• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Finale: Aftermath

"I'm not coming back." Sunset stated, as she had been true to her word, she had talked with Cadance, Twilight, and the rest of those who had beaten some sense into her, especially with the Elements of Harmony, though after all of that she came to the decision to tell them her true intentions.

She had told Celestia and the others about her deeds, confirming what Wrathion had said, though while she found that all of Twilight's friends were shocked by her tale she also discovered that Erith calmed them down rather easily, including the fact that part of her soul had gone to the Shadowlands before she returned in her new state.

"I know the mirror's broken, but we should be able to repair it or make a new one." Twilight spoke up, even though it was clear that she misunderstood what Sunset was talking about, or rather it seemed like she was overloaded by information and this was her way of coping with everything, especially the discovery that when they died they would be judged by a being called the 'Arbiter'.

"Twilight... she's leaving Equus forever." Celestia said, though at the same time she fought to hold back the tears that were building, as they had fought hard to free Sunset from the darkness that had clouded her mind and ruled her body, turning her into what she and Luna could only assume was the 'Princess of Death', only to discover that Sunset had other plans for her future, "Will... Will we ever see you again?"

"Unlikely, as once I'm done with cleaning up the mess I made of Azeroth... well, I'll be heading to the Maw for the rest of my existence." Sunset replied, as she could see how devastated Celestia was by this information, in fact Sunset knew that if she had been the version of her before she went through the mirror she would have felt the same way by this discovery, where she glanced at the others for a few moments, "All of you are destined for the other realms... Applejack, for example, is a fighter and might end up in Maldraxxus, but she also puts her family first, so she could end up in Bastion, while Fluttershy would no doubt go to Ardenweald to help tend to the nature spirits. Originally the Arbiter said that Revendreath might be my eternal resting place, first to repent for my sins until I was ready to go to another realm, but she also said that the Maw was my other destination... Rarity, you might end up in Revendreth, not for any sins, mind you, but rather because it seems to be more elegant and up your alley than the others."

"So each of us would end up in the other realms, and not the one you've decided to call home?" Luna inquired, as she did understand the situation, even though the discovery of the Shadowlands made her wonder how long she and Celestia had in the Mortal Plane before they were brought before the Arbiter.

"Indeed." Sunset said, though at the same time she stopped sitting, as she had done so while they were talking, because it was time for her to get underway and attempt to put things right with the world she had been sent to, though she glanced over to Erith and her other selves, "I guess it's about time that we get you back to your worlds as well."

"Actually, we discussed this before we even talked with the Princesses, and we've agreed that our worlds need to disappear as well, as Azeroth needs balance, not domination." Erith replied, which came as a surprise to Sunset, as she expected that all of her other selves would have preferred to return to their timelines and the lives she had interrupted by invading Erith's, which felt like a lifetime ago at this point, before the dryad brushed Fluttershy's mane again, "The others desire rest and will be following the Scourge into oblivion so they can be take to the Shadowlands... I, on the other hand, have decided to stay here."

"As you wish." Sunset said, as she wasn't about to boss around her other selves, not when they had made this decision on their own, though she suspected that Erith might be planning on leaving Equus as well to find worlds in need of healing, instead of being tied down for the rest of her life.

After that Sunset walked out of the castle, as in the crystal castle that belonged to Twilight, and made her way back over to the plains she and the others had clashed in not that long ago, where she eventually came to a stop and focused her mind on forming a small portal back to the Mirror World. As the others gathered near her position they found sparks of purple energy being pulled into the area that she was focused on, a swirling vortex forming in the spot in question, meaning she was drawing closer to fulfilling her desire of forming a temporary portal. A few seconds later the four other Sunsets that would be joining her stepped forward and applied their magic to it as well, stabilizing it while Erith lent them her magic as well, creating a temporary link between worlds that would close as soon as the caster dropped the spell. The moment the way was open Sunset stopped casting her spell as Erith maintained it, where she glanced back for a moment, to see that Celestia and the others were sad to see her go, before steeling herself as she passed through the portal with her alternate selves, leaving Erith behind as she desired.

