> Long live Olenia! > by Dustwing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Capitulation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011- Olenia stood Triumphant. The Changeling armies were defeated, and Chrysalis presumed dead. When the Queendom Invaded Olenia in 1008 Queen Velvet had just finished basic reforms in the Army. Everydeer expected Olenia to fall within Months. That did not happen. As thousands of brave stags and does signed up to the Army, the Changelings met fierce resistance at the Northern Line, the Fortifications on the Changeling border had been fully constructed only months prior their construction having begun under the traitorous "King" Johan. The Forts held strong, Tank Brigades bombarded with mountain artillery and Infantry shattered against the Mountains. The only Breakthrough on the Changelings side was in the far North, the city of Grylloblatod falling to Changeling hooves in the first days of the war. The City was defended fiercely and most of the population had been evacuated but still the Changeling Jägers held the city after 3 days of fighting. The Olenian defenders fell back to the river at Ishamn and the Mountains around Feslott, the Line held strong. In 1009 many Cities along the coast were attacked by the Changeling Navy, the attacks at Sakara Valolahti and Öslott were repelled by local garrisons, but the landings at Elkslinna partly succeeded. Garrisons from Öslott and Ishamn were immedietly ordered to drive the Invaders back into the sea. The Öslott Garrison arrived a day after the Landing, the Changelings having made slow progress in the cold and snowy North. First fights began shortly after the Garrisons arrival with Garrisons from Ishamn and a few Frontline Brigades arriving only two days later by rail. Fighting against the Marines was fierce but the Changelings were not prepared for the Mountain terrain that dominated the North and were eventually pushed out of Elkslinna. Stranded with no supplies the around 4 thousand Marines surrendered to Olenia and were taken as POWs. in Winter of 1009 the first Olenian counter attack begun, Many of the Changeling Tanks and Infantry had been moved South for a decisive attack, and Field Marshall Manntlerheim seized the opportunity. The light defensive Units of the Changelings were easily overwhelmed, Specially made Trucks allowing Olenian Infantry to move quickly through the Mountains and retaking Grylloblatod before the Changelings could form a proper resistance. The Changelings raced North to reform the Front but by the Time that was achieved the Town of Kosklämm Piste had already been taken. By this time however the Olenians were out of supplies and no existing railways led into the Changeling Lands from Olenia in the North. The Winter offensive concluded having reached its two Major goals and more, taking back the Northern regions of Olenia and distracting the Changelings from the South. The Offensive in the North gave Olenia enough time to call up reserves and reinforce the Southern Line against the attacks that followed in Spring. The Changeling Tank Divisions, already crippled by the Previous attacks once again shattered against the Fortifications on the Rivers and Mountains while Olenian Divisions in the North Pushed towards Apsychos and Phantine. The Olenian Offensive was getting dangerously close to Lyctissä and the Changelings knew, thousands of conscripts were sent to defend the front around the city and they succeeded in halting the Olenian advance. In the far North however the Changelings could not stop the advance in time and Olenian units were soon at the edges of the Changeling Forest and uncomfortably close to Ditrysium. The Spring Counter-Offensive of 1010 came to a close with more significant gains in the North and the first Artillery bombarding Ditrysiums defenses. The front was stable untill winter of 1010 when 11 fresh Infantry Divisions arrived in the South around Smalstad, the Second Winter Offensive would begin shortly. Olenian Infantry in the south left their Fortifications in the morning and after heavy fighting and large losses on both sides were marching towards Prefia. The much smaller Central Army, which had not seen much action during the war thus far followed suit and pushed through the light Changeling garrisons, taking Ateena and pushing up towards Formicida. The Third Olenian Offensive once again ended in success, although it failed to reach the town of Prefia before Spring Ateena had fallen and the Changeling front was largely unorganized. Seeing an opportunity once again Marshall Manntlerheim swung the central Army North towards Lyctissä and the Northern Army down as well. The two Armies met around Lyctissä after 4 days and attacked the city from two sides. The City was not evacuated by the Changelings and shelling of the city was officially forbidden by Queen Velvet herself. Fighting in the city was brutal house to house combat, Changelings Jägers disguised as civilians shooting from everywhere at Olenian Trucks sweeping the city. Lyctissä was only fully under Olenian control 2 weeks after Fighting had begun and Civilians were given Aid by Olenian Groups such as the Blue Antlers and the Olenian Hostpital Association. The second opportunity opened itself near Ditrysium, an unknown General had leaked Changeling positions all along the Northern Front and Olenian Units exploited this Intel to the fullest. Changeling strongpoints were circumvented, encircled and destroyed. Ditrysium was declared an Open city by Queen Helvia, officially the first Changeling openly cooperating with Olenia the city was seized and its Queen placed under Protection of the New Royal Guard. News Outlets in the Changeling Queendom declared Helvia dead and her title stripped not even a day after and a sham execution was held in Vessalipolis, the Execution was obviosly faked however, the real Queen Helvia still under Olenian Protection on her way to Sakara. Both Lyctissä and Ditrysium had fallen by summer of 1011 and Changeling resistance was slowly crumbling, as the combined strength of the Northern and Central Armies swung towards Vassalipolis and the Southern Army marched towards Tuhota even the most fanatical follower of Chrysalis could see the writing on the wall. The Queendom had failed and Olenia had won. As Tuhota fell in brutal fighting, the Changeling Armies forcing Civilians to fight or using them as living shields and Vessalipolis beeing bombed to the ground by its own bombers in an attempt to stave off the Olenian Soldiers, as millions of Changeling died under her command and under her promise of Changeling rule over the whole of Equus, Queen