• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 5,804 Views, 88 Comments

Daughter of the moon - Helia_Writes

(Being rewritten) Nightmare Moon was pregnant with Twilight Sparkle when she was banished. How does this change events?

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Flashback: The Truth (rewritten)

19 days before Nightmare Moon's banishment

Pulsar, a black coated Pegasus, sighed and looked up at the moon from the cloud she was laying on. Her red and black military cut mane and tail danced about in the wind. Her abnormally large wings that gradient from black to red were splayed out on the cloud, feathers rustling slightly in the cool air.

The war was over, and she could finally relax despite her healing injury. She had just been released from the castles hospital. Being general of the army of Equestria and being 15 was difficult, but thanks to all the training and being Princess Luna's student, she managed it.

The moon and starlight filled her red, draconic eyes. She sighed contently once again, and thought back to the good times with her mentor. Soon her thoughts went back to a day ago, where she and Luna had a major fight.

I should probably go apologise. I said some pretty hurtful things. Like I said to my parents before.. No.. Don't think about that. That or sister... I have no family, and she offered to adopt me and be given one. I was stupid and angry, so I declined the offer. But having a new family sounds... Good.

Pulsar sat up, and looked at the castle. She knew what she needed to do. Luckily, those lessons with Sombra allowed her to be the first Night Pegasus to master shadow magic. All she needed to do was travel through the shadows and she could be in Luna's chambers and apologise.

Embracing the shadow around her, she seemingly dissappeared. Travelling through the shadows was easy for her, and soon she found herself in Luna's chambers, still hidden in the shadows.

Luna was crying, and staring at the moon through her window.

"I hope you're happy, 'Tia. I barely have any happiness left" she heard Luna say, and the bitterness in her voice was clear.

Pulsar's ears went back. Of course she would blame Celestia, rightfully so too. It's all be Celestia's fault. Sombra's fall, Sunset's dissappearance, Luna's pain and depression. It's all her fault

"I just want something to be happy about, I just want to be loved again. To have my husband back, the way he was before the corruption" Luna wept

Pulsar was about to reveal herself and try and comfort her mentor, but she was stopped by a loud knock at the door.

When Luna went to go answer the door, Pulsar came out from the shadows and laid down on Luna's bed. She watched Luna talk to someone at the door, and wondered who it could be. She couldn't help but giggle when Luna shut the door and started jumping around squealing in excitement like an excited filly.

"What's got you so excited?" Pulsar asked, making Luna jump and turn towards her.

"Pulsar?! You're supposed to be in hospital! Did you run away again?" Luna accused

"I got told to leave by the doctor. I came to say sorry, for what I said... I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me...you were just worried about me. I almost died, and you wanted to make me something I don't feel I am worthy of. I didn't think about the family aspect" Pulsar apologized.

"It's OK. I pushed you too hard, I understand that changing genetics sounds scary and weird, but it's perfectly safe, and the offer is still on the table"

"Right. I accept it then. I want to be your daughter, I think we both need happiness after everything, but I do have a question, if that's OK? " Pulsar inquired.

Luna hummed in agreement, nodded, and gestured for her to continue, and Pulsar shuffled a bit on her hooves and felt a bit nervous to ask.

"I'm.. Not going to grow a horn because of this... Right?"

"No. This won't make you into an alicorn, don't worry" Luna divulged "You look relieved, do you not want to be an alicorn?"

"No. I don't. No offense but I would be so uncomfortable with a horn. Plus I'd have to learn magic and we both know who is the best at teaching that. No, I'm happy with just my wings" Pulsar said as she flapped her wings a little.

"That's understandable. Are you ready for the spell?" Luna asked and Pulsar nodded. "This won't hurt one bit, but it may feel a bit weird. And remember that you will no longer be related to your parents or your sister"

Pulsar closed her eyes and nodded again. She was ready, she didn't care for her parents when they were alive, as they didn't care for her. She also knew that her sister wasn't coming back.

