• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 5,845 Views, 88 Comments

Daughter of the moon - Helia_Writes

(Being rewritten) Nightmare Moon was pregnant with Twilight Sparkle when she was banished. How does this change events?

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The fallen (rewritten)

Author's Note:

This whole story is being rewritten, in light of the prequel that is being released.

1 year before the 1000th summer sun celebration

Princess Cadance is a light pink alicorn with wings that gradient to lavender, a perfectly brushed mane consisting of purple, magenta and a very light yellow. She was surrounded by royal guards, trudging through the wicked, chaotic forest know as 'The Everfree'. Her mission is to collect ancient texts from the ruins of a castle located in the forest.

"How long until we reach the ruins, Captain Armor?"

"We are an hour away, Your Highness." Captain Armor saluted.

"Good, I want to get away from this creepy forest as quick as possible." Cadence shuddered, looking into the dark abyss of forest in front of her. She worried about all the dangerous creatures that use this forest as a hunting ground.

In the distance a wolf howled, causing some of the soldiers to tense up. If they had to fight the creatures of this unnatural forest, they were glad to have an alicorn there with them. They quickly learned the alicorns didn't need their protection, but the public and nobility didn't see that. They felt better knowing their princesses were protected.

The howl got closer, and this time Cadance reacted, looking behind them and squinting. All around them, glowing misty green eyes appeared. They were surrounded. The captain turned to his troops, to see one of them staring up in the sky

"Captain! Unknown object in the sky coming towards the forest!" the soldier shouted

The captain looked into the sky, searching for the unknown object.


The small meteorite entered the treeline, destroying and burning the trees.

With a giant explosion, it crashed several metres ahead of the group, the shockwave causing them all to fall backwards, all except Cadance, whose alicorn strength cancelled out the effects of the shockwave on her. She heard a few cracks that sounded like bones and winced.

"You boys ok?" Cadance trotted to where the guards are, checking for any injuries

"Two out cold, some broken limbs. Nothing too serious. We should call for assistance and medics. But the green eyes are still there" The captain reported

A purple blur came out from the crash site, and rays of purple lightning shot past them all, hitting all the green eyes. They heard multiple yelps from the eyes, and they seemed to dissappear.

"I need to see what that was. It may be important" Cadence began to head towards the crash site, but was stopped.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, It is my duty to protect you, so I have to stop you or go with you"

"Very well, Captain, lets go" Cadance sighed

The two walked over to the smoking crater. The captain was unable to see anything due to the smoke. Cadance, however, could and saw what looked like a mare wobbling on her hooves, then collapse on the ground.

"Do you see anything, Your Highness?" He looked over at Cadance, who stood tense, mouth agape and eyes wide

"Captain, send for more medics and an extra escort, Aunt Celestia needs to be contacted right away, say its of the utmost importance and she must be here before the escort."

"Yes, Your highness!" The captain galloped back to the other troops. As the princess flew towards the middle of the crater, staring at the mare that fell to Equus from space, and managed to fight off a pack of timberwolfs using ranged magic with perfect precision through smoke.

"I really hope aunt gets here soon."

Soaring through the air in a hurry, Princess Celestia headed towards the pillar of smoke coming from the Everfree forest. Equus has not seen a meteor crash in hundreds of years, and this one almost hit her niece. That would take a few days for her to be back to her duties

The captain had said something about green eyes and purple magic from the meteorite that fought them off. Her mind ran through many possibilities, each less likely than the last.

After landing near the crash site, Celestia approached Cadance. "Greetings niece, the escort and medics you sent for are almost here."

Cadance stared towards the crater, not saying a word. Celestia waved a hoof in front of Cadance, causing the younger pink alicorn to flinch and look at Celestia.

"S-sorry aunt, but...you need to see it for yourself.."

"Very well, but what could cause you such a reaction?" Celestia Walked over into the crater, then suddenly stopped and stared at the thing that caused the crater and fought off what she now believes were Timberwolves.

