• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Gate: Elfsong Tavern

It didn't take the trio too long to locate the Elfsong Tavern, as they happened to pass by it when they noticed the thieves attack the lady that the human was carrying right now, where he paused as the elf and the dwarf opened the door for him to move inside, without worrying about hurting the lady more than she already was. There they found that it was smaller than most of the taverns and inns that each one had passed on their way to the city, no doubt intended for a quick stop before any adventurers or merchants went on their way, though a few people were present, one sleeping at a table in the back while the rest were standing around the building. From what they could tell there was a stout man off to their left, standing by a circular staircase that lead to the upper level, another man, thinner than the last, who seemed to be drunk or close to it, while two more people stood on either side of the bar, on their side sat a man who looked up as they entered while a lady worked on the other side. It was clear that there weren't a lot of paying customers right now, because the lady wasn't getting any drinks ready, despite the few containers resting behind her, though she was wearing revealing clothing since it was easy to see the top of her cleavage, but none of them were focused on that.

While they were worried about the injured lady, and the fact that all of her stuff had been stolen, they took note of a song that was being played right now, a phantom song that was sung by someone who wasn't present right now, likely a ghost of some kind, and that everyone seemed transfixed while it was playing, enjoying the melody.

"It's a beautiful song, isn't it strangers?" the bar owner inquired, speaking once it was done, though with it being a ghost the trio knew it was only a matter of time until it started up again since spirits didn't have the weakness of stamina that most people had, though the smile on her face faded as she noticed their new friend, "What happened to her?"

"Attacked by thieves, who seem to have stolen everything she owns... and we mean everything." the human stated, where it was easy for the bar owner to understand what he was saying, that under the cover the lady was wearing nothing to cover her body, which seemed to draw the attention of the man at the bar, as he shifted slightly, "Sadly we were robbed as well, so we have no gold to pay for a room... maybe we can work out a deal of some kind?"

"I can help with that, and I might have a few minor jobs for you in the future." the man spoke up, showing that he had been listening to their brief conversation and that he was willing to part with a few gold to ensure they could get a room for the lady they were helping, even though they had plans to deal with the thieves who did this.

The trio discovered that the man was called Ethon and that the bar owner was called Alyth, where the pair exchanged a few words before Alyth beckoned for them to follow, as she lead all three of them up to the second floor and brought them to the room that Ethon had paid for. With that done the human gently placed the lady on the bed that was in there and did his best to cover her without disturbing her, though once that was done the trio backed off and took a seat nearby, as the room was large enough for them to sit on the ground without much trouble. As they waited for the lady to wake up, since each of them assumed it would come to pass at some point, they decided to introduce themselves to the others, due to the fact that all of them were planning on doing the same thing once everyone was rested. The human introduced himself as Vahn, an arcane archer who lived on the Sword Coast becoming coming to seek his fame, causing the dwarf to tell them that he was Kromlech Bruenghor, a shield dwarf from Easting in the Summerset Mountains, and the elf informed her companions that she was Adrianna, a moon elf sorceress who hailed from Evereska.

Each one had come to Baldur's Gate seeking fame and fortune, only to be robbed of their gold and precious weapons, so for now they needed a way to come up with some gold to purchase new gear for the future, but as they discussed what sort of jobs Ethon might have for them a groan could be heard as the lady regained consciousness.

"Ugh... where am... I?" the figure asked, where she remained laying down for a moment, getting used to the room that she was in, before pushing herself into a sitting position, but as she did that, and turned to face them, the covers fell not even a few seconds later, something she either didn't notice or didn't seem to care about, "Who... are you?"

"I am Adrianna, and these are my companions Vahn and Kromlech... who are leaving for now." Adrianna answered, though her second statement was due to the fact that the dropping of the covers meant that the lady's body was on full display and, to the best of her knowledge, men enjoyed such a thing, hence why she directed the pair outside before closing the door, though after that she picked up the cover and held it over the stranger's body, "Normally nudity is frowned upon in society, and full displays like that could get you fined... I have a spare set of clothing, just in case of emergencies, and replacement undergarments that you can borrow for the time being, at least until we get you back on your feet... er, hooves. Do you recall anything that happened earlier?"

