• Published 10th Jun 2022
  • 508 Views, 18 Comments

Fins - daOtterGuy

After the world ends, Flash Sentry tries to survive in Vanhoover from the turned unicorn threat

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Flash woke up.

Then clenched his teeth from the searing pain that shot through his waking mind. Pure agony radiated from his left side as he fought back the urge to scream.

Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he rode the wave of hurt until it settled into a dull continuous throbbing.

He opened his eyes and stared at the white tiled ceiling. Bright fluorescent lights spaced evenly along the squares shone down on him causing him to squint.

From that information alone he could tell he was in a hospital. The uncomfortable mattress confirmed that thought.

His mind was muddled in confusion as he tried to figure out how he managed to get there. He scoured his memories trying to recall what had led up to that point. The escape from the cove, the swim underwater, the unicorn blasting him—

As realization hit him, his eyes shot wide open. It took a massive force of will to resist the urge to turn his head to the left.

He knew.

He knew it was gone.

He knew from feeling alone that if he looked, nothing would be there.

But he wanted to stay in denial for longer. He wanted to avoid confronting the horrible truth that awaited him with a short turn of his head. The reveal he already knew just from the searing agony he had experienced.

Knowing he couldn't put it off forever, Flash took a deep shaky breath and looked.

Before him was perhaps the worst and greatest sight of his life.

His left-wing, forehoof, and back leg were gone. Ugly, scarred skin tissue was all that was left from where his limbs once were. He could tell from the stitching that they had been removed by the doctors, presumably because they were either useless or a detriment to his life.

Following the lines of pale flesh, he knew it most likely covered the entire left side of his body.

It would never recover. His limbs were gone forever.

This should have devastated him, and destroyed his very psyche.

But Wave Crest was there.

His head rested on the sheets near him, his dreadlocks splayed out across his face, hiding the hideous scars underneath. His eyes were red-rimmed and the black bags under them gave Flash a good indication of how he was faring. Concernedly, new bandages were wrapped around his barrel and back legs.

Above all of that, and most importantly to Flash, Wave’s front hoof was outstretched and rested on the scarred tissue of his left side.

“Wave,” Flash croaked, his voice scratchy from disuse.

Wave’s eyes fluttered open then widened in shock. He scrambled forward, still careful of Flash’s wounds, and cradled Flash’s head with his wings.

He kissed him. Flash returned the gesture.

Despite losing so much, Flash knew he still had the most important thing with just that single kiss.

They pulled away from each other just enough to press their faces together. Wave gently nuzzled Flash’s snout, tears falling down his face to converge with Flash’s at the point where they both touched.

Moments passed as they stayed close, quiet joy at having each other.

Too soon, Flash pulled back and asked, “where are we exactly?”

“Canterlot Hospital Main,” Wave answered, “and before you ask, the unicorns have been defeated. Long story short, Princess Twilight used her magic to reverse the transformation.”


“Your mother, Prete Fleche,” Wave said, “your other mother, Tumultuous, is with her now alongside the other Vanhoover survivors. We’ve all been given shelter in the castle while things get sorted out.”

Flash grinned widely in relief causing Wave to cry. Concerned, Flash asked, “what’s wrong?”

“I-I just—” Wave wiped his tears away with a wing, “—can’t believe that you almost died, got… hurt,” he waved his hooves in the direction of Flash’s wounds, “and you can still smile like that. Why are you such a bundle of sunshine?”

“Because I have you,” Flash answered with a warm smile.

Touching his hoof to Flash’s withers, Wave said, “And you always will.”

After another moment of quiet contentment, Flash asked, “how are the survivors?”

“Coping, or trying to. Vice and Busy are keeping everyone calm. One of the few times those buffoons are of any use.”

“And Ledger?” Flash asked quietly.

In lieu of answering, Wave shook his head.

“Oh, I had hoped maybe…” Flash trailed off before shaking his head and continuing, “what now?”

“We wait until the doctor comes back so we can get you fitted for prosthetics and then we,” Wave stressed the word, “alongside your moms can start working on getting you back on your hooves.”

“And after?”

“I don’t know,” Wave said, “everything is a mess after the unicorn attacks. Massive damage. An astronomical death toll amongst the pegasi and earth pony populations. It’s going to take a long time to get everything back to normal.”

“And what of the guard?”

“They’re assisting Shining Armour in keeping things under control alongside the Princesses.”

“So, they’ll need help?”

There was a heavy pause before Wave answered with a hard glint in his eye, “I know where you’re going with this, Flash.”

“Wave, please—”

Wave held up a wing. “I won’t stop you.”

“You won’t?” Flash asked, confused.

“No. I had a lot of time to think while you were out cold and I know you.” He smiled sadly. “There’s no way you would just sit back when Equestria was in trouble. It’s just not in your nature.”

“That’s how I am,” Flash said, looking askance out of guilt.

“It is, and it’s what I love about you. So, I’ll help you get back into shape for the guard and,” Wave paused, “I’ll join you as a new recruit.”

Flash’s head shot up sharply. “No, absolutely not!”

“You can’t stop me, Flash,” Wave calmly responded.

“I shouldn’t need to! I need you to be safe.”

“And while I’m stuck at home, who will look after you?”

“I don’t need to be looked after!”

You’re missing half of your body!” Wave roared.

The silence filled the space between them. It was deafening as Wave’s words filled Flash’s mind like foul sludge.

“I don’t want you to get hurt,” Flash whispered, a sob threatening to choke him up.

“Flash, please. Look at this from my perspective” Wave said, his voice wobbling with emotion, “the love of my life has just been permanently crippled and is now going back to a dangerous profession that I can’t help him with.”

“You help by just being there for me,” Flash said.

“Yes, by your side,” Wave retorted, “I know your misgivings. I get that you don’t want me hurt, but, Flash,” fresh tears fell down Wave’s face, “it goes both ways.”

Struggling through the pain, Flash maneuvered his right-wing to gently wipe away the tears on Wave’s face. Wave grabbed the proffered wing, and held it close to his face sniffling.

“Okay, Wave,” Flash finally said, “we’ll get me back to normal and also start getting you ready for the guard. Together until the end.”

“Until the end,” Wave agreed.

Flash moved himself to lay on his left side and made room on the hospital bed. Taking the hint, Wave shuffled onto the mattress and into Flash’s embrace. They curled up against each other, Wave taking care to avoid Flash’s injuries as much as he could.

With Flash’s wing tightly wrapped around his beloved, they pressed against each other.

Two stallions as one.

Always together.

Comments ( 9 )

Three chapters at once. I'm terrified to click

Literal chills oh my gosh. Thank you for this story. sorry for not saying more

No worries! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Oh by the way who did that cover art it’s looks very well done and detailed

That would be me. I draw all my own covers.

Nice I may need someone to draw some cover art in the future I will be in touch

I was so scared you were gonna kill Wave, so I was pretty taken off guard when Flash got maimed but still lived.

Awesome story, loved the ocean aspect! And the pairings were nice too.

I have to say nice story


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