• Published 9th Jun 2022
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Fallout: Equestria – The Hogwarts Chronicles - Fanficwriter1994

Harry Potter had quite a full platter on problems, though when he, in a struggle against his DADA teacher, possessed by the mad wizard who killed his parents, broke the Philosopher's Stone, the problems were just getting started.

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Chapter 5: Seekers of the Lost Part 1

I swear to god, my face was as red as most of my hair.

How do you handle someone wanting to adopt you? Someone who won’t take no because your reason for arguing is your lack of understanding of the concept of maternal love? Someone who can pick you up, cuddle you, knows all the right spots to scratch your ear?

No I didn’t get transformed into a cat, thank… Celestia I guess? Anyway, not the point. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the affection, it felt right to feel this. But I don’t know how to react to it. I never experienced it, or at least I couldn’t remember doing so. My parents had been gone so early in my life I can’t remember them, and the Dursleys never showed me this kind of love.

Hell, the closest they come to do so was not throwing me out of the car in the middle of nowhere, naked. But now? Now there were two ponies who wanted to adopt me. Two ponies who heard my story once and just decided I’d be their daughter because, to them, family is important. They lost their first adopted child and still want to bring her back, but they had still this kindness in their hearts to offer a complete stranger a place in their family.

And I wish I knew how to move celestial objects so that I can do what that curse word I heard a few times so far. Namely, r*** Malfoy with the Moon.

Somehow I felt inadequate as a Alicorn that I had no idea how to do this kind of trick.

Anyway, if you wonder why I wish to violate my classmate with the planet’s natural satellite right now, it’s the constant hollers. She was making fun of me, fun of the fact I didn’t know how to handle this situation, how to handle people wanting to be my parents.

Weirdest thing was? I couldn’t say I didn’t like it.

“Can’t even keep a straight face can you Potter? So desperate for attention you play the little girl card?” And there went Draco-Motherfucking-Malfoy again, running his mouth.

“You know what? I’ve had it with you! I don’t know what you think gives you the right to just make assumptions about me but you don’t know anything about me! You know what I’ve been keeping myself from saying this whole year Draco Malfoy?” I asked, gritting my teeth. I don’t know what was coming over me, but I had it to the moon with her!

“I know your Kind! Your parents gave you whatever you want, treated you like a king and talked all the time how great you are, and now you think that whatever you say goes! That the result of draconic Diarrhea they spat out for the last 11 years about your greatness is truth! But there is one thing you don’t know. Nobody thinks you’re all that great! You have some fancy ass name, so what? Out in the real world you’re nobody!” I snarled at her and she moved backward, as if I was some rabbid animal. Admittedly, right now I felt like biting her!

“I know what the world outside looks like! The world is a merciless, unrelenting place that doesn’t give a damn how high and mighty your name is in the wizarding world! As soon as you get on the nerves of someone who doesn’t care or doesn’t know about your family, they’ll knock your lights out, push you down and beat you up!” I told her, advancing forward from where Lyra was still sitting, stunned.

“You think I’m like you, I noticed that the moment you opened you damn mouth on the train! But I’m not! I didn’t grow up in a loving family! I didn’t grow up in luxury! I didn’t even know this stupid fame was a thing until Ruby took me to Diagon Alley! I was the undesirable, the unwanted, the god damn pimple on the oh so beautiful and normal ass of the Dursley family’s home!” By this point Crabbe and Goyle had stopped the wagon and were coming over but, you know what? I wasn’t going to let them! With barely even an exertion of will I just pushed them away, back to the wagon!

“I don’t know how to handle someone wanting to be with me! I don’t know what family is because I didn’t have one! My happiest memories to date involve getting Hedwig, coming to Hogwarts, meeting the first friends I’ve ever had and just being treated nicely! And now shut the fuck up before I try bringing the fucking moon down to shove it up your ass!” I screamed, now inches away from the frightened Filly before me, who promptly ran away as I started trying to take in breaths.

And then I was splashed with water. “Erm, Rose? Sorry but your mane was burning.” Spoke up Rainy as I blinked, still breathing hard but… that helped?

At that point I was grabbed and brought to the wagon again, I didn’t even struggle as that outburst actually tired me out quite a bit. “It’s alright, you’re going to be alright. Do you want to talk about it?” Asked Lyra and, for the first time, I felt like I should.

