• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 397 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Redux: Secret of Firewind Manor

With the Red Queen fleeing from their might, leaving a bloody trail through the secret passage she had foolishly opened to escape, Rain and her friends followed after her without delay, as while the Red Fangs were no longer a threat, as Rain was sure almost all of them were dead, taking out their Leader was important to their quest. For the time being Borador and Shadow took the lead, the former checking for traps and clearing the way while the latter focused on following the trail of blood and tearing a few rats and bats that happened to be in this portion of the tunnel. Rain, Dorn, and the others kept their guards up as they moved through the passage, since there was no telling what might be waiting for them at the end of the Red Queen's passage, even though there were a few treasure chests as well, which Vhaidra claimed as they followed the trail their foe had left. It was like the Red Queen had started to steal from her own clan or something, given what Rain spotted as they walked through the hidden passage, though she was more interested in what they might discover at the end of this, due to her belief that their foe was just another flesh construct and not an advanced goblin of some kind.

Eventually the tunnel came to a stop as they reached what appeared to be a cellar of some kind, due to the barrels of wine and fine walls that were around them, though as they emerged from the passage she heard an echo of a large body hitting the ground, rather forcefully based on what she heard.

"It would seem that our mysterious foe just took out the Red Queen... we should be careful." Rain whispered, since she had no idea where the figure in question was lurking, but if they had the power to instantly take out a wounded flesh creature it meant that none of them should take this lightly, something that her new friends agreed with as they started to explore the rest of the cellar.

Sure enough they found some enemies guarding this part of the manor, and Rain was sure it was a manor based on what went into making everything that was around them, though they were mostly just the hounds and hobgoblins from before, nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things. Borador even found a few false walls that lead to where a couple of treasure chests were resting, as each one had about two or three in the chamber he discovered, though Rain found that the secret chambers of this adventure were richer than the ones from her previous adventure, not that she overly cared since she was more interested in completing their mission. Still, they could use the treasure to finance the allies that were waiting in Baldur's Gate, allowing her friends to grow each of their skills and possibly unlock new ones, in time, especially since she knew that Helm definitely responded to Allessia's prayers and likely granted her abilities to fulfill her own goals. Other than that nothing important happened until they discovered the body of the Red Queen, where Rain confirmed that something or someone had snapped her next rather violently, breaking even Luvia's reinforced creation with ease, meaning they were in danger if the culprit was the one in charge of everything.

Such a thing actually worried her, as while her sword was enough to deal with the reinforced armor, due to what they had seen during their fight with the Red Queen, it looked like something had slashed their foe's neck with ease, far more than what she could do with her blade, making her wonder if someone had a blade made from a dragon's talon, or maybe it was a dragon they were currently heading towards.

Of course the others, having less experience than her in the field of dragons, didn't share her opinion on the matter and assumed that whoever owned this place likely killed the Red Queen when she reported on her failure, to take out a pawn that was totally worthless. Rain decided it was best not to argue with them, even if she felt that she was right, and quickly resumed searching the rest of the cellar for anything and everything of importance, since there might be something that would tell them what was going on and who this place belonged to. She found more hounds and hobgoblins wandering around, avoiding the traps that had been set up in the off chance that someone made it this far into the hideout, but that idea was dashed as she discovered something odd, none of the barrels or containers had anything inside them, as there was no food or even drink for the occupants of the area. That stuck her as odd, especially since a lot of effort went into the construction of this place and one would have assumed someone would stock it to keep up appearances, or at least feed their minions, but whoever owned this place seemed to be willing to starve the hobgoblins and hounds while getting their food from somewhere else.

Eventually they opened a door and walked into a chamber where they found a beautiful lady, far more than Luvia based on what Rain was seeing, who wore a fine red satin dress that reached the floor, to the point where it was almost touching the stone, that had a wide collar that showed off the tops of her breasts, while also having a black corset and red pieces on the shoulders that looked like small spikes.

"Welcome to Firewind Manor, adventurers... and Rain Shine, what an unexpected surprise." the redhaired lady said, which was due to the fact that Rain got a good look at her short hair as they stepped into the light, though at this point, after all of her encounters, she wasn't surprised that people knew her name, especially villains, "I hope you enjoy the drop."

As soon as the words left her mouth the floor below them opened and the group fell into the abyss, for a very short time since they landed in what appeared to be some ancient dungeons, no doubt an attempt to get rid of them all, though she and her friends got up, dusted themselves off, and started to look for the way out. Allessia quickly informed Rain that the lady of the manor had to be Arogazia Firewind, another well known figure in the city, making her wonder if two rather high ranking ladies were members of the new unholy alliance that was plotting to bring down Baldur's Gate. At the same time she mauled over the name as they burst out of the area they had been dropped into, as it sounded too much like what a dragon would be called, so either it was a mere coincidence or her group had just encountered a dragon that could turn into a human whenever she wanted. The enemies that happened to be guarding the area were skeletons, which made all of them happy that Allessia was with them since her holy power was a natural weakness to the undead, something Rain almost wished she had back during her first adventure, but she focused as Allessia lead the way out.

Borador found a number of treasure chests along the way, all of which having shoddy and low quality items while having a few pieces of gold in each one, no doubt because Arogazia didn't want to arm adventurers that were sent down here, but it was hardly a problem as the group smashed their way through the undead. The others agreed with Rain on this matter, Allessia's powers made things much easier for them as the holy power burned each one and even caused some to flee so someone else could smash it to pieces, before discovering that rats were down here as well, no doubt to feast on those who perished down here. It was an interesting combination, as all of the vermin disposed of the adventurers and the dark power that happened to be in this area revived the fallen to serve Arogazia's will, but against Rain and her friends it was nothing in the grand scheme of things as both foes fell before their might. Other than that there wasn't too much for her to even worry about, they were simply too strong for the undead to deal with, especially since Shadow hunted many down and tore them apart in a matter of seconds, crushing whatever magic held them together.