"I... no. All I remember is my name: Rain Shine." the lady replied, where Adrianna thought it was an odd name and quickly wondered if she was a resident from one of the Elemental Planes, a type of creature that the world hadn't documented yet, before focusing on the task at hand as Rain looked down at herself and her body.

Adrianna found that she had to answer a few questions about Rain's body, such as telling her that the mounds on her chest were breasts, among other things, though it did make her wonder if her theory about the lady being a new elemental from one of the Elemental Planes was accurate or not. Of the six planes in question she had never heard of a being like her being seen or documented by those who had contact with each realm, or at least before they went missing anyway, and she could tell that Rain wasn't from the earth or fire planes, due to her smooth arms and lack of fire. Even then she could rule out the water and air planes, she didn't quite match what sort of creatures called those realms home as well, nor did she match any of the few known beings of the planes of light and shadow. Such a thing meant that there was a chance that her theory on the matter might be wrong, that Rain didn't hail from one of the Elemental Planes, even if it felt like she should since this was the first time Adrianna had seen someone like her, but she decided not to dwell on the matter.

In the end she was able to outfit Rain with some clothing, a green tunic that had a V shaped cutout going from the collar to one's belly button, revealing the sides of one's breasts, and some leggings that happened to be of the same color, which she helped Rain into before nodding her head as she opened the door again.

"Vahn, Kromlech, this is Rain Shine." Adrianna said, figuring that she might as well tell them what little she knew about the figure they had saved from the thieves that attacked them, since it diverted their attention long enough to ensure that some of the Watch could arrive and drive off the cowards who struck from the shadows, "She, um, doesn't remember much right now, save for her name."

"The thieves did a number on her... however, the best remedy for such a thing is battle!" Kromlech stated, or at least that was the case for dwarves, whenever they had a problem like this, though he knew some who rammed their heads into the walls of a mine or even a house if their memory was hazy, "I believe it's time for us to see what sort of jobs Ethon or Alyth have in store for us, to pay them back for their kindness."

Vahn expressed his worry that bringing Rain along now, after she had just woken up and without any real rest, was bad for her health, though she informed them that, despite the slight headache from the blow she apparently took earlier, she was fine and ready to follow their lead. The trio glanced at each other for a moment before taking her word at face value, where they walked out of the room and headed for the stairs, though Adrianna stayed at the back for a time to make sure Rain was fine, as she had noticed that walking seemed weird for her. Such a thing only remained true for about half a minute, as the strange person was able to quickly overcome whatever difficulties she might have been having and seemed to mimic them in how they walked, like she was a fast learner. If that was the case it meant she would be able to learn how to fight in next to no time at all, in fact they might be able to help her recover some of her lost memories before the day was over, if they were lucky anyway, causing a light smile to appear on her face as they followed the others.

As they walked down the stairs, however, Rain found that there were more people on the first floor of the inn, Vahn had told her that much, and those that weren't drunk turned to look at them, or her since she knew that she was something that not a lot of people saw, based on her companions' earlier reaction.

"It seems that your new friend recovered quickly." one person, the name called Ethon as Rain recalled the description that she had been given, commented, while at the same time the lady behind the bar, Alyth, glanced up from her work to see the group with her own eyes, even though Rain was distracted by the odd stone trophy over the fireplace and the singer who wasn't present right now.

"Yes, and got her something to wear for the time being." Vahn replied, where he was grateful that Adrianna had some spare clothing that she could lend to Rain, even though they would likely become hers in due time, before focusing on the topic that was on all of their minds right now, "Listen, all four of us were robbed by some thieves on the streets not too long ago, each of us losing something important in the process... we're hoping that you can point us in their direction so we can take back what is ours."