She felt a tingling sensation all over her body, and it tickled a bit. She couldn't help but giggle at the feeling. Even if it was unbecoming of a military general, she was still a filly and in front of her soon-to-be mother.

Her coat started to change color, the black turning into a very dark blue similar to Luna's coat, but her wings and hooves still faded to red at the ends. Other than her coat, nothing else changed.

"It's done. You can open your eyes now, Daughter"

She opened her eyes, and Luna had placed a mirror in front of her. She looked at the changes, and hummed in approval.

"The blue fits the red more than the black did. Thank you, Lu-.. Mom"

"I unfortunately have a meeting I'm being forced to attend to, but we can spend some time together later if you are not opposed?" Luna asked.

"I'd love to. I think Dissy wants to talk to me anyway, it's been a while since I've spoken to him" Pulsar happily said.

Luna squinted and looked out the window into the gardens.

"I still don't trust him, I feel like he is up to something" Luna accused

"He's trapped in stone, he can't do anything bad. We just talk" Pulsar defended.

Luna sighed and nodded. Pulsar knew that Discord was an old enemy of Luna's, but he was actually pretty sweet and funny once you get to know him. At least, that's what Pulsar thought anyway.

Pulsar left the room and glided down to the gardens from the balcony. As she got closer to Discord's statue, she thought she heard him singing something about wrapping up winter until he stopped.

Ah, little miss moon has come to visit me, and after so long too. Have you finally come to keep a lonely draconequis company?

"It's been two weeks, Discord" Pulsar rolled her eyes "I was fighting a war, and I got impaled in the stomach on some nasty black crystals"

Yes, the war, plenty of chaos to enjoy there. I suppose a congratulations is in order, Little miss moon. Perhaps this story should be called Daughters of the moon now instead.

"What? What story?" Pulsar asked, very confused.

Don't you worry about that, little miss moon

"You've called me that for years. Did you know this was going to happen? That Luna would become my mother?"

Of course I did. Everypony did.

Pulsar sighed and looked up at the sky, feeling a pleasant chill through her coat. She heard the training of new troops in the field, heard every grunt and every groan of pain.

A loud Clang! filled her ears, and when she opened her eyes, she was suddenly in the war again. She panicked and started hyperventilating, watching ponies fight and die, seeing all those dead bodies littering the floor. Those cold green eyes, in every enemy soldier. She wasn't armed, she had no protection, how could she defend herself.

PULSAR! hey! Snap out of it!

Pulsar shook her head, and she was suddenly back in the garden facing Discords statue, sweating and hyperventilating.

"I... I'm sorry... I don't... Know what happened" Pulsar quickly apologized

How many battles were you in? What did you go through?

"Dissy, you aren't acting chaotic or joking around, you sound serious. I don't like it.."

As much as I hate to admit it, our friendship has grown on me. This is a very serious matter, and until now I didn't know I could be so serious. Now tell me how many?

"I was on the front lines.. Most days from when the war started to the last day of it" Pulsar answered honestly.

Dr Discord is your new therapist. Now, it says here you have childhood trauma from your abusive parents and from war. Is this correct?

"I-... I guess.. Yeah"

Then let the mental healing begin!

"Ugh, stupid day-walking idiot. Why should I be denied food just because I'm a little different. I fought in that war so that they wouldn't become slaves, yet I'm blamed for the reason it started" Pulsar complained, walking towards the castle away from the main streets of Everfree city

She hated being out in the day, but she needed to get some things for the nursery Luna was building, plus she wanted to try and get something to eat.

Once she got to the castle, she could get something to eat without being thrown out, and she could bring all these small decorations to Luna.

She had enjoyed the last few weeks as Luna's daughter. She eventually noticed, after they were forced to announce it to the public, that it made ponies hate her more. Sure, they feared her because she was the General of the nation's army, and maybe they have heard tales from the battlefield, but that didn't stop them from denying her entry to most places.

