• Published 9th Jun 2022
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Fallout: Equestria – The Hogwarts Chronicles - Fanficwriter1994

Harry Potter had quite a full platter on problems, though when he, in a struggle against his DADA teacher, possessed by the mad wizard who killed his parents, broke the Philosopher's Stone, the problems were just getting started.

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Chapter 19: A Change of Pace Part 1

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st Pony POV – Rose Evans ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~

I wondered, not for the first time, how freakishly convenient those mirrors had become.

It was now the weekend, Friday had been as much a DADA disaster as every other time Lockhart had opened his mouth in class, while we were going through some basic lessons everywhere else which still did more to teach us than anything Lockhart had said all week long.

Anyway, why did I start this whole segment off with the mirrors? Which Mirrors? Well, the portal ones, duh. See, the Applejack’s Rangers had, with some help from the Hogwarts staff, figured out how to make more of those mirrors and transported a few to key locations. One of those locations was was Junction Town, then there was at New Appleloosa one as well as at Ponyville, which had been taken over by non-hostile Hellhounds.

That was our first destination, by the way, the ruins of old Ponyville. Why did we go there, who are we? Well, myself, Lyra and Bon-Bon. While I was at school they had apparently heard that there had been some weird events on the Long 52, a pre-war highway going south from Canterlot to the Emerald Coast. A location which had, during a crisis involving The Herd, a Raider and Tribals army, been renamed as “Nightmare’s Fall” with the traders bringing this information, noting that there had been a lot more graves erected while nobody was there.

All of them were near an old war-era grave of one Rainy Days, with one grave being right besides it, a post-war grave with the name Puppysmiles Days on it. This had drawn their attention, they had known both of them, having lived in Canterlot.

According to Lyra, they were Earth Ponies with Rainy Days being the mother of Puppysmiles and a senior engineer. Her daughter had been only 5 years old when the bombs fell more or less, an extremely young filly in other words, and would’ve been in Canterlot during the Pink Cloud release same as her mother. It made no sense for the newer grave to be hers except if she become a Ghoul.

Our journey started near the Canterlot Ruins, or what little remained of them. “So, this is the Long 52?” I asked, looking down the road as we stood near a sign that proclaimed this Route 52, though it was damaged by time. Amazingly, none of the Enclave bombardment had actually damaged it, which was a bit strange.

“Sure is, though it has seen better days.” Stated Bon-Bon, wearing a Hogwarts-modified Armored Stable barding and a Battlesaddle with a pair of 12.7mm Sub-Machineguns on either side. I myself had my Laser Musket at hoof with my Minigun attached to my saddle at the side, and naturally I wore my power armor. Lyra meanwhile had only a pair of pistols holstered and was instead carrying medical and other supplies in expanded bags.

We all had some supplies, sure, but we also needed space for spare weapons, repair tools, ammunition if we wanted to change it out since the replication spells could only replicate existing ammo, and so on. “So, let’s get going, hopefully our bardings are as good at heat protection as they’re supposed to.” I commented and, yeah, it would be needed. With the clouds largely clear, the Long 52 was basically the equivalent of a Highway through the Nevada Desert.

So yeah, we set out, all of us with goggles with lenses that darken based on the amount of light hitting them. No that’s not a new invention from Hogwarts, apparently Professor Flitwick had those lying around for years from an excursion into Egypt with a class ages ago. Yeah. School excursions had been a thing for a while. Then the Wizengarmot decided to cut the funds for those. Because fuck children having fun, am I right?

Anyway, we were trotting along, occasionally having to deal with some mutated Parasprite descended creatures called “Paradores”, until we were halted by a pair of ponies in tribal armor. “Hold it, who goes there?” Asked one of them, a mare, young-adult.

“We’re travelers from Hogwarts, North-Eastern Ponston. I’m Lyra Heartstrings, these are my wife Bon-Bon and our adopted daughter Rose.” Explained Lyra, speaking calmly to the duo which I assumed were from the Red Trotters Tribe.

“Hogwarts? You those ponies who made those mirrors?” Asked the other, a Stallion, unicorn variety. His companion was an Earth Pony.

“No, the professors at Hogwarts helped to figure out how to enchant more, but none of us three know how to do it.” Explained Lyra to the pair as I watched the exchange.

“I see, and why is that unicorn filly wearing Power Armor from that Enclave? We may not be experts on this high-tech stuff but I know for a fact those suits are for Pegasi.” Stated the Earth Pony stallion, frowning as I blinked, a bit surprised to hear that.

