• Published 9th Jun 2022
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Fallout: Equestria – The Hogwarts Chronicles - Fanficwriter1994

Harry Potter had quite a full platter on problems, though when he, in a struggle against his DADA teacher, possessed by the mad wizard who killed his parents, broke the Philosopher's Stone, the problems were just getting started.

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Chapter 1: Transposition of the School

I moaned in pain as I awoke from the most recent turn of events in my life.

Hi, my name is Harry Potter. In the night moving into my 11th birthday, after a harrowing week of my aunt and uncle fleeing from letter bombardment, a giant broke down the front door of the shack they hauled us to, that is them as well as my cousin Dudley and myself, and declared me a Wizard.

Crazy sounding? Oh boy you guys have no idea what is to come. I was invited to a school for magic, Hogwarts. And I got to go because Uncle Vernon, though I’m only really related to his wife and son, Aunt Petunia and Dudley respectively, fears two things above all: Tax Collectors and a 3 meter man who can bend a shotgun into a Pretzel with no problem.

So I got on the Train to Hogwarts, the Hogwarts Express, and there I met the first human being I could call friend: Ronald Weasley, or Ron for short. He had been a bit awkward, pretty star struck, but we got along fairly well. My next friend come later, though we didn’t become friends on the train, rather it was fire forged friends formed in a life or death situation.

Fending off a juvenile Mountain Troll on Halloween does that to you. The friend I mentioned was Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born witch, meaning she had no magical parents as opposed to Ron whose parents were from lines of wizards, making him a Pureblood, or myself as my mother was a Muggle-born, making me a Half-Blood. Yeah kind of racist these terms, I know.

Anyway, what happened here? What was the incident I mentioned? Well, it starts when I was shopping for school supplies with Hagrid, namely after I withdrew wizard money from the Gringott’s Goblin bank. Yeah a lot of details I’m leaving out, please bear with me.

Hagrid had gone there partially for me but also because he needed to retrieve an object hidden there inside a high security vault, my own was only medium level in security by comparison. And that was a pretty good vault I may add.

Anyway, the package he retrieved, as it turned out later that year, was the Philosopher’s Stone made by Nicholas Flamel, an Alchemist who had worked with Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, on various projects over the years. And it was sought after by a dark wizard trying to revive the murderer of my parents, the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Who obliterated himself trying to kill me.

Makes you wonder how hard it can be to kill a 1 year old toddler, am I right?

Anyway, fearing that the stone was in danger we decided to go down there and make sure the bad guy’s plan wouldn’t work. We even got past the challenges… and it went well until the chess board. You see, wizards have their own form of chess with animated chess pieces who follow orders. Someone, I suspect professor Flitwick, decided to make a huge statue garden out of them on a chess board and you can’t get through until you took out the white king on the opposite side.

Ron did that, he’s great at chess. But he got knocked out in the melee that was the chess board as he sacrificed the knight he had taken command of as the piece for himself. Yeah, kind of messed up that this happened but that happens when you have three humans on a chess board.

After that was a dead troll in a huge room, someone had been here before us after all as Fluffy, the three headed dog guarding the entrance to the gauntlet of obstacles, had already been sleeping thanks to an enchanted harp. And after that we had to deal with a potions riddle. But the bottle with the potion to move forward into the final chamber had only one ration remaining, so I decided to go alone while Hermione would grab Ron and get some help.

Well, and then I got into a scuffle with my Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirrel. He had been the Impostor all along, how didn’t we realize his acting was sus? He was right there among us!

As my recollecting continued while I tried to figure out what happened, I for some reason felt like I had made some weird anachronistic joke there, I don’t know why.

Anyway, he dragged me to the Mirror of Erised, or as I liked to call it, the Desire Mirror, but instead of seeing myself with my parents I saw myself pulling out the Philosopher’s Stone and putting it into my pocket. Where it appeared at that moment.

After that was a blur, last thing I remembered was grabbing something big and hard and smashing it into Quirrel’s skull while he was choking me and it breaking and…

“I broke the Philosopher’s Stone, didn’t I?” I muttered, noting a strangely high pitched tone to my voice. That was… disconcerting.

“It would appear so, Harry.” Spoke up another voice, feminine but I couldn’t put it quite. Though the tone was familiar along with the way the voice used inflections.