Of course, it never truly mattered anyway, because spending time with a mother who actually loves her is the best part of her day.

Once she got close to the castle, she noticed a large crowd forming in front of the gates. She thought maybe Celestia was making a short speech or walking near the gates, but she quickly started rushing towards the gates when the Moon rose to cover the Sun and many ponies ran out of the main area.

The crowd wouldn't let her through. She decided that she could come back for the decorations later if they were still there. Taking off into the sky, she darted towards the castle throne room.

She almost made it past the gate, until a Pegasus Guard tackled her. Before she could even comprehend what had happened, she heard a sharp clash, and the next thing she knew, she was back in the war and back in that dreaded battle.

She hadn't had an episode in a week, but when she did, they were quite violent. When the visions had ended, she was pretty surprised to see the guard beaten on the ground.

More guards rushed up to her, demanding answers.

"What do you think you are doing?! Fucking night walking psychopath!" one guard angrily yelled, checking the beaten guard for a pulse.

"I...I'm sorry... I just had... The clash started visions of war..." Pulsar tried to explain before a spear tip was pressed against her neck.

"You are under arrest for the assault of a Royal Gua-"

Two alicorns in the heat of battle passed them, causing a building near them to explode. The guard stared for a little bit, then looked back at Pulsar. Another guard whispered in his ear, and suddenly paled and looked as though he had seen a ghost.

"T-terribly sorry, Princess Pulsar" The guard apologised, while Pulsar rolled her eyes at being called 'Princess'. She was pretty sure she declined that offer, but all the guards told the newbies otherwise as a prank. "but you are going to have to come with us for questioning"

Pulsar sighed and nodded. This was not the first time they had done this, but it was the first time they had so many guards escorting her.

The sky suddenly lit up, colors of the rainbow cutting through the darkness, and she heard that familliar scream, along with a beg.

That was Luna's scream. Her mother was in danger, she had to act fast. She sank into the shadows, completely dissappearing and flew up to where she heard the scream. There was nothing there, but the moon had changed, it had the mark of what seemed to be in the shape of a unicorns head.

Looking around, she saw what looked like Celestia heading towards Luna's chambers. She needed answers, and she needed to where her mother was.

Gliding down to the balcony connected to the Lunar tower, she hoped Luna was OK. When she saw Celestia crying on Luna's bed looking at a recent picture of Pulsar and her mother, she held her breath.

Why would Celestia cry over the picture like that? Didn't ponies usually do that with lost loved ones? Does that mean Luna is dead?

All these questions and more filled her head, making her grow more anxious and worried.

"Where is mom?" She asked, walking in from the balcony and emerging from the shadows

Celestia jumped a little, and looked over at her. The look Celestia gave her didn't seem right. Was it regret? Sympathy? Pity? Maybe even blame?

"Where is mom, aunt Celestia?" Pulsar asked again "I heard her screaming"

"She... Rebelled and gave into the darkness like her husband... I was forced to use the elements and... Banish her to the moon" Celestia choked out

Pulsar's heart dropped. Her mother was Trapped on the moon? She gave into the darkness?

No. No mom wouldn't do that. Celestia must be lying.

"Tell me the truth! Why did you take mom away from me?! Bring her back!"

Celestia looked down at the floor, and Pulsar saw tears. She was furious.

In Pulsar's eyes, Celestia had taken away her last true family, her last true friend, and using the excuse that she held fell to the darkness.

She didnt accept that.

She took off out of the balcony door and flew a good distance away, and channeled some lightning. Luna had taught her how to stun an alicorn using lightning, and was told how much energy It would drain.

She promised to only use it as a last resort.

The lightning surging around her wings turned black, arching between her feathers. She darted towards the tower again, eyes aiming at the still target.

She struck her target, and all the lightning banded together in one giant bolt and hit Celestia with a Crack! followed by a loud Shack-Boom!.

