• Published 1st May 2022
  • 2,859 Views, 54 Comments

The Dragon Sisters - Mechazilla88

A group of dragons have suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and they seem to be looking for something... or someone.

  • ...


It was a cool, June night in Canterlot City. Well, Canterlot was more of a large town than an actual city with the northern part having some large buildings while the rest of the place has small shops, cafes, and restaurants. One particular restaurant that wasn’t too far from Canterlot High School was an Indian joint called The Tasty Treats. Leaving the place was a fifteen-year-old young man. He was a tall boy with blonde hair that was tied up in a bun. For attire, he wore a sleeveless jean jacket over a green shirt, brown cargo pants, orange socks, and red shoes. This was Zephyr Breeze, though he has a reputation of being a lazy hipster doofus, he can be quite skilled with a comb and a pair of scissors.

He just finished his meal and decided to make his way back home, “Welp, I’m heading home for the night. See ya fellas later.” He told a couple patrons who were eating outside before he tripped and landed face first on the ground, causing the other two patrons to laugh.

After that embarrassing moment, Zephyr proceeded to head home. Honestly, he wasn't looking forward to it as no doubt his sister, Fluttershy, was going to chew him out for going out instead of studying for the finals tomorrow. Though, he didn’t really care about that. Summer Vacation was just around the corner and many kids and teens were more than excited about it and Zephyr was no different. Really, he was more concerned about how he was gonna woo Rainbow Dash during that time than anything else.

As Zephyr was heading home, he proceeded to take a shortcut to CHS which isn't too far from his house. As he was walking past the horse statue however, there was a flash of light where the mirror was which greatly startled Zephyr.

He turned to see what it was, but it was really dark thanks to the moon not being out, so he couldn’t see anything, but he did hear a low growl. Against his better judgment, he got closer to take a better look however, a large pair of glowing eyes opened up and stared right back at him. Both eyes were a different color with the left eye being green and the right one being blue.

Zephyr shrieked and fell flat on his byoo-tox as he came face to face with a rather large creature. Though he could barely see the thing, he could stammer a guess that it was around 9, maybe even 10 feet tall when it started to move. It also had very large bat-like wings.

The creature lets out a loud roar which causes Zephyr to shoot up and run while screaming in high pitch, only to not look where he's going and slamming right into a light post, knocking him out cold.

The creature shakes its head before turning towards the mirror as it lit up again.

Stepping out was another creature similar to the first one except it was slightly shorter and while its left eye was green like the first one, its right eye was magenta.

Not long after, the mirror lit up once again and a third creature emerged from it. This one was different from the first two as it had no wings and was a bit bulky. like the first two its left eye was green but the right one was brown.

A fourth creature then emerged from the mirror; this one had a slenderer appearance. Its left eye was green as well but its right one was purple.

A fifth creature then emerged from the portal. This one had a more serpentine look to it. Its right eye was yellow but its left eye, like the rest, was green.

"Did you take care of the portal?" The first creature asked in a feminine voice, confirming it to be female.

"I left behind a lighting grenade before I left. We won't be followed." The fifth one replied.

"Good." The first one said.

Suddenly, gems on their chests began to light up. Each gem was a different color and shape. The first one had a blue round gem, the second one had a magenta oval shape, the third one had a brown rectangle one, the fourth had a purple square shape, and the fifth and final one had a yellow hexagon like one.

"Finally, after all these years, we have arrived in the other world. We will take back what was stolen from us!" The first creature said, raising her wings. The others nod their heads. "But first, we should rest."

"What!? But why?!" The fifth one exclaimed. "We're finally here and the first thing you wanna do is take a nap!?"

"The journey has been long and tiring, and some of us are exhausted. I understand that you're anxious to get started sister, but it would do us no good if we start now." The fourth creature explained.

"I guess you're right." The fifth one sighed.

"Let's split up and see if we find a place to rest for the night." The second creature suggested.

The others agreed to this. The third creature began to burrow into the ground at an unnatural fast pace until it disappeared entirely. A small tornado began to form around the fourth creature and took off to the streets at breakneck speed. Electricity began to cackle from the fifth one and she suddenly zipped to the roof of one house before zipping to another.

The second creature turned to the first one and asked, "Do you really think he's here sister?"

"He has to be." The first one replied with determination, "We spent years trying to find a way into the other world and we won't give up now."

"Your right sister, we came too far to give up now." The second one said.

The two creatures spread their mighty wings and took to the sky.

Meanwhile, poor Zephyr Breeze was still unconscious over by the lamp post and has remained there for the rest of the night.

Elsewhere, a thirteen-year-old was shifting uncomfortably in his sleep before shooting up awake.

'Jesus, what was that?' The boy said inwardly to himself as he suddenly felt a chill, 'maybe a water might help.' He then got up and made his way out of the room.