• Member Since 5th Dec, 2021
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Dr K-MoonShard

SWAWS, just another quirked up nerd making shit, so I maybe coated in more shit, want to read a bad story?


Comments ( 172 )

And. Here. We. GO!

Can’t wait for more!

You could have linked it to me in the pm.

But this looks much better!

Wait is this the rewrite to your first one?

Youre welcome. I was told, same guy and such, just different name

Just hoping it stays more coherent this time, if we can stick to linear time this should rock.

I assume so just thought it be a differenet cadian soldier from a different world

I just thought it was a re wrote but didn’t say the rewrite in the title

Also which is your favorite army of 40k? Mine are the Death Korps of Kreig

well, me as well, mostly die to the german orgin and apperence. IN fact, i have myself a wh40k story planned, where krieg would take a support role

let me know when it comes out

Also I am working on a Tom Clancy division fanfic


This was the stand of the millennia, a war for the tremendous holy Imperium, humanity, and all life of the galaxy between the forces of Chaos, all working to achieve one goal only to have the eye of terror expand. As it grew at an alarming rate for a moment, it pulsed. The heretical Warmaster of the Chaos corrupted once holy Adeptus Astartes space marine. Abaddon The Disposaler led his destructive 13th black crusade of the black legion assisted by followers and worshipers of the four Chaos gods and their demons standing aboard his flagship, 'The Vengeful Spirit,' and the chaos black legion soldiers successors of one of the sons of the emperor legions, The Sons of Horus Lunar wolves, but something prohibited him from pressing his campaign further, not any fleet nor armada. But a planet, a fortress world, to be exact.

>Abadon the disposaler


How did he get a shovel from a kreigmen?

I know he “borrowed” it but exactly where and when did he “borrowed” the shovel from?

Also like the new cover art

Also why did you decide to rewrite your lost cadian story?


No offense mate, but your proof reading leaves something to be desired.

Still a good chapter regardless!

Well, no one is perfect, besides, english ain't my first language either

Time will tell as more of the story will unfold, only hint I can give is: “Greed is a nasty sin, but yet sometimes it comes in handy.”

And, thank you. I do art only as a hobby myself but this one I used my actual figure of kasrkin as a reference.

Lack of info, and above all to much to handle and quick paces, so much that it could give an Inquisitor a stroke, I decided to dial it back restart and take it in a nice and slow easy to remember pace, it helps a lot and eases events and scenes in for memorial scenes to catch up or even join in.

In all means of no offense but if any comments about proofreading, please direct them towards me as I did ask bronycommander to proofread this, but if you wish to volunteer yourself in proofreading this story or just a chapter, then I will gladly accept and will give shoutouts and proper credit to those who help the progression of the story or chapter, I do hope it is for the benefit for others sakes to enjoy this story as just a good read, thank you for your feedback and comment along with like it is appreciated.

Oh do you know who will be in the herd or still planning on it or who will be in it?

As the orkz would put it from the snakbitz clan “oight boyz’ iz gotz a plan, a weird plan at dat.”
(”Alright boys, I got a plan, a weird one at that.”)

Oh okay continue with your work guardsmen, emperor be with you

Considering his location and the level of development, he should probably ask what the latest important invention their species has made. Once they answered he'd probably start to realize that they haven't ever actually left their planet and are completely ignorant.

Hey no worry’s we understand. Also like the drawing in the author comments at the bottom.

"A strange new creature armored and cladded, yet I never seen your kind it seems." it said calmly in a feminine voice the Cadian Kasrkin Stood a bit dumbfounded. He hovered his free hand over his laspistol by instinct to purge such a creature, but the mission came to his thought, was this what Hanz called "ponies" deemed "trustworthy" in imperium standards. Whatever this case, he relaxed his hand and just remained silent, staring down at the xeno. It...she was intelligent for a xeno. Seeing her eyes look up and down, the Cadian Kasrkin staring at his armor and possessions.

Well at least we now know what the Kreigmen guardsmen name was at least

I did for sure and interesting pic at the end.

I have to admit this is not bad, thou I think it would of been better if the mlp locals where more humanoid lik being anthros but thats just me and again pretty good and has potential

The Following song May be good for a battle scene https://youtu.be/3zOAm8i19_Q :scootangel:

Not bad, not bad at all, maybe for later on, but I’ll keep that, for later :trixieshiftright:

Youre welcome, glad to help:twilightsmile:

"By the emperor, if the machanicus were on this world, they would have a field day along with even the pykers of the guard getting headaches. This is a feudal world, but one where its technology is more confusing than repairing a damn power Power Cogitator."

The machine god agrees with that statement

"W-ell... beats Ork or nid meat...ugh."

Always though they ate something other than corpse starch.

Huh the more you know

Trivia question:

What would ork or Tryanid meat taste like if properly cooked?

I really appreciate the shout out! And in comparison to previous chapters this one is actually extremely well written. Especially as an audio reader the previous chapters had areas where I essentially forced a period. But this one had great end points! The dialog felt great and I like the PTSD tip your going on. Would definitely hit a Guardman who thought there planet was destroyed and they are cursed with living. Excited to see and voice more of your work!

*shudder* much as I adore Luna and respect her Lack of compromise for her duty as Princess of the night, I wouldn’t want her in my head either. There are just places that are too sacred to enter and your mind is one of them.

Besides, if I remember right Phykers can get into your mind and break you on a mental level.

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