• Published 1st May 2022
  • 2,859 Views, 54 Comments

The Dragon Sisters - Mechazilla88

A group of dragons have suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and they seem to be looking for something... or someone.

  • ...

Mall Brawl PT 1

Spike was sitting in the living room with his mother as they were both watching a sci-fi show where the main hero, a twelve-year-old boy in white space armor, confronts two older women in black space armor. It was obvious, they were on opposing sides.

"Please stop this Tylis, we don’t want to fight you!" One of the women pleaded with tears, reddish pink laser sword in hand.

"Listen to her Tylis, stop this foolishness and join us!" The other woman said, carrying a much bigger laser sword that was dark purple in color.

"I will never join the Imperium!" Tylis snarled with a yellow laser sword in hand. "Their tyranny has gone on long enough! I'm done sitting idly by while you monsters destroy homes and families!"

The first woman was about to speak but the second woman stopped her before asking him, "Tell us Tylis, what has your old master told you about your sisters?"

"Master Lumis told me enough," Tylis growled, "She told me you two killed them!"

The two women looked at each other before looking back at the young man, "No Tylis," The first woman said with a shake of her head, "We are your sisters."

Tylis's eyes widened in disbelief, "No… no it's not possible!"

"Search your feelings Tylis! You know them to be true!" The second woman said.

Tylis did and he broke down right then and there, "No, no, no… NOOOO!!!" The episode then ended right there with a to be continued.

Velvet covered her mouth in shock while Spike didn't seem as startled from this revelation, "Eh, I saw that one coming a mile away."

"How so?" Velvet asked.

"Well they weren't exactly subtle with the hints. Major one being we never see the faces of Tylis’s two older sisters during the flashbacks. That one was a bit of a dead give away right there." Spike explained.

"That… makes sense." Velvet said.

They suddenly hear a knock on the door. Velvet gets up to see who it is, when she approaches the door and opens it she sees that it was The Winnebago driver.

"Hey Velvet." The man greeted her with a smile.

"Konnichiwa (hello) Scorpan." Velvet smiled back. "Come on in."

Scorpan did just that as Velvet led him to the living room where Spike was.

"Hey Spike!" Scorpan called out which got the boy's attention.

"Uncle Scorpan!" Spike said excitedly as he got up from the couch and came up to the man whom he gave a hug. Scorpan returned the gesture.

"Are you ready for the summer?" Scorpan asked.

"You bet I am!" Spike replied.

"Spike, why don't you start putting your stuff in your uncle's winnebago?” Velvet suggested.

“Sure thing mom.” Spike said as he went upstairs to do just that.

Velvet then turned towards Scorpan and noticed him frowning a bit, "You alright? You seem a bit tense."

"Yeah, it's just I saw half a dozen cop cars driving by on the way here." Scorpan replied, "Is there something going on right now?"

Velvet just shrugs, "I hadn't watched the news yet, so I don't know. Though I did hear about strange activities last night."

"Like what?" Scorpan asked.

"Like tremors, a small tornado going through the streets, and a lightning bolt zipping across the rooftops of people's houses." Velvet replied.

"Hmmm, think they're all connected?" Scorpan asked. He's been hearing all these crazy things that's going on in Canterlot City and he wonders if this is one of them.

"Your guess is as good as mine, Scorpan." Velvet replied with a sigh.

Just then, Spike came back down with his luggage and surfboard. "Ready when you are uncle."

Scorpan turns toward the boy, "Alright Spike. You can go on ahead, I'll follow you out in a minute." Spike nodded as he did just that.

"You guys gonna be okay?" Scorpan asked as he turned back to Velvet.

"Don't worry about us," Velvet replied with a smile, "Just make sure Spike and his friends have a good time. He's been waiting for this all year."

Scorpan just shrugs, "Well if you say so. Just be careful."

"We usually are. You better get going, don't want to keep the other boys waiting now do you?" Velvet asked.

“You're right, I should get moving. Tell Twilight I’ll see her in Santa Ponyville in a few days.” Scorpan said as he made his way to the door.

“Will do Scorpan.” She said with a wave.

Meanwhile, at The Canterlot Mall

Many police and SWAT vehicles were surrounding the Canterlot Mall and many police officers were trying to keep civilians and the press from getting too close. Stepping out of one of them was a man in his mid-thirties. In appearance, he had moderate amaranth hair and brilliant turquoise eyes. For attire, he wore a gray trench coat over a white buttoned-up shirt, light brown jeans, and black velcro shoes.

One police officer approached him, "Commissioner Magnus, we're so glad you're here."

"What's the situation, officer?" Magnus asked.

"Well, we got a call from one of the mall's security guards not too long ago saying that some sort of big animal broke in there earlier this morning." The officer explained.

"Couldn't it just have been a bear?" Magnus asked.

"Can a bear rip a big metal door wide open, sir?" The officer replied pointing at the torn main entrance of the mall.

Arching an eyebrow, Magnus looks over to the torn door. Even from a distance, he could see the metal doors have indeed been torn open by some large animal.

Deciding to take a closer look, Magnus went over the yellow tape to inspect the door. Running his hand through one of the claw marks, he notices that they were too big for a bear to make.

Just then, the commissioner and everyone else outside heard a loud roar that echoed through inside that mall.

Everyone went dead silent after hearing that. Even Commissioner Magnus stammered back quite a bit.

"That…was no bear." He muttered.

One of the officers approached him and asked, "What do we do sir?"

Magnus was silent for a moment before answering, "Prep a squad and have them investigate what this… thing is. But tell them NOT to engage it unless it attacks first, understand?"

The officer nodded his head and left to spread the word.

Commissioner Magnus then turned his attention back to the entrance and thought to himself, 'What in God's name are we dealing with here?'

Meanwhile, Back at Canterlot Highschool

The bell just rang and the students left their classrooms. Seven girls in particular had just finished their tests, though barely as they were still worried due to knowing that there is currently a group of dragons somewhere in their city.

"Ack, glad that's over." Groaned Rainbow Dash.

"Come on Rainbow, the test wasn't that bad." Sunset said.

"Speak for yourself Sunset, you struggled just as bad as the rest of us." Rainbow pointed out. "The person who did the test no problem was Twilight. Right Twi?"

However, the genius girl didn't seem to be paying attention as she was looking through her phone.

"What are you doing there Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"I've been looking through the local newsfeed to see if there's been anything unusual lately." She answered.

"Find anything?" Sunset asked.

"There's a huge disturbance over at the mall right now." Twilight replied. "Saying about a large animal breaking into it earlier this morning and is still there."

"That's probably where we'll find our dragons." Applejack said.

"C'mon girls, we better get over there." Sunset said.

The other girls nodded and made their way to Applejack's truck.