“Ah, right. Rose is actually one of the students who were brought to our world with her school, and that turned her into an Alicorn actually.” Explained Lyra and to demonstrate, a flexed my wings with a smile, showing these armor plates weren’t empty.

“Huh, those weird rumors were right then. Well, you’re in Red Trotter Territory now, it’s 200 caps per adult, though we’ve adopted a policy that foals can pass freely so the little tin can wearer doesn’t need to pay.” Stated the mare and I cocked my head to the side.

“Why did you adopt that policy? Did something happen with a foal?” I asked curiously and the two ponies looked at one another before turning back to us.

“Yeah, you could say that. A few months ago, before that nasty Enclave business started, a filly in a yellow Hazmat Suit come through this area. Two of our tribe intercepted her and, well, killed her. Or so they thought. Kid turned up on the main camp of the area not long after and, while passing by, went to a place we called the “Carnival”. A monstrously defect robot there was abducting our foals until that filly come by and stoned it and the whole barn it was operating from, to death.” Stated the mare and both chuckled as we stared at them in confusion.

“It’s the truth, or at least that is what we all heard. Even saved the last foal that was abducted and that one got us most of the story. Kid was basically impervious to the laughing gas or whatever was in that barn and also to the radiation and just took out a stone and bashed in the head of that robot. Hell, energy weapons didn’t do shit to her apparently.” Explained the Stallion and I was quite surprised, because that sounded kind of ridiculous.

“Yellow Hazmat Suit? Did it have a bubble-shaped helmet and pink interface lights?” Asked Bon-Bon, which made me turn to her.

“Yeah, actually that’s what we heard. Kept talking to some voice nobody could hear apparently too.” Stated the mare of the two, raising an eyebrow at my adopted mother, it was kind of specific to be fair.

“A Mark VI Omni-environmental Hazard Suit, Those were just through production around the time of the Megaspells, but how would a filly get one? They would’ve been distributed to all the foals in-” Bon-Bon’s ramblings stopped at that point and she looked to the pair. “Can you tell me what the name was of that filly? And what color her coat and mane were?” She asked, sounding nervous.

“Uh yeah, pink coat, as far as anyone could see through that helmet, and a blonde mane. And I’m pretty sure the only ones who haven’t heard her name are those who haven’t been around here. Her name was Puppysmiles and she’d ask anypony who listens to her if they had seen her mom, apparently named Rainy Days.” Explained the mare and I gulped.

We had just found evidence of 205 years old filly walking around, not noticed as a Ghoul, with the same name, appearance and mother’s name as the one my mothers had known before the end of the world.

This was getting complicated.

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Pony POV – Hermione Granger ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

Combat wasn’t for Hermione, she had found that out pretty easily.

While she could fire a gun, even more easily than most of her fellow students, she hated it. She didn’t want to kill anyone but defense was needed. However, she had found something she could do when, not if, they went traveling again together.

While Rose was out and about with Lyra and Bon-Bon, chasing after rumors of a new post-war grave made for a filly they had known before the end of the world, Hermione was in the Ponevac MAS hub, in the medical wing of the facility studying. Studying what? Medicine.

She had, effectively, taken it upon herself to be the team medic once they set out again. She still remembered how Ron had been injured during the chess game and she wasn’t able to do much, or even before that when he had been bitten by Norbert, Ruby’s then baby pet dragon.

For these reasons, above all else, she wanted to become a medic, someone who could help ponies by healing them. Sure, Rose in her blind rage could tear apart a hundred Raiders with her minigun, but who was there to patch her up? Nobody so far other than, maybe, Lyra. One of the most important lessons she learned was to make Healing Potions, the potent magical potions that could heal most injuries and close them.

There were potions like that in Wizarding circles, she knew that, but she wasn’t brave enough to ask professor Snape for extra lessons, the man was in a sour mood 90% of the time anyway and she had heard that he had overlapping classes too, and was currently sleeping.

“Oh it turned red!” She exclaimed as she recognized the coloration as being indicative that the Healing Potion had succeeded.

“Well done, I’ll take it for testing to see it’s grade.” Stated Scribe Dawning Sun as the Earth Pony stallion used some cybernetic arms to take a hold of the potion cauldron to take for testing. Hermione was quite content with that, most of her group had kind of settled in with the Rangers in some way, most notably there was Rose who had gotten famous for activating the Prydwen’s main generators, allowing the Cloud Ship to be claimed by the chapter.

