• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 390 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Gate: The Orb of the Undead

Rain found that Ipswitch was grateful to have his brother's medallion back, though while she was expecting him to hand over some gold or something, since that was common in this world, he also handed over a few other items, four maces that had a glow to them. Fayed revealed that they were disruption maces, an enchantment that was useful against the undead, which was just what they needed given that the path was leading into the Lower Crypt, a place that was no doubt crawling with all sorts of undead creatures. While Rain did that, and learned of the power that was contained within the maces, Vahn and the others spoke to the merchant for a time, exchanging the items that had been recovered since their last visit for gold that was used to restock all of their supplies, as there was no telling what they might discover next. Ipswitch told her that he didn't need the maces anymore, hence why he was willing to hand them over as a reward, even if it was weird for him to have four in his possession, since he didn't seem to be the fighting type, but she decided not to complain since it meant there was one for everyone.

Once her friends were done with the merchant, and Fayed had steeled himself for the journey ahead of them, the group quickly returned to the Crypt and walked down the stairs that would bring them down to the Lower Crypt, which was far darker than the upper level.

Sure enough they found more of the undead wandering around the older passages that were in front of them, giving the group a chance to use their new weapons against them, where Rain found that the enchantment inflicted more harm on the zombies and skeletons. In addition to that the power that was stored inside their weapons also had another interesting effect, there were times where hitting an undead with their maces would result in the creature turning to ash, almost like an instant kill in some cases. Such a thing meant that the battles were far easier on them, since they didn't have to worry about using the weapons and magic that they had used so far, meaning they could conserve their true power for when they found the orb that Fayed had seen in the Chamber of Ash. Fayed had to agree with their plan of attack, conserve their true power for when it came time to fight the foul item that was reviving the undead, while utilizing the power of their new maces to take down the undead as they emerged from the side chambers, causing the group to carefully move while ensuring that they weren't overrun.

Fayed kept an eye on the footprints they were supposed to be following, recalling the path he had taken to reach the final chamber of the Lower Crypt, leaving all of the fighting to them while making sure to use his own powers on them, to ensure they survived this long journey.

Rain found that the disruption enchantment only worked on the undead, as in the flesh of zombies and bones of skeletons, though it left behind the pieces of armor, weapons, and even some jewelry that each foe had been wearing before being buried down here. Fayed didn't seem annoyed by Vahn, Kromlech, and Adrianna picking up some of the freed items, mostly to sell them to the merchant in the inn, rather he told Rain that it was a common trait of adventures, collecting loot to sell and adding gold to their pouches. These three, he noted, weren't actually doing it out of greed, like he had feared, rather it was so they could acquire the funds to purchase supplies for their adventure, to keep themselves alive while they helped the people of Baldur's Gate, and he was happy to help them in whatever way he could. He also informed them that he had used a bit of their time in the inn to speak with Ethon, meaning he knew what was going on inside the Crypts and was likely on his way to find someone else to talk to, something they would likely figure out after the Orb was taken out.

Even with everything going their way it seemed like the Orb was drawing in more and more undead, ensuring that the way to the Chamber of Ash was well protected by those that had been risen to do it's bidding, where Adrianna decided to see if Rain could replicate what she had done in the upper level. Rain discovered that it wasn't as easy as she had assumed, as the first usage of her power seemed to be more of a random surge that came from the desire to not be overwhelmed by enemies, while this time it seemed like it was harder to call forth her powers. Adrianna and Fayed told her that training was the best course of action, because if she could call upon it whenever she wanted the pair knew it would be a benefit to the group as a whole, especially since the vine power would allow her to stem the tide and keep them from being overwhelmed by their enemies. Nothing happened when she tried the power out on some of the other undead, making her wonder why the first time had even occurred in the first place, but Vahn told her that some powers only activated when the need was great, so all she could really do was keep up her training, even if nothing seemed to come from it.

Such a thing made her wonder if encountering the Orb might be a point that would allow her to actually awaken her powers for real, a time of great need like Vahn said, though to prove or disprove her thoughts they would have to find the Orb and the Chamber of Ash, hence why she focused on following the footprints and the undead that happened to be in their way.