I barely even noticed one of the Stable Survivors picking up the unconscious Crabbe and Goyle, while two others took up their positions on the wagon.

I just… I talked. A lot.

Professor Albus Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, aside from a lot more titles than professor or Headmaster, had been quite surprised when Rose’s group was spotted coming back with what appeared to be a small army of hundreds of ponies.

Now, it didn’t take a professor to realize they had to have encountered refugees they thought had the best chance at survival at Hogwarts. So, she headed to the gate to greet them, it was already open with a number of armed students waiting just in case.

What she hadn’t foreseen was finding that Crabbe and Goyle were unconscious, Draco Malfoy was as far as back as she could, five of the six Alicorn students were herding the hundreds of ponies along, while Rose was asleep, with a pair of mares tending to her.

“Welcome, I would like to know what is going on but I imagine all of you aren’t here without any reason.” He stated, eyeing the large group of ponies.

“I’m sorry professor, they’re all survivors from Stable 111.” Spoke up Hermione Granger as she walked over. “They were frozen in cryogenic sleep for 200 years, but someone killed the staff keeping the Stable running and only 794 out of 2500 residents survived as far as we know with the exception of a filly who had been kidnapped when the maintenance staff was killed.” Explained Hermione and that hurt to hear.

“I see, and who are these two? They seem to be comforting Rose.” Asked Dumbledore, wondering why Rose was literally sleeping by them. She also had cried, she could see the tear stains.

“Rose had an… Well there isn’t any better way to put it, she had an outburst. Like, her hair even turned into fire so pissed off was she. Thing is, Lyra, that’s the Unicorn, and her wife Bon-Bon, that’s the Earth Pony, they decided they want to adopt her and, well Rose got incredibly awkward with that.” Explained Rainy, looking concerned for the small Alicorn.

“Professor, did you know how bad Rose had it?” Asked Hermione and that caught Dumbledore’s attention.

“What do you mean?” She asked, for now letting the topic of adoption slide. She had steered the idea clear for a long time mainly because the Dursley’s blood relation would protect Harry from being detected, but now? Now they were in another world and it wasn’t clear if Voldemort survived the magical blast of the Philosopher’s Stone. She would prefer the answer to be a resounding No, but she had enough experience to know that it never was this easy.

She would be proven quite right.

I sighed as we set out once more.

It had been three days since we brought the ponies of Stable 111 to Hogwarts and they began to build themselves a small town, many a filly and colt had lost their parents in the 200 years of sleep but the ponies from 200 years ago had one thing in spades: Kindness, that much I had seen.

What was more, Professor Dumbledore had basically confirmed that while she had set me up at the Dursleys, she hadn’t known how they treated me. The address on the envelope had been added automatically and nobody had checked. Quite an oversight it seemed. And after I woke up she questioned me intensively about it, growing more and more upset about it.

Eventually she confirmed that she had someone watching me but no reports had come in about the treatment. Who was watching? Arabella Fygg, the Crazy Cat Lady of Privet Drive. It did explain why she tended to treat me better than other adults but it caused the question of why she never reported it.

However, in the end, Dumbledore had declared, under her authority as the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederacy of Wizards, that the Dursley’s guardianship over me was null and void. Followed by her officially declaring my adoption by Lyra and Bon-Bon who had a good chuckle.

I… I actually felt better like this. I don’t think I ever had a chance to just cry and let loose about all that had been going on in my life. Venting against Draco, being comforted by two who just wanted to help me as mothers? Those were new things but it helped incredibly well.

I am a bit ashamed to admit that the three day delay was largely my fault. My emotions had been so tumultuous that I couldn’t be let out of schoolgrounds. However, it had given me time to come to grips with the fact that I was adopted now, that I had a new, living family who WANTED me to be with them. And that I now had an older sister, somewhere out in the wasteland. One I had to save.

Snowy had been a year old when she was abducted, so now she would be 17 based on the date since her abduction. I don’t know how I feel about the idea, but one thing was for sure, the AIRE were bad guys, abducting a filly who had been placed in the Stable to save her life? Killing people just so they could do so? Leave the parents of the child behind with a high chance of systems failing, killing them?

