• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 523 Views, 16 Comments

Long live Olenia! - Dustwing

Olenia won against the Changelings, Chrysalis is presumed dead and the country lays in ruin.

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-1011 | Ditrysium-
General Onni

The rays of the morning sun illuminated Onnis office even through the closed blinds before his window, he was leaning over a report he had received this morning about the general Situation of the Changeling Lands. Straining his eyes he didn't think to turn on the desk lamp standing right beside him. The report detailed mutliple events that had transpired in the far north near Sorth, the Olenian Garrison there had been under harassment by groups of Changelings since the war officially ended, 2 days ago this came to a boiling point when the Changeling groups attacked and drove out the Garrison in a coordinated strike. Yesterday only a few hours after the official proclamation of the Federation of Changeling Hives the self-proclaimed Queendom of Sorth declared independence from the newly created Nation under the leadership of a Regency until a new Queen was found.

Onni shook his head slightly, he was so hopeful the Deer and Changelings could enter a new age together, now they were falling to infighting once again. The next part of the report detailed Equestrian troop movements on their border with the Changelings Lands, the sleeping giant was waking. He had not expected the Equestrians to intervene in this situation, something or someone must have convinced them. Someling perhaps. Onni thought back to an article he read long ago about a Changeling taking refuge in the Crystal Empire who had aimed to rebell against the Queendom.

From his knowledge he had gathered in Ditrysiums Archive Queen Chrysalis had staged a public execution of this Changeling, killing one of her best disguisors in the process. How the Changellings had supported this madness was beyond him.

Continuing through the report it concluded with the situations in both Vessalipolis and Tuhota, while Olenian presence there was much higher resistance was also flaring up, it seemed the only places were Olenian rule was even remotely secure was in Lyctissä and especially Ditrysium. Onni looked up from the piece of paper in front of him, blinking into the sunrays coming from outside his window he got up from his chair and stretched his legs one by one, he would deal with the report later but for now he had someling else to meet.

Waiting anxiously in front of the cafe he had spied out yesterday Onni took note of the beauty the North afforded, it had stopped snowing and the fresh layer of it covering the ground shimmered brightly in the sun. Perking his ears towards the sound of a bell he immediately recognized it as the sound of a tram, turning his head he could see it gliding through the snow, its wheels almost invisible, and stop only a few meters away.

Looking at every passenger leave the car he did not see the Dark Green form of Larxi initially, his shoulder slumping slightly while the tram rang its bell once again and continued moving along its track a lone figure stood at the stop and waved at him. His eyes brightening immediately and he waved back, meeting in the middle of the street Onni spoke first.

"Larxi, I'm very glad you came!" He said cheerfully, smiling at the Changeling he took note of her thick red scarf around her neck, bearing the old insignia of the Changeling Lands he decided not to dwell on it.

Smiling back at Onni Larxi answered him. "I'm glad you invited me! Sorry I wasn't with you the last few days, but I'll be back tomorrow!" She said with a grin.

"Let's go inside then?" Onni turned, as Larxi nodded, together they trotted towards the cafes entrance when Onni spoke again. "The Winter is wonderful isn't it?"

Larxi chuckled. "Sure it is, but it would be so much better if it weren't so cold!" She looked around herself at the glistening snow. "But yes, it can be beautiful sometimes."

Opening the door to the cafe it's warmth washed over the two, hanging both their coats near the door Larxi kept her scarf and searched for a seat, deciding on one near the window she lead Onni over and sat down. The cafe was quite spacious and had a tall ceiling where electric lights had been installed around the chandaleers that used to light the room, the cafe was one of the oldest in the city. Seating himself opposite of Larxi Onni felt the cushioned seat below him conform around his haunches.

"If never been here before." Larxi said while looking around the room. "I used to walk by here a lot but it always to expensive to go inside and eat or drink something." She took one of the menus from the table and spread it out in the middle.

Onni glanced at the menu knowing he would just be having a simple tea, most of the items on it were blacked out anyways. "Well I saw this place yesterday after the Founding Ceremony and I thought it would be nice to spend some time together." He pondered for a moment before continuing. "Do you have a radio to listen to the Ceremony? I don't think you were there."

Larxi looked up from the menu she had been studying. "I did listen to the speech of Queen Velvet, but after that I switched back to another channel. I like to just listen to music on the radio."

Onni nodded in acknowledgement. "I've never really specifically listen to music, especially not on the radio." He grinned. "Normally I use them for communication not entertainment."

"You should try listening to some music, it can be very relaxing!" Larxi said with a smile as a Changeling approached from the side of their Table.

"Excuse me, have you two found anything yet?" The ling asked in Olenian, Changelings were especially adept at quickly learning new languages owing to their nature of shapeshifting. Although only few very skilled Changelings could hold an alternate form for long, languages still came easy to everyling.

Onni looked over towards Larxi, she nodded and answered the waiter. "I will have a coffee without anything, please." looking over at Onni both Changelings waited for him to answer.

"I will have a Tea, whatever kind you have." He knew the restaurant was probably trying its best to serve customers as was and he wasn't looking to be picky about what to drink. The waiter nodded and left to deliver their order. Eyeing the blackened parts that covered most of the menu Larxi sighed.

"It's sad to see Ditrysium like this." She said suddenly. "It used to a wondrous city." Larxi looked over at Onni. "Could you tell me a bit about Olenia? How it was before the war?"

Onni blinked and nodded. "Olenia was... is a wonderful Nation. Back when I lived in Vaverfront I used to look for Equestrian ships from Hooverdenin, once I saw a massive Warship." Onni looked back upon his childhood in Vaverfront fondly, in his teens his family had moved to Östskog only some kilometres away. "When we moved to another town I took long walks along the Mountains every sunday, the view was always beautiful, the cold I had after forgetting my coat wasn't."

Onni and Larxi both chuckled. "I often went to Ditrysiums harbour after school, that was under the first unification. It wasnt nearly as tyrranical as the second one." Onni nodded and their Tea and Coffee arrived at the same time. They sat in the cafe for the next few hours, talking about all kinds of events from their childhood, adulthood and everything in between. Once they finally decided to leave the cafe the sun was beginning to set and they walked along the streets, close together.