Opening my eyes and turning around, at which point I noticed a twitching of my ears… on my head… wait is that a Unicorn? “Wait, what happened? Who are you?” I asked, blinking at the unicorn which sported a white coat with a greyish brown mane and tail and a pair of half-moon glasses. Not to mention the- “Wait, professor Dumbledore? Why are you a female… little unicorn?” I asked, confused, something told me she was female, and quite a lot younger than I was sure professor Dumbledore was, merely a young adult.

“Well, that would be the result of your breaking the Philosopher’s Stone, or at least it appears to have been the catalyst. And I’m afraid I’m not the only one here who has become female.” She stated and as I sat up I realized two things. One, my hands were hoofs, two: my arms, or legs? No I could still move them like arms, were covered in white fur. And lastly, I was naked and something told me that lower body was that of a female.

“Wait, what did I turn into?” I asked and the professor did me a favor by floating a mirror in front of me. Said mirror showed me a small equine being with a horn but also two wings jutting out from behind my back. I didn’t have a black mane, rather it was red primarily with light blue highlights and turning back I saw a tail with the same colors too.

“We haven’t figured out the terms yet I’m afraid, but you’re one of six individuals who have been turned this way, including your friends.” Explained Dumbledore and I knew she meant by that turning into a winged unicorn.

“Who are the other three then?” I asked, worried about what may be the case.

“Rubeus Hagrid, Argus Filch, and the Ghost of Myrtle Warren, were all turned into the same type of little horse as yourself, with all diagnostic spells indicating that you’re all juvenile, more so than you yourself had been originally. Also, all female.” Stated Dumbledore and I winced, Hagrid turning into… this? And why Filch? And who was Myrtle?

“Are Ron and Hermione alright at least?” I asked, no reason to ask for the stone, it broke as already stated.

“They’re fine, though a curious phenomenon has been occurring as the amount of Muggle blood appears to have an effect on just how much we move away from human.” Explained the professor and on my confused look she chuckled. “As you can see, you and myself can stand on our hindlegs, same for Hagrid. We’re also all half-bloods in one way or another. Ronald meanwhile, who is a Pureblood, has been robbed of that ability same for Argus. Lastly, miss Granger and Miss Warren both are still largely human in shape except for the horse-like attributes. I am told it is called “Anthropomorphic”.” He explained and I nodded, not sure about all of this but at least they were alright.

“What about the rest of the school? Did everyone get transformed into… little girl ponies?” I asked, for a lack of a better term but Dumbledore shook her head.

“While everyone turned into such little ponies, not everyone underwent the change to female. I myself was about to enter the chamber where the stone had been when it broke so I imagine that may be my reason. Young Mister Malfoy is the only other example I am aware of and she’s quite vocal about her displeasure.” Stated the mare and I couldn’t hold back a giggle.

“Oh, and I may add that everyone above 20 become rejuvenated, Poppy told me that I’m physically maybe 17 years old while most of the student body above 11 were reset to that age. You yourself and the others who have been given this particular form seem to correspond to young children of maybe 7 or 9 years old.” Added the old wizard-turned-young mare.

“Wait, so Draco is a little unicorn now?” Asked Harry, amusement welling up within her but a shake of the head come from the horned pony before her.

“No, Miss Malfoy is a pony with wings, a Pegasus as it happens. As far as we can tell, excepting the degree of transformation, there are three types of these equines, four if we count your own. Ones that appear like regular equines but with greater strength and a strange geomantic sense, Unicorns who can work magic through their horns, and finally Pegasi, which appear to be able to move air currents. None of the latter have so far tried passing through the ever present cloud cover though.” Stated Dumbledore and I blinked at that, looking at her in confusion.

“Our transformations, sadly, aren’t the only thing that has changed, Hogwarts as well as a large portion of it’s grounds, have been transported to another world. We’re not certain about the specifics but beyond the school’s wards, everything is a wasteland some of our Muggle raised students have compared to fictional worlds after a nuclear war.” Explained the professor and I winced at that idea.

“Is there radiation out there?” I asked cautiously, getting off the bed I was on, albeit with a bit of difficulty due to being so extremely small as I was.

“Not to our knowledge, though there is a background field of necromantic magic hanging in the air. I have already adjusted the wards to keep that radiation out and to scrub it away from anything that enters the wards. Thank god for the Necromancer Wars of 1748 to prepare us for this am I right?” A twinkle of amusement was in the older ponies eyes and I giggled at that, shaking my head as I took a few steps to test those new hooves.

