• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 5,844 Views, 88 Comments

Daughter of the moon - Helia_Writes

(Being rewritten) Nightmare Moon was pregnant with Twilight Sparkle when she was banished. How does this change events?

  • ...

New World (rewritten)

Twilight sat in the corner of an aisle in the castle library, reading a book about modern magic. She enjoyed this, just her alone, reading a book in the peace and quiet. No Aunt to question her or drive her crazy. No nobles to annoy her, and no ponies to ask for something from her.

She kind of wished Cadance was here to keep her company. She always enjoyed spending time with Cadance, no matter how many times Twilight explained that she has be aromantic for her whole life and the fact she is now around ponies probably won't change that.

She had no interest in any ponies Cadance made her meet. She had no interest in any of the nobility or council. She just doesn't see herself being with anypony that would just die in a few decades. Just doesn't seem worth it.

Looking around on the bookcase shelves, she saw a book on love and relationships. I guess it wouldn't hurt to research it.

She grabbed the book with her telekinesis and put the book on modern magic back in its place on the shelf. She sat back down in her little book fort she created, and started to read 'Love and relationships' by Amore.

Twilight read the book for hours, absorbing information about how the many different types of love works, and how relationships are beneficial to happiness.

She didn't understand what all the different 'courting' methods are, or why someone would do some grand gesture just to possibly get rejected. It's just not efficient. Surely it's easier just to go up to them and ask rather than buy chocolates or flowers or something.

Twilight read through a section about romance, and things started to make a little sense to her. She continued to read through the book, determined to finish it quickly.

"Well, what is that you are reading?" a familiar voice asked

She groaned and looked up to see Cadance standing in front of her smirking. Of course she was going to tease about it. Twilight cursed her ability to get lost in a book.

"A book I found" she answered.

"Found out anything interesting?"

"Well, apparently Love and relationships are good for happiness, but I don't understand why somepony would go through so much trouble to ask" Twilight rolled her eyes "Just ask rather than get chocolates or flowers or something"

Cadance gasped and looked at Twilight, looking slightly offended

"Romance is a big part of it all, Twilight! Romance is how you woo a pony! Romance with your special somepony can lead to a happy life with that pony! It says it all in the romance chapter of the book!"

"I haven't read much of that chapter. I understand these gestures are for manipulating ponies. For example" Twilight materialised some romantic chocolates in her magic and looked Cadance in the eyes. "Dear Cadance, I brought these flowers to show how much I love you, and I would like to go on a date with you soon. I hope you feel the same way"

Twilight continued staring into Cadances eyes, and she noticed the pink alicorn blush slightly. She elected to ignore it, it was probably just because she didn't expect the example.

"See? And if you loved me and accepted, I would then have power over you and manipulate you into doing things for me to prove your love" Twilight explained.

Twilight opened the box of chocolates she materialised and ate one. She watched Cadance quickly grab a book in her magic and hold it in front of her face, pretending to read.

"Want one?" Twilight asked, holding up the heart shaped box of chocolates to Cadance.

She took one quickly and thanked Twilight, then went back to the book.

Cadance continued to hold a book to her face, trying to hide her blush that was almost gone. After an hour, she heard quiet, cute snoring. She looked at Twilight, and saw the lavender mare asleep, with a book on her face.

Right, it's midday and she is nocturnal, not to mention she hasn't been to sleep for a few days

She picked Twilight up with her magic, carefully to not disturb her. Twilight flinched when she was surrounded by Cadance's magic and her magic failed, dropping Twilight on the floor, luckily not waking her up.

Weird, she must have stopped my telekinesis, but why did she flinch.

Twilight twitched and mumbled something. Cadance thought she heard something about Nightmare Moon, so maybe Twilight was having dreams of her time on the moon.

Celestia had said that this might happen, and the best thing to do is try and comfort her while she sleeps. It sounded like she has experienced dealing with someone with abuse trauma before, or at least knew someone who had dealt with it before.

Cadance followed Celestia's instructions and laid down close to Twilight, therefore allowing the sleeping mare to seek comfort if she needs it. She still felt like she was taking advantage of Twilight by doing this, but she trusted her auntie.

Twilight subconsciously moved and cuddled up next to the larger warm body next to her, causing Cadance to blush again.

Cadance looked at the book Twilight was reading, and checked what page she was on.

Chapter 13: crushes. She almost finished it. Good to know someone likes my book.

