• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Cataclysm: Vashj'ir and the Naga

With the addition of the worgen and goblins to the Scourge, races that Sunset didn't have from the world she attacked to put her army together, she found that the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms were easily conquerable, because the forces of the Alliance and the Horde had pulled out after their failure on Northrend. Such a thing meant that the only beings left for her to take out were the native races, such as ogres and trolls, so her army washed over them in no time at all, causing her to focus on other things as she studied the provinces they were passing through. Sunset stopped at the graveyards and used the power of her runeblade to bring those who had been buried in each one back to life, adding them to the growing might of the Scourge, where the fallen were welcomed by her forces as they tore into those that were still living, killing them so she could bring them back as well. Other than that Sunset found that there wasn't a lot to do while her scouts tracked down the exact whereabouts of Deathwing, as she had sent several dragons out to figure out exactly what the Aspect of Death had done to Azeroth, so she could plan her attack accordingly.

When they reached the end of the Arathi Highlands, however, Sunset paused as the Scourge marched into the Wetlands to the south, crossing a bridge that connected the two parts of the continent together, as she spotted some naga, beings that had been highborne night elves before being turned into serpentine creatures, with the lower body of a snake, though the males were more brutish than the females.

"How curious. The naga refused to show themselves in the other timelines... something must be attracting them, but I have no idea what that might be." Sunset commented, speaking to herself as she stared out to the west, her eyes following the naga she had seen, before she found something new off in the distance, to the southwest, which interested her since she had no information on it, "Pull back into the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms and fortify our position... once I have an idea as to what's going on, and kill some naga, I'll have an idea of what to do next."

"As you wish, my Queen." Mira said, bowing her head towards Sunset for a moment before she and the Scourge marched back into the province they had just passed through, while at the same time she knew that this would give them a chance to contact all of their scouts and figure out what else Deathwing had done to the world.

As the Scourge moved back into the Arathi Highlands, and would soon rest throughout the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms, Sunset opened her wings and took to the air without delay, tracking the naga for a time as they headed for the new area she had spotted. What she discovered was that they were heading to a previously undiscovered province, one that rested beneath the water with only a tiny bit resting on the surface, a fact that was good for the naga since they were able to breathe underwater, thanks to their gills. Such a thing meant that the mortal races of Azeroth wouldn't be able to follow the enemy force or do anything, not unless a shaman assisted them based on what she knew, but, at the same time, it wouldn't stop her from following her targets, as a perk of being undead meant she didn't need to breathe at all. She also took a few seconds to consider why they were here, as she knew of nothing that would attract the naga, though Sunset figured that once she killed and raised some she would have all the answers she needed, thanks to the powers of the Helm.

When the naga dived deeper, so they could fulfill whatever their dark mission was, Sunset smashed into the water and sunk as well, following after them as she found herself in an underwater kelp forest that happened to be full of life and all sorts of aquatic creatures, such as twisted goblins suited for living in their new environment.

"Fascinating, I never would have expected to discover something like this... at yet, at the same time, I should have known, given how this world works." Sunset commented, though in that moment she found that several of the naga, as in those who had been here before the group she had been following passed through, along with a number of water goblins that seemed to be their servants, gathered around the area she was in.

Sure enough she found that the naga rushed at her and, more importantly, her body wasn't suited for this sort of battle, as her movements were slower than what she was used to when she was on land, but Sunset was fine with that, because it added some fun to the fight. Of course there was a chance that the first one she slew would grant her the power to fight on their level, allowing her to adjust to the water and not be hindered at all, but until that happened she was more than willing to take her time and swing her blade accordingly, finding that the naga were studying her as they sought openings in her defenses. Such a thing brought about their downfall when one rushed at her, sensing that she might be able to end their foe or knock her down enough to enslave her, where Sunset parried the attack and stabbed the naga in the chest, a fact that stunned the others and their servants, especially when she raised her into undeath. Her thoughts proved to be right, all she had to do was slay one naga and suddenly her ability to fight while underwater improved drastically, where she hacked and slashed her way through the naga, all while using the power of Frostmourne to raise the fallen and turn the tide against their remaining enemies.

While Sunset did that she also figured out what the naga were doing in Vashj'ir, the name of the province she spotted after seeing some of them moving through the water earlier, they were gathering in force to capture three Ancients, beings of great power, and corrupt them before unleashing a kraken called Ozumat on Neptulon the Tidehunter. She knew, due to raising Ragnaros into undeath some time ago, after the heroes left his temporary domain, that the figure the naga were after was one of the Elemental Lords, the Lord of Water to be exact, who had been made by the Old Gods to do battle with the Titanforged all those years ago. Since Deathwing was a servant of the Old Gods, given his madness, it made sense that he was going to call forth his allies and wage war on the races of Azeroth, but the naga had found out that Neptulon had no desire to join the mad dragon, so they were here to enslave him and press him into service once more. Sunset also put together what would happen in the near future, Deathwing was likely going to call forth the other three Elemental Lords, Ragnaros for fire, Al'Akir for air, and Therazane for earth, in an attempt to lay waste to those who defended this world, all so his masters would be able to break out of their prisons, or master since two of the Old Gods were dead.