To my surprise, I felt natural, nothing felt wrong about this form, well, aside from the feeling of being a girl. The hooves were new and the wings would take some getting used to, but I thought I could handle it. “Professor, how are the others doing? You told me they transformed, but are they alright?” I asked, deciding to get to a more pressing issue but the mare nodded.

“They are, though young miss Weasley is being teased quite a bit by her older brothers as is. And miss Granger has been doing her best to get some new robes being that she appears as an 8 years old child in that new form.” Responded Dumbledore, chuckling after a moment and going down onto all fours. “And I recommend quadrupedal walking Harry, it is a lot easier to manage.” She added and after a moment, I heeded her words and fell onto my forehooves.

I did feel some popping sensations in my spine and shoulders and after some testing found that I had shifted into full quadrupedal form there. A small test of getting up had the same sensation happen and I was back to a bipedal physiology, as strange as the transition felt to me. “This is gonna take some getting used to.” I muttered before going back on all fours and following the professor-turned-unicorn.

“Oh trust me, I feel the same. Though being female makes little difference to my preferences.” Stated Dumbledore and it took me a moment to realize what she was saying, gender and sexuality could mean she didn’t change her tastes, but then…

“Wait, were you gay?” I asked, surprised to hear that and got a chuckle for my troubles.

“Was gay, though now I imagine I’m quite straight.” Stated Dumbledore and I blushed at that, she was quite open about it.

“Erm, what about clothes? Anyone have anything for me?” I asked, not liking that I was literally naked. Sure, there didn’t seem to be anything visible at first glance, but I’d like to at least not feel naked.

“Minerva, Filius and Bathsheda, our professor for Ancient Runes and Runology, are currently working on that. Particularly to make something to protect everyone if we have to explore outside the grounds or fight. I have been told that worlds like this tend to have some major crime issues.” Stated Dumbledore and I contemplated that, I had no idea about Muggle media honestly, the Dursleys never let me watch anything.

“I don’t know professor, the Dursleys weren’t very keen on letting me watch tv or play video games, so I don’t know what this kind of world would be like.” I responded as we left the hospital wing, heading for the Great Hall as I remembered.

“’Arry!” Exclaimed a young girl’s voice and turning around I was run over by a pony.

The small filly was a creamy white color with red-head red hair for a mane and tail but she also sported a horn and wings so… “Ron?” I asked, blinking as the equally small filly nodded, getting off of me.

“Yup, a lot girlier though.” Stated Ron, still grinning. “Glad you’re awake though, we thought that dark wizard did something to your head when you got knocked out or something.” Stated Ron as she let me get up and looking in the direction she had come from I saw another girl coming though this one looked like a pony with a completely human bodyplan except for the tail, wings, horn and hindleg hooves.

This one was a dark brown in furcoat with a lighter, auburn mane and tail and given that the only one of the six that were in the same boat as me who had dark skin was Hermione… “You okay Hermione?” I asked, getting up on two legs to be a bit less small than her. Didn’t help much since I was still tiny compared to the eight years old looking girl.

“Yeah I’m fine, just glad you’re alright Harry. Erm, where is professor Dumbledore going?” Asked Hermione and as I turned I just saw the genderswapped professor’s tail turn a corner into a door and-

“Did that door just vanish?” I asked stunned as apparently, the school was even crazier than I had thought before. Which was saying a lot given the moving staircases.

“Well, we better hoof it before Malfoy comes here. She’s pissed beyond believe at you.” Stated Hermione but my attention moved from her already as I heard wings flap.

“POTTER!” Screamed a white Pegasus filly with a black mane and tail flying at me, but I jumped aside which resulted in her crushing face-first into the wall.

“Malfoy?” I asked, looking at the now unconscious pegasus.

“Yup, she’s been one of the most fervent flying learners around, pretty sure it was partially to dive-bomb you, or to get on the Quidditch team if we figure out how to play like this.” Explained Hermione and I blinked, that was interesting.

“Well, I guess we better get to the Great Hall, what time is it anyway?” I asked as we began to trot along the corridor.