Cadance decided to read the chapter Twilight was on. Crushes are always tricky. You can have one or multiple, and it might be a misunderstanding of your own feelings, and just be love for a friend. I remember writing this. I was young. Hmm common symptoms with crushes. Ha, I was so young, I wrote symptoms like its a disease or something. I bet I got some of this wrong too, let's see. Accelerated heart rate when close to your crush, very common blushing, attempting to make eye contact more often, always trying to be closer and a feeling of nervousness around your crush. It's true, these are the most common ones.

Cadance looked at Twilight sleeping, and smiled. She quickly noted her raising heart rate and heat in her face, and frowned. Why was she leaning against Twilight and when did she put a wing around her?

Cadance quickly checked around to see if anypony had seen, and saw nopony. She released the breath she wasn't aware she was holding and looked back at Twilight.

I'm sure it will be fine to stay like this. She won't be asleep long, it's just a quick nap, I'm sure. I don't have a crush on her, surely there is another explanation for it. Unless there isnt and I do. Crap.

"It's been three weeks, Your Highness, you can't keep delaying it!" Fancypants argued

"I know I can't, but in order for it to be perfect, it needs to wait another few days! Planning a coronation takes a while!" Celestia retorted

Fancypants sighed and facehoofed. He has been trying to make the coronation of Twilight Sparkle to happen since the vote passed to make her Lunar Regent three weeks ago. Celestia was a bit suspicious about how eager he was, maybe he wants to get her under the influence of the nobles?

They have no idea how intelligent her niece really is, no idea how well versed in politics she is. She could almost rival Celestia in it and running a nation. She has spent the last three weeks studying it and modern history too.

Twilight wouldn't tell Celestia where she learned to be so good at politics . Luna certainly was not that good, so it stands to reason that Nightmare Moon wouldn't either. She couldn't be that good due to the studying, so where could she have learned it?

"I have decided that the coronation will be in two days time. Twilight will be informed and, should she accept, will be prepared for the ceremony" Celestia announced.

After the council meeting had ended, Celestia searched the castle for Twilight. She didn't have to search very long however, as Celestia knew Twilight's routine. She wakes up, if she has decided to sleep that day, spends all her time in the library, then goes back to bed in the morning.

She went to the library first, since she has found Twilight there many times before. The head librarian bowed as she entered the library, and pointed towards an aisle in the library. Celestia nodded and peaked into the aisle and saw Twilight and Cadance cuddled up, both asleep.

Surely they aren't together already? It's been three weeks, that's too fast.

She coughed into her hoof loudly, waking Cadance up but not Twilight. Cadance instantly became very red and stared at her with wide eyes, as if she was a filly caught doing something she shouldn't.

"I will say, I know you are the Princess of love, but don't you think that dating someone you met three weeks ago is a bit fast?" Celestia remarked.

Cadance's face somehow got redder, and she sputtered gibberish trying to answer. Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at the pink alicorns expense.

"Well tell your girlfriend, when she wakes up, that she is being coronated Lunar Regent and diarch of Equestria by the council in two days" Celestia calmly said.

"We aren't together!" Cadance finally managed to say, just a bit too loud. "She flinched when I tried to pick her up with telekinesis and started to have a nightmare so I did what you told me to!"

"Ah. Shame you two would make a great couple. Just, tell her the news when she wakes up. I have things I need to do" Celestia stated and walked out of the room, but not before she heard Cadance whisper 'I know we would'.

She felt bad trying to push them together so fast, even though it will bring them happiness. She told herself it's for the greater good, and that if they marry a month before Nightmare Moon's return, Equestria won't have to deal with a possible team up between the Changelings and Nightmare Moon.

Ever since she intercepted a message from Chrysalis, she knew that she had to do something. So a royal wedding that also is the Alicorn of loves wedding is the perfect bait for the changeling Queen.

Two months to get Twilight and Cadance together, and then eight months after that to marry them. Everything should work out just fine. By her calculations, this path shall lead to the defeat of Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Daybreaker.

Twilight and Cadance are the key to everything. The pieces are set. Her and her family will suffer, and so may some other ponies. But that is a better option compared to the destruction of Equestria.

After Twilight becomes the Lunar Regent, Celestia will spar with her, to test how well trained she is, and see how easily she can beat an older alicorn.

She turned a corner, deep in her thoughts, untill she bumped muzzle first into an old doorway. She stared at it, and began to feel sadness, pain and regret.

"I forgot I had it moved here after the fight..." She whispered. "It's been so long..."