She herself was basically working as an independent scribe of sorts, working for the Brotherhood in a similar function to one anyway. She wasn’t one who liked killing, and like Rose she had been having nightmares about it. But while Rose had seemed to accept that she had an instinct to rush into danger to save others, Hermione was almost certain this was a form of Survivor’s Guilt driven Hero Complex or something, Hermione didn’t have that.

She would be a healer, a saver of lives. Too bad there were no classes on that at Hogwarts, maybe Madam Pomfrey could start an elective about it?

Hermione would LOVE to learn from her some healing spells.

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Pony POV – Argent Ambition ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

Argent was quite content with herself.

After decades of being the butt of way too many jokes, pranks and nasty attitudes from students who figured out her status as a Squib, Ardent was finally ready for a new start. She was magical, not just mundane magical like being a Unicorn or having the ability to use a wand.


She was a Alicorn, and she had the beautiful privilege of magic that was incredibly powerful, natural flight and the strength to punt a Weasley through a solid stone wall of the castle. Not that she had much inclination anymore, they weren’t HER problems now. Hell, she was friends with Rainy Weasley.

The cherry on top was naturally, she was young. She was a new person, a new pony in fact. There was nothing left of Argus Filch within this adorable, colorful filly she had become. She was also talented in magic, a point of pride for her, and she was a good shot too, the least hesitant to fire a gun.

It was kind of odd, to her, how the others were so broken up over it. Sure, it was killing ponies and all that, but those were bad ponies, Raiders, Feral Ghouls too since they were basically undead who couldn’t move on. But alas, the others were all children or very innocent at least in the case of Ruby and Myrtle. Even if Ruby had been in the Wizarding War way back when.

“Hey kid, pay attention!” Argent snapped at attention after being caught daydreaming. She was currently at a firing range alongside a large number of Applejack Ranger Innitiates. In her mouth was held a 10mm pistol with which she was aiming at the moment. If you were wondering why she was practicing firing with her mouth, she didn’t want to rely on magic alone, magical exhaustion was a thing.

As for how you hold a gun, Pony handgun equivalents like the Applemac 44BC, the one she was using right now, were designed with the grip horizontal from the body of the gun. This meant that the barrel and firing mechanism, as well as the sights, were right in front of one’s eyes. The firing mechanism itself was mounted in a way that it was easy to reach with one’s tongue too, while you were biting down on it.

Energy weapons on the other hand didn’t have a trigger to pull but were, like the Sparkle 76b, which was a laser pistol, designed to fire when a section of the bottom of the grip, was squeezed. It meant misfiring was semi-common but it also ensured some safety.

//Alright, let’s put those tongue skills to the test. Thankfully that tongue of mine is pretty damn effe-// Her train of thought broke off at that point for a moment before she pulled the trigger with her tongue, sending a bullet downrange.

“What was that about Argent?” Asked Innitiate Boiling Waters as she looked over at the smaller filly.

“Nothing, just… Innuendos. Innuendos never change.” She responded to that, after putting her pistol down following her firing eight shots with it.

This naturally confused her conversation partner.

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Pony POV – Ruby Hagrid ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

“Aw so he is your dog? He’s so cute and well behaved!” Gushed Professor Fluttershy as she petted the left side head of Fluffy while Ruby sat on the dog’s right head, smiling with pride.

“I know right? Three-headed dogs are said to be so dangerous but Fluffy is a big softie! People just see a big animal with lots of teeth and think “That’s dangerous!” but in the end it’s nurture over nature.” Declared Ruby happily, proud of how well behaved Fluffy was with the pegasus mare.

“I know what you mean, most every animal can be taught to be a good pony but sometimes, that doesn’t work.” Stated Fluttershy, smiling as she remembered her own many little friends. “By the way, Ruby? I was told there was a herd of Hippogryphs on the premises but to speak with you about them.” Asked Fluttershy and Ruby blinked, a bit surprised to hear that.

“Oh! Sure you can! I raised the whole herd myself you see? Benefits of living here for 50 years, I suppose.” Explained Ruby, a glint of pride in her eyes as she remembered fondly all the Hippogryphs she had come to know and raise.

“Well, I was wondering, why are they living in the forest? Why aren’t they building their own settlement? I mean, I know that Hippogryphs had their own kingdom here in Equestria.” Asked Fluttershy and that made Ruby pause for a moment until she realized what the problem was.