It was a lavender alicorn, barely taller than a regular mare, a burnt indigo blue mane and tail with magenta and purple strips towards the middle. She was covered in burns, soot and dirt. Cadance stood next to Celestia.

"I checked for breathing and heartbeat, only found a heartbeat. It's like breathing is not a function she is used to." Cadance looked at Celestia. "Falling from the sky, not used to breathing air. She is definitely from space. But how?"

"I'm not sure, but until we understand her intentions in Equestria, we must restrain her and her magic and take her back to Canterlot untill she awakens." Celestia teleported a magic inhibitor ring, hoof cuffs and a wing brace in front of her.

"I don't think restraining her is a good idea auntie, she will panic if she wakes up chained. I know I would if I woke up in a new place all chained up."

"Very well, we will take her to a guest room in the castle, but we will still place a magic inhibitor on her horn for our safety."

Celestia walked over to the unconscious mare and placed the inhibitor ring on her horn, causing the mare to flinch and twitch.

The medics and escorts arrived for the injured soldiers, and for the mysterious mare.

Twilight ran across the moon's surface, doing her best to avoid the attacks. Each ray of magic hit where she last was every time she dodged. Her horn glowed as she surrounded herself in a magenta barrier to block any more attacks, and faced her attacker ready to fight back. She cast an invisibility spell and a spell to silence her footsteps and snuck up to her opponent. She was about to fire her stun spell when a black hoof hit her horn, cancelling the spells and knocking her to the ground, and hit by a stun spell.

"Close, but you forgot to disable the shield, so I could see where you were the whole time. Why didn't you disable your shield or at least make it kinetic resistant instead of just mana resistant?"

"I forgot. I'm sorry mother, I will do better next time."

"You know I do this to protect you from enemies. If you do not know how to fight and defend yourself, then others can take advantage of that and even though we are immortal and cannot die, we still feel pain. I don't think you would enjoy years of constant torture."

"I understand but can we take a break and do some more stargazing?"

"Sure we can, my little star."

Twilight groaned as she slowly woke up, everywhere hurt. Her limbs, her face, hay even her tail hurt somehow. She opened her eyes, and was blinded by a piercing light above her. "Ugh.." Her eyes adjusted the light and she looked around. Where am I? What is that light? I was supposed to be in that weird place with what mom called 'Trees'

"Ah you are awake. How are you feeling?"

Ok, ok, remember what mom said about addressing ponies, use the royal we. After letting out another groan, she looked at the doctor "Where are we? Are we imprisoned?"

"Calm down, you are in a hospital. A place of healing. Just stay calm and rest, you will have some visitors soon." The doctor walks out the room.

Ok Twilight, remember what mom told you. Breathing should be painful but will eventually come naturally, and will make me seem more normal. Ok now how did she explain it? She took a few minutes but eventually took in a deep breath, and winced in pain due to her underdeveloped lungs. "Ugh, that hurt. Ok mom also told me about food and water." She glanced at the glass of water on the table, and attempted to pick it up with her magic. "My magic isn't working? What? How?"

"Magical inhibitor ring on your horn. Apologies, but we did not know whether you were hostile or not." Twilight turned to look at where the unknown voice came from, to see Celestia and Cadance standing near her bed. Seeing they were alicorns, her eyes went wide and she tried to move, but trying only caused her muscles to burn with pain.

"Calm my little pony, we are not here to hurt you. We only have a few questions for you. Are you willing to answer some?" All Twilight could do is nod, still fearful that they were here to hurt or capture her.

"I was there when you fell, who are you?" The pink alicorn seemed to be genuinely curious.

"We are...Twilight. Who are you?"

"I am Princess Cadance, Alicorn of love"

"And I am Princess Celestia, Alicorn of the Sun" Twilights eyes somehow got wider as she began to panic more

She already found me! She is going to hurt me! What do I do? "N-nice to meet you"

"if you are comfortable, I would like to ask you some questions" Celestia asked

"O-ok" Twilight timidly squeaked

"How are you an alicorn?" Celestia questioned

"Um, w-well I was born an alicorn" answered Twilight..

"Where did you come from?"