"I've seen enough adventurer types to know it's best not to try and persuade you to stand down... if you're looking for the new Guild, you'll want to try the sewers." Alyth said, showing that she either knew more about the topic than what any of them were expecting or she and Ethon had talked things over while they were dealing with Rain, but, at the same time, it also meant they could save some time and get to the main topic, "Many have figured that the thieves have been using the sewers to move around the city, hence why sewer rats have been pushed to the surface recently, but none of the Watch has dared to go down there, not with the deaths of several watchmen. Now, there's a gate to the sewers at the end of the cellar that's connected to this tavern, which I locked up ages ago when the Guild War began... Ethon's agreed to hand over the key to the cellar, if you agree to take out the horde of rats that's infested the place, at which point I'll give you the key to the gate so you can get into the sewers."

"I also have a few daggers for you, since you lost your weapons." Ethon added, where he put a small cloth sack on the bar and opened it to reveal four daggers that were a little worn, either from extended use or from not being used at all, but as the group wondered how he could have gotten them so quickly they decided not to bother.

"It's not my battleaxe, but it'll take it." Kromlech stated, as he snatched one of the daggers and nodded his head, showing the pair that he was agreeing to deal with the rats so they could get into the sewers, causing Vahn, Adrianna, and Rain to follow his lead, even though Rain seemed unsure of how to wield the weapon.

Ethon also handed over the cellar key, as he was trusting them to focus on the rats and not worry about the thieves right now, though as the group headed for the door in question Vahn found the local drunkard in their way, who said something about some wine in the cellar that he wanted and some gold for them if they brought it to him. After saying his piece they watched as he staggered off into a corner of the tavern and sat down, causing them to open the door and enter the area that held the stairs leading down into the cellar, which the trio took without delay as Rain followed them. In the cellar there were plenty of barrels and containers that no doubt held some items that were once used in the tavern, before the Guild War erupted and the rats invaded the area, plus a door no doubt leading to another chamber. Vahn nodded as both he and Adrianna showed Rain the basics of fighting with a weapon, as this was the best time for them to do so, since forcing her to learn during the heat of battle would be a bad thing in case she had never fought before, due to the fact that they had no idea what was in the memories she had lost.

Rain, on the other hand, proved to be a good learner and copied the motions with some ease, though there were flaws she would be able to iron out once she had more experience, causing her companions to nod their heads before walking over to the barrels and vases that were nearby. Kromlech explained that there might be useful items inside them, since this, at one point in time, had been connected to the sewers and he was able to confirm his suspicions as he found some small red and blue potions inside a few vases, health and mana potions. Adrianna informed her that adventures needed these potions to ensure their survival, as the former allowed them to mend their wounds and the latter replenished their mana pools, where Rain tilted her head for a few seconds before nodding. She sort of understood what her companion was talking about at the moment, though everything was still new and foreign to her, causing the sorceress to sigh as she said that experience was often the best teacher, allowing them to return to the others as Kromlech handed Vahn a quiver he had found, not that he had a bow to use the arrows that came with it.

Once that was done, and everyone was ready to go, Vahn opened the door so they could move into the next chamber, an area where a few rats happened to be resting, ones that came up to his ankles to be exact, though as soon as one hissed at the group the rest came at them. It gave Rain a chance to witness the others in battle, observing them as they swung their daggers at whichever rat they happened to be fighting, and while she could tell that each one preferred another weapon, the ones that were stolen from them earlier, they didn't seem annoyed with their temporary weaponry. Adrianna also showed off a bit of her magic, summoning fire into her empty hand before releasing it in a short burst of flames that roasted a pair of rats, where she informed them that, at this point in time, short bursts were better. Rain got the feeling she was teaching her how to do things, no doubt feeling some sort of magic inside her, but for the time being she didn't really get that sense, so she joined her companions and stabbed a rat, only to find another door leading deeper into the cellar.

As they moved through the next couple of chambers, surprising Rain with how many were down here, the group found an old chest that Kromlech opened, finding some gold for them to take, apparently the adventurers code allowed such a thing even though it was technically stealing from Alyth, and a short sword. That was handed to Vahn, who had been hoping to find a bow down here, while the dwarf held onto the gold, as he knew Rain didn't have a pouch of holding, something that allowed adventurers to carry a lot of gold without being weighed down, while theirs had been opened and robbed back on the surface. Rain also discovered a brown potion in one of the crates she was told to smash, a recall potion that contained a bit of magic that allowed one to teleport to safety, meaning it was a magical spell contained inside a useful container that all adventurers used, and they usually stuck around to allow one to make a round trip. As she understood it one recall potion ensured two teleports for an entire group, one to take them to a safe haven, like the tavern for example, while the other one sent them back to where they first used the potion.