Yeah, I was starting to like using the term “Bring down the Moon” as a threat, it sounded awesome and if I figured out how to make a spell strong enough for that, being a Alicorn should allow that, right? Well, if I could, I would smash the moon into their base. After retrieving Snowy and evacuating anyone who wasn’t evil, naturally.

Anyway, we were heading south now, the AIRE, a school of arcane sciences, had been located in Ponston proper, Hogwarts occupied a large area that had, before our arrival, been Sanctuary Hills, a suburb to the North of Concord. I was a bit surprised by how much this name matched a city in the US, but alternate universe and all that. Ponston though seemed to be relative to Boston by that logic.

Anyway, our group had gotten… somewhat lighter? Draco and her two cronnies had stayed behind, something about horse madness. I suspect she didn’t want to admit she was in the wrong or something, would sound like her.

However, the six of us were still coming along, and both Bon-Bon and Lyra had joined us. So we were eight ponies, all of us armed, all but one of us able to use spells, and six of us weren’t taught the spells of this world. At least I had gotten some serious practice with Locomotor by this point, as well as generic telekinesis as it was taught as to all Unicorn foals here. Weird idea to me.

“Still can’t believe someone picked up Vynil Scratch’s Artist Name and just kept it alive for 200 years. Wonder what sort of pony her current successor is.” Commented Lyra as we listened to DJ-Pon3 over the radio of my Pip-Buck.

“I don’t know. What do you think Tenpony Tower was before the war?” I asked in return, trying not to think too much about the fact that, yes, this was my mom now. It still felt so alien to me, having a family.

Bon-Bon, I noted, looked up with a frown. “Probably one of the Ministry hubs, they often had towers as part of them as well as the defenses needed to probably survive a Megaspell detonation. Can’t say which one until we get a map of that area or the name of the city it’s in.” Explained the mare and I nodded, I wouldn’t mind going there and meet DJ-Pon3 if I was honest, I liked their show actually.

“On another topic...” Spoke up Hermione, she was sitting in the cart and keeping track on her Pip-Buck of where we were going. “Have you been to this Concord place? I know that in our world a city of the same name has a history museum.” That was a good question to be honest.

“Concord has one here too, it’s pretty famous since Twilight, that’s Twilight Sparkle, the Ministry Mare in charge of the Ministry of Arcane Sciences, had curated every exhibit, document and every book in the library that is part of it. I remember how proud she was about that, up until she collapsed from working 65 hours long.” Explained Bon-Bon and I couldn’t help a giggle at that.

“Sounds like your sister from another universe Hermione.” I called over to her and got a pebble to the head for my troubles. This just got more laughs from us.

If you’re wondering about the cart, why we had it with us and who was pulling it… I should start at the last one. It’s Ruby, aka Hagrid. Remember how I said in another entry how she was the single strongest pony in the school, physically? I didn’t put it in those words? Oh, well, it’s true though. She is the smallest pony among us, sure, but she apparently traded the extra mass for sheer strength or something. She was also extremely tough.

Anyway, for that reason she was pulling the cart, though it had been enchanted.

That brings us to the next question, why do we have the cart? Well, this was turning into a very long quest now, you see? We want to find the AIRE remnant or whatever, their base of operations, their motives, and most importantly, Snowy Dream. So, the teachers had spent the three days we rested applying spells to the cart. Many more than there had been before.

For starters, the entire thing was now coated in a Notice me Not spell array, meaning that while we were inside, nobody would notice the cart and would leave us alone. They would even, without noticing, avoid bumping into it. Next was a Magical Radiation reflector, meaning that in a 15 meter radius around the cart, all magical radiation was blocked out. Same went for magical substances.

Third were expansion charms, which had left the cart with the dimensions of a medium-sized house. Kind of impressive am I right? Well, to make sure anything inside didn’t break the wheels of the cart they also put Feather-weight charms on it so it wasn’t actually that heavy to move with, and it also had numerous spells on it that meant it would be resistant to damage.

Lastly provisional dividers had been set up within to form rooms for everyone, including a kitchen, bathroom which used runic stones to conjure water from any nearby sources, pure water, for the purposes of toilets and showers, same goes for the kitchen sink. Said kitchen had rad-scrubbing enchantments in it, based off of a talisman that had been in Lyra’s possession.