"I-I came from... Another dimension..." Twilight lied.

"Interesting, Cadance I want you to look after Twilight. Maybe show her Equestria, since she is not from here." She is lying

"Of course auntie. Ever since you adopted me, I have enjoyed the assignments of looking after ponies." Twilight seemed to get mad when hearing this, letting out a little growl

"Something the matter Twilight?"

"I.. Was once a niece, and my aunty was very... Abusive... And the way you spoke to eachother just brought back memories of... her. I apologise"

"Oh, that sounds terrible! I'm sorry you had to go through something like that!" Cadance seemed to generally care, unlike Celestia who seemed suspicious of Twilight

"Yes, terrible. Would you care to tell us about your dimension?" Celestia asked

"B-blank... Desolate... Cold and uncaring, no air, food or water. For the last 900 years its just been me and mother"

"How old are you?" Celestia asked, even more suspicious

"I am 998 years old. Mom said the lack of air, gravity, food, water and other things made me grow really slow." Celestia seemed to ponder the answers, then nodded but still looked suspicious.

"Rest now Twilight, you have been through a lot, we will talk more later. Cadance, stay here to keep her company." Celestia and her guards walked out of the room, leaving Twilight and Cadance alone. Twilight groaned again and practiced breathing, wincing with every breath. Cadance watched her, sitting down on a chair next to the bed. After hours, Twilight finally got used to breathing, and picked up the glass of water with her hooves expertly, as if she was an earth pony and takes a sip.

"Can I get something to eat? it's been a few hundred years." Cadance nodded and went out the room for a few seconds then came back in and sat down again.

"A garden salad will be here for you soon." Twilight looked up at her horn and at the inhibitor ring. She rolled her eyes and tried to take it off with her hooves.

"You can't take it off unless someone with the right authority takes it off." Twilight thought for a bit, then proceeded to snap her horn off her head, breaking it apart and making the ring fall off. Cadance just stared with wide eyes at what she just saw.

"Relax, it's fine, we are alicorns, our body just fixes itself. You should know this. Hah, your face there, cute" Cadance looks away blushing at being called cute.

"I look older than you, you can't call me cute" Cadance countered.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that cutie" Cadance just rolls her eyes

"You are the flirty, manipulative type aren't you"

"Mayyyybeee. Why? Is it working?"



"Watch your language"

Celestia didn't believe the whole 'other dimension' story. It was too outlandish. Twilight had made two mistakes, using her real name, and that look of anger and jealousy when she revealed Cadance as her adopted niece. It was obvious who she really was, but was it really possible? Could luna have given birth to an alicorn?

Given how Sombra was when Twilight was theoretically conceived, means that some of the dark magic Sombra used to ascend himself could have help in the creation of the first naturally born alicorn. There hasn't been any alicorns that aren't related before Sombra. So there has never been two alicorns mating before.

Sombra was the odd one out back then. If her theory on Twilight is true, then the odd one out right now is...

"Cadance" she whispered, finishing her thought

Celestia paced in her chambers. Her plans won't work. Twilights cutie mark is magic. But also stars. I am the alicorn of the sun, Luna is the alicorn of the moon. Cadance is now the alicorn of love. But Twilight. She has the symbol of magic, but also stars as her cutie mark. Is she the alicorn of magic? The alicorn of the stars? Maybe both. But I know one thing. She must wield the Element of magic.

"Ok new plan. I can't get her to use the elements against her own mother, if my theory is correct. But how can I stop Nightmare Moon? Maybe Twilight can help us change Nightmare's mind? Maybe we can convince her to be good?" Celestia continued pacing. Maybe I can try and get closer to her, and get her to trust me. Then she can convince Nightmare to change. If not, I have my old armor and sword. And the crown of day break. That is the last resort.

Celestia left for the infirmary and peaked through Twilights door once she arrived. Cadance and Twilight were Talking about Equestria, with Cadance trying to make sure Twilight knew everything about it. Hmmm a hint of flirting going on. Maybe I can use this. If a relationship were to happen between them two, my plans can work. She knocked then walked into the room.