Sure enough she found that they returned to the courtyard of Canterlot High, though as they stepped out of the portal it was far too easy for Sunset to see what the Scourge had done, the city was burning, it's people had been raised to serve a dark goddess, and the decay had covered much of the world, meaning it needed to be purged as well.

"My Queen, you have returned!" Kairoz said, who landed nearby before reverting to his Visage form and bowed his head towards Sunset, though the fact that he and the Scourge weren't attacking her other selves meant that he believed that they were members of her army, believing what she was feeding the helm on her head, "We knew you would return with another world captured, but... we were expecting more than this."

"Equus has been captured, though I have left the new risen in that world to wipe out the rest of the living." Sunset replied, once more taking on the role of the Lich Queen, surprising herself with how easy it came to her, even though she was no longer that person anymore, before she focused on the rest of the Scourge that were laying waste to everything else, just as she had done before heading to her home world, "They will join us in due time. While they do that our army will return to Azeroth and finish wiping out the living that are there, so we can begin our preparations for the Legion's return, as its only a matter of time until the demons arrival to burn the world to cinders."

That had been her plan, ready an army to destroy the Legion, and while she still wanted to do it she knew that if she didn't return to the Shadowlands at some point the Eternal Ones would be cross with her, so she decided to focus on fixing all of the problems she had created. The first task was to order the Scourge back to Azeroth with all the haste she could muster, where she and her other selves discovered that too much damage had been done to this world, as during her fight with the Princesses and the others the undead had decimated this world. She knew why such a thing had come to pass, as she had ordered some of her chosen assault force to build another portal to Azeroth, allowing the main force of the Scourge to wash over the Mirror World within a matter of moments. While her forces marched back through the portal, where she found that many were eager to tear apart the rest of the living of their home world, she drew in her power and started to seal the boundaries of the world, cutting off an and all connections to all of the other planets that it might be linked to, all while binding it to a small marble form.

Fortunately the spell allowed her to take it through the portal to finish sealing it, which let her and her other selves return to Azeroth safely, creating a small marble in the palm of her left hand as the portal structure collapsed, though her other selves whipped the Scourge into motion to make sure they didn't stop.

Her next step was a major deception to the undead army, as she wanted them to start tearing down the rest of the Scarlet timeline and ensure that it was a foothold for them to launch their invasion of the infinite timelines that she had access to, and they seemed more than willing to follow her orders. As such she made sure that all of them, and Sunset meant every undead soldier she had raised over the course of her dark quest to conquer Azeroth, the Mirror World, and Equus, went into the portal that the others were standing near, just to make sure everyone was accounted for. It took some time for all of them to move into her chosen timeline, reminding her of just how many people she had damned to this fate, one that she would be releasing them from in the near future if the plan she was setting in motion actually succeeded. The moment that part of her plan was over, and her other selves confirmed that there were no more Scourge in the main version of Azeroth, Sunset readied her magic as she started to seal it off as well, trapping all of the undead in a world that was sealed off from all of the other timelines.

"One timeline down, so many more to go." Sunset remarked, where she looked at the marbles she had made so far, just two in the grand scheme of things, and realized that she had a lot of work to do if she wanted to put things back to normal, not to mention repairing the damage she had done to this world, causing her to turn to the others, "So, I guess it's time that you four head back to your timelines as well, so we can..."

"This is your penance, Sunset Shimmer, but Death won't claim us just yet." Z'irja, her Void counterpart, replied, to which she and the others floated into the air for a moment, each one surrounded by their own energies, causing her to realize that all of them, like Erith, were planning on leaving for other worlds, "Farewell, champion of Death."