She opened the door, and crept in. The small room was dusty and full of cobwebs, all the walls were dull and grey, paint all faded over the decades. The air was stale and the stench horrible, rat corpses lay on the floor, mostly skeletal. It was mostly empty, aside from two objects.

A statue and a mirror.

In the ground below the statue and mirror, there were two plaques. Celestia cleared off the dust from the plaques, and read the one below the statue.

"Selena Pulsar" she whispered.

She looked at the statue of a filly, around the age of 15, with a messy military cut mane, smiling and looking up into the sky. Of course, she wouldn't be that happy, forced to smile alone in solitude for almost a thousand years, trapped in stone.

Celestia then read the plaque in front of the mirror.

"Sunset Shimmer"

This mirror was special. It was a gateway to another universe, one where even Celestia dare not enter. Her old student went through it after a fight with her sister, and she never returned. Eventually Celestia lost all hope of her student returning, and stored the mirror next to Pulsar's statue, in memory of the two sisters. She looked back at the statue.

"Pulsar. I don't know if you can hear this, or if you are even conscious and aware. I hope you aren't, I really hope you have just slept through it all. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. There has been a few more siblings that represent night and day, and every single time they fight and die tragically. They are calling it the Curse of the Eclipse" She sighed. "You two were so happy with each other until the feud with my sister drove you two apart. Maybe one day you can forgive me, if you are ever free"

Celestia walked to the door.

"Maybe if you come back and forgive me, so can she, and we can all start over and be happy. One big happy family untill the end of time"

She left and closed the door, not noticing the statue shed a tear.

"Stop fidgeting!" Cadance chastised, pulling the eye shadow away before it went on something other than Twilight's eyelids.

"I can't help it! Why do I need this stuff anyway, it feels weird!" Twilight complained

"You need to look your best for the coronation, that means makeup, and since the Royal dressmaker and makeup artist is running late, I have to try!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and looked at the dress on the manakin. It was a mix of magenta, yellow and white fabrics, with gold hoof boots similar to Celestias. On another manakin, there were more hoof boots, but silver and with magenta gems on them, and a silver peytral with a magenta gem in the shape of her cutie mark in the middle of it.

The door burst open and a white mare hurried in, carrying a few bags in her magic. Her mane and tail were of a violet hue, and both brushed to look fancy and curled.

"Terribly sorry I'm late, darlings. Some friends and family are hard to get rid of when you are in a rush. I'm Rarity, the Royal Dressmaker and makeup artist" She bowed quickly, then went over to the dress.

"Hello Rarity, I'm trying to get Twilight here to stop fidgeting while adding her makeup" Cadance explained.

"Hmmm. I don't think she needs it. She has a natural beauty, and brilliant complexion. However did you manage such a complexion, Your Majesty? I must try it" Rarity pleaded

"998 years of no air and moon dust" Twilight stated. "No air would kill you, Moon dust is poisonous, and you won't live for 998 years. I wouldn't recommend it"

Rarity stopped and stared at Twilight.

"So the rumours are true? You really are Nightmare Moon's daughter. Sweetie Belle isn't going to believe this"

Twilight sighed and looked out a window, watching the night sky. It made her feel safe and calm, her and her mother's night sky. Always so peaceful and serene, the world lit up in moonlight, the perfect chill in the air.

She closed her eyes as an abnormal, yet surprisingly pleasant warmth flow around her neck and body.

She eventually opened her eyes looked away from the window and saw Cadance and Rarity staring at her, looking at her as if she grew another head.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, your mane and tail, they... Are like Celestia's" Cadance gawked.

"Oh, maybe my growth is finally catching up with my age now that I have air and food and water. That's good. I wonder how tall I will be?" Twilight calmly mused.

Twilight shook out of her thoughts and teleported the dress perfectly onto her self, then used telekinesis to hover the boots over to her hooves and slipped them on.

"I think it's time. How do I look?" Twilight asked as she turned to see Rarity still staring at her, mouth slightly open, and Cadance also staring at her, face red but mouth closed.

She rolled her eyes and trotted out the room. She didn't really care how she looked, but knew it was probably important for an event like this.

Eventually, Twilight made it to where Celestia was waiting, ready to pronounce her the newest Princess of Equestria and new Lunar Regent.

Maybe I should rename it to Stellar Regent, unless Celestia allows me to raise and lower the Moon too. It would make sense.

