started to put on the black leather jacket. He then put the security guard shirt on a hanger before putting it on a hook in the wall.

The moment he did, he heard creaking coming from the wall before it fell apart and a bunch of policemen and fireman for outside. Flash didn't know what's going on asking slowly raised his arms and showed he didn't want any trouble. One of the policemen had pure white skin, with blue eyes and blue hair as he walked over to Flash. "Something tells me you want to know what happened, right?" The police officer asked as Flash gave a nod. "Why don't we start with what were doing here." Flash explained to the officer that he was just here for a part-time job. He told him there were two other security guards here as one of them gave him a drink before he dozed off. "And you really didn't realize? I mean, look at this."

"Well like I said, I was fast asleep." Flash respond. "Was it a gas explosion or something?"

"We're investigating it right now." A dark orange police officer told Flash. Flash then saw the two thieves being hauled away on stretchers by two men.

"I hope they're okay." Flash said as the two working hauled into an ambulance.

"They're injured, but the live." The white police officer told him.

"Thank goodness." Flash sign in relief. "They may have scary faces, but they're good people."

"You've known them long?"

"Since this morning, actually." Flash answered the first officer before you walked past them and picked up a guitar case.

"I see. Anyway, you might need to ask you questions later. Flash Sentry, was it?" The first officer told him. "What's your address and phone number?"

"Oh, I live at 218 Hoofhill street." Flash told the officer. "I live with my parents and my little sister. And I can write down my number for you officer...?"

"Armor, Shining Armor." The officer, Shining answered before he gave Flash a clipboard and Flash wrote down his phone number. "Do you also have any currencies?" Flash pulled out his wallet and showed him his currencies. It it wasn't much, it was just a few coins. But it was enough for Flash. "This all?" Flash gave a nod in response as Shining hand back his wallet.

"Well, I got to get going." Flash told Shining. "There's somewhere I got to be and I'm going to be late." He was about to head off before he saw his car buried and crushed under the rubble. "Aw man, not my car!" From under a rubble, a red arm that looked like a claw was struggling to crawl out.

Back in the women's office, a corner piece of the cake have been sliced off as a teenage girl with light purple skin, purplish blue eyes, and purple hair with light blue streaks was enjoying the piece. "Starlight." The woman called her as she walked over to her. "My Kougami Foundation's great art museum... as well as the Ride Vendor platoon are mostly destroyed." She then turned off a computer laptop sitting on a table. "That's how powerful the Greeed are."

"Chief Crimson, didn't you predict this? You look disappointed." Starlight said.

"Of course I am." Crimson said as she walked back to her desk. "It doesn't matter what it is...being born into this world is WONDERFUL! So, the resurrection of the Greeed mat not be all bad." She said as she sat down.

Underneath a bridge, four veils in green, black, yellow, and blue fell down as the four Greeed walked under it. The rhinoceros one stopped and looked at himself as he felt something was wrong. "What...?" He spoke. "This body... is odd."

"There's something vital that's missing." The aquatic female said when they rotated. "A medal... and it's a Core Medal too!"

"Why?! There's no way a medal would just disappear!" The insect like one said when they rotated again.

"I saw Ankh holding them." The feline like one told the others, causing them to be shocked and surprised by this news.

"Ankh!" The rhinoceros one said as he scratched his head.

"It can't be!" The aquatic one said with disbelief. "But it looked like he could barely take form!"

"That bastard! Even after just awakening, he's still shrewd." The insect like one granted well the feline one laughed a little. The four veils then lifted up as they were done with their conversation.

"Look, I know I'm late." Flash said to whoever he's on the phone with as he was walking. "You see, apparently something happened at the museum and my car got crushed under some Rubble. Don't tell mom and dad about that. Look, tell them I'm sorry Scootaloo. I have to find a new job so my car can be repaired." He listened to his sister say some things over the phone as he walked. "Thanks sis." He put away his phone and hung his head down when he stopped before he noticed an odd looking vending machine. He walked over to it and saw the soda cans within it. "Huh, never seen those brands of soda before."

