• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Interlude: New Allies

Sunset found that the guards, true to Kairoz's word, had no idea that someone had been talking to her, as she found that none of them moved over to her cell after the bronze dragon's magical image, which only she had seen apparently, had vanished from the prison. That was good in her eyes, as it meant that no one knew that in three days things were about to change, even though it also told her that the blue dragons had to be angry with the mortal races of Azeroth, given that they were more attuned to the magical energies of this world. Such a thing interested her, as the stewards of magic would be interesting allies, if they overlooked the fact that the Scourge had raised a number of their slain as undead mounts and tools of war, just like the bronze dragons were interesting allies, given that they governed over time itself. She was fortunate that Kairoz was so interested in her, though while he claimed to want to work for the good of the world, and correct the wrongs that had been committed, she knew he had a desire for power that was similar to her own, she could almost smell it on him, and he likely had a reason for his actions.

She shifted her thoughts for a moment as she considered the dragonflights, where she knew the blues were connected to magic and the bronze were linked to time, though the greens were protectors of the natural world, the reds watched over life itself, and the blacks happened to be protectors of the earth. If there were rebellious dragons in two of the five groups of dragons, wanting to do more than what they had been charged with or disagreeing with their leader's desires, she had to wonder if there might be any other dragons who were dissatisfied with what they were doing with their lives. If so there was a chance that she would meet them in whatever place Kairoz and his allies were planning on bringing her to once the force of blue dragons attacked the prison, something she decided to shelve for the time being. Of course she also had to wonder if Kairoz was the only bronze dragon who wasn't happy with the status quo of his flight, or if he had allies that were lurking in the shadows, waiting for something to happen before revealing themselves to the rest of the world.

As the day came to a close, however, she found an unexpected guest, Khadgar had returned to the prison, likely to see if she had a change of heart during her stay in this place, though he was joined by a figure who was half human and half elf, who had short blue hair and seemed to be dressed as an adventurer, despite being a mage.

"Archmage Khadgar, what an unexpected surprise... here I thought you had forgotten about me." Sunset remarked, only speaking once the pair came to a stop in front of her cell, where she pulled her helmet off and set it on her knee, which was purely to maintain the illusion that nothing was wrong and that she wasn't plotting anything, before glancing over at the hidden dragon, as she could feel it thanks to speaking with Kairoz, "Oh wait, you did! You left me to rot in this cell with no company and no way to tell the time, for whoever knows how long... and now, when you finally remembered that I'm here, you bring company just to bother me!"

"Sunset, play nice. Kalec, this is the one I told you about, Sunset Shimmer." Khadgar said, though it was clear that he must have been busy for some time, hence why he didn't return to check on her like she thought he would, at least for the first couple of days, but she focused on the figure as he stared at her, "What do you think?"

"You were right, she possesses a substantial amount of magic in her body, magic unlike anything I have experienced in my long years," the newcomer, Kalec she recalled, answered, where blue and purple bits of magic seemed to gather in the air around his hands, as if he was peering at something only he could see, though Sunset had the confirmation that a dragon was in front of her right now, given the slits that appeared when he used magic, "The Lich King spent a great deal of time and effort to make you into the ultimate tool, so he could utilize your terrible power to lay waste to the world of the living, yet even after all this time you still refer to him as your master."

"If your plan was to keep me cut off from him, and try to break the connection, you shouldn't have teleported your city to Northrend, with myself and the other prisoners no less," Sunset replied, where it looked like her statement caused them to realize the error in their judgement, though despite that fact she still couldn't hear the Lich King's voice, which was both annoying and relieving at the same time, before she focused on what they were trying to do, "also, no, I'm not joining your side... Tirion and the Ebon Blade traitors will be the first to perish by my hand, once I get out of this cell, and your precious city will follow them in due time."

"Which will never happen, for the walls and wards protecting this prison are unbreakable." Khadgar stated, showing her that many believed that the prison was impenetrable and that nothing could overcome the magic that was in this place, a fact she would have believed had Kairoz not told her that a blue dragon would come and break the seal, "The war with the Lich King has started and his forces are facing losses all across Northrend... it is only a matter of time until we tear down the walls of Icecrown and make him pay for the lives he's ruined. Let us free you, so you can get your revenge on him and help save this world from his dark schemes... please, Sunset, let us help you."

Sunset said nothing to that as she slipped her helmet back on, showing Khadgar that there was nothing she wanted to say to him right now, causing him to sigh as he and Kalec departed from the prison, though as the silence returned she closed her eyes and focused her mind. Sure enough she found that part of her connection to the Lich King was still there, likely caused by her sticking to referring to him as her master and the fact that the Helm of Domination's power must have been focused on her body before her awakening as a death knight, so it wasn't easily erased. Other than that it seemed weaker than she originally thought, caused from being cut off from everything for such a long period of time, making her wonder what would happen when the barrier eventually came down, would she remain in this state of clarity or would she simply find a weapon and massacre everyone in Dalaran. Truthfully, she was thinking of betraying Kairoz immediately, as in just heading out of this massive prison with the other prisoners following her and murdering everything and everyone in the city, but, in the end, she decided to at least hear him out and not make an enemy of his group.

As such she simply leaned back and focused on the rest of the prison once more, either counting bricks, magical stones of some kind, or just watching the guards as she willed the last couple of days to go by so she could leave this place and get on with her own plans.