She waited for Celestia to finish her speech. She didn't really concentrate on the speech, just concentrated enough to know when to walk out and accept the tiara.

She is probably just saying something like 'I am very proud of my niece, and I really do wish my sister, her mother, was here to witness such an event.

Celestia gestured her hoof back and stepped to the side.

Right, that's my cue. I got a little surprise for everypony here. Even though I think it's completely useless and probably just a formality, I'm going to make this the most remembered event this year.

As Twilight walked onto the balcony, the stars in the sky started to glow even brighter.

"Twilight Sparkle, I hereby name you a Princess of Equestria, and the nation's newest Lunar Regent!"

Celestia lowered a silver tiara with her cutie mark onto her head, and as soon as it was on, the sky burst out in many different colors, and was full of nebuli and galaxies. Ponies across the nation will know that this was the night Twilight Sparkle became their newest ruler.

This was the night where she outshined Celestia and her Sun. Where the night was loved more than the day.

And oh did it make Twilight smile.

Celestia walked past yet more of her staff talking about last night's coronation. It annoyed her to no end.

Just because it was all flashy and colorful doesn't mean it was amazing. It wasn't functional at all. The day brings warmth and light into the hearts of all ponies. The night is cold and bitter.

Bring the sun close, show them all the Fury of the sun!

Celestia rolled her eyes. Of course Daybreaker would try and use this newfound jealousy to try and take control.

She needed to let off some steam, but what could she do? She could eat cake till the day ends, but where would she get it all.

Maybe you can duel Twilight in the arena

Now, Celestia knew it was stupid to listen to Daybreaker, but that did sound like a very good idea. It's a safe way to let off steam since she wouldn't be able to kill Twilight.

Celestia teleported to outside Twilight's bedroom door and knocked. After a while, a tired Twilight answered the door.

"Mm what do you want Celestia, it's like, midday. I'm tired"

"I want to have a duel. To see what you've been taught and possibly teach you some more if necessary of course" Celestia lied.

Twilight raised an eyebrow then sighed.

"Fine. Give me a second" Twilight responded as she closed the door.

After a few minutes, Twilight left her room and they both silently walked down to the arena, which was full of Royal Guards training. All the guards stopped and bowed to the Princesses and the captain came up to them.

"Good afternoon, Your Highnesses, what brings you to the arena?" Captain Armor asked.

"We are here to duel, Captain Armor. We will need the court cleared, but you and your men can stay and watch if you so wish" Celestia offered.

Captain Armor nodded and barked orders at the guards, telling them to move off the field. Twilight watched all the guards move towards the viewing platforms quickly, doing their best to stay in form.

"So, you want to duel to see how well trained I am?" Twilight asked, sounding very unamused.

"Yes, it is required to see which one of us would lead our ponies into war should one ever happen" Celestia explained.

"Right. So what are the rules?"

"Only one. If you are rendered unconscious by a fatal blow, you lose"

Twilight nodded and yawned.

Twilight knew this duel wasn't to do with what excuses Celestia said. It was all to do with Twilight's coronation and how it was the talk of the nation.

She wants to win to prove she is better than me. She is jealous. Well, I'm not going to let her win. 998 years on the moon because of her. No happy family because of her.

She sat down at the end of the arena, and on the opposite end, Celestia did the same. All the seats in the arena were filled with spectators, guards and civilians. It seems news of this duel travelled quick and made it a public event.

The captain started a countdown. She was about to fight the pony her mother lost to, and the pony who made her whole life torture. Celestia is to blame for everything that has happened to her. Celestia is to blame for her not growing correctly.

The countdown ended and the duel had begun.

Celestia moved fast, closing ground between the two.

Twilight just sat watching the enemy run towards her.

Celestia's horn burned bright, and a sword made of fiery sunlight formed on front of her.

Twilight yawned.

Celestia swung, the blade ready to cut Twilight in half, and the heat enough to cauterize and singe.

Twilight summoned her starlight blade and blocked Celestia's attack within a fraction of a second. She quickly punched Celestia in the chest, causing her to slide halfway down the field.

Celestia's blade dissappeared, and her horn dimmed. With a flash, her horn brightened slightly, and a burst of magic sped towards Twilight, and she took a single step to the left to dodge. She didn't attack, she waited for the perfect time to take Celestia down in three moves. All it would take is three simple moves, and she would be able to go back to sleep.

Celestia charged again, this time taking off into the air, reappearing her sword, and slamming it down onto Twilight. She blocked it and yawned, taunting Celestia. Her taunt worked.