She was still thankful for the maces, their disruption enchantment allowed them to deal with the hordes of undead that were in their way, though such a thing allowed her to actually figure out why her powers might not be working, she wasn't worried about being overwhelmed anymore. With the power to reduce the undead to ashes, leaving behind whatever they had been holding or wearing before that point, she was less worried about falling to the skeletons and zombies, rather the weapons allowed her to remain calm and collected as they explored the Lower Crypt. Such a thing made her wonder if her power was connected to her emotions, instead of a great need like everyone else seemed to think, and if that was the case being in this state seemed to keep her powers far away from her, or maybe she was overthinking everything. She didn't have the magical knowledge that Adrianna or Fayed had, even if they seemed to come from two different worlds, so it was hard for her to really say what was going on with her magic, but she was sure that when the time came for her to wield it once more it would come to her aid without delay.

As they got closer and closer to the Chamber of Ash, however, Fayed became more worried about it's power and that it might get to him while his defenses were lowered, to the point that he stopped the group and told them that he wouldn't be joining them inside the Chamber, as once they found it he'd stop outside. Vahn said it was fine, as there was no telling what might be waiting for them inside the last part of the Lower Crypt and, if they took out all of the undead before that point, he would be safe from the dangers he had been worried about. Fayed understood his point, especially with all the undead they were crushing with their weapons, so he focused on ensuring that they reached the Chamber without delay, so he could let them take care of the Orb that was doing all of this, before the group turned their attention to the Guild that set all of this up. Rain still found it weird that someone would intentionally do something like this, even if they wanted to take over the city itself, but they had no information on what was going on and could only keep moving forward, since leaving the undead around was a bad thing for everyone.

Eventually the group found what they were looking for, a circular chamber with a pedestal in the center of it all, though there were a few stone pillars and campfires around them, with bones scattered everywhere, making Rain wonder if they were designed to reduce the bodies of dead to ash, given the name, before they found an icy blue orb that radiated the power of death on the central pedestal.

As Fayed backed off the group walked into the chamber, finding that the Orb sealed the way behind them with magic, all to ensure they couldn't escape, before letting out a wave of magical energy that raised all of the skeletons that were in the area around it, all while raising into the air to get out of their range. They discovered what needed to be done without too much time wasted, the four of them had to crush the summoned undead before the Orb would float back down to where the pedestal was located, as it needed to be close to the ground to infuse the dead with unlife. As such they had to aim for those moments, attacking it when it came back down to call forth more minions to deal with them, though Rain could tell that it was a powerful artifact and that their attacks, while harming it, weren't doing enough damage to actually destroy it, even with the disruption maces. Such a thing made her worry that this would be the end of their adventure, that the Orb's minions would eventually overwhelm them and raise her friends once they were dead, something that caused her power to stir inside her once more, so when the Orb lowered itself she rushed forward, surrounded by a leafy green aura, and grabbed onto it with her hands.

Sure, it burned when she did that, but her power seemed to tear into the deathly energy of the Orb, causing it to glow as Rain let her magic do it's thing, before it violently shattered before her eyes and the pieces turned to mist before her eyes as they disappeared, causing her to huff as she stood there.

"Rain... what did you do?" Vahn asked, as he was expecting that they would have had to wear down the defenses of the Orb and then break it when it was time to do so, and yet Rain, who knew nothing about magic, was randomly calling upon her power while breaking an object of magical power.

"Her magic destroyed the foul Orb." Adrianna said, speaking for Rain since she figured it out in no time at all, though that didn't change the fact that she was impressed and stunned, especially since it looked like her powers were focused on her emotions or even what she was feeling at the time.

As Fayed entered the chamber, to congratulate them on their success, Kromlech found the body of the courier and that he had a map on him, one that seemed to indicate where they might find the entrance to the Guild's hideout, meaning it was time to return to the inn and see if Ethon had any new information to share with them.

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