He wanted to give them a try, so he pulled out his bullet and saw the red hawk medal he found back at the museum. "I forgot about this." He said as he pulled it out. "What is this?" He looked over the medal as he never seen one like it before. Little did he know, something was watching him from the shadows. Whatever it is, it has its sights on the medal Flash is holding. Someone bumped into him and he dropped the medal as it rolled under the vending machine. He went to the ground to try and get it out under, but it was too far for him to reach.

So he stood up and try and lift the vending machine so he can move it and get the medal. He was able to lean it back a little, but it was still too heavy for him to lift. He try to use his foot to slide the out, but no good. "Ah! Excuse me! Under here." Flash called out for help. "E-excuse me. Can you lend me a hand? I can't reach it." A familiar farm girl with orange skin, blonde hair with a cowboy hat, and green eyes walked by and saw him barely lifting the vending machine and no one helping him.

"Y'all need a hand there, Flash?" She asked when she walked over to him. As Flash was holding up the vending machine, the thing that was following him went under it to get the medal.

"Can't hold it, Applejack." Flash said as he let go of the vending machine just when the thing grabbed the medal.


"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but I need help lifting this because I dropped something under it." Flash told her.

"Say no more, partner." Applejack told him as she spat her hands before rubbing them together then grabbing hold of the vending machine. She lift with her legs and lift up the vending machine off the ground with all her strength. "Here's your chance. Hurry!" She told him before she notice something underneath calling out. It looked like an arm with bird claws, five fingers, and red feathers. "What the hell?!" She shouted as she dropped the vending machine.

"What is it?!" Flash asked her.

"I don't know. I just saw something strange under there!" Applejack explain before she saw the arm floated behind him. "Duh, Flash..." She said a little bit nervous as she pointed behind him.

"What?" Flash wonder before he turned around and saw the floating red and black arm holding the medal.

"I'll be taking this back...my Core Medal." The arm said before Flash freaked out and hit the arm as he stumbled back, causing the arm to toss the medal into the air. The medal landed in Flash's hand. "Hey!" They both look and saw the arm crawled along the vending machine. "That hurt! You..." The arm sounded angry before both Flash and Applejack ran away from it. "Hey! Wait! Hey!" The arm chased after them.

The two ran past a jewelry store as the arm was given pursuit of them. Inside the jewelry store, people were frightened as the insect like Greeed had arrived there. "What's that?!" A man shouted as they backed away from it as it walked closer to them. He stopped and took notice of a woman holding her head as she was kneeling down, hoping it wouldn't see her. The Greed went over to her and jerked her up to face him.

"Hey!" The Greeed shouted as he face her and hold up a sliver medal. "That greed of yours is perfect." He then turned the frightened woman around and a coin slot appeared as he puts the medal in the slot. From the woman's center, something emerged from her and crawled out. It's body was black and wrapped in bandages from head to toe. The woman screamed at the creature that just emerged from her before the insect Greeed grabbed her. "Don't freak out! This was born from your greed. You gave it shape." The thing the grabbed her hand and swallowed up the rings on her fingers. The woman jerked her hand away and saw that her rings were gone.

"My ring worth a hundred million!" The woman cried out before she joined the group of people in the corner. The all the creature went over to some more jewelry and began to swallow them up as well. It took every jewelry in the store and ate it all up as within it medals were being created. After it swallowed every jewelry in the store, it began to transform into a mantis like monster before the Greeed walked over to it.

"Find my Core Medal. And retrieve it." The insect Greeed order the mantis creature.

"As you wish." The creature said before it ran out the store. Shining Armor and his partner, Spearhead were in their police cruiser when the Mantis creature burst out of the store and they had to pump the brakes before they could hit it. "I smell it. A Core Medal." It said before it hopped over their Cruiser and into the city.