It was kind of funny, the sheer complexity of wizard magic meant it was more stable and easier to apply long-term with the right methods. As soon as the patterns of magic in the talisman had been cracked they had reverse-engineered it with runes. And promptly managed to make a device that could do the same, drawing out magical radiation, without an upper limit beyond a need to discharge it through the field after a while.

We had jokingly given the cart even a name. Hogwarts One.

“Hey, I see two hostiles on my EFS.” Spoke up Hermione, grabbing her rifle as she did so and I did the same with mine.

Looking through the scope I saw two large… “What in the hell are those?” I asked, confused, seeing the spherical creatures with various bulging cistes on them and small wings, buzzing around a half-eaten carcass of a Brahmin.

“Let me see… What in the hay happened to the Parasprites?” Asked Lyra after taking her binoculars to look. She had mentioned Parasprites, adorable looking but annoying magical creatures, they swarmed things and ate anything that wasn’t a living creature. Given what they were feeding on right now, that habit changed.

“Well, I don’t think we can easily get through there without dealing with them, I kind of feel sorry for the Brahmin, though, I hope she was already dead when they got to her instead of...” I shuddered at the thought, the way these things were ripping pieces out of the carcass…

“Okay I got an ID on them from miss Solid Matter, based on her Bestiary those are Bloatsprites, mutated forms of the pre-war Parasprites and highly aggressive scavengers. They also kill to make fresh prey if they can.” Explained Hermione, reading off a copy of the bestiary that apparently was distributed by a group known as the Minutemares.

I felt a bit amused because that sounded an awful lot like Minuteman from the US, just another parallel I guess. I took aim, waiting until one of the Bloatsprites landed to eat, then shot it. The thing died almost immediate as Ron took up his own shotgun and, as the other Bloatsprite come within range, fired at it. While a Shotgun was less than accurate, it’s wide firing area meant the Bloatsprite didn’t survive the encounter anyway.

“Dear Celestia, why did everything have to go like this?” Muttered Lyra with a sigh and I felt quite bad, naturally we all had a bit of a culture shock from arriving here, but we had over a month to get over it while they had been only three days long out here. To them, it was probably even more charring, we had Hogwarts from the start and had stayed there for over a month after all, acclimating ourselves, preparing ourselves.

Finally, not quite knowing what to do, I just did what felt right and… yeah I hugged here. She had done that a lot the last three days on me too, and she’s… my mom, right? So it’s alright.

A few minutes later Lyra had calmed down enough for us to continue, though we did cremate the carcass, to let the Brahmin at least rest without any more scavengers desecrating her. There were no signs of a caravan so she likely had just died here alone, as sad as that was it at least meant nobody else did.

Concord, which wasn’t far ahead, was another thing. It was an old abandoned ruin of a city, the buildings were rural with only two or three stories for the most part, but it showed signs of the pre-war times. There were banners, flags, even posters were still visible. All kinds of propaganda pieces including one showing a pink mare with darker pink, cotton-candy like mane and tail. The poster read “Ministry of Morale, Pinkie Pie is Watching You, ALWAYS!!!” which made the wide-eyed, wild look of the pony even creepier.

“Dear lord I still can’t believe Pinkie authorized those things.” Commented Lyra, shaking her head. “That damn addiction really drove her up a dozen walls I swear.” Muttered Lyra as we continued and I raised an eyebrow at that idea.

“You knew that pony? Was she as crazy and controlling as that poster sounds?” I asked, as we passed by a billboard with another pony, yellow Pegasus with light pink mane and tail, holding up a Coca Cola looking bottle, reading “Sparkle Cola! The Carroty Good that no Mare can Live Without” which was… weird, but I liked it better than the Ministry of Morale poster.

I wondered if anyone ever got their GPS or whatever confused between their mom and the MOM. Probably happened at least once.

“Yeah I knew her, we lived in Ponyville originally, and so did Pinkie Pie and all the other mares who would become the Ministry Mares, basically the parliament under Princess Luna. Sadly the new job drove her to drugs like Min-Als and then she made those Party-Time Mint-Als too… And that basically contributed to the group breaking.” Explained Lyra, sighing sadly at the memory.

“Knowing Pinkie she’s probably still watching through those posters, as a Ghost. Girl never cared much for what is normal.” Stated Bon-Bon and I giggled at that idea.