Chrysalis hid in her bunker in Vessalipolis. And was never seen again. It was assumed she had died, cowardly shot herself in the face of her failure, some say she is still out there waiting to take revenge. Whatever the case she was nowhere to be found after the fall of Vessalipolis in Autumn of 1011. The remaining Changeling Armies now solely under Hivesmarschall Trimmels command tried regrouping around Sorth, when they arrived the city was already controlled by Olenian Motorized Infantry. Trimmel officially declared unconditional capitulation on the 2nd of November 1011. All Changeling Tanks were seized by the Olenian Army. The Regions of Hekuulevat, Tainaholm, Sieluttomat Vuoret and Kosklämm were annexed by Olenia. The Southern Regions of the Changeling Lands including Ditrysium, Lyctissa, Vessalipolis and Tuhota were put under Olenian Occupation for 6 years. The former Queens of the Hives were forced to lay down their titles with only Queen Helvia beeing allowed to keep it in name. The Federation of Changeling Hives would be established in succession to the previous Changeling Government under the rule of the Governance council consisting of 12 Deer from Olenia and 4 Changelings with one of them beeing Queen Helvia. > Homeland Orders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011 | Ditrysium- General Onni The Typewriter clacked away loudly in the small office provided to General Onni, he had been sent by Queen Velvet to oversee the preperations for the councils formation in Ditrysium. The Harbour City would be where the Federation was ruled from until reconstruction in Vessalipolis was completed. Equestria had voiced concerns over the unrepresentative nature of the council. As if they were any better. Batponies had been completely excluded from society for thousand of years until only recently and they did not kill Millions of Innocents. One day the council would become more representative Onni was sure of that, but now firm guidance was needed to stabilize the Hives and stop them from falling into Anarchy. The Typewriter kept clacking away under his hooves, the report on the state of Ditrysium almost completed when Onnis' assistant entered the room with two cups of coffee. The Dark Green Changeling named Farxi had been assigned to him by... he wasn't really sure by who. But over the last few days she was a tremendous help to him especially regarding damage reports in Ditrysium. She was surprisingly nice too, he had expected resentment from many Changelings but especially in Ditrysium that had not been the case. It seems many of the Changelings were just glad the war had finally ended. "I though I'd bring you some Coffee, sir. It is getting quite late." Farxi's soft voice spoke just loud enough over the continued clacking of the Typewriter which Onni stopped at her words and gladly took the cup of hot coffee. "Thank you Farxi" He smiled warmly at his assistant. "You can go home now if you'd like, I'll have to stay late." He nodded towards the door and took a sip of the coffee, It felt divine at this late hour. The General had spent the whole day going over old Reports, writing new ones and reviewing Changeling Documents from the Royal Palace. "Thank you, sir. But I would prefer to be able to finish my coffee first." she said with a slight smirk. Onni Chuckled and nodded. "Of course, you can stay here until you're done." Onni though of himself as quite a kind person. He had seen many Deer look down upon the defeated Changelings. Blaming them for the death of friends or family. The truth was none of these Changelings had even fought in the war, the ones that had either dead or still imprisoned since it was only a few weeks after the war. He couldn't blame them though, loss was painful. He himself had lost many comrades on the battle fields and he still sometimes had nightmares of the Battle in Lyctissä. "Sir, may I ask what your'e currently writing?" Larxi asked, leaning closer to the General and swivelling her ears towards him. "Nothing new, just one more damage report on the city." Onni answered her before taking another sip of coffee. "This is the last one I'll have to write. Then it gets to the hard part." "If you don't mind me asking, what part would that be sir?" Larxi asked curiously. Since she had been assigned as the Generals assistant she had taken a keen Interest in the Political side of his work. "The Preperations for the council. I will have to find a suitable building to hold their first meeting in and all that." He said trailing off at the end. "You'll come with me for the Inspections tomorrow. If you'd like that is." Onni added the last quickly. Larxi's eyes widened and she nodded "Of course I will come with you!" She said excitedly. "It would be an honour." She quickly added in a more professional voice. Onni Chuckled and took another sip of his coffee. It was past Midnight, Farxi had left hours ago and the typewriter was still clacking away under Onni's hooves. His tired eyes stared at the piece of paper before him, he had written 'atst fo biidling' instead of 'state of building'. His eyes felt heavy and his ears drooped next to his antlers. "By the Queen Im never gonna get anywhere like this!" He said in frustration and pulled the ruined report from the Typewriter. Onnis legs felt like jelly as he got up from the chair, almost falling over he steadied himself against one of the filing cabinets that made the already small room seem even tinier. Onni decided it would be best for him to head to his apartment, he wouldn't get anywhere when he was this tired. The Sky was Dark and the Outside was Cold. Onnis thick fur protected him against the Cold but the few Changelings he saw about at this late hour were wearing warm coats to protect themselves. Lyctissä was mostly untouched by the fighting, only few buildings had been damaged by bombers sent in the last weeks of the war and those were already being repaired. The Apartment he had lived for the past days was inside one of the older buildings in Lyctissä, the strong wooden doors of its entrance now proudly displaying the Olenian Royal Insignia. He pushed the doors inwards and entered the stairwell, on the ground floor there weren't any Apartments, only the traditional communal Areas common in all Changeling cities. At the back of one of the rooms two Changelings sat playing some kind of Card Game. Onni waved at them in greeting and continued towards the stairs. The Hallways were lit by yellowing lamps, the wallpaper having been newly painted white it provided a stark contrast to the otherwise old nature of the building. The Generals Apartment was at the end of the Hallway, taking