One of the chests they discovered had just gold inside it, which Kromlech happily collected, while other also had a few coins and a small ruby, a gem that was worth a fair bit of gold to a merchant, where Rain discovered that the dwarf might be the money keeper of the group, at least until it was divided between them anyway. She also found a circular wooden shield in one of the chests, which the trio let her take since she was the least experienced and could use the extra protection, but at least Vahn showed her how to put it on and use it against her foes. After that chest they discovered a new type of enemy to deal with, small reptilian creatures, who were halfway up to Vahn's knees by Rain's estimates, that had clawed hands and feet, a scaled body, with snouts and tails belonging to lizards, completing the reptilian look. These were kobolds, a common enemy in the wilds based on what her companions told her, though while these creatures were tougher than the rats, due to the fact that they actually carried weapons in their hands, in waves of one or two they were nothing.

As Rain understood it they didn't want to fight a group of kobolds, likely five or more given the number of their own group, before they found a chest with a longsword and a wine bottle resting near it, where Adrianna was given the new weapon as they opened another door.

This one lead them straight into a chamber that had a group of kobolds, at least ten of them, guarding the area, though as Rain took in what they were seeing her companions backed up, using the narrow tunnel to funnel their foes into a far more controlled area, so they wouldn't be overwhelmed. It was a good strategy, especially since two of them could block the few incoming attacks and open the way for their companions to deal the finishing blow before they switched places, no doubt so she got some more experience in using her weapon against their enemies. Once the chamber was cleared the group took a moment to rest, as that was important since some beginner adventurers spent all of their energy and got killed due to not being ready for the future, but Rain did find a chest nearby. This one happened to have a battleaxe inside it, which Kromlech claimed without delay and made into his only weapon, before she found a barrel of what Vahn said was explosive powder, no doubt used to clear away chunks of earth when the cellar was first made, though he told her not to ignite it, since many of them were still dangerous.

As such she stepped back and rested up as well, figuring that the barrel in question was leftover from when this place was made and had never been claimed, causing her to shelve the thought since it wasn't too important right now, because there was more for them to do before the cellar was cleared.

Rain, of course, questioned by they were clearing out the entirety of the cellar, since the job had been for the rats, where her companions reminded her of the sewer gate and the key they'd be getting for completing this, meaning it benefited them to find the door before reporting their success to Alyth. She guessed that she understood their reasoning, even though being an adventurer seemed like a lot of work in her mind, but that just made her wonder how in the world the kobolds were able to get in here in the first place, if the door to the sewers was locked. That was a question none of them had the answer to, as the only thing that made sense was that someone deliberately let the kobolds into the cellar to make sure no one dared to enter the sewers from this direction, and while Ethon held the only key, that they knew of, he was trustworthy. That meant a member of the Guild must have done this, no doubt under orders to keep everything secured and protected while the rest of the thieves did their usual thing, or at least that was their guess on the matter.

That thought kind of failed as they discovered some rat sized spiders in the last chamber of the cellar, vicious little things that attacked faster than Rain was expecting, but her companions dealt with them as she did her best to aid them, showing her just how strong they were as a team. With the spiders dealt with, three of them to be exact, they found what they were looking for, the locked door that lead to the sewers, meaning it was time to return to the tavern and report their success to Alyth and Ethon, who would be pleased to see that they were alright. In addition to that they found two chests that had a few gold coins for them to collect, though Rain found a hidden wall behind them that had a small room hidden from everyone, with a chest that had a fair amount of gold and even a ruby to sell later on. She really had no idea how she had found the wall in question, but the others were fine with it, as it had given them more treasure to sell at some point, causing Vahn to pull out the recall potion.

As everyone gathered near him Rain counted herself lucky that she had such wonderful companions and realized that their adventure had only just begun, making her wonder what the future might hold for them as they hunted down the thieves to reclaim what was theirs.

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