• Published 1st May 2022
  • 2,859 Views, 54 Comments

The Dragon Sisters - Mechazilla88

A group of dragons have suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and they seem to be looking for something... or someone.

  • ...

Getting Ready for Summer

It was the next morning over at the Sparkle family residence and the boy from last night was fast asleep until his alarm went off and started playing a tune.

The boy groaned as he got up. In appearance, the thirteen-year-old boy had messy green hair and matching colored eyes. His current attire was a white undershirt and gray pajama shorts.

The boy didn’t sleep that well last night due to suddenly waking up with a chill and it took him over an hour to get back to sleep. He didn’t turn off the alarm just yet because it was playing one of his favorite songs.

As he was listening to the music, the boy was slowly starting to wake up. He looked around in his room and saw his figurines (which varied from superheroes, surfers, mechs, and dragons) on his dresser and entertainment center and surfing posters hanging on his wall.

Soon the song ended and the radio host spoke up, "Good mornin, Equestria County! This is your host, Sly The Man!" The host said cheerfully, "How are you all in this fine sunrise? Summer Vacation is just around the corner for some, while it has just started for others. Hope y'all bought lots of sunscreen. Next, the annual Grom Splashdown is comin to Santa Ponyville in two and a half weeks, I hope you kiddos that are participating are gonna be bringing your A game!" When the host said that, the boy picked up a small pamphlet from his nightstand that depicts said event.

Lastly, strange happenings have been going on in the city of Canterlot last night. There have been reports and eyewitness accounts of tremors, a tornado on the streets that’s been setting off car alarms, a strange lightning bolt zippity zappin across the roofs of people’s houses, and even something big flying across the night sky. Man, whatever those people are taking, I want some of that!” The host joked. “Well that’s all for this mornin. Let’s get back to the music shall we.

The boy sighs at that. Canterlot has been no stranger to weird magical events recently with his sister now getting involved after the events from the Friendship Games. Whatever is going on the boy is sure that she along with her friends can handle it. He just hopes that it doesn’t interfere with his summer plans.

The boy suddenly hears his door open slightly. He turns to see who it was and thought that it was either his mother or sister, only to see an owl peek its head through the door. The owl then lets itself in and flaps around the boy’s room for a few seconds before landing on his chest.

“Morning Owlowiscious.” The boy greeted a little groggily as he gave the owl a pat on the head, “Did Twilight send you to make sure that I’m up?” The only response that he got from the owl was a single hoo, “I’ll take that as a yes. Alrighty, just give me a minute or two and I’ll take a shower ok?”

Owlowiscious nodded as he jumped off the boy’s chest and left the room. The boy lets out a long yawn before getting out of bed and heads towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.


Frank, a worker at the Canterlot mall, was driving over to said place. It was his shift to open the place up today and get things ready for the morning. As he got there however, he noticed that the main entrance to the mall looked like it was torn wide open.

“What the…?!” Frank exclaimed as he got out of his car and ran towards the entrance. As he was expecting the entrance, he noticed claw marks, big ones, on the torn doors which caused him to gulp nervously. There was no way a bear this big could have done this.

Against his better judgment, Frank decides to go inside and investigate. As he starts to look around, he sees that everything is seemingly still intact. He kept looking around until he spotted something that shocked him.

Laying on the floor unconscious was a security guard, one that Frank recognizes, “Oh my God. Joe…Joe! Are you alright man?!” He shouted as he ran to the downed security guard and shaked him to wake him up.

Joe groaned as he was stirred awake, “Ugh, what happened?”

“I was kinda hoping you’d tell me.” Frank replied. “When I got here, I noticed the front entrance was torn wide open by some big animal and I just found you out cold.”

“Well, all I remembered last night was that I went down to check on the lobby due to the strange noises. The next thing I knew, something struck me. Whatever it was, Frank, it was big and I don't think it was alone.” Joe explained.

“Couldn’t you have just checked the cameras?” Frank asked.

Wordlessly, Joe just points to Frank at one of the security cameras on the wall which looked like it was electrocuted, “Something’s been frying the cameras left and right. That’s one of the reasons why I came down.”

“Joe, is there anything else you remember before you got knocked out?” Frank asked.

“Well I did hear a commotion going on over the mattress and furniture store but that’s all I remember.” Joe replied.

"Alright, stay here while I check it out. Whatever this thing is, it might still be in here. If anything happens, call 911, ok?" Frank said as he handed Joe his cellphone. The ladder nodded as he took the phone and gave Frank a stun gun.

Frank then proceeded to the mattress and furniture store with the stun gun in hand. When he got there, he was shocked to see that the glass entrance to the store had been shattered. Steeling himself, Frank heads inside.

The mattress and furniture store was a big place. In fact, it's one of the biggest shops in the mall so there was a lot of ground for Frank to cover. He looked around to see that some of the couches and lounge chairs had been tossed around.

Suddenly, something zipped past behind Frank which caused him to gasp and quickly turn around but sees nothing. He then hears a beastly growl right behind him. Frank slowly turns around and what he saw causes him to be paralyzed with fear.