Of course none of them realized that she had already raised Ragnaros into undeath, corrupting his flames, but that left his domain and his forces, something Sunset would have to deal with in due time, but for now she decided to turn the tide on the naga, to take their targets and add their power to her own.

"So, Lady Naz'jar seeks to enslave Neptulon on Queen Azshara's orders... little does she know that she's doing my work for me, opening the way to the prize." Sunset remarked, as it was humorous when she thought about it, that the naga had no idea that things were terrible on land and that someone had replaced the Lich King, someone who was willing to attack all living creatures, including the Elemental Lords, "Come, my naga. Let us wage war against our enemies!"

With her orders given Sunset and her naga spread out from the area she had started in, which appeared to be where the naga would wreck ships with their kraken, where they cut down anything and everything that dared to get in their way, as she did on land with her army. She found that there were some murlocs, small strange creatures that looked like ugly fish humanoids, some gilgoblins, the water goblins, and some sea giants, aquatic giants that loved to sink ships, wandering all over the province, in addition to the still living naga. As the first couple of battles happened she found that the naga were just like all of the other living creatures, they either didn't notice the new deathly nature of those that had been brought back to life or were shocked by what happened to those they knew, but in the end it didn't matter as her new force cut all of her foes down and continued to the edge of the province. Such a thing allowed her to raise them into undeath and add them to her new fighting force, which was starting to wash over their former allies, who were distracted by their plans to capture the ancients and use their power to enslave Neptulon.

When the first province was devoid of life, which was becoming Sunset's specialty, she and her army dived deeper into the land of Vashj'ir before resuming their assault on Lady Naz'jar's massive force, which had been assembled to do battle with Neptulon's forces so Ozumat could seize control over him and his forces.

It was interesting to watch the undead naga tear apart their former allies without a care in the world, in fact most of the races of Azeroth knew they didn't like life and sought to end all things, due to being allied with the Old Gods, but what she was referring to was that the living naga were still shocked by this turn of events. It seemed like all races, no matter who they were, could be shocked with the sudden arrival of allies they assumed were still alive, only to discover that they had been slain and revived by some unknown force, causing chaos among the ranks that she took advantage of. It delighted her to see that even the naga, a force that was seen as evil to most of Azeroth's races, could be taken aback by this, almost as if they hadn't believed such a thing could happen to them, and with each naga falling to their former comrades another rose to join her army. Eventually she found her way to one of the three Ancients that were positioned around the area, a massive shelled creature that one could enter through what had to be air passages of some kind, and inside it she found a number of Twilight's Hammer cultists messing with the creature.

While her naga slew their former allies and washed over the cultists, adding more soldiers to be revived, Sunset drove her runeblade into the heart of the Ancient, slaying the massive creature in a matter of seconds, showing her that the cultists had weakened it greatly, before grinning as she brought everything around her into undeath.

Delving deeper into Vashj'ir allowed her to wage total war on not only the naga forces, but also the water elementals that saw her as a threat to their domain, since she had naga in her dark army, where she confirmed that she had the power to raise them into undeath as well. Such a thing allowed her to slowly chip away at Neptulon's forces as her army sought out Ozumat, because the kraken had to be somewhere and everyone assumed it was moving closer to the Tidehunter's place of residence, the entrance to his Elemental Plane at the very least. Sure enough she found the main force of naga heading far into the sheer depths of the province that had been pulled high enough for people to notice it, with a taller female that had to be Lady Naz'jar, though she hung back for a bit, watching as the naga found the deepest section and the entrance to the Elemental Plane that Neptulon ruled from. Her thoughts were proven right as Lady Naz'jar and her forces attacked the water elementals, clearly intending on enslaving them to the will of their Queen, and she found a massive brown beast swimming through the water, Ozumat no doubt, though she continued to wait as the water shifted before her eyes, the sign that she had been waiting for.

Sure enough a massive humanoid creature, the upper half more like stone while the lower half was pure water, rose out of his hiding place and turned on the naga attacking his kind, which was when Sunset made her move, her forces ending Lady Naz'jar's while she strangled her main target and her kraken, ending them both in no time.

"You have arrived at an opportune time, mortal." Neptulon stated, though it was far too easy for Sunset to tell that he was a bit unnerved by how she effortlessly wiped out the naga that were attacking his forces, all while he was seeing what had to be naga serving her, something that put him on edge instantly, "What business do you have..."

Neptulon didn't get a chance to finish his statement as Sunset leapt at him and drove Frostmourne into his heart, where the force of her attack knocked him into the ground, and when she stood up the necrotic power of her runeblade washed out all over the area, raising the fallen as members of the Scourge, and with Neptulon joining them Sunset headed for the surface, to continue her crusade against Deathwing's forces before worrying about the rest of the living.

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