the key from his bag slung around his neck the deer unlocked the door to his home. The Apartment was not much different from the rest of the building, although the bulbs here had been replaced with new ones from Olenia the lamps around them were still old and slightly yellowed. Going to the Kitchen Onni turned on the sink, filling a small cup he and turning it back off he greedily drank the Fresh water and wobbled over to his Bedroom where he collapsed onto his bed and fell into a deep slumber. Larxi Larxi left Onni's office after having finished her coffee, the clicking of his typewriter resumed almost immediately after she had left, he was a busy stag after all. The Hallway she found herself in was brightly lit, the outside completely dark. Street lamps were low on the priority list so their power connections had not been repaired yet. Moving along the Hallway towards the exit of the one story office building Larxi thought to herself. The Propaganda distributed later in the war made the Olenians seem like barbaric monsters but Onni and the other deer shed met were quite friendly to her. Sure some of them blamed the Changelings for the death of their comrades, but so did Changelings. If she was honest with herself, Onni had grown on her. She considered him a... friend was the word wasn't it? It has been years since shed last used that word even in her own thoughts. She had always been told in the media friendship was a disease and that it would wipe out all changelings if left undefeated. Larxi wasn't dead yet, so friends couldn't be that bad. Opening the door silently and stepping outside into the darkness she still heard the clicking typewriter until she completely close the door again. Breathing in the fresh night air she walked along the quiet roads of Lyctissä towards her home. Normally she would take the Tram but the rails for them had been damages and weren't completely repaired, so she trotted along for the next hour or so. Finally Arriving at her small house Larxi opened the door and went inside. Turning on the lights she made her way to her living room, intent on relaxing and listening to some music she laid down and turned on the radio. The radio provided by Queen Chrysalis she though absently as the radio crackled and began playing a current song, her favorite. > Inspection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011 | Sakara- General Lahja Lahja despised the Changelings. They had killed thousands of deer, her brother had died in the Southern offensive, her father killed by bombings in Vaverfront. And yet she was on her way to meet one of the former Changeling Queens under orders of Manntlerheim. As she turned another corner in the long Hallway of the palace constructed by a corrupt Oligarch that prospered under Johan, Lahja thought about how fitting it was, the Queen that betrayed her government now housed in the Palace of a deer who did the same. The Guards standing to either side of the massive door saluted the General by bringing their hooves up to their antlers, nodding to them in acknowledgement she stepped forwards as the two deer opened the door for her. "Miss Helvia I am here for-" The General was interrupted by Queen Helvia as soon as she entered the room. The Queen sat near a large window in a cushioned white chair. "I am still a Queen, General." She said coldly before continuing to look at the shore stretching out beyond the window. Lahja scoffed. "I am aware of that, Miss Helvia" She got closer to the Changeling, the Queen's seated position allowing her to look down upon her even if she would normally be smaller than the Former Monarch. "But you are in no position to order me around, Bug." She said condesendingly, the Queen was just like the rest, a bug that didn't care for other creatures. So why should Lahja care for the Bug? Keeping her gaze firmly fixed on the shoreline and ignoring the self satisfied smirk on the deers muzzle Helvia asked with a calculating look towards the General. "That is correct. But Insulting me will not bring you any benefit, so what do you want?" "You're not a stupid bug are you" Lahja said in feigned suprise. "Well I suppose it is necessary I tell you what I want. Marshall Manntlerheim wants you out of this Palace and back in Ditrysium. In Secret." The General sighed before continuing. "There have been reports of Groups that think Changelings, especially you, are being treated too well. Honestly I would love to watch you hang in the gallows with the other Queens." She said with a smug grin. "But I am still part of the Army and have to follow orders. So in two days you are leaving with the train back to Ditrysium and I will have to watch your bug ass all the way over." "To Ditrysium?" The Queen said thoughfully, ignoring the numerous insults thrown at her. "Very well I will be ready in two days." Lahjas smile faded from her muzzle at the continued ignoration of her insults and silently left, opening the doors herself before the guards could she stomped through the hallways and the sound of hooves on Marble floor faded into the distance. Queen Helvia still sat in her chair, looking along the shore. General Onni "Welcome General!" A deer called out to Onni, he was waiting in the grand entrance lobby of Ditrysiums Royal Palace. His fur was a dark shade of redish brown with light spots dottet all around and he waved his rifle at the General in greeting. Onni had not slept well or long and he was still tired from the last night but he did his best to smile at the young stag. "Good morning Corporal, are you the only one present?" Onni asked, his voice was sounding only slightly tired and he stood half a head above the deer before him. The Corporal shook his head. "By the Queen no! I'm just here to welcome you. Your assistant already arrived, she's waiting with Governor Alpi just up the stairs." Onni nodded. "Thank you." He walked past the young deer the sound of his hooves on the scratched floor echoing around the room. Ascending the grand staircase right in the middle of the lobby Onni took note of his surroundings, large yellow tinted windows covered the walls the morning sun shining through them and illumintaing the palaces entrance hall. One of the windows was covoered up by a large piece of cloth, it was moving lightly with the wind from outside. At the top of the staircase his assistant Larxi was standing near Governor Alpi, his uniform had gotten tighter since the last time Onni saw him and he stood silently, leaning against the railing of the staircase. "General Onni, finally you've arrived!" Onni gave a curt nod to the deer, allowing Alpi to keep speaking. "You are here for..?" Alpi