They did, however, find some stairs that lead them up into what appeared to be some catacombs, instead of the cellar all of them were expecting to find, though as they emerged from the dungeon Rain found a ghost floating in front of them with an angry look on his face.

"You have gazed upon the crypts of House Felldane, living fools, and so your lives are forfeit." the ghost stated, though as he said that he paused as he looked at Rain and Shadow, a common thing considering that Rain was the only one of her kind in this world and it was odd to see a friendly displacer beast.

"House 'Felldane'... don't you mean House Firewind, or Firewind Manor?" Rain asked, because this was the best chance to calm the spirit down and figure out what was going on in the area, as there was a chance the manor had been built on a site of some kind that was supposed to be off limits and he might desire their help.

The Ghost of Felldane revealed that a great conflagration had destroyed the manor that his people called home, the type that only a dragon could wield, and 'Firewind Manor' was built on top of it's ruin, which actually caused the Ghost to curse Arogazia's soul with every fiber of his spectral form. The Ghost explained that his clan had fallen into a corrupting spiral in decades past, mentioning hedonistic decadence, sadism, incest, drug abuse, and even cannibalism, all of which was now poised to be revealed to the public thanks to Arogazia's actions. It got worse when he mentioned that the slain were being revived as ghouls, while he, himself, was trapped as a ghost, unable to do anything but watch as everything unfolded in rapid succession, and with the threat of their dark secret being revealed once more he had nothing but curses for the one behind his outrage. Rain came up with an idea that might work for him, as she was convinced that Arogazia was a dragon, disguised as a human, and if they could get her to transform and drag her into a fight there was a chance that they could burn down Firewind Manor, something that seemed to appease the Ghost as he backed off.

To ensure their success the Ghost used part of his own power to point them in the right direction, where Rain chuckled as she weaved her power into the walls, because the risen undead would still be evidence of Felldane's shame and there was a chance she could push some of the flames into the catacombs. If she was right the entire place would be engulfed in the flames that the spirit wanted to see, burning everything and everyone that happened to be in the catacombs, and the rest of the manor, erasing the shame that the Ghost wanted to hide from the rest of the world. This time around the others simply followed after her, slightly concerned about her mind if she was willing to burn away everything they would pass by in the very near future, but none of them wanted to be caught in what she was planning and kept pace with her while she marked the walls with her magic. Of course the undead and rats were surprised by the fact that they just ran by them, or at least Rain assumed so since she wasn't paying too much attention to them, and it wasn't long before she found the way back up into the manor itself, causing her to head up as the others followed after her.

As they entered the manor, however, Rain found a path leading to a large chamber and heard two voices talking, to which she directed her friends into a section that would allow them to eavesdrop on the conversation, since this would grant all of them some worthwhile information.

"This is grave news indeed, Lady Arogazia, but it matters little: the four Foundations are within the grasp of my patrons." a male voice said, one that caused Rain to pause for a moment, because it was impossible for the person to be speaking at the moment considering she had crushed Kharne with her power back during her assault on the previous Guild, before finding that his boss had been a beholder, "When the Tower is theirs, and victory has been claimed, the reward for your aid will make what the Red Fangs were providing you seem like a paltry sum."

"I should hope so, Kharne, as your schemes have become more tiresome than looting forgotten tombs or stealing from the others of other dragons." Arogazia replied, though this gave Rain everything she needed to know, she was surprised to find that the figure she had killed was still alive and well, while at the same time getting confirmation that the lady was, in fact, a dragon in disguise.

"Fear not, the Zhentarim leave no debt unpaid, which is why I work for them. Now, about these meddlers?" Kharne asked, though as Rain turned her head a little, to see around a gap in the wall, she was able to confirm that it was, in fact, the same person she had thought he was when she heard his voice, making her wonder how in the world he had escaped in the first place.

"They shall not escape the catacombs... except Rain Shine, of course." Arogazia stated, showing that she might appreciate a good challenge, especially from one that had such a unique form and power like Rain did, all while the mention of her caused Kharne to stiffen a little, as if recalling what happened the last time they fought, "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the False Dragon is almost upon us... I should put my plan into motion soon."

Instead of wasting time Rain gathered herself as she rushed out and launched herself at the disguised dragon, drawing her blade in the process and found that her first swing was blocked by Arogazia's left arm, where the skin quickly turned into red dragon scales as she blocked the attack. Kharne took one look at her before retreating from the manor, though he was low on her list of targets, because it sounded like there was something the 'Zhentarim' might want from the lady in front of her and she knew it would piss them off if she removed her here and now. In the next instant Arogazia turned her body and Rain shifted her stance, pushing her foe's arm away as she altered the blade's course, using the edge to block an incoming attack from the disguised dragon's thick tail, all while scales started to ripple over the lady's face as she started to change before her eyes. The lady identified her true form as 'Aizagora', the 'Red Death', while she engulfed herself in a torrent of flames, something that gave way to a large red dragon, far larger than the white one Rain had ended a long time ago, and, as she expected, the dragon loosed a massive burst of flames into the surrounding area, setting the manor on fire as some of it traveled down Rain's spell, setting the catacombs ablaze.

To Rain's annoyance the dragon burst through the ceiling and fled, instead of facing a challenger like her, to which she and her friends quickly regrouped before utilizing a recall potion to get to safety, though as they did so Rain was sure that the Ghost was pleased with their efforts and hoped that Baldur's Gate would be as well.

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