• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th

The Warmaster

Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions


Comments ( 208 )
Comment posted by Isseus deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by top pop deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Perfect Brom deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by top pop deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Perfect Brom deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by Rye Snoot deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by Rye Snoot deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by DNA Hochburger deleted Aug 20th, 2015
Comment posted by DNA Hochburger deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by DNA Hochburger deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by DNA Hochburger deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 21st, 2015

chaos space marine displace

I am currently doing research on the dark gods as well as some Chaos marines for such a task. I'm also a recently Corrupted. First, I liked Discord, and thought he wasn't connected to the other Chaos Gods. Then, I started liking The Khornates. And now I'm currently deciding to be either a Follower of Tzeentch or Khorne. Somehow, playing dawn of war 2 chaos rising and purposely corrupting myself in the game actually made me corrupt.


Due to this being kinda unpopular, I decided to do a rewrite. Maybe someone else will use the idea of multiple genres. But still! I hope you enjoy the new version!

6183584 did a rewrite. No multiple genres anymore. Just good old fashioned Chaos Space Marines. So yeah! Check out the new chapter when you can!

Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 21st, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 24th, 2015

6343288 Your not doing anything wrong. Don't worry my story had a rocky start to much worse that your after 5 chapters i was at just 3 likes and about 35 dislikes. Maybe you need someone to do a Crossover with you or something to get your story more knowledge, after all not everyone likes the same type of stories.

6343748 Thanks for the support. I'm normally used to having a few likes on a different website/app, but those were called votes. So I guess that's the reason. Oh well! I'm gonna search around the Displaced universe and try to find someone to do a crossover with!

6343762 If your interested i would like to do a crossover with you. if your interested just PM me

6352089 yep. I now sincerely regret not adding the other two chaos god cult things. Except for Slaanesh. As in the fanfic iron hearts, those who worship him/her will be roasted alive. I don't really understand why, but I have a major hatred for the whore goddess. Maybe it's the fact that I HATE the Emperor's Children Legion.

Due to my lack of knowledge in the realm of chaos, I have recently aquire the Liber Chaotica Vol. 4: Tzeentch as a source of information on the Lord of change and his minions. Unfourtunately, I was unable to afford the entire collection, and only got Tzeentch. Also, I did not know it was of the Warhammer medieval series thing. But it's still been a great insight into the powers of chaos.

I realize that currently the Warriors of Chaos, being Zhufor, Ahriman, and Khârn, are quite overpowered compared to the ponies. I would like to note that this will change in later chapters.

Hmm,, not to bad some errors. to is if u are following the normal fluff of the characters.

Kharn: Boltpistol !? last time i checked he used a plasmapistol.

Ahriman: Hes not dust, only the low level psykers was burned to a crisp the higher ones are ok =) (summoning bloodleethers,, well ok, it is Ahriman)

Zhufor : Deamon/artificer armour instead of termi armour?. Termi armour is not flexible so backflip not so much, built in sheild generator and enough armour to make a modern heavy tank cringe.

Kharne is op in this universe. Master fighter and immune to all magic that directly effects him (collor of khorne), he could walk into the solar palace and slap sunny to the ends of the earth and she could do nothing.

6362741 Ah, thank you for this input. I had not known all of that before, as I was new to chaos. Thanks for the input! I can now correct all the mistakes I made.

As for OP Khârn, he is not immune to ALL magic. Just the less powerful magic. Sunbutt could in fact overload the thing keeping Khârn from being hit by magic.

But, in all seriousness, it is Khârn. He was always a skilled warrior, because all space marines are. Granted, he could probably take on anything in the universe with bare hands.:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Aug 30th, 2015
Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Sep 1st, 2015

Pretty sure the people who disliked either hate it when I kill "innocent" ponies, just dislike the displaced, or just dislike my idea for a story

I know my 'explanation' of the warp was bad, but it's very difficult to create an explanation for the unexplainable

Oh, heres something that should be mentioned: yes, they now eternally hate Celestia and Luna. Why? Because unlike Discord, they were trapped in THE WARP. For them, it was at least a century, but still.


People go mad for days on end in there. Plus, due to the fact that two of them don't have their original memories, they have been permanently transfixed to their characters. As for Khârn, well. He just went mad. You remember the Nails? They are slightly affecting him. They are slightly nullified due to the magical Friendship Energy that is all over Equestria, but still have an effect now, especially due to a century in the warp. So he is still insane like the rest of them, but it's worse, since he has two sets of memories. Plus the Nails. So, here's my reason for them still really hating the Princesses!

I wander how bad will celestia will get hurt

Oh, she will hurt. For I have heard of her 'caring' for her precious ponies. I will tear apart her cities, summon Deamons to hunt the survivors, and she will know of each kill. Or, perhaps just send Khârn to tally up the kills with his helmet. In fact, why not just send him in alone? I can then have him relay the number that died, and burn it into the hillside

Ahriman?! How the buck did you get onto my account?!

6390249 Sadly, I cannot use THAT certain, amazing machine. Though.... I DO have some ideas for getting the guys some extra gear... and a better house. Granted, said house would stick out like a Nurgling in manhattan.
But, as for the battle cry of the R-5000, maybe I can find a way to implement it into a Khornate.

You know, when I get less sleep, the more ideas I get! Sadly, next chapter will be a crossover, and won't have as much gore as per the norm, since the other people on the other side would probably back away from their computers...
But next , next chapter, oh yes, it definitely will.

6390249 and also, in this story, there will NOT, I repeat, NOT, be any 'tactical Genius pulling a Titan out of my ass' bullshit. That is what Creed's for, and we don't got him. And the ponies don't have a pony version of him either.

Comment posted by The Warmaster deleted Sep 4th, 2015

What is with all the deleted comments.


I had originally remade this story. It was once a entirely different story that was a big old clusterfuck. Not happy with it, I went back, unpublished everything, then remade the chapters into a new thing. Originally, it was about two sets of Displaced, One good, one evil, that wee to fight eachother. Problem is, I decided to randomize the genres. So, when I finished remaking it, I deleted all the old comments as a way to start fresh.

6390601 oh ok by the way nice story have an up vote.

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