asked while still leaning on the railing. The Governor was old, almost 80 years in fact and it was showing. His memory was not the best anymore and his eyesight was poor, still he refused to wear glasses. "For the Inspection, I am searching for a building in which the Council will be formed and hold their first meeting." Onni said as if reciting something for a test in school. Giving a light flick of his head he peeked over at Larxi, she was standing beside him and had an unreadable expression on her face. Alpi nodded and spoke. "Yes, yes, the Inspection. I remember now! I've already prepared something!" He exclaimed, under his breath he added. "I wondered what it was for." Engaging in a bit of smalltalk Alpi said. "Your Assistant has been very quiet, is she always like this?" He asked casually not noticing the slight blush that formed on Larxis face. "Normally no." Onni chuckled. "I guess she's just having a bad day." The blush on Larxis face deepened but she said nothing. Following Alpi through the Palaces Hallways Onni wondered how the Governor had even gotten to his current job. With his poor sight and forgetfulness he should've long been retired, but it seems that currently there just were not any younger deer that could replace Alpi and his skills. Arriving at a door the old stag pushed it open and sat down in a cushioned chair. This was apparently the Governors office, much larger than the one Onni had been provided. "Sit down General, I have prepared plans of the entire building for you." Alpi stated, leaning back in his chair he looked around his table as if confused. "You... might have to get them from the cabinet yourself." He said apologetically. Standing next to the desk at the back of the office Onni turned towards the filing cabinets on the left wall. "It's really not a problem Alpi, but you should at least think about getting an assistant. You know you're forgetful." He said in response. Looking through the first cabinet he already found what he was looking for, the blue paper of the construction blueprints sticking out among the brown folders and white paper. Larxi had also followed into the office, she knew she would be slightly shy around the Governor, but she had not even spoken a word yet. Peeking over at Onni she decided to wait just a bit longer. Laying the blueprints out on the Table, Onni waved for Larxi to come to the table. "There is this big circular room right beyond the main entrance, do you know what it was used for originally Alpi?" He asked while studying the blueprints. "The circular room? Ah no, wait... Yes It was used as the throne room." Governor Alpi explained in a confused voice. He looked at the blueprints for a moment before continuing to speak. "There is actually a large meeting table in there currently. I think it was used by the Generals to plan the defense of the City." Onni perked up at the mention of a large meeting table. "That sounds perfect, may we go and see it now?" He asked looking up at the Governor. He still looked slightly confused by his own knowledge and simply nodded, slumping back into his chair. Leaving the office he was back in the hallway with his assistant Larxi by his side. "Excuse me sir, I will search for the toilets." She said quetly before hurrying off at Onnis affirkmatory nod. The Castle was large, even in this Hallway tall windows lined the walls, intricately decorated with ancient patterns. Heading back the way Onni came he walked along the hallways of Ditryiums Royal Castle slowly and alone. Larxi "To the TOILET? What kind of excuse was that" Larxi though to herself as she turned a corner, leaving Onni behind alone. She did not know why she was so nervous, but she just needed some time alone and calm down. She slumped against the wall and down to the floor, her breathing calmed as she closed her eyes and just relaxed for a few seconds before opening her eyes again and looking at the hallway in earnest. The palace was beautiful, constructed hundreds of years ago by the most talented Changelings in Ditrysium at the time it was a marble to behold. Altough the age of it showed in the scratched floors everywhere and peeling paint in some less used areas it was nonetheless a testament to the beauty of Ditrysium. Getting back up from the floor Larxi went along the hallways until she was almost at the main lobby again, as a gunshot rang through the air and she rushed forward to see what had happened. > Of Queens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011 | Sakara- General Lahja The Platforms of Sakaras Central Station were mostly empty at this early hour, the sun had not risen and most deer were still asleep in their homes. The few that were waiting on the platforms either had a specific train to catch, or, like Lahja had no other choice. Lahja stood on the first of the four platoforms that lined the rails. Were it not for the warm yellow lights illuminating the Station Lahjas dark fur would have almost been invisible in the Dark. Perking her ears she could hear the motors of aproaching trucks in the distance, the Queen had finally arrived. The Insides of the Station Building were illuminated through its large windows by the headlights of the trucks briefly, they had turned a corner in the winding streets leading towards the Station. The sound of the motors got clearer as they aproached. Lahja could hear them drive onto the gravel and stop, the motors still running. Turning towards the path leading from the front of the Station building to the platform behind it she waited for the Guard detail assigned to her and the bug she had to watch to appear. A few seconds later the first of the 6 deer assigned to her turned the corner of the building, the white dots on his fur almost glowing in the yellow light. Behind him two more deer followed, their uniforms both adorned with the same silver medal signalling they had fought on the Northern Front. Veterans. Two more Deer followed in tact, this time with no medals adorning their uniforms. Behind them the bug followed, Lahja frowned, she obviously knew she was waiting here for the Royal Changeling but that didnt mean she had to be happy about it. After the Bug a last Deer followed, his Uniform clean and unadorned. The 6 Deer came to a halt before Lahja and saluted, the one at the front stepping forward and greeting her. "General Lahja, it is an honour to meet you." He said with a bow of his head, Lahja nodded before answering. "It is my honour, the Train should be arriving shortly so let us get this over with." the Deer in front of her nodded. "Alright stags and does you heard her. Lets get this bug back home." He said turning towards his