"What's that?!" Shining Armor ask when you saw it.

"F-for now, chase it!" Spearhead told him.

"Right." Shining Armor said as he put the car in reverse and chased after the creature.

Flash and Applejack had to split up as the arm was following them through the city. Applejack went to go get the rest of her friends while he led the arm away from her. Flash continued to run and looked at the medal the arm had. "What was that?!" He asked before in the arm flew down and loaded in front of him.

"Give it back! It's my body!" The arm told Flash as he floated closer to him. "Hurry and hand it over! I'll let you live till then. " A baseball bat came down and hit the arm to the ground. Flash saw it was Rainbow Dash the hint the arm with the bat as Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Sunset came over to them. "This is not my day."

"Whoa, you weren't kidding when you said it can talk without a body or mouth!" Rainbow Dash said.

"What is it and why was it chasing you?" Sunset asked Flash.

"It was asking about this medal I found in the art museum." Flash explained as he showed them the medal.

"Oh my, I never see a medal like that before." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah." The arm spoke after floating up from the ground. "I dropped it."

"Wait, you were there too?" Flash asked the arm.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but why were you there darling?" Rarity asked.

"Part time job as security guard." Flash explained.

"Huh, what a coincidence that these two are at the same place!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile. "And maybe this arm is just part of a whole being that is incomplete because it means more medals like that to be completed. But there are some others who's medals it took that are out there and back." The arm just shook itself.

"Hurry up!" The arm demanded as the mantis creature found them.

"The Core Medal. Hand it over." It said as it power up its blades and created five more.

"Another weirdo?" Flash asked as the creature raised its blades before throwing it at them. The arm quickly reflect each slash being thrown at them as people around them starting to run in fear. "You! Ankh!" The creature called the arm.

"Don't interfere! This is my Core Medal!" The arm, known as Ankh told the creature.

"Hand it over!" The creature told Ankh before it slashed its blades at him. Ankh was able to dodge each slash before it grabbed him and knocked him back a few feet. Flash and the girls watched as the creature picked up the arm. "Don't interfere!" He sounded as he threw the arm at a wall. He then walked over and grabs it again before throwing it at some chairs.

"Hey! It's too one-sided!" Flash shouted.

"He is just an arm." Applejack pointed out before Flash ran right at the creature.

"Flash, no!" Sunset called out as Flash try to hold the creature back. But it pushed him off before grabbing him and throwing him into some tables. Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran and grabbed the creature by the arms to hold it back, but it grabbed them and threw them at a wall. As it sharpened its blades, Shining Armor's police car was driving straight towards it as Spearhead took out his gun and shoot it from the back. It turned and sliced the bullet in two. Then send two slash waves at the car, causing it to crash into another car. Both police officers were both injured a little as Spearhead rested his head back while Shining got out of the car and fell to the ground. Both Rarity and Fluttershy ran over and helped Shining up.

"Shining!" Flash called out as got up and ran over to him. Ankh quickly grabbed the creature by the shoulder and held it back. "Is he okay?!

"He looks injured. He needs hospital now!" Fluttershy told them. Flash saw Spearhead in the car and check on him.

"Are you okay?! Hold on!" Flash told Spearhead. Flash looked at the injured Shining Armor and looked me not moving as the girls were holding him up. Ankh was being held by the creature before gunshots were heard and the creature was shot in the back. It turned to see Flash using Shining's gun. "I don't know what this is about, but stop it already!"

"Don't interfere! You have nothing to do with this." The Mantis like creature told him.

"I do!" Flash shouted. "I do. Same with the officer and the girls. And him too." He said as he pointed to Ankh. "I've known him since we met this morning." Ankh was intrigued by this as the creature held a blade to him. "Stop it!" He shouted as he shoot the creature again a few more times. The creature then slashed its blade on Ankh as Flash ran at the creature. But he quickly grabbed flash by the throat and fling him towards the ground. Rarity and Fluttershy gently Shining down as they and the rest of the girls ran over to Flash.