Celestia fumed, her horn burned white hot. She raised her horn to the sky as the ground began to tremble, a beam of roaring flames shot down from the sun, and it was aimed straight for Twilight.

It hit, erupting the arena in smoke and flames, and the whole crowd gasped. After the flames had cleared, Twilight still stood there, smoking a little.

"Ow, I think I got a small sunburn" Twilight calmly joked.

Celestia looked shocked and angry. Her eyes were different, the whites of her eyes had turned black and her pupils were a yellowy orange color.

Guess its time for my moves. I hope the infirmary knows how to dispell dark mind magic.

Twilight teleported to Celestia, faster than a blink of an eye, only a loud crack! and a bright flash signified her teleport. She swung her sword, forcing Celestia to block as quick as possible, both swords locked in a bind.

Move one.

Twilight looked into Celestia's eyes and cast the mind control spell. The whites of her eyes went green, her pupil turned red, and a purple mist flowed out of her eyes.

"Lower the sun" She commanded.

Celestia's eyes slowly turned green with the purple mist flowing out. She obeyed, lowering the sun, and Twilight raised the Moon and stars.

Move Two

A few stars began to dye themselves red, before plummeting to the crust of Equus, slamming into Celestia head on.

Move three

Twilight dashed through the smoke, and swung her sword again. This time, instead of the sound of blades clashing together, there was only the sound of a blade tearing through flesh.

The smoke eventually cleared, and Celestia lay on the floor, unconscious, and in two separate pieces.

"We have a winner!" The captain called.

There were no cheers, or applause. Just gasps and mumbling.

Twilight yawned again, and left the field. She told a guard to come and get her if the doctors can't undo the dark magic, then walked back to her room. She saw Cadance outside Celestia's room, knocking.

Probably hasn't heard about the duel.

"Cadance. What do you need?" Twilight asked.

Cadance looked at Twilight, and instantly gasped and rushed over to her

"Oh my gosh, what happened!? Why do you have blood on you and why do you look so roughed up?" Cadance exclaimed

"Oh, Celestia challanged me to a duel and I won in Three moves. Did you not see the sky?"

"Auntie challanged you to a duel? Why? Are you hurt?" Cadance worriedly asked

"I'm fine. Celestia is currently in two pieces and under the effect of dark magic. You should probably go check on her. I'm going to bed" Twilight yawned again

"Wait, um, do you want some company?" Cadance asked, face going a bit red

Twilight raised an eyebrow at her.

"To my bed? What are suggesting, hmm?"

"No! Wait I wasn't! No I didn't mean it like-" Cadance sighed "Have a good sleep"

Cadance walked away and Twilight swore she heard Cadance call herself stupid. She shrugged and went to her room, ready for some sleep.

"Greetings, daughter. I trust everything is fine?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Yes. Celestia just wanted to duel me. Now she will think twice before wanting to fight me again" Twilight said.

Nightmare Moon wrapped a wing around Twilight. Twilight leaned into it and smiled.

"They believe you are the source of my trauma. Blaming you again, like always"

"At least if they think that, they won't know the truth. They can't know. I have ponies currently putting plans in place to remove Celestia from the throne temporarily. If all goes to plan, Daybreaker and the true Nightmare Moon will be gone forever" Nightmare moon stated.

Twilight looked at her mother to see Luna sitting there with her wing around her back. She smiled, and Luna smiled back.

All they want is to be a happy family, but they can't until Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are gone.

"I've seen that other alicorns dreams, you know" Luna said, smirking

"You mean Cadance? I bet she dreams of that Captain, wouldn't surprise me"

"Oh if only that was true. She dreams of a relationship with someone you know though"

"Oh? Who?" Twilight asked, very curious.

Luna looked at her daughter and smiled again, then winked and pointed a hoof at her. Twilights face went a bit red, and she was very surprised.

"Me? No. You're lying. Really? Me?"

"Yes, I've unfortunately walked in on some very naughty dreams too" Luna chuckled

Twilight got even more red and flustered

"Wha..buh...I...uhh" Twilight spluttered.

"Looks like you return those feelings, judging by your reaction. I have one condition, if you two get together I want grandkids!" Luna proclaimed

Twilight groaned and covered her face with her hooves. She was so embarrassed, even if it was just her and her mother there.

If it's true and Cadance does like me, then maybe it could work? Maybe. Celestia probably wouldn't allow it though.

Or would she?