"Twilight, your room has been prepared and you are allowed to leave here once you are able to walk. Cadance take her to the astronomy tower. That's where she will be staying."

Cadance nodded. Twilight actually looked excited.

"I love stargazing! I always stay up all night watching the stars" Twilight exclaimed

"Interesting, I assume you must be a nocturnal alicorn then" Celestia noted

"Um, yeah. Is that... Bad?" Twilight worriedly asked, still obviously nervous around Celestia.

"I knew a nocturnal alicorn once. She did some things that had to be punished" Twilight frowned, but Celestia noted the anger in her eyes. "But I'm sure you won't cause the trouble she did. Right, niece?"

Twilight looked a bit panicked for a second, until she noticed Celestia looked at Cadance while saying that.

"Oh you knew another alicorn? Was it your parents?" Cadance innocently asked

Celestia noticed the look of disbelief and anger Twilight was making. She couldn't help but smirk a little Gotcha.

"No, It was my sister. Unfortunately, I was blind to how my subjects treated her. The loss of her husband was her last straw and succumbed to the darkness" Celestia looked at Twilight "She only told me about her pregnancy once it was too late. For almost a thousand years, I have felt guilty, because I thought I had doomed Luna's child, but now I don't think I did"

"What do you mean, auntie?" Cadance asked, very confused.

"I will give you a chance to tell the truth, Twilight"

Twilight looked at Celestia, then Cadance. Celestia saw fear, but also intelligence in her eyes. She was calculating different options. Most ponies wouldn't pick up on much when looking into a ponies eyes, Celestia wasn't most ponies. Twilight was either calculating escape routes, or a lie. If it was escape routes, then she is out of luck. The room is surrounded by an anti-teleport field.

Just because Cadance didn't want to use restraints, doesn't mean she was going to put up precautions. There are no open windows, all sealed. The door is the only exit but the corridor is full of guards. The only thing Twilight can do now is try to lie or accept the situation and tell the truth.

Celestia honestly did not expect what happened next.

Twilight burst into tears. Shouting apologies to both of them. She told them all about how Nightmare moon had tried and trained her to be an adept warrior and an even better spy. How ruthless and abusive she was, and how she enjoyed the times when the real Luna had control, which was a rare occurrence.

Cadance, of course, calmed Twilight down. She had always been so good at that, whether it be friend or foe.

"Very well. The doctors expect a few more days here for you, and I'm sure Cadance will be here for most of that time. I have a council session to attend"

"Okay auntie, have a good night" Cadance bid farewell to Celestia.

Celestia regally trotted to the throne room, where she had called an emergency council meeting. There was already many rumours after the 'meteor' almost 'killed' Cadance and her guards. Some thought it was the griffins somehow. Some, like the ones who saw Twilight, believe that a new alicorn was born. Some even think its Celestia's child that had been hidden for years, and failed at an escape attempt.

Some things her ponies come up with really are outlandish and odd. Like that time she was seen eating a whole cake to herself and ponies thought she was a changeling since apparently a Princess would never. In her defense, she didn't have anything to eat that morning, and the cake was just left out.

Walking into the chaotic throne room snapped her out of her memories. All the council members were shouting at one another, like usual. What she didn't expect was a bunch of nobles also in the throne room. She didn't call them, just the council. They probably just thought that they were so important that they were entitled to join.

Celestia noticed that Captain Armor was there too, standing next to Blueblood and fancypants. Obviously, Prince Blueblood had decided to make Shining Armor his security detail for today.

Shining Armor and Fancypants. I wonder if Shining Armor ever thinks of your... 'Private training sessions' with him everytime he sees you. And I wonder if Fancypants does the same with your 'Private night meetings' with him

Stupid thoughts. Stupid Daybreaker. There is a reason she tried putting Daybreaker in that crown. If only she hadn't failed, but at leady there is no chance of becoming Daybreaker fully unless she puts on that crown.

"Calm down, my little ponies!" Celestia sat down on her throne. "I have called you here today to discuss the meteorite that hit the Everfree forest. There has been a lot of rumors and scandals that I am very aware about"

Almost all of the ponies in the room asked several questions at once. She held up her hoof and the room went silent again.