“Nine in the Morning, classes have been suspended for the moment until we can get everyone some clothes to wear.” Explained Ron and I stole a glance at Hermione who was wearing what looked like her uniform but with the bottom of the hem cut off and the sleeves shortened too. She also had her wings in holes it seemed. Well, I could see why the Anthro form would be priority, they had it easy there.

“I wouldn’t mind some pants.” I commented as I went back down to all fours for some easier movement. “Say, how do we fly? I’d love testing those wings out since I got them now and all that.” I asked, looking a bit at the pair of wings I now sported, if nothing else, the idea of flying without a broom, under my own power, certainly offset the whole girl thing.

“We’re still undergoing lessons, though Argent is the one who is taking to it the easiest out of us horned Pegasi.” Stated Ron and that tripped me up.

“Argent? Who is that?” I asked, I knew who all but one of the other three who had this form were, but those were Hagrid, a Myrtle and… “Wait, is Mister Filch calling herself Argent? Why?” I asked, confused by this whole idea.

“She is, yeah. Said that since she’s now young and in a new form, not to mention she now has magic, she’ll drop the Argus Filch thing, calls herself Argent Ambition actually.” Stated Hermione and I blinked in shock at that idea.

“Wait until you see Hagrid, she’s even shorter than the two of us.” Added Ron with a grin and I shook my head, a small Hagrid? Seriously?

“Don’t tease her about that Ron, remember how she kicked Goyle through a wall yesterday for that? I’m pretty sure she turned most of the mass she had into strength.” Stated Hermione and somehow I found that funny though…

“How did she do that? I don’t think we’re that durable, right?” I asked as we got to the last staircase to the Great Hall.

“Not all of us are, though we did test it on ourselves and we’re plenty strong too. Goyle’s one of them horse ponies, you know? The ones without wings or a horn. They’re all the physically strongest of the common three types.” Explained Ron and I nodded, it would fit Crabbe and Goyle to be honest.

“Man, I wonder what I would’ve been if I didn’t turn into, well, this.” I mused, Hagrid would’ve probably been the tallest Stallion of them all.

“Pegasus.” That declaration from Ron and Hermione took me for a loop.

“Okay, why? I get that I like flying but why?” I asked, honestly confused. There were other options, right?

“A natural flier who can do stunts on a broom on first try that takes most professionals years to learn? Nope, not a chance you’d be anything else.” Stated Ron with a grin on her face and Hermione nodded, which made me in turn pout. How odd did we look, I wondered at that point.

“Harry! There you are!” Called a new voice and turning I saw another filly with horn and Wings. This one had a pink coat to a extremely wild looking mane and tail, far larger than fit on a filly a head shorter than myself. She also had some impressively large wings I realized.

“Hagrid?” I asked and the filly laughed, nodding, her brown eyes as happy and warm as ever.

“Eyup, though some call me Ruby for some reason.” She responded and I noticed that her accent had gone away, which was a bit odd.

We trotted over to her and she fell into step with us. “So, are people expecting us gender changers to all change our names?” I asked curiously and Ha- I mean, Ruby, shrugged her wing.

“No idea to be honest, but I’m glad this happened, perfect excuse to let me back in as a student. Myrtle and Argent too for that matter. Mighty nice of whatever happened to revive all the ghosts though.” Noted Hagrid and it took me a moment to realize what that meant.

“So wait, it wasn’t just this Myrtle girl who got turned from a ghost into a pony? Speaking of, who is she? I don’t think I’ve seen her all year.” I asked, these were some rather ridiculous news to me.

“Sure are, and you wouldn’t know her anyway unless you got into a girl’s bathroom before this. She was haunting the second floor girl’s bathroom you see? Particularly it’s plumbing system.” Explained Hermione and I stopped for a moment at that point.

“Wait, why did she do that? Wasn’t she free to move around the castle?” I asked, confused by the idea anyone wanted to stay in a place like that.

“I can actually explain it better.” Spoke up Hagrid, sounding sad. “Back, shortly before they broke my wand and expelled me, Myrtle was found dead in that bathroom, petrified. I was found with a… well what they considered a dangerous animal, my pet Acromantula Aragog!” She explained, the mention of the animal causing her mood to brighten almost immediately.

“They thought I was the culprit because I was accused by a Prefect, Tom Riddle. I still don’t know why they believed it, Aragog is a nice spider, and he was only a baby anyway how would he kill someone? Not to mention, how does a Acromantula petrify someone?” I blinked as Hagrid had gone a bit on a rant there, but she was right, how in the hell was a spider, which were trap making predators that use venom to kill, supposed to petrify someone?