soldiers, they all nodded and spread out. Lahja stepped back and leaned against the Station Buildings brick wall. Closing her eyes for just a moment she though about her situation. She could be at home with the rest of her family. Sitting together this evening at the fireplace as they had done since she was young. They had stopped during War, all because of the bugs. They didnt deserve the treatment they were getting, especially not this Queen, she had led the Changelings! Lahja only opened her eyes when the bright lights of the Train appeared, it had already slowed for the approach to the Station and came to a full stop along the Platform, Perfect and Punctual she thought. The carriages on the train were all unlit except for one, to which the doors were now opened from the inside by a Pony. Lahja had not met many Ponies in her life but she knew there were large minorities of them especially in Seatula. She smiled at the pony opening the door and stepped inside. The Carriage was old but luxurious and the seats were cushioned with red padding, stepping further into the carriage the two deer adorned with silver medals entered after her, Queen Helvia followed regarding the Pony standing beside the door with only a glance. After the Queen followed the four remaining deer, taking seats near the door the leading stag nodded towards Lahja and she sat down as well. Helvia looked around the carriage before settling on a seat near the back of the carriage, she walked over to it slowly and sat down, the two deer with medals remained standing inside the carriage. Closing the door again the Pony disappeared quickly through a door leading towards the front of the Train and shut it loudly. Lahja looked out the window, the Train began slowly moving forwards only moments after the Pony had left and soon the landscape of Sakara was replaced by Pinewoods in the distance. As the Train crossed one of the many Bridges over the Saki River Lahja eyes drifted closed and soon she was shamelessly sleeping while leaning against the Trains window. Larxi Rushing forward and looking over the railing just as another shot echoed through the large room right before the dying hiss of a changeling was heard Larxi looked towards the large door she had entered this building through and saw it smeared with the green blood of a changeling. The Changeling himself was slumped against the wall, his eyes staring straight ahead in his dying moments. The Corporal was on the ground and clutching the top of his head, the antler that normally would have been there shattered and strewn across the floor and his head bleeding from a laceration, Onni was next to the corporal talking to him quietly. Larxi looked in horror at the dying Changeling as his eyes suddendly fixed on her and he silently mouthed a single word. "Traitor" Larxi stared right into the Changelings eyes but he only stared back for a few seconds before his eyes became unfocused seemingly looking at nothing. She struggled to tear her eyes from the body, Onni called to her and only now did she realize she had tuned out all noises around her. Her hearing came back aprubtly and she could finally hear what Onni was shouting to her. "GET A DOCTOR FROM THE HOSPITAL!" He shouted urgently as if repeating himself, Larxi finally snapped and took off flying towards the large door, opening it the dead Changeling fell back and out into the open blocking the door from being closed again. Larxi flew as fast as she could, down the hill the Palace was situated on and into Ditrysium below she finally reached the Field Hospital still situated here. Landing at its entrance she called out to the first deer she saw. "Deer is injured in the Palace!" She called without breath, the Deer walking reacted immediately her expression changing from curiosity for the arriving Changeling to one of alarm, calling out something in Olenian so quickly and with such a heavy accent Larxi could barely understand she alarmed a Doctor and approached her. "What kind of Injury?" she asked with a slight hint of alarm in her voice and looked past Larxi apparently searching for somedeer that would answer for the Changeling in front of her. Larxi took a deep breath before answering. The accent of the Deer was much more understandable when spoken at a normal pace."At the Palace, his Antler is broken and hes bleading from the head." She said as calmly as she could with the adrenaline from flying down the hill still coursing through her system. Just as she had finished speaking another Deer in a white Uniform appeared, a Blue Cross stitched proudly on his chest. "Up the Hill?" He asked, thankfully without an accent. Larxi nodded in affirment, the Doctor called out towards someone in the back and then turned towards Larxi and the other deer. "We thankfully have a Pegasus Doctor here, otherwise it would have taken much longer. Our car broke down yesterday." Larxi turned her eyes towards the entrance of the tent and indeed a Pegasus hurriedly flew through it only a few seconds later. The Deer in his white uniform spoke to the Pegasus, this time in a language Larxi did not understand. He turned towards Larxi once again. "He is from Equestria, doesn't speak Olenian. Just show him the way." He said while nodding towards the castle. Looking over to the Pegasus he slung two satchels over his back and nodded at her, taking off again Larxi flew over the street back towards the montain and the Pegasus followed her closely. Speeding up the two soon arrived at the large doors of the Palace and the Pegasus promtly set himself down next to the Corporal and began treating him. Onni slowly got up from his laying position next to the Injured Stag and walked over to Larxi. "I am sorry you had to witness this. You can stay home for as long as you need to... deal with this." He said falteringly and looked Larxi in the eyes. She nodded and swallowed some bile back down her throat. > Founding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011 | Ditrysium- General Onni "-and with the signing of this Document the Federation of Changeling Hives shall officially and lawfully be established under the Leadership of this council!" Onni stood at the very front of the gathered croud, a privileged position he had earned for his work in the preperation of this whole ceremony. Queen Velvet, his Queen, stepped back from the microphone having just finished her speech. Her light tan chest fur puffed out confidently as she turned towards the gathered council members, only 13 of the Intended 16 were actually present as Changelings to fill the ranks had not been found in time. First Velvet aproached Queen Helvia, bowing