“Ah, you think they’re like Equestrian Hippogryphs, right? Well, I don’t know about those, but Hippogryphs from Earth aren’t sapient, they’re smart don’t get me wrong, but they’re still animals on the level of Orca whales or dolphins. Didn’t change a thing coming here, I’ve been checking up on them all this time you see?” Asked Ruby and Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

“Mind you, they can’t be taken lightly, Hippogryphs are Apex Predators on Earth, strong as a horse, deadly as an eagle. They’re also incredibly prideful animals, and can understand to a certain level human speech so they will lash out if provoked. Professor Kettleburn needed my help a few times calming them down when fourth or fifth year students got too full of themselves with the herd since, well, those claws are wicked sharp.” Explained Ruby, remembering with a sigh the sheer amount of stupidity some wizards showed.

“I see, I’m glad you’re still helping out, by the way. I’m not familiar with the animals living here so I’m afraid I may make a mistake caring for them.” Admitted Fluttershy, looking sad at the idea but Ruby smiled at her.

“No problem miss Fluttershy, I don’t think I could just sit down and do nothing for all the animals, student or not I’ve been the Keeper of Keys and Grounds here for nearly half a century now, professor Kettleburn is probably the only person who is more familiar with them than me. That reminds me, I should go to the Hippogryph Herd, they need their weekly supplementary meal.” Stated Ruby, flying off of Fluffy to head to her hut, still her home on school grounds.

“Oh? What do they eat?” Asked Fluttershy, following the Half Giant-turned-Tiny Filly, the balked at the smell that wafted at her from within.

“Uh, meat? They’re carnivores obviously, even if their hindquarters are those of ponies they’re still predators.” Stated Ruby, carrying several troves large troves filled with blood, intestines and various pieces of meat. If nothing else, Locomotor paired with the power of a Alicorn, was the best possible spell for her.

“W- where do you get that from?” Asked Fluttershy, looking pretty green around her muzzle at the sight and smell of the food.

“We buy it in bulk from contacts in Muggle Slaughterhouses, it’s mostly byproduct of meat production from cows, pigs and chickens and- Oh, right. Those animals aren’t sapient, they’ve been domesticated thousands of years ago on Earth and have been used for food production just as long. We’re just taking advantage of the Muggles not using all of the parts since those aren’t very edible for humans.” Explained Ruby, leading the way into the forest while Fluttershy trailed behind.

“I see, so humans are carnivores?” Asked Fluttershy, curious on the strange creatures that lived in the other world, though Ruby shook her head.

“Technically humans are omnivores, though there are restrictions on what can be digested. We can digest both meat and vegetables and basically cook them together, you must’ve seen that on the feasts, right? It’s how humanity got around eight billion people on Earth now since we have such a variety of different food sources.” Explained Ruby as they got to a large clearing with a huge number of, to Ruby and Fluttershy alike, huge Griffon-like creatures with the hindlegs of horses. These were, notably, distinct from pony behinds due to the way the hooves worked contrary to Equestrian ones, and the anatomy in general.

“They’re beautiful.” Whispered Fluttery with wide eyes as the huge animals turned their attention to the pair.

“They sure are, some of the most majestic animals around if you ask me. Mind you, this herd is about as domesticated as house cats, they’re in other words, animals who let themselves be cared for by humans but are pretty independent. Though they have understood that staying here is for their best in this new world.” Explained Ruby to her before trotting to a series of stone troves near the herd, eyes following the small filly.

“I see, do humans… use anything from them?” Asked Fluttershy, staying near Ruby out of sheer herd instinct, worried about the danger of these animals. They dwarfed Gilda, Rainbow Dash’s old friend, by a significant margin and looked like they could tear her apart in a second.

“Well, I know their feathers are popular in some circles for Wand Cores, and their livers can be used in certain potions. But the latter are only harvested from those who have died natural deaths, both because you have to be absolutely beyond daft to try and kill these guys, and because any other method kind of invalidates their effects. Mind you, that potion is insanely valuable specifically because Hippogryphs have to trust a harvester and allow them to do it, for the liver to be harvested.” Explained Ruby while filling the troves with her collection of meat.

“I’m glad to hear they’re not hunted, though harvesting them after their deaths just seems so… so cruel.” Admitted Fluttershy as the herd gathered to feed. She could make out around 49 adult Hippogryphs and 21 younger ones. “Say, what are the young Hippogryphs called? Are they Foals or Chicks?” Asked Fluttershy, curious as some of the younger Hippogryphs looked at her, their attention caught by the question.

