• Published 10th Jun 2022
  • 507 Views, 18 Comments

Fins - daOtterGuy

After the world ends, Flash Sentry tries to survive in Vanhoover from the turned unicorn threat

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Utter chaos broke out in the cove. Ponies scrambled to escape, their screams echoing off the cavern walls.

Blasts of arcane magic shot through the throngs, some finding their mark. Those unlucky targets tumbled to the ground, charred fur and flesh releasing a smoky acrid scent, their high-pitched agony heard by all those around.

Flash felt frozen in place, stuck by the horror that surrounded him.

From across the cove, the pink unicorn gave one final grin before disappearing into the herd of monsters.

That finally broke him from his stupor. “We need to leave,” Flash said forcibly to the others around him.

Busy was the first. “Where?” she shrieked. “We’re too far from the shore! We’ll never outpace them!”

“We don’t have a choice. Who has diving masks on them?”

“I do,” Tumultuous said.

“I have one and a spare,” Ledger added, his voice strained.

“I-I don’t,” Vice said nervously, fear plain on his face.

“Neither do I,” Busy said, equally terrified.

“Okay, Ledger, give your spare to Busy, Vice grab one of the extra masks from the saddlebags we brought from the marine lab,” Flash commanded, “we’re going to have to strap the masks on as we move.”

The group followed Flash’s instructions and they were soon, galloping off, following the herd towards the main pier of the cove.

Unicorns swarmed them from every direction, breaking through makeshift shelters and attacking ponies as they fled. Manby appeared to have had the same idea as their group as they all raced towards Vanhoover.

As the throng grew, bedlam continued to rain down around them. Some braver pegasi attempted to fly away but were promptly killed by beams of arcane magic from the ground-bound unicorns.

The monsters patrolled along the outskirts, blocking the way out from openings, not in the direction of the main pier.

“Wait!” Wave shouted as he jerked his head towards an open area nearby, “we need to talk!”

As they sidetracked to the indicated area, nearly getting trampled in the process, Busy rounded on him, “what is it now? Can’t you see we don’t have time to be standing around?”

“I know, I know, but did you notice anything weird about the unicorns?” Wave asked.

“Not that I can tell,” Tumultuous said.

“Great!” Busy shouted, “Now let’s get going, we don’t—”

“Wait a second, you horrid harpy,” Wave interrupted, “can’t you see where the unicorns are?”

Quickly observing where the unicorns congregated, Flash said, “they’re all standing behind us and they’re…” Flash’s eyes widened as he caught onto what Wave was seeing, “all of them are blocking the passages except towards the pier.”

“Exactly!” Wave gestured with his wing toward Flash. “We’re being guided to the same spot. I bet they’re setting up a trap.”

“Are you serious? You cannot possibly think—”

Vice stopped Busy with a hoof. “No, I think Wave might be right here.”

“Sir!” Busy exclaimed.

“I’ve ignored Wave’s warnings a few too many times and now we’re in this mess.” A scowl crossed Vice’s face before turning back into an easygoing smile. “So, what do you suggest?”

“An alternate route,” Wave explained, “split the herd and increase our chances of survival.”

“Great idea, but I don’t know of any other route that isn’t the pier or blocked by the unicorns,” Tumultuous said.

“We can escape through the supply room.” They turned to Ledger. “It’s off the main paths and there’s a hole in the room that leads to the sea.”

“Sounds promising,” Flash said, “now how do we split off the herd?”

“Leave that to the professional,” Vice said.

Standing upon a nearby rock to be better seen, Vice shouted to the herd, “survivors of Vanhoover! We have found an alternate route out of the cove! Come this way to safety!”

Many ponies ignored Vice’s cries and instead continued their mad dash to the pier. Others slowed down marginally and swiveled to listen to him, but apprehension stalled their commitment.

Vice stood taller, unfurling his wings slightly, to cut a more commanding figure. “Listen to me! We cannot all leave by the pier! All of us at once are in more danger than if we divide and go through a different route! Trust as your leader, I will keep you alive!”

It was finally enough. Ponies changed direction and galloped toward Vice’s location. Though many still frantically raced past, a sizable portion of the herd came before the group.

Leaping down from his perch, Vice gestured with a wing toward Ledger, a wide smile on his face. “Lead on.”

Nodding in confirmation, Ledger ran towards the hidden route to the supply room, everyone following quickly behind him.

They arrived in the storage room, shelves of supplies lined the walls filled with everything from foodstuffs to toiletries, and diving masks to medical kits. On the opposite side of the entrance was a gouge in the rocky floor filled with seawater big enough to fit one pony at a time. A quick inspection showed that it did in fact lead out into the open sea.