“Right you are Ruby! I can’t remember what killed me but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a beagle-sized spider.” This drew our attention from Hagrid to another corridor where two more ponies approached, one being a fully quadrupedal filly while the other was a young Anthropomorphic girl. Both displayed horns and wings though, and considering what I understood, it made identifying them easy.

The small filly for example was covered in a dark blue coat with a white, short mane and a white tail. This was obviously Filch, or Argent as she apparently wanted to be called. The other meanwhile was a like Hermione in every aspect, including the wearing of clothes. However she had longer hair/mane and her coat was white with her mane and tail being silver. That was more than likely Myrtle.

A second after that Ron’s face snapped over to Hagrid. “BEAGLE SIZED SPIDER?!” Exclaimed Ron in horror at the idea. And I couldn’t do anything except stare up at her where she somehow had gotten herself stuck on the ceiling. With her hooves.

“So, Ron got Arachnophobia?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

“Yeah, apparently her brothers transformed her teddy bear into a spider when she was little, so I can understand it.” Admitted Hermione and I nodded, sounded like a good reason though…

“How did they do it? They’re not that much older than us.” I asked, more than a little curious to hear that.

“Probably stole a wand and just did their own thing, you know them.” Answered Argent, a lot less hostile than I was used to from this particular person but she seemed a lot happier too.

“Um, guys? A little help here?” Asked Ron and at that moment, we realized she was stuck to the ceiling. Literally. And couldn’t get off.

“I have a feeling this will be happening a lot.” I muttered as Hermione cast some spell that she likely had learned about in the library.

There was a reason why the place was sometimes considered Hermione’s actual home.

Albus Dumbledore sighed as she slipped into the Teacher’s lounge.

“Oh Albus, back from visiting miss Potter?” Asked Filius Flitwick who, while partially Goblin in ancestry, was far enough along to be a Pureblood for the transformation. He was also a Unicorn.

“She woke up a few minutes ago Filius, she even took the whole transformation quite well.” Stated the man-turned-mare as she got up onto her hindlegs and walked to the coffee mug the House Elves had produced and, using a wordless Locomotor charm, poured herself a mug.

“Well I can’t say I’m surprised, she did take the whole magic thing well from what Hagrid said.” Commented Flitwick as he decidedly didn’t look at the headmaster’s ass. Being that he was now a young stallion and quite normal sized, well it couldn’t be helped much.

“Hopefully we find some way to bring us all home, and hopefully in human form. Though I suspect this won’t be as easy as saying so.” Stated Dumbledore as she brought her mug to the table and, with a bit of work, got up on it. “We really need to adjust the chairs around here.” She added, shaking her head at how unfit for their new anatomies the castle had gotten.

“Quite true that, especially for the ones among us who can’t get off our front legs.” Agreed Flitwick, being stuck as a Quadruped certainly wasn’t his idea of fun. At least he was young again, so that was a positive in his opinion. “What about morning announcements though, Albus? Shouldn’t you go to the Great Hall?” Asked Flitwick as he took a bite from his sandwich. Luckily for all the equine appearance they had, this species appeared omnivorous for the most part, though there was a preference for salads.

“Minerva is doing those today, not like we have much to report so far seeing as we’re still working on those protective… what did you call them? Bardings?” Asked Albus, eyeing the young stallion that was her co-worker. Hormones were quite a bother.

“Yes that is what we’re calling them. We still haven’t figured out what we can put together to integrate a minor shield into them though. The chance of Muggle weaponry being used here is quite concerning.” Responded Flitwick and Dumbledore nodded, taking another sip from her mug.

It was certainly a first in the history of Hogwarts, this situation.

Author's Note:

New Game Detected! Level 1 Achieved!


Strength: 3, Perception: 5, Endurance: 3, Charisma: 6, Intelligence: 10, Agility: 7, Luck: 7


Barter: 18, Energy Weapons: 16, Explosives: 16, Guns: 20, Lockpick: 16, Medicine: 26, Melee Weapons: 12, Repair: 26, Science: 26, Sneak: 35, Speech: 33, Survival: 27, Unarmed: 12

Quest Perk Obtained: Shards of the Philosopher: Minor and gradual healing factor, boosting your ability to heal from wounds.