“Chicks, they’re more birds of prey than horses after all, they also lay eggs instead of giving life birth. Oh, and a little suggestion? Don’t go near any nesting Hippogryphs. Best case scenario is you lose a limb.” Explained Ruby and Fluttershy gulped, that was definitely not what she was expecting, but it made sense. These were after all Super Predators, living in herds on top of that likely made them quite protective.

Ruby for her part just hoped things would go well for Fluttershy, she couldn’t wait for next year when she could take electives again.

She loved Care for Magical Creatures!

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Pony POV – Rainy Weasley ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

Rainy Weasley was used to being one of the youngest in her family.

The imperative words were “One of” in this case. Right now? She was younger even than Ginny, who was meant to be her younger sister but, biologically, was her older brother now. At least Ginny wasn’t making fun of Rainy and felt just as uncomfortable with being a colt as Rainy felt being a younger filly.

Right now though, Ginny was back to being her sister, and Rainy was still the younger of the two, though she now sported hands instead of hooves. The reason being that they were having a lunch visit with their parents at Madam Frouquette’s Ice Cream Parlor, along with Rainy’s school attending brothers. It was one of those benefits of the mirror staying 99% of the year in the Leaky Cauldron and regulations of visiting out of the school being more lenient.

“So, how has the school been treating all of you now?” Asked Rainy’s mom with a smile as she sat with her mostly quite colorful children, hugging Rainy in particular because she was so small again.

“It’s been alright, though with Mister Filch now, well, now being a student and no longer patrolling the hallways, it’s been quite a bit more work for us Prefects.” Stated Percy with a frown, naturally he was more concerned with the change in schedule.

“Hey, it’s not Argent’s fault, she wants a new start and if that means she’s no longer breathing down our necks, I say let her.” Stated Fred in return, defending the far more likeable former faculty member in her new form. “And as far as I’m concerned, things have been way more interesting, I heard some students talking about going out to the Wasteland for Christmas vacation, you know? Check out other locations, scavenge the ruins, helping out people in the Wasteland?” He continued and Rainy could feel her mother tense up at the idea.

“And most likely to charge on ahead is Herd of Roses, eh Rainy?” Teased George with a dumb grin on his face, which made Rainy growl at him.

“I told you we’re not going to call ourselves that.” She protested this stupid nickname.

“So you don’t deny you’re planning to go out there again with the others?” Asked her mom at that point, making Rainy flinch mildly, but she had steeled herself for that.

“Yes, we still haven’t found the Institute’s location, and they have abducted Snowy Dreams who is, basically, Rose’s older sister now. Besides, we’re six Alicorns, a Unicorn and an Earth Pony, and all of us have gotten our hooves on Power Armor. Besides, we all but joined the Applejack’s Rangers by this point with all of us learning or training under them.” Stated Rainy, remembering her own lessons under them.

“I still don’t like the idea, children shouldn’t put themselves in danger like that.” Stated her mom softly, sighing however in resignation since, if what she had heard was true, then this little “Herd” was about as likely to be stopped as her husband’s car.

“To be fair mom, they’re pretty well equipped. Power Armor, heavy weapons, powerful shields, at-will magic. I don’t think there are a whole lot of wizards who can beat any of them and Rainy here is still hiding a pistol under those robes.” Stated Fred and got a squawk of protest from his second-youngest sibling-turned-Youngest Sister, in protest.

“A… pistol? That’s a Muggle weapon, right?” Asked their father, a bit confused but Rainy sighed and unholstered her 12.7mm pistol, it was a Tangerine 55 iron-sighted model with a silencer. She had modified it to readjust it’s grip so it was in the normal position for a gun of this type for human use.

“It’s a magazine fed 12.7 milimeter pistol, each magazine holds 20 bullets but it got enchanted to generate new bullets so I don’t have to reload. I have normal ones chambered right now.” Stated Rainy before holstering the firearm again as she was starred at by her parents and sister. “What? I can’t use magic outside Hogwarts, right? So having at least a gun if something happens is kind of reassuring.” Stated Rainy and got odd looks from her parents and sister.

“Rainy, why would you think you could be attacked?” Asked her dad, sounding somewhat worried and Rainy blinked, then remembered they weren’t experienced with the Wasteland. Admittedly, she was probably a tadbit paranoid too because of it, but…

“In my experience, it’s better to be safe than sorry, that’s all. I guess I’ve gotten a bit used to the whole Wastelander mentality, but if a Death Eater shows up, by the time they lift their arm I’ll have already targeted them in SATS or something and, well, ended the threat.” She explained and got flinches from the two adults, but nods from Fred and George though not Percy.