Celestia was thrown back, colliding with the door that was ripped to pieces, and hit the wall with a loud bone snapping crack.

Pulsar's wings smoked, feathers singed and some even on fire. She charged at Celestia, who had yet to recover from the previous attack, and kept punching her till Celestia's face was beaten and bloody.

Eventually guards came and tackled Pulsar, subduing her. Celestia was taken away to the infirmary while Pulsar was thrown into the dungeon.

She had once again let her anger get the best of her, and it has once again caused others pain. She remembered the pain of being the reason her sister banished herself, and Celestia was going through that pain now too. She should have tried to help, rather than attack.

What had she done

Celestia sat on her throne, ready for the court session of the last family member she has. Pulsar, being a military General, was granted immunity to the assault of the guard. Unfortunately, she does not get immunity from assaulting Celestia, because she declined the offer of being crowned a princess.

Celestia, being the victim, was legally not allowed to pass judgement or overrule anything the court decides. She truly hoped they would go easy on her new niece. She didn't think she could bear losing her whole family within the space of two weeks.

Court was now in session, and Celestia watched as the judge called the accused into the courtroom. She had to hold in a gasp when the guards pulled Pulsar into the room.

Her ribcage was visible through her skin, her coat thin and patched, with many bald spots. Her mane and tail were rough and tangled, and her eyes were bloodshot. Her wings had holes in them, as if she had been hung on hooks through them.

She looks like she hadn't eaten since before she was arrested. Did the guards really hate her that much that they would do this to a filly who is only 15 because of her link to the night?

She began to wonder if everything Luna had said about them hating her and the night was true. If it was true, how could she had been so blind to it?

"Selena Pulsar, you are accused of assaulting royalty, and the attempted assassination of Princess Celestia of Equestria. How do you plea?" the judge asked

Celestia saw Pulsar's mouth move, but nothing but a croak came out. She had been so dehydrated that she was unable to speak, she can't even defend herself.

"Very well. The jury has come to a decision, and decided on a sentence"

Community service and some jail time is the best case sinario. Execution is the worst. Come on, please take mercy on somepony who isn't even considered a mare

"The jury has decided guilty, your honor" a stallion from the jury spoke up

"Very well, and the sentence?" the judge inquired

"We have decided to sentence the accused to petrification"

Celestia didn't hold in the gasp this time, and apparently neither could some of the ponies in the court room that were not in the jury.

No. Not that. They can't, I thought I stopped that? That's a fate worse then death, and only used for those who threaten reality or serial killers. It would never be used for the assault charge or the attempted assassination charge.

It was now obvious to Celestia that Luna was right. The judge and jury have been against Pulsar since before she even stepped in the court room. That's why the jury took almost no time to come to a conclusion, they already had before.

Celestia tried her best to brainstorm any possible opportunities or loopholes to stop this madness, but she couldn't.

There was nothing she could do.


I may not be able to stop the sentence, or stop Pulsar being turned into a statue, but I can damn well do my best to allow Pulsar to come back when Luna does. Maybe I can add something to the spell, make it a little less permanent. Maybe a weakness to Lunar and stellar magic? So when Luna comes back, she can free her daughter.

Celestia watched Pulsar get pulled away out of the room. She is going to command the guard to give Pulsar any food or drink she wants for her last meal, and she is going to make she she gets it.

Walking out of the court room, Celestia ordered the guard to do just that, then she decided to have a little word with the judge. He would not like where this conversation leads, not one bit, but him and his jury just rid her of another family member.

"Judge Honor, may I speak with you in private?" Celestia asked, masking her emotions.

She bought the judge to her private dining room, and sat down where some tea was waiting for her. She took a few sips, watching Judge Honor take a seat himself.

"Did you want to speak about the Selena court case?" Judge Honor asked

"Yes. I noticed that the sentence didn't really fit the crime. Tell me, why was she given such an extreme sentence?"

"She tried to kill you! She assaulted you for no reason! She is getting what she deserves!"

