• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 524 Views, 16 Comments

Long live Olenia! - Dustwing

Olenia won against the Changelings, Chrysalis is presumed dead and the country lays in ruin.

  • ...

Of Queens

-1011 | Sakara-
General Lahja

The Platforms of Sakaras Central Station were mostly empty at this early hour, the sun had not risen and most deer were still asleep in their homes. The few that were waiting on the platforms either had a specific train to catch, or, like Lahja had no other choice. Lahja stood on the first of the four platoforms that lined the rails. Were it not for the warm yellow lights illuminating the Station Lahjas dark fur would have almost been invisible in the Dark.

Perking her ears she could hear the motors of aproaching trucks in the distance, the Queen had finally arrived.
The Insides of the Station Building were illuminated through its large windows by the headlights of the trucks briefly, they had turned a corner in the winding streets leading towards the Station. The sound of the motors got clearer as they aproached. Lahja could hear them drive onto the gravel and stop, the motors still running. Turning towards the path leading from the front of the Station building to the platform behind it she waited for the Guard detail assigned to her and the bug she had to watch to appear.

A few seconds later the first of the 6 deer assigned to her turned the corner of the building, the white dots on his fur almost glowing in the yellow light. Behind him two more deer followed, their uniforms both adorned with the same silver medal signalling they had fought on the Northern Front. Veterans.
Two more Deer followed in tact, this time with no medals adorning their uniforms. Behind them the bug followed, Lahja frowned, she obviously knew she was waiting here for the Royal Changeling but that didnt mean she had to be happy about it. After the Bug a last Deer followed, his Uniform clean and unadorned.

The 6 Deer came to a halt before Lahja and saluted, the one at the front stepping forward and greeting her. "General Lahja, it is an honour to meet you." He said with a bow of his head, Lahja nodded before answering.

"It is my honour, the Train should be arriving shortly so let us get this over with." the Deer in front of her nodded.

"Alright stags and does you heard her. Lets get this bug back home." He said turning towards his soldiers, they all nodded and spread out. Lahja stepped back and leaned against the Station Buildings brick wall. Closing her eyes for just a moment she though about her situation. She could be at home with the rest of her family. Sitting together this evening at the fireplace as they had done since she was young. They had stopped during War, all because of the bugs. They didnt deserve the treatment they were getting, especially not this Queen, she had led the Changelings!

Lahja only opened her eyes when the bright lights of the Train appeared, it had already slowed for the approach to the Station and came to a full stop along the Platform, Perfect and Punctual she thought. The carriages on the train were all unlit except for one, to which the doors were now opened from the inside by a Pony. Lahja had not met many Ponies in her life but she knew there were large minorities of them especially in Seatula. She smiled at the pony opening the door and stepped inside.

The Carriage was old but luxurious and the seats were cushioned with red padding, stepping further into the carriage the two deer adorned with silver medals entered after her, Queen Helvia followed regarding the Pony standing beside the door with only a glance. After the Queen followed the four remaining deer, taking seats near the door the leading stag nodded towards Lahja and she sat down as well. Helvia looked around the carriage before settling on a seat near the back of the carriage, she walked over to it slowly and sat down, the two deer with medals remained standing inside the carriage.

Closing the door again the Pony disappeared quickly through a door leading towards the front of the Train and shut it loudly.
Lahja looked out the window, the Train began slowly moving forwards only moments after the Pony had left and soon the landscape of Sakara was replaced by Pinewoods in the distance. As the Train crossed one of the many Bridges over the Saki River Lahja eyes drifted closed and soon she was shamelessly sleeping while leaning against the Trains window.


Rushing forward and looking over the railing just as another shot echoed through the large room right before the dying hiss of a changeling was heard Larxi looked towards the large door she had entered this building through and saw it smeared with the green blood of a changeling. The Changeling himself was slumped against the wall, his eyes staring straight ahead in his dying moments. The Corporal was on the ground and clutching the top of his head, the antler that normally would have been there shattered and strewn across the floor and his head bleeding from a laceration, Onni was next to the corporal talking to him quietly. Larxi looked in horror at the dying Changeling as his eyes suddendly fixed on her and he silently mouthed a single word. "Traitor"

Larxi stared right into the Changelings eyes but he only stared back for a few seconds before his eyes became unfocused seemingly looking at nothing. She struggled to tear her eyes from the body, Onni called to her and only now did she realize she had tuned out all noises around her. Her hearing came back aprubtly and she could finally hear what Onni was shouting to her. "GET A DOCTOR FROM THE HOSPITAL!" He shouted urgently as if repeating himself, Larxi finally snapped and took off flying towards the large door, opening it the dead Changeling fell back and out into the open blocking the door from being closed again. Larxi flew as fast as she could, down the hill the Palace was situated on and into Ditrysium below she finally reached the Field Hospital still situated here. Landing at its entrance she called out to the first deer she saw. "Deer is injured in the Palace!" She called without breath, the Deer walking reacted immediately her expression changing from curiosity for the arriving Changeling to one of alarm, calling out something in Olenian so quickly and with such a heavy accent Larxi could barely understand she alarmed a Doctor and approached her.

"What kind of Injury?" she asked with a slight hint of alarm in her voice and looked past Larxi apparently searching for somedeer that would answer for the Changeling in front of her.

Larxi took a deep breath before answering. The accent of the Deer was much more understandable when spoken at a normal pace."At the Palace, his Antler is broken and hes bleading from the head." She said as calmly as she could with the adrenaline from flying down the hill still coursing through her system.
Just as she had finished speaking another Deer in a white Uniform appeared, a Blue Cross stitched proudly on his chest.

"Up the Hill?" He asked, thankfully without an accent. Larxi nodded in affirment, the Doctor called out towards someone in the back and then turned towards Larxi and the other deer. "We thankfully have a Pegasus Doctor here, otherwise it would have taken much longer. Our car broke down yesterday."

Larxi turned her eyes towards the entrance of the tent and indeed a Pegasus hurriedly flew through it only a few seconds later. The Deer in his white uniform spoke to the Pegasus, this time in a language Larxi did not understand. He turned towards Larxi once again. "He is from Equestria, doesn't speak Olenian. Just show him the way." He said while nodding towards the castle.

Looking over to the Pegasus he slung two satchels over his back and nodded at her, taking off again Larxi flew over the street back towards the montain and the Pegasus followed her closely. Speeding up the two soon arrived at the large doors of the Palace and the Pegasus promtly set himself down next to the Corporal and began treating him. Onni slowly got up from his laying position next to the Injured Stag and walked over to Larxi.

"I am sorry you had to witness this. You can stay home for as long as you need to... deal with this." He said falteringly and looked Larxi in the eyes. She nodded and swallowed some bile back down her throat.