“Don’t be ridiculous Rainy, all Death Eaters were incarcerated.” Rebutted Percy at Rainy’s explanation and she just lifted an eyebrow.

“Isn’t it an open secret that half the upper echelons of the Death Eaters bought their way out of prison time? I mean, dad said Lucius Malfoy was casting the unforgivable curses and from what I read, you need actual intent for those to even work.” Countered Rainy and got a frown from her older brother.

“Are you suggesting the Ministry wasn’t doing it’s due duty? Rainy that is-”

“Exactly what I’m saying, Rose is trying to get a trial going to ensure Sirius Black was actually guilty instead of being incarcerated without a trial and as an innocent since the whole thing made no sense to her, and Lucius Malfoy has, what? 12% of the total wealth in the Wizengarmot backing him?” Interrupted Rainy him and that made Percy shut up, he hadn’t expected her to be that heated.

“Listen, I have somewhat doubts he would do anything, he helped with the Enclave situation back then but the same I can’t say for most of the other “We were under Imperius” masters of the same spell.” Explained Rainy, before sighing as she subconsciously leaned into her mother. “Mind you, I’m pretty sure my paranoia is at least partly because of the Wasteland and that battle at the SPP tower.” Explained Rainy, shaking her head as her hand stayed at the grip of her pistol.

“Alright, so… why do you have in your saddlebags then? I mean, you’re the only one carrying those under your robes.” Asked Fred and that surprised Rainy quite a bit as her mom’s eyes widened at hearing her child was carrying a bag of holding.

She didn’t know there were two.

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ 3rd Pony POV – Draco Malfoy ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

Draco frowned as he watched a stallion outside the barrier, taking notes.

He was wearing the uniform of the Gunner’s Talons, a mercenary group that was responsible for the Quincy Massacre. And they had a spy here. “Geez, that old mare was right, they’re preparing to attack us too.” Muttered Draco, grabbing her sniper rifle using her deployed Locomotor charm and aiming.

“Not on my watch, motherbucker.” Growled Draco before firing a headshot into the stallion.

Behind cover, outside her sight, Drastic Meassures gulped when she saw Rampaging Rage die to a sniper, she could see, through a periscope, the Minutemare dressed Pegasus Filly that did so. “Fuck, Gunner won’t like this, he won’t like this at all.” Muttered Drastic Meassures before packing up. She had to report this to her superior to make sure nopony made any stupid decisions.

Killing the last of the Minutemares to wipe away that useless goody-two-shoes group was something she would delight in. But how do you assault something that was literally downing Raptor-class Cloud Ships by reflecting their own shots?

The, to her, unknown answer? You don’t.

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ Omake Time! Takes Place during Christmas Break, Rose POV, 1st Pony View ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~ Title: Short-Lived Invasion of Hogwarts ~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~

It was a normal day, or as normal as it gets around Hogwarts.

We were currently preparing, since it was Christmas break and so we had some time, to go out and search for clues on the Institute and maybe help some ponies along the way. We also had a 84% chance of getting turned around in the middle of it to get someone or something back to Hogwarts. Well, those plans kind of died.

“GAH!” Namely when a human, not pony, riding a Wyvern got shot down outside my mom’s house. Turns out that there was an otherworldly invasion going on with a portal opened in the middle of the town. And they were totting very Roman looking armor and weapons.

By the time we got out there, the enemy had been largely dealt with in one way or another, casualties on our side were luckily low due to the shields everyone had on them due to the bardings, and we had captured around 29 Roman Soldier LARPers with the gate not fading at all.

“You know, you guys are lucky that portal opened here and not on the other side of this province.” I commented, standing before one of the officers of the enemy forces, who looked equal parts furious and confused.

“I bet you wonder why considering you got your flanks kicked. The reason is that on the South-Western edge of the Ponston area lies the “Glowing Sea”, that place is so oversaturated with necromantic energy that anyone in those rags like you, would die in seconds. And that’s before mentioning the feral Undead, insane Artificial Alicorns or Hellhounds living there.” I explained with a smile, which wasn’t reassuring to them.

Not my fault.

Author's Note:


Melee Weapons: +2 (14), Survival: +15 (70)

Perk Gained: Explorer: For a child you’re keen of mind and senses. Your magic thus has updated you Pip-Buck with all available and/or known locations though since there is no fast-travel here (yet)…