"I will start by telling you a story from a thousand years ago. As many of you know, there is a law that's been in place since I was made Princess of Equestria that states the land of Equestria is to be a diarchy if there are Two alicorns that are fit to be the regents of night and day" Celestia begun, and heard some gasps from the ponies who never knew such a law existed.

"Equestria was a diarchy from when this law was created, to almost a thousand years ago. I was Regent of the day, and my sister, Princess Luna was Regent of the night. It was our duties to raise and lower the sun and moon. Throughout the years, Luna started to be hated by ponies, even though every war they made, she led the armies to victory. Eventually, she became distant and locked away because of how our ponies treated her. I was not a very good sister back then, and ignored her pleas for help. Eventually this led to her embracing darkness and turning into a wicked mare of darkness. You all know her name to be Nightmare moon"

This time, the whole room gasped, Except for Fancypants. A few families told this story through generations, in case she ever returned. His family must be one of them.

"Some of you may be wondering why I am telling you this instead of addressing the meteorite. It is because they two parts of the same story. The last few years before Luna fell to the darkness, she found love. Eventually they married, but once again, my mistakes led the king down a dark path. That was when the war of the crystal empire happened. A month before the war ended, Luna was kidnapped by the Shadow King. He forced her to bare him an heir. She was only gone a few days before she was rescued, but that was all it took. As I was banishing her, she told me the news that she was with child. It was unfortunatly too late, and I thought the child lost" Celestia continued, each pony in the room watching her and listening, reacting to each part of the story.

"At least, I thought the child was lost, until she fell to Equus in a ball of fire. I thought it was impossible for a natural born alicorn, but Luna had once again proven me to be wrong. So now, The daughter of Princess Luna is in Equestria for the first time. We need to decide what to do with her"

Celestia looked around at all the ponies in the room who had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces.

"Excuse me, Your Highness" Fancypants spoke up "But can you tell us what she is an alicorn of? You are the alicorn of the sun, Cadance is the alicorn of love, so she must have a role, right?"

"Yes, while I'm still unsure, my current theory is she is the alicorn of magic and stars"

The crowd once again gasped

"Two? How fascinating. I believe, that since she is the alicorn of the stars, that she should become the Regent of the night!" Fancypants proposed.

The rest of the council seemed conflicted about this.

"But we do not know her intentions" one council pony said.

"She could be working for Nightmare moon!" said another.

"Princess, but may I ask what makes an alicorn fit to be a regent?" Fancypants asked

"Well, the main criteria is an affinity for either day or night" Celestia responded

"So she fits the main criteria. It is the smartest decision that she be named Equestria's newest Diarch"

"It's true! And it's within the law!" another council pony shouted

"She must be trained and made diarch" Another shouted.

Nopony saw Fancypants nod and wink at the Council ponies who agreed.

"Then we must put it to a vote"

Twilight stared at the ceiling, bored out of her mind. Cadance went to go talk with Celestia an hour ago. It was unfair, she felt fine. Perfectly healthy yet they still want her to stay another day. They could at least give her a book or something, she needed to learn the history of Equestria from when her mother was banished to now.

"It's only a thousand years of history, it's going to take days" Twilight groaned. "It would help if I could GET SOME HISTORY BOOKS TO START!"

She sighed. She wasn't going to get anypony's attention. She was 90% sure the room was soundproofed, either that or the doctors weren't very good at keeping their patients entertained.

"Where are other patients? At least on the moon I had mother to talk to, and moon rocks to play with. Here I have a water holder" Twilight complained

"I believe that's called a cup, Twilight" Cadance said as she walked in

"Finally, your back from talking to sunbu- oh hi Celestia"

"Hello, Twilight. I heard from the doctors that you are getting quite restless here" Celestia chuckled "You are so much like your mother in that regard"

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Nightmare always used to say 'You are so much like your other mother' to many different things. I'm bored of hearing it. Anyway, we need to talk Celestia. Alone"

"There are many ponies who wish to talk with me about many important things, so it will be a while before we can unfortunately" Celestia sighed

"That's fine. I guess I will wait for the break of day" Twilight watched Celestia carefully.