"Do you want to know why she attacked me?" She waited for the judge to nod to continue. "I had just banished her mother. The only good mother she has ever had. Her original mother and father beat her and treated her horribly because of her race. It's come to my attention that my subjects seem to think it's ok to treat that specific race of pony poorly. I will be putting a stop to this. Back to the point, she was angry at me, her aunt, for banishing her mother, but because of her race, you and the guards have twisted it to be an attempted assassination against me while I was unable to say otherwise. I may not be able to stop her fate, but rest assured I will be ending this racism. You may leave now, Solicitor Honor"

Celestia watched him leave and sighed, sipping her tea once again. She needs to be ready for the petrification ceremony in an hour. She can make the best of this. She had to try.

An hour later, she stood at the base of a block of stone waiting with some guard mages ready to perform the ceremony. Some more guards walked around a corner holding chains, and soon after them, the filly the chains were wrapped around.

Celestia noticed she looked like she had eaten and drank something, and that her mane and tail were brushed and her coat was regrow with magic. Celestia did the best she could for the filly's supposed last moments.

The four unicorn guards used their magic to place Pulsar onto the stone block, and froze her body to make it easier to manipulate the body and make the statue look happy.

They put Pulsar in a position staring up at the sky, a smile on her face. The mare looked joyful, but her eyes showed terror and depression. It made Celestia sick at how the unicorns seemed to enjoy doing it. They were eventually ready to start the petrification spell.

Sounds of muffled screaming filled the air, as Pulsar tried to scream but her locked muzzle blocked too much sound from coming out. Some tears appeared in the filly's eyes, but were quickly evaporated away due to the strong magic being shot at her body.

Soon, Pulsar's back legs and tail were rock, and the screams grew louder as Pulsar's mouth opened a tiny bit. The process was going so much slower than usual, and the unicorns seemed to be getting joy out of this.

How many of her subjects have fallen under the illusion that Night-walkers were inferior?

"When it's done, bring the statue to the mirror room. I will deal with it later" Celestia said, unable to witness the process anymore.

The guard she addressed nodded, and she went to leave, but not before whispering an apology to Pulsar. The filly looked so scared behind those eyes. Why couldn't they see that all Pulsar was is a scared filly who had lost her family.

She wanted to go to her chambers and cry for days on end. She was close to breaking down when she heard her subjects cheer about how Luna and her student were now gone.

She had failed this nation. She had failed her family.

This was all her fault

537 Years after the petrification of Pulsar

Pulsar just stared into the abyss like she had for however long it had been since her imprisonment. She knew she spent a few years crying, and a few years in anger.

She knew she was all alone, and didn't know where she was. She had no hope, no happiness. She could see into the world if she tried really hard, but she only did that if Celestia was visiting.

Her last visit was a long time ago, and she was forced to stare at that stupid mirror if she looked out.

"Pulsar?" a voice distantly called

Was Celestia visiting again finally? Maybe somepony different? Was Luna going to turn up and save her?

"Pulsar!" the voice called, sounding a little closer

She recognized that voice, but she could quite put her hoof on it. It was male, sounded quite unique, and it wasn't coming from the world outside.


"Dissy?" Pulsar choked

The draconequis in question faded into view next to her.

"Finally, took over 500 years to get through" Discord remarked

"Dissy, how are you here? Why are you here? Are you free? Can I be free?" Pulsar bombarded him with questions

"Calm down, little miss moon, I have managed to create a mental path between us, so that we can keep each other company till we are both free" Discord explained

"I... I don't have to be alone?.."

"No. Not anymore. I am here for you, my one and only dear friend"

"Thank you, Dissy. Thank you for not being chaotic and joking around when I need you to help me. Thank you for taking our friendship seriously"

"Of course, Little miss Moon. Anything for you"

Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this chapter, go check out the prequel.

It is set before and during the war that is mentioned in this chapter.

It is also the reason I am rewriting this story.