ceremoniously the Changeling looked to the floor as Velvet continued speaking. "Do you, Queen Helvia of Ditryisum, vow to loyally uphold and bring forth this new Changeling Nation under the ideals of Olenia and its creatures?" Helvia returned from her bow, looking at Queen Velvet she said with a nod. "I vow." The authority in both the voice of Helvia and Velvet could be felt, but everydeer and everyling here knew the title of Queen was only figurative and held no real authority anymore. In her confident stride Velvet continued to the next Figure, a deer with grayish fur, and repeated the vow. "I vow." The simple answer came again and again untill all 13 present members of the Council had sworn their loyalty, afterwards the Olenian National anthem was played by the Orchestra of the Army and the Council retreated into Ditrysiums Palace with Queen Velvet for their first meeting. It was late November now and Onni was wearing a warm coat, even his thick fur couldnt keep him warm against the temperatures of the Northern Winters. Walking along the streets of Ditrysium he could see life was quckly returning to the city, Bars and Restaurants were open again, most likely for the many Soldiers called here on the special occasion. The streets near the Palace and the inner city were emptying quickly, everydeer or ling quickly getting home or seeking out someplace warm. The music of a popular song, Forest Deer, could be heard from the radio in a small shop, the door was quickly closed from the inside as to not let the cold in. Onni emerged from the street he was walking along into an open square. In the middle of it a Statue to one of the former Queen of Ditrysium stood, covered in snow from snout to tail. A singular car drove along the side of the square disappearing quickly in another street. The city was quiet, but slowly the feeling of a bustling Hivecity would return to Ditrysium, Onni was certain of that. Seeing a quaint little cafe on the corner of a street Onni decided he would send a letter to Larxi and invite her there, she hadnt been with him at the office since the event at the Palace. He had known seeing the dead Changeling would have impacted her but he did not think it would have been this severe. Onni sighed, his warm breath visible in the cold air for a few seconds. Maybe he just didn't know Larxi as well as he thought, after all they had never even interacted outside of work. Still he was determined to write a letter to her today, if he had not known her well before then he was going to do so now. General Lahja "-and with the signing of this Document the Federation of Changeling Hives shall officially and lawfully be established under the Leadership of this council!" Lahja did not know why she had to be here, she could have just as well listened to this speech through her radio all the way in Olenia. But alas the Army expected all Generals and other High ranking members of the Army to attend this ceremony. She was standing far back in the crowd, even though she had brought the Changeling standing in front of everydeer here that task was not deemed as necessary for the ceremony and she had therefore not been given a fancy spot at the front. "Do you, Queen Helvia of Ditryisum, vow to loyally uphold and bring forth this new Changeling Nation under the ideals of Olenia and its creatures?" The voice of Queen Velvet resounded again, Lahja had looked up to velvet in 1007 when she and her supporters fought against the false King Johan and she had continued to do so all the way through the war, Velvet was the reason Olenia still existed, but she was also the reaons these bugs were not hanged and punished as they should be. Lahja had lost her respect for the Queen in the last few weeks, she was weak. Olenia did not need deer like her. The ceremony ended with the Orchestra of the Army playing Olenias National anthem, still a beautiful song that Lahja remembered fondly from her childhood. After that was over she could finally leave the freezing cold and seek out somewhere warm, looking around she decided to see if someplace was to her liking along a specifically large street dotted with trees to the sides. Looking around Lahja saw many Shops, Bars, Cafes and restaurants and trotted over to the window of a Cafe named "Frinem". It looked warm enough inside, a few Deer and Changelings sat on cushioned pillows and drank their coffe or tea. Pressing open the door with her shoulder Lahja stepped inside and shook the snow off of her coat, a small bell above the door rang brightly, signalling her entrance. Seeking out a place farther back in the room she sat down on her haunches at the table and looked over the offering written with chalk and in flowing cursive at the far wall. Deciding on a simple Coffee Lahja leaned back and waited for one of the servers, not a minute later a young male Changeling approached her. "Have you found yet?" He asked in simple Olenian, looking at Lahja and waiting for an answer. "Have you found something yet." She repeated the question in a demeaning tone. "And yes, I would like a plain Coffee." The young Changeling looked almost hurt for a moment before nodding and supplying her order to somewhere beyond Lahjas sight. A few minutes later the Coffee she had ordered was steaming with its warmth on her table and as she drank she started to think. A week ago she was finally back home, could finally spend time with her family again, and now she was back in the lands of the Changelings again. Maybe it would be better to resign from service, she had served long enough to do so. Altough if she resigned her life would become boring, stagnant. Serving Olenia was always her dream, she would stop only when she could not serve anymore. Drinking the last of her coffee she left the money on the table and left the cafe back into the cold. The streets were now Empty, and Lahja knew exactly where to go. Making her way back down the street and towards the Nearest Train station she was already yearning for the long ride back to Olenia. > Consolidation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1011 | Ditrysium- General Onni The rays of the morning sun illuminated Onnis office even through the closed blinds before his window, he was leaning over a report he had received this morning about the general Situation of the Changeling Lands. Straining his eyes he didn't think to turn on the desk lamp standing right beside him. The report detailed mutliple events that had transpired in the far north near Sorth, the Olenian Garrison there had been under harassment by groups of Changelings since the war officially ended, 2 days ago this came to a boiling point when the