"I'm really wishing we could Pony up." Rainbow Dash said in frustration. "That way we can take down whatever this thing is."

"He's just an idiot... I can use him. As well as those girls." Ankh said from the ground. "No... This is the only thing I can do right now." He quickly flew towards them just when the creature grabbed each of them and as it jumped, it knocked them into metal bars. As they fell back, Ankh quickly grabbed each of them gently put them on the ground.

"Ankh! Are you trying to save these humans? The mantis creature asked.

"What's your names?" Ankh asked each of them.

"Sunset Shimmer."


"Rainbow Dash."


"Pinkie Pie."


"Flash Sentry." Ankh then flew back a little.

"You all impressed me. Especially you, Flash. I'll tell you how we can be saved." Ankh told them before he shook himself and something dropped down from him as he quickly grabbed it. It was the stone like belt with the three slots he took from the stone tomb and the mantis like creature recognized it.

"Isn't that... the seal..." The creature said as Ankh place it on Flash's waist and the stone turned into a rectangular black belt buckle, with blue outlines on it, and three circular slots. Once it was placed on Flash, a silver belt wrapped around Flash with a cylinder case on his left side, and a black circle like scanner with golden outlines on his right. Flash and the girls were surprised to see something like this and wonder what it could be.

"My hand held more than just the Core Medals." Ankh told the creature before he turned to Flash. "Flash. The only way to survive is to defeat him." He told him as he pointed to the creature.

"How does he do that?" Sunset asked Ankh.

"Three Medals." Ankh said as he pulled out two different medals. One is yellow with a tiger on the front, and the other is green with a grasshopper on the front. "Insert them here." He explained as he pointed to the three slots in the belt. "You will gain power." He said as he hands Flash the two medals and took them.

"Don't listen to Ankh!" The creature told them as he walked down the steps. "You'll pay for using it."

"Okay, do we listen to the thing that tried to kill us, or listen to the thing that saved us?" Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically.

"Hey!" Ankh said as he made Flash look at him. "What's a little risk? Better than all of us dying here. Hurry and do it, Flash. Transform!"

"Don't!" The creature shouted. Flash looked between the creature and Ankh as he thought about it. He then looked at Ankh and smiled.

"I've helped many people, but..." Flash said as he stepped up. "...saving lives is equally difficult everywhere!" He then tossed up the red hawk medal in the air before catching it. He then looked at both the hawk and grasshopper medals before he place them in the belt. The hawk in the first slot and the grasshopper in the third. And after he placed the tiger medal in the middle slot, the belt tilted to the left a bit. Ankh then picked up the round scanner and hold it to Flash.

"Use this and say, "Henshin." Ankh told him before Flash took the scanner. It made a sound as when he did before he slide the scanner down along the belt and scanned each medal.

"Henshin." Flash said before the scanner did some sort of jingle as medals circled around him.

Ta,To,Ba! TaToBa! TaToBa~!

The girls watch as Flash transformed into a black armor with a red hawk helmet with green eyes, yellow tiger claws in the center, and green grasshopper boots. His chest plate has circle with a red hawk on top, a yellow tiger in the middle, and a green grasshopper on the bottom. "You fool!" The mantis creature growled.

"Yeah! Just what I had hoped for." Ankh said.

"That looks so cool!" Pinkie Pie shouted with excitement.

"Even I'm impressed. But I'm not too fond of the color pattern." Rarity said.

"But what was that song just now?" Applejack asked as Flash was looking himself over.

"It was in Japanese." Fluttershy told them. "A hawk, tiger, and grasshopper."

"That's what this is?" Flash asked.

"Don't worry about the song." Ankh told them as he flew up to them. "That's OOO. If you fight, you will understand what it is."