I had wanted to ask them for more stories but then we heard a loud booming sound, not like a cannon or a rifle but… kind of like electricity? I don’t know. And as we got closer we heard gunshots too, along with a scream of pain.

Rounding a corner we come to a straight street at whose end stood a large building, the largest in the whole city. I could make out someone on the balcony and as I looked with my Binoculars I found a brown mare with black mane, wearing a type of trenchcoat. She was also an Earth Pony with a Battle Saddle, on which was mounted a pair of ramshackle weapons which shot lasers.

Turning my attention down I found a number of other ponies taking cover and potshots, only they sucked at aiming and the one on the balcony was in turn having trouble hitting them due to their cover. It did say a lot that the mare was on a balcony with a simple wooden railing and still standing though, not that she could dodge any of the bullets.

I didn’t know what overcome me, but seeing the desperate struggle of the mare up above and the raving attackers below, it set my teeth on edge. Before I could even think about anything else, my rifle spoke and a pony’s head exploded, which at the time didn’t even hit me. On my mind was only “Save these Ponies” and the rest was just a blur to me.

When I come to my senses I heard Lyra talking and my head was swimming. I would later learn that I collapsed after my adrenaline rush had subsided, seemingly from the shock of killing ponies but it had remained until we had been through all the Raiders on the outside and inside. Apparently I had rushed in without thinking and gotten quite a few bullets for my troubles too.

Bon-Bon was giving me a bit of a lecture as I was processing all this but the situation still wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, more Raiders were on the way and our best chance was a suit of T-45 Power Armor up on the roof, inside a crushed Sky Carriage.

So, the plan was set with us holding the fort here while Lyra took the armor for herself. Though we needed a magical power core and, well, I had some practice actually. A minute later I brought the core back up, the task of hacking the Terminal had been a nice distraction and the impending fight was doing so too. With Lyra in the armor and with a Minigun to her name, only one problem was still standing in our way really.

“Hellhound Ghoul!” Shouted one of the civilians who had been protected by Free Life, the Minutemare who had been trying to protect them so far. The creature in question was a huge, bipedal creature with features of a canine and huge claws. It was also decomposing and lacked most of it’s fur so…

“Lyra stay here!” I shouted to her then flew into the air, grabbing the Laser Musket from Free Life and spun it up three times, I had seen how it works from her after all and as the “Hellhound Ghoul” wasn’t even paying attention to me, it didn’t take me long to wait for it to kill the last Raider. One shot after that was all it took to disintegrate it.

At this point, I let out a shuddering breath as I landed unsteadily, because right now? It hit home. I had killed. I had killed sapient beings. I had killed no less than 5 Raiders and this Hellhound creature, whatever it was. I was a killer.

Lyra nearly had a panic attack as she galloped to Rose and the filly simply fainted. She had been wondering when she would collapse, or have a panic attack.

Rose was only a filly after all, killing people in the rush of the moment was one thing but as soon as the fight was over, it was only natural for her to lose her temporary cool, to lose the fight against the anxiety of killing. She had known a number of ponies who had PTSD from the Battle of Shattered Hoof Ridge. Young Bucks and Mares who had never touched a weapon before that fight and who had broken under the pressure.

And now Rose, the little filly from another world, whose only ever real fight had ended in her breaking a magical artifact by accident while being choked. There was no chance that there was a 99% or less chance of her not even registering the fact she had killed this Quirrel person, and now she was crashing from a full on battle against Raider ponies.

“Please be alright, I promise, everything will be alright.” She whispered as she placed the filly on her back, secured with her magic as she ran for the cart that was left behind in the rush to the aid of the Minutemare. “You’re not alone. I won’t let you be alone in this.” She whispered as she started on a spell while the others helped the survivors.

Lyra didn’t care about the complaints of one of the survivors because she was tending to an unconscious filly. She was a mother, she was this filly’s mother. Not by blood, but she had promised herself to give this foal a happy new life here. She wouldn’t fail her, not like she failed to protect Snowy.

Never again.

Author's Note:


Energy Weapons: +10 (30), Guns: +5 (40), Science: +2 (28)

Special Perk Obtained: Freedom Calls: Your dedication to aiding those in need is a match for the Minutemares. Energy Weapons: +3 (33)