Changeling groups attacked and drove out the Garrison in a coordinated strike. Yesterday only a few hours after the official proclamation of the Federation of Changeling Hives the self-proclaimed Queendom of Sorth declared independence from the newly created Nation under the leadership of a Regency until a new Queen was found. Onni shook his head slightly, he was so hopeful the Deer and Changelings could enter a new age together, now they were falling to infighting once again. The next part of the report detailed Equestrian troop movements on their border with the Changelings Lands, the sleeping giant was waking. He had not expected the Equestrians to intervene in this situation, something or someone must have convinced them. Someling perhaps. Onni thought back to an article he read long ago about a Changeling taking refuge in the Crystal Empire who had aimed to rebell against the Queendom. From his knowledge he had gathered in Ditrysiums Archive Queen Chrysalis had staged a public execution of this Changeling, killing one of her best disguisors in the process. How the Changellings had supported this madness was beyond him. Continuing through the report it concluded with the situations in both Vessalipolis and Tuhota, while Olenian presence there was much higher resistance was also flaring up, it seemed the only places were Olenian rule was even remotely secure was in Lyctissä and especially Ditrysium. Onni looked up from the piece of paper in front of him, blinking into the sunrays coming from outside his window he got up from his chair and stretched his legs one by one, he would deal with the report later but for now he had someling else to meet. Waiting anxiously in front of the cafe he had spied out yesterday Onni took note of the beauty the North afforded, it had stopped snowing and the fresh layer of it covering the ground shimmered brightly in the sun. Perking his ears towards the sound of a bell he immediately recognized it as the sound of a tram, turning his head he could see it gliding through the snow, its wheels almost invisible, and stop only a few meters away. Looking at every passenger leave the car he did not see the Dark Green form of Larxi initially, his shoulder slumping slightly while the tram rang its bell once again and continued moving along its track a lone figure stood at the stop and waved at him. His eyes brightening immediately and he waved back, meeting in the middle of the street Onni spoke first. "Larxi, I'm very glad you came!" He said cheerfully, smiling at the Changeling he took note of her thick red scarf around her neck, bearing the old insignia of the Changeling Lands he decided not to dwell on it. Smiling back at Onni Larxi answered him. "I'm glad you invited me! Sorry I wasn't with you the last few days, but I'll be back tomorrow!" She said with a grin. "Let's go inside then?" Onni turned, as Larxi nodded, together they trotted towards the cafes entrance when Onni spoke again. "The Winter is wonderful isn't it?" Larxi chuckled. "Sure it is, but it would be so much better if it weren't so cold!" She looked around herself at the glistening snow. "But yes, it can be beautiful sometimes." Opening the door to the cafe it's warmth washed over the two, hanging both their coats near the door Larxi kept her scarf and searched for a seat, deciding on one near the window she lead Onni over and sat down. The cafe was quite spacious and had a tall ceiling where electric lights had been installed around the chandaleers that used to light the room, the cafe was one of the oldest in the city. Seating himself opposite of Larxi Onni felt the cushioned seat below him conform around his haunches. "If never been here before." Larxi said while looking around the room. "I used to walk by here a lot but it always to expensive to go inside and eat or drink something." She took one of the menus from the table and spread it out in the middle. Onni glanced at the menu knowing he would just be having a simple tea, most of the items on it were blacked out anyways. "Well I saw this place yesterday after the Founding Ceremony and I thought it would be nice to spend some time together." He pondered for a moment before continuing. "Do you have a radio to listen to the Ceremony? I don't think you were there." Larxi looked up from the menu she had been studying. "I did listen to the speech of Queen Velvet, but after that I switched back to another channel. I like to just listen to music on the radio." Onni nodded in acknowledgement. "I've never really specifically listen to music, especially not on the radio." He grinned. "Normally I use them for communication not entertainment." "You should try listening to some music, it can be very relaxing!" Larxi said with a smile as a Changeling approached from the side of their Table. "Excuse me, have you two found anything yet?" The ling asked in Olenian, Changelings were especially adept at quickly learning new languages owing to their nature of shapeshifting. Although only few very skilled Changelings could hold an alternate form for long, languages still came easy to everyling. Onni looked over towards Larxi, she nodded and answered the waiter. "I will have a coffee without anything, please." looking over at Onni both Changelings waited for him to answer. "I will have a Tea, whatever kind you have." He knew the restaurant was probably trying its best to serve customers as was and he wasn't looking to be picky about what to drink. The waiter nodded and left to deliver their order. Eyeing the blackened parts that covered most of the menu Larxi sighed. "It's sad to see Ditrysium like this." She said suddenly. "It used to a wondrous city." Larxi looked over at Onni. "Could you tell me a bit about Olenia? How it was before the war?" Onni blinked and nodded. "Olenia was... is a wonderful Nation. Back when I lived in Vaverfront I used to look for Equestrian ships from Hooverdenin, once I saw a massive Warship." Onni looked back upon his childhood in Vaverfront fondly, in his teens his family had moved to Östskog only some kilometres away. "When we moved to another town I took long walks along the Mountains every sunday, the view was always beautiful, the cold I had after forgetting my coat wasn't." Onni and Larxi both chuckled. "I often went to Ditrysiums harbour after school, that was under the first unification. It wasnt nearly as tyrranical as the second one." Onni nodded and their Tea and Coffee arrived at the same time. They sat in the cafe for the next few hours, talking about all kinds of events from their childhood, adulthood and everything in between. Once they finally decided to leave the cafe the sun was beginning to set and they walked along the streets, close together. > Chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Vaverfront | 1011- General Lahja The room was in Chaos. General Lahja had been called to Vaverfront for immediate and important business, she had not expected to emerge to a war room in Chaos. Sitting in the middle of it all, trying his best to calm everydeer down sat Field Marshall Manntlerheim. Around the room tables were scattered, filled to brim with maps, charts and other documents heated discussions were being held and interrupted by other discussing deer needing to see a specific graph or map. Lahja almost toppled over as behind her two deer entered the room carrying a radio, one of them uttered an apology she could not understand over the general noise. Walking towards the middle of the room where Manntlerheim sat she could understand some of the ambient discussion. 