Before he had a chance to scream, an icy wind was blown at him and he was instantly encased in ice…

Back at The Sparkle Residence

After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, his attire was now a purple shirt with a symbol of a dragon on it, a green jacket that’s tied around his waist, light brown jean shorts, and red Velcro shoes. The boy headed downstairs to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Once there, he sees his mother making some pancakes and his sister sitting at the kitchen table, typing on her phone, with Owlowiscious perched on her right shoulder.

In appearance, the boy’s mother, Twilight Velvet, looked to be either in her late thirties or early forties and is Japanese-American. Her hair has moderate purple and light gray stripes and her eyes were light arctic blue. For attire, she wore a light gray sundress and dark purple shoes, she currently also has a white apron on.

The boy’s sister, Twilight Sparkle, was sixteen, almost seventeen, years old. She has long moderate sapphire blue hair with moderate violet and brilliant rose streaks tied in a ponytail with a pair of thick black glasses framing her moderate violet eyes. For attire, she wore a light blue buttoned shirt, with a pink bow tie around the collar, matching zipped-up vest worn over her shirt, dark purple frilly skirt decorated with stars, knee high baby blue socks, and dark purple shoes.

“Morning mom, morning Twi.” The boy greeted.

Both ladies turned at him and smiled, “Morning Spike.” Twilight replied.

“Ohayō (Good morning) sweetie.” Velvet replied, “Did you sleep well?”

“Eh, more or less.” Spike replied as he went to the fridge to take out a jug of milk, “I take it dad took off for work?” He asked, noticing that his father, Night Light, is nowhere to be found.

“There was a big meeting today, so he had to leave early.” His mother explained.

"I see." Spike said as he poured some milk in a glass. He then took a seat over at the kitchen table right next to his sister, "So, you ready for Summer Vacation Twi?"

"Getting there." Twilight replied, "Keep in mind Spike that my friends and I still have five more days of school left over at CHS. Not to mention that we have that big test today."

This was true, Spike's junior high school ended earlier for him and his friends, and they all have big plans for this summer. They were going to participate in the Grom Splashdown over at Santa Ponyville.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll ace this test like all the others." Spike said, "That said, are you and your friends still gonna meet us up at Santa Ponyville after school is out for you?" He asked.

"Probably, Applejack, Sunset, and especially Rainbow are still planning on competing in the Grom Splashdown." Twilight replied, "Rainbow is also trying to see that we get a gig over at the Drinking Thestral there."

Spike nodded in understanding before his mother gave him a plate with three pancakes with chocolate chips in them with bacon on the side.

"By the way honey, I had a call not too long ago from your uncle Scorpan. He'll be here around a couple hours, give or take. So I hope you'll be ready by then." Velvet explained as she gave Twilight her own set of pancakes that have blueberries in them.

"Don't worry mom, I already packed my things last night, I just need to pack my bathroom stuff and I'll be more than ready to go." Spike said.

"That's good to hear." Velvet said as she sat with kids with her own stack of pancakes.

Later, at Canterlot Highschool

Zephyr was still out cold over by the light post before he slowly began to come to. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. As he did however, he sees an angry pair of moderate opal eyes staring right back at him.

This instantly got Zephyr stirred completely awake. He shoots right up and sees his older sister, Fluttershy, staring angrily at him with her friends, Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash standing next to her.

"Zephyr Posey Breeze!" Fluttershy angrily began, "Where were you last night?! Do you have any idea how worried me, mom, and dad were?!"

What happened last night suddenly came back to Zephyr's mind, "I-I ran into something last night on my way back home. S-Something big! I-I think it was some kind of monster!" Zephyr stammered.

Fluttershy, however, just rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Nice try Zephyr but I wasn't born yesterday. How stupid do you think I am?"

"I'm not lying!" Zephyr defended himself, "I really did see something last night!"

"You sure ya didn't just bump into a bobcat Zephyr?" Applejack asked. Somehow, she has a feeling that he isn't lying.

"I know a bobcat when I see one!" Zephyr shouted, getting up to AJ's face, "This… thing was a big, hulking, beast! You guys gotta believe me!"

Sunset thought about what Zephyr said before asking, "Zephyr, where did you see this… thing?"

"Over there. By the Wondercolt statue." Zephyr replied, pointing at said statue.

This caused the girls' eyes to widen as they ran over to inspect the statue. As they get there, they see nothing out of the ordinary. At least, at first.

When Sunset checks the mirror portal however, she is shocked to learn that it isn't working, "Wha- What's wrong with the portal?! WHY ISN'T WORKING?!?" She exclaimed. Her only entry way to her home dimension is closed off and she doesn’t understand why. She’s gonna have to contact princess Twilight later to see what’s going on.

"Uh, Sunset. You might wanna come take a look at this." Twilight said nervously.

Snapping out of her shocked stupor, Sunset headed to where Twilight was and is shocked as she sees a footprint of a creature that is three times bigger than a human’s foot.

“What in the world?” Rarity exclaimed as she and the rest of the girls came to inspect the footprint, “What kind of creature would leave a footprint like that?”

“I know what kind...” Sunset said with the other girls turning towards her, “...A dragon.”