Sunset sighed as her other selves burst into the air and disappeared, heading to who knew where, before she turned her focus back to the work that rested in front of her, condensing the other corrupted timelines into marbles so they could be safely removed like the two she had created so far. As she did that, and carefully placed the marbles into a pile next to her, she also made another timeline that was of her claiming the Helm of Domination and taking over Arthas' place as the Jailer of the Damned, but the difference between it and her reality was that she didn't unleash the Scourge on that world, rather she sealed herself in ice. Her reasoning was to make a world where all of Azeroth's heroes survived their encounter with her, so they could go on to face Deathwing and the Sha of Pandaria, before she pulled them back into this world and allowed her observer, Wrathion, to explain things to them. After making sure all of this world's heroes were back she focused on slowly restoring most of the species she had destroyed in her conquest of Azeroth, even the Elemental Lords for that matter, just to bring back everyone important to this world's future.

At the same time she did something to boost her standing with the Eternal Ones, she sent out tendrils of her power while she worked, tracking down and pulling Dreadlords to her position, as they were a blight upon reality and killing them meant things would be easier for the heroes. Of course the ones that came to her first were the Fel corrupted ones, the ones that most of Azeroth was familiar with, and she made sure to slaughter each of them, raising them into undeath so that once her work was done she could send them back to the Shadowlands. The problem came with those who went into the realms of the other Cosmic Forces, those being Light, Life, Arcane, and the Void, though she was patient and did her work to the best of her ability, leaving the explaining to Wrathion, who was widely accepted by the heroes. She even returned Chromie and Kairoz to this world, where she glanced at the latter as she brought Garrosh Hellscream back, as both of them knew what he would do in the near future and it was vital to the history of this world, even if he would go down as one of the worst people in Azeroth's long history.

Eventually the stack of marbles became a pile that needed to be stored inside a small sack, making her realize just how many timelines she had ruined in her quest to create an army of undead that could aid her in her dark mission, and once she did away with all of them, and added the Dreadlords to the last one, she breathed a sigh of relief as she tossed the sack into the air and caught it a few times.

"It seems your work is complete." Wrathion commented, though he was amazed that she had done so much in a day's work, confirming that, while the Elements of Harmony had wiped out the Old Gods she absorbed back in Pandaria, her power was far stronger than when she was an ordinary death knight or even the Lich Queen, meaning her body must have absorbed the power of the deceased Old Gods, "What will you do now?"

"First, destroy these." Sunset replied, where she tossed the sack into the air and caught it with her magic, allowing her to set it on fire with a specific spell that radiated Death energy, as it would reduce the marbles to ash, leaving nothing of them for anyone to use in the future, while sending the souls trapped in each one to the Shadowlands so they could be judged by the Arbiter and move onto their proper afterlives, "With that done, however, it's time for me to leave as well."

As Wrathion opened his mouth, to ask what she meant, Sunset gathered her magic and the jewel on her helm glowed with a bright light that radiated Death energy, where it looked like she was tracing the energies that had brought her to Oribos in the first place, before he realized what she was doing. While he could confirm that she was focusing on opening the way back to the Shadowlands, to fulfill her promise to the Eternal Ones that had judged her, he also understood that she was tracking down the location that the helm was forged in, as, by her own admission, it and Frostmourne were forged in part of the Maw. He had no idea if it was true or not, even though he knew Sunset wasn't a liar, but he said nothing as he stood there and watched as she continued to gather her energy, all while noting that she had chosen to work on the peak of her mentor's old citadel, as they were near the steps to the Frozen Throne. A moment later he watched as a circular portal of Death energy opened in front of Sunset, one that was large enough for a single person to walk through, and on the other side he found what appeared to be a nightmarish landscape, no doubt the Maw.

In that moment he stepped back and allowed Sunset Shimmer to step through the portal without saying another word on the matter, as Wrathion knew that she would bring Death to her enemies and that the Jailer would soon come to fear the monster he had created, and he was sure that Sunset was eager to see what happened next.

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