Celestia tensed up and stared at Twilight, who looked smug.

"Cadance, I need to talk to Twilight alone please. Thank you"

"But-" She stopped talking when Celestia glared at her. She left quickly without another word.

"Hmmmm an interesting reaction to a simple phrase" Twilight mused

Celestia appeared what seemes to be a blade of sunlight and pointed it at Twilight

"Tell me what you know" she demanded

"Hah! You did name it! With such a cool name as well. Ugh why did mine choose midni-" she stopped speaking, feeling Celestia's blade against her throat.

"Tell me!"

"OK, fine. Mother has a 'Dark side'. I have a 'Dark side'. Mother said that your parents had 'Dark sides' and that she was glad they weren't alicorns. I just put two and two together. The name was a total guess between Daybreaker, Nightmare Sun and Sunburner. Glad it wasn't the last two" Twilight rambled

"So, what your saying is it's genetic?"

"Yeppers... Is A word I'm never using again. No idea what I was thinking there. Anyway, it's amplified tenfold by being an alicorn" Twilight explained. "At least thats my theory"

"Should I be worried about your... Dark side?" Celestia cautiously asked

"Oh 100%! She's crazy! Absolutely loony. Heh loony, I wonder if anyone has called mom Loony Luna" She burst out into a fit of giggles

"This is not like the Twilight I was speaking to yesterday. You are too... Rambly"

"Correctamundo. Adding that word to the 'never saying again' list. Nice to meet ya, Names Midnight Sparkle! I know, so creative right? Heyy can I borrow that cool looking sword? The doctors didn't give me any books so I wanna chop them to little pieces!"

"No. You won't be killing any ponies" Celestia sternly said

"Ugh how boring. Nevermind. I'm guessing you want Twilight back, right?" Midight asked and Celestia nodded. "Fine, it's boring here anyhow. See ya!"

Celestia watched as what was supposed to be white in Twilights eyes changed from a greeny blue color back to white, and her pupils got bigger.

"Oh, where did Cadance go? Um why do you have a sword?" Twilight asked.

Celestia put away her sword.

"Apologies, I just had a conversation with.. Ahem.. Midnight Sparkle"

Twilight frowned

"Did she kill anyone?" she looked around and was relieved to see no blood on the walls or floor.

"I suggest you find a way to control or be rid of your dark side. She is definitely worse than Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker"

"I plan to, when I figure out how" Twilight affirmed.

"How often does she take control?" Celestia inquired.

"she very rarely does. She only has five times now throughout my life"

"Good. Tonight you are free to leave the hospital and go to your temporary chambers in the astronomy tower. You have been voted as the new Lunar regent by the council, so you will get a room next to mine"

Twilight stared at Celestia, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Lunar regent? But that's mother's position! Why am I getting it?! Why would they vote me to become a leader of the nation when I've only been here three days! Its crazy!" Twilight sputtered

"I told them the story of Luna and Nightmare Moon, and they decided" Celestia said.

"This is highly unrealistic, they don't know me yet they make me their ruler. This is like a story made by a foal or something! And they all voted for this? Great. Just great"

Twilight sighed and stared at the ceiling again. The soon-to-be Lunar regent couldn't begin to fathom why the concil of Equestria had decided on such an imbecilic decision. Celestia left her to think, and Cadance came back twenty minutes after she had left and sat by Twilight's side.

"Three days and you already co-rule the nation. That's got to be a new record or something" Cadance said.

Twilight hummed in agreement but stared at the ceiling still. She pointed to certain sections of the ceiling and said the names of constellations.

She was going to be forced into a position of power that, to be fair, she probably just inherited. Maybe she could accomplish her true goal so much easier now.

It can't be that hard to overthrow Celestia if she was her equal in power. She just has to make sure Equestria loves her more than Celestia, and make her feel as her mother felt all those years ago.

Totally easy.