"Eh?" Flash, now OOO turned to see the Mantis creature jumping towards them. As it brought it blades down and the girls moved out of the way, OOO quickly brought his arms up and blocked the attack. The tiger center of the armor glowed as the claws on his arms extended and he swung them to strike the creature back. As it rolled on the ground, sliver medals fell out of it before it quickly stood back up just as OOO stood a few feet infront of it. "I can feel the power in my body!" OOO said as the grasshopper part glowed down his legs while sliver medals continue to fall out of the creature from the scratch mark before closing itself up.

OOO jumped in place as his legs glowed before he jumped up high and kicked the creature back with multiple kicks. "So much power." Sunset said as she the girls watch OOO kicked the creature to the ground and more sliver medals fell out of it.

"Why, you-" The creature shouted as it charged at OOO and struck him a few times, causing him to be sent back. The lion part of his armor was took to much damage as it was sparking.

"That doesn't look good." Rainbow Dash said when they saw the sparks.

"Flash!" Ankh called out as he holds a green mantis medal. "Switch the middle one with this." He tossed him the medal and OOO caught it. He kicked the creature back when it charged at him before he even the belt and took out the lion medal so he can put in the mantis one. OOO then took the scanner when belt titled and scanned the medals again.


The lion part of the armor turned into a bright green mantis as the mantis like blades on the arms extended. "Alright." Ankh said.

"Ankh! Hand over the Core medal!" The creature demanded as he changed at OOO. But OOO unleashed a flurry of slashes at the creature and knocked more sliver medals out of it. As the creature rolled on the ground, OOO charged up the mantis blades before he leap over to it and deliver the final blow. As the creature was sent flying back, sparks fly from it before it exploded into a bunch of sliver medals. As all those sliver medals fell all over the place, Sunet picked one of them up and examine it.

"That thing was... made of medals?" Sunset asked in confusion.

"Now I've seen everything." Applejack said before they heard a phone ring. They all looked over to where Rarity and Fluttershy set Shining and saw it was his phone going off.

"Oh right! We need to call an ambulance for Shining Armor, right now!" OOO told the girls.

"I'm on it, darling." Rarity said as got her phone while OOO and Applejack ran over to Shining. Ankh, however attached himself to Shining's right arm and lift him in the air a little to make him stand up.

"I've found the perfect body for me." Ankh said before Shining Armor open his eyes and they were red instead of blue. "Now..." He spoke in Ankh's voice as his hair turned blond with red streaks. "...I can move a bit more easily." Both OOO and the girls were shocked that Ankh is possessing Shining Armor. Meanwhile in a different part of town, a girl with purple skin, dark purple hair with a pink streaks, wearing a school uniform and glass as her eyes are purple was waiting for someone she's trying to call to pick up.

"I wonder if Shining Armor is busy." The girl thought while OOO and the girls were still wondering what's going on.

Happy birthday to you!

"You!" OOO said as he walked up to the Ankh.

Happy birthday to you!

Back in Crimson's office, she was singing the birthday song as she was finishing another cake. "Happy birthday dear..." She finish putting the name on the cake. "OOO." Little do OOO, Ankh, and the girls know that Steel was watching them from the start. Steel took out a red can and open before turning it upside down. Then it and a few others on the ground folded into robotic hawks before they took to the skies and he took off his helmet to show he has grey skin with green eyes and black hair .

Author's Note:

Next time on Kamen Rider OOO:

"Greed!" Crimson shouted. "It's a pure, wonderful energy!"

"For us Greeed, tue Core Medals are vital." Ankh told them. "I've taken this body. That form was a nuisance."

"Why do I have a feeling we gotten ourselves into something bigger?" Sunset asked in a worried tone.

"Cadance, I'm worried about Shining." Twilight told her.

"Cells and Cores. The source of the Medals is human greed." Ankh explained.

"It's a birthday present from her." Steel told them.

"It's octopuses! Look! Octopuses!" Pinkie Pie shouted with excitement.

"Don't prioritize the Medals over people's lives!" Flash told Ankh.

Greed, Ice cream, present