“This will take us to the far side of Vanhoover,” Ledger explained, “it’s further away than the pier, but would keep the two groups separated.”

“Alright,” Flash turned to the crowd of ponies behind them, “grab diving masks if you don’t have them and when you’re strapped in, get going.”

“Where should we all regroup?” Tumultuous asked.

“The mountain ridge outside of town,” Flash said, “we can’t stay in the town proper, so we’ll have to get as far away as possible.”

Murmurs of discontent arose. Vice quickly intervened, “stay strong, everyone. What’s most important is our survival. Though we must abandon our home, we are what’s most important. Busy, Wave, Tumultuous, Ledger, Flash, and I will help everyone get strapped in. Follow Flash’s instructions and leave once you’re ready.”

The mood shifted as everyone quickly began pulling masks and batteries off the shelves. In short order, the herd began to dive into the hole, one by one.

“Wow, I have an actual modicum of respect for you now,” Wave said as he assisted another pony with their straps.

Nodding before whipping his head towards Wave in surprise, Vice said, “Wait, you didn’t respect me before?”

“You didn’t do anything to deserve it,” Wave answered.

“Ugh, you are so—”

Busy’s insult was cut off by a guttural roar down the tunnel. Tension filled the air as the group realized they were running out of time.

“Alright, folks, double time!” Flash shouted. “Get strapped in and out of here. Move! Move! Move!”

More of the herd dove to freedom until only their core group remained. As the last pony dove into the hole, Flash, Tumultuous, and Busy grabbed knives off of the shelves.

“You’re going to fight the unicorns back with a knife?” Vice asked incredulously.

“No, this is for if they corner me underwater,” Flash replied, “you and Busy are next. Get going.”

“Finally, we can leave this Tartarus cursed cove.” Busy paused before Wave, her expression as sour as ever. “I expect all of you to join us in a few hours,” she scowled further, “tardiness is unacceptable.”

“Just get going ya shrill harpy,” Wave said, a smirk on his lips.

With a huff, Busy dove into the water.

“Though perhaps not as… abrasive as Busy put it, the sentiment is shared,” Vice said with a grin that felt less fake than it had before, “I expect to see you all soon.”

Then Vice followed after Busy.

“Alright, Ledger you’re—”

A roar cut off Flash as the one-eyed unicorn monster burst into the room. It charged toward Flash but was stopped by Ledger tackling it from the side.

They rolled along the rocky floor, the unicorn roaring as it tried to bite into its assailant.

“Go!” Ledger screamed.

“But what about you?” Flash cried.

“There’s no time, go!”

Flash tried to approach but was roughly grabbed by his mother who threw him into the water. As he sank toward the sea floor, Wave followed after him with Tumultuous not far behind.

A burst of magic fire exploded above them lighting the water in bright orange.

With tears stinging his eyes and with an urgent nudge from Wave, Flash joined his mother and colt friend in swimming towards Vanhoover.

As the rocky shore came into view, Flash felt himself get tackled from behind. A stab of pain shot through his shoulder as he felt the grip of razor-sharp teeth sink into his flesh.

Punching the offending attacker, Flash turned himself around to find the pink unicorn staring down at him, hatred in its one working eye.

Tumultuous tried to grapple the creature from behind, but it kicked her in the chest with its back legs, causing her to lose her grip and float toward the surface, dazed.

As Flash brandished his knife with a wing, the monster renewed its focus upon him.

It charged.

He swung his knife, cutting through the water as the unicorn deftly dodged his slashes.

The unicorn latched onto him with its hooves, pushing him down onto the sea floor. Gritty sand dug into his back, as the monster bared its teeth overtop of him.

In horror, Flash watched as the unicorn’s horn began to charge with magic.

Struggling against the creature’s strong grip, Flash tried to stab the monster’s leg, but it swatted his knife out of his wing with a swipe of its hoof.

Heat bubbled through the surrounding seawater.

In desperation, Flash headbutted the beast causing its nose to bleed, but it still continued to charge its spell.

After another few seconds, it was ready.

Managing to free his left side, Flash tried to swim away only to be caught by the burning arcane magic of the unicorn. He screamed as agony burned the left side of his body. He felt nothing but pain as the heat seared his flesh.

The unicorn lunged forward to bite Flash’s throat but was stopped by Wave who had grabbed Flash’s discarded knife and stabbed it through the heart.

As it reared back, screaming in pain, Tumultuous came from behind it and finished the deed by slashing its throat.

Flash’s vision began to fade as Wave swam up to him.

He could see his lips mouthing his name over and over again, tears flowing down his face.

Succumbing to the pain, Flash blacked out.