5 deer stood around one of the tables, frantically discussing the possible meanings and reactions to Equestrias troop movements, everydeer had read the report. The map depicted presumed and confirmed locations of Equestrian troops and the route they had taken, some of the troops had been moved all the way from the Stalliongradian Border, apparently of lesser importance. Swivelling her ears to the other side Lahja could hear a discussion about the continued resistance in both Tuhota and Vessalipolis, one of them was arguing a strict curfew and further patrols of the city would eventually quieten the situation, and while some of them agreed Olenia simply did not have enough Manpower to fulfill such garrisons. The only reason Ditrysium and Lyctissä hadn't fallen yet was the goodwill shown to Ditrysiums Queen and the deeritarian aid given in Lyctissä. Continuing through the room she arrived at the desk of Manntlerheim, he had given up on trying to organize the room and instead was consulting a general on his assignment in Seimi. Lahja knew she wasn't supposed to listen to any of this but she did so anyways, one could never have enough information for the future. Stepping forward to Manntlerheims desk, which was also filled with different papers and maps, she gave a salute and waited for his acknowledgement. "General Lahja." Manntlerheim greeted her while looking over one of the papers on his desk. "Congratulations, you're being sent back to the Changelings." He looked up from his paper to look at her for a second. "I know you've complained about your numerous recent assignments there, but we cannot afford to have anyone idle in these times. You will go to Sorth and reestablish order, lest the other Hives get any Ideas." "Understood sir." Lahja could've killed him right now. There were probably more than ten generals in this room, doing basically nothing. Why was she sent back, not one of them? Alas she knew she had to follow Manntlerheims orders yet it was still enraging. Nodding more to herself than anyone else, she waited for her dismissal, fidgeting in place. Manntlerheim waited for a moment before speaking. "You are dismissed, take the Train North as soon as possible." Stepping back Lahja weaved through the mess of deer once again, the radio was beeing set up in a corner by the door who had bumped into her earlier while a signaller was impatiently waiting to start relaying messages. Exiting back through the large entrance door she turned around a corner and breathed out. The noise of the room was finally muffled by the thick concrete and brick walls. Making her way through the Military complex Lahja exited it through the relatively small entrance and embarked on her way to the train station. She had slept in her own bed only a day ago and yet it already felt so far away, she would sleep in trains or on a hard mattress for the foreseeable future. Lahja was awoken by the screeching brakes of the Train, she was halfway to her destination and would make a days stop here. Laying on the window of the moving train had given her uneasy sleep, and a headache was probably to follow. She hoped the small town of Ristit would contain a hotel or something similar for her to spend the night in. Leaving the train she arrived on the Platform, the uneven cobbled surface of the station a stark contrast to her last stop in Tuska. There was no Station building, so Lahja simply stepped down and went on her way towards the town, a group of old Changeling sat together in front of a house near the station, all eyeing her suspiciously. Quickly continuing along the street she soon came to the center of Ristit, seeking out one of the larger buildings her suspicions were confirmed. There was indeed a hotel here, the Devium Domus. Entering through the front door she was excitedly greeted by a Changeling behind the counter, he had his back to Lahja but when he turned around his smile slightly faded. "No Olenian" the Changeling said, gesturing at himself. He fiddled for a key and held to her. "Just pay" Lahja looked around the reception, finding a small sign written in Olenian it told her the stay for the night would cost 98 markkas. Fishing around in one of the pockets of her uniform she took out a note of 100 and gave it to the Changeling, receiving a two markk coin and a key in return. Walking through the hallways of the hotel searching for her room she periodically crossed large communal rooms filled with chairs, a radio and a lone bookshelve, Classical Changeling architecture. Finally finding her room number of 043 she took the key in her mouth, turning it in the keyhole and opening the door revealed a small room, one single bed at the far wall and a side room containing a toilet. Sniffing she found the room was stinking of puke. Closing the door with one of her hind legs Lahja set down the coat of her Uniform as well as her bag on the ground and tiredly crashed onto the bed, testing its softness she decided it was worth the slight smell of puke, and laid herself to rest. If it weren't for the holey and metal ceiling of the room Lahja could have almost imagined to be at home, but she needed rest first and foremost. Daydreams were better reserved for the Train. Lahja nestled deeper into the bed, calming her breathing she speculated on the situation in Sorth. As far as she knew the Changelings had driven out the Olenian Garrison and declared an independent state, worrying already. But some first hand radio logs she had read up on during her train ride revealed the Sorthian forces to be much stronger than what she had to work with, realistically reinforcements would be needed but Lahja knew Olenia could not spare any. Lahjas eyes drifted closed for the final time today as she finally slept.