Her peace was disturbed by a sudden surge of magical energy, meaning it had to be the day of reckoning since it was next to impossible for her to tell otherwise, where Sunset raised her head for a moment and watched as a swirling vortex of magical energy appeared in the middle of the prison. What she discovered was a four legged scaly beast, like a fusion of human and dragon in some manner, due to the fact that it had a more humanoid torso area, who walked out of the portal and studied the area. She found that it had blue scales, meaning it had to be a member of the blue dragons and might be here to do what Kairoz had told her, though it wasn't the ally that she was waiting for, as it wandered off and started to use it's powers to open multiple portals into whatever location the attack force was waiting in. Sure enough it didn't take long for more members of the blue dragonflight to pour into Dalaran's prison, where one of the guards retreated, likely to sound the alarm and call for some heroes to aid them, while the others rushed to deal with all of the sudden intruders, as the blues wanted the mage guards dead.

Sunset watched for a time as the two forces tore into each other, the blue dragons actually gaining the upper hand over all of Dalaran's prison guards, before a group of five heroes, a male orc death knight, a female draenei priest, a male human mage, a female blood elf paladin, and a male dwarf hunter with a bear pet, took over for the mages, allowing them to pull back before some magic ended the assault.

By that she found that the initial assault was over, though the portal openers didn't stop there, rather they continued to open portals to the location that had been prepared ahead of time and assaulted the heroes that were here, though she found that she wasn't the only prisoner interested in this event. Of course the others would wonder if this might be when they would be able to leave their cells and lay waste to the city that was beyond the walls that surrounded them, and she knew that their thoughts would be correct, at least in regards to all of them escaping. The downside was that the group of heroes happened to be the only thing standing between them and freedom, which might some of the inmates might die in the process of escaping, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make, otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave the prison and set her plan into motion. For a few seconds, when the prison was clear of enemies, Sunset found that the heroes did take a moment to look at her, no doubt surprised by her form or the fact that a death knight was in this place, but before any of them could say anything more blue dragons tore open additional portals and swarmed them once more, forcing all of the heroes to focus on their enemies.

As the portals continued to open, however, Sunset found a small whelpling that slipped through one of the portals, one who was ignored by the heroes since it flew around the ceiling for a time, surveying the battle below it, before flying down to the cell that she was in and stopping in front of it.

"I am Miragosa, ally of Kairozdormu." the little dragon said, something that confirmed everything for Sunset, this was the figure she had been waiting for, the dragon that would spring her from the cell that she had been trapped in and allow her to get on with her life, where magical energy danced around the being's body for a few seconds, "Let's get you out of here, while the heroes are distracted."

Sunset said nothing as what could be described as a magical nullification spell was cast, something that smashed into the barrier of her cell and disabled it in a matter of seconds, though it extended to the rest of her bindings, breaking the bits that had been placed on her limbs and horn, allowing her to step out for the first time in months.

"Beware, Sunset Shimmer is free!" the death knight declared, showing that someone had been paying attention to what was going on in the surrounding area, meaning someone knew that she was no longer in her cell and that she was free to do whatever she wanted, especially since the heroes felled the group they had been working on and turned towards her.

"Sorry, heroes, but I'm not sticking around." Sunset said, where several portals opened around her, no doubt Miragosa making sure her escape route was secure and unseen by the group of heroes, and more blue dragons moved forward, all unaware that they were being sacrificed for her own escape, "Oh, do tell Tirion that his days, and the days of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, are numbered... he'll understand what I mean."

At least two of the heroes thought they could stop her from leaving, though the force of blue dragons was all she needed to shroud her escape, as Miragosa opened a smaller portal for the two of them and Sunset stepped through as soon as all sorts of blue dragons were attacking the heroes. A few seconds later she appeared in a space that looked like it peered out into space, given the stars around her, and she found a smooth stone platform below her, with arcane runes lining the floor, meaning it had to be the domain of a blue dragon, Miragosa's to be exact. As she took in what was around her, and enjoyed the feeling of being free, the little dragon joined her and closed the portal behind her, where she opened another one, showing her that this was just a stop for them, before the two of them passed through it as well, moving to an island far away from any of the other landmasses. Sunset's reasoning for that was because she could barely see a massive tree in the distance, Teldrassil her memories told her, though she soon found that there was a decent sized two story building on the island and there were two floating hourglasses near the main door.

After closing the portal, however, Miragosa transformed into a blue haired elf, like Kalec except far more elven, who wore a blue mage robe, where she pushed the door open and Sunset found that Kairoz was in the middle of the main chamber, near a table that had a large cloth covering something that seemed like a weapon.

"So, Sunset, how do you like the taste of freedom?" Kairoz inquired, as the moment he heard the door open he turned his head and smiled as the pair entered the place he had either found or set up before this point, where Miragosa stood near the entrance as the one she risked her life for approached their bronze dragon ally.

"I guess it's nice, after nearly five months in there." Sunset replied, though at the same time she glanced back at the blue dragon and nodded her head towards her, mostly because without her she wouldn't have been able to get out of her cell, much less the sacrifice of her kind to ensure they were able to escape, "You have my thanks, Miragosa."

"Indeed. You have my gratitude as well, Mira, for springing Sunset from the cell she was forced into." Kairoz said, where he and Sunset found that the blue dragon didn't seem to care, rather she had her own reasons for allying with him and might be waiting for him to fulfill his side of things, to which he focused on the table for a moment, "A black dragon ally of ours, who is a rather talented blacksmith, agreed to make this weapon and asked that I provide the parts, which I spent some time gathering from the various points in time. Allow me to reveal your runeblade."

Sunset said nothing as he removed the cloth and revealed a greatsword with a blade whose thickness was close to what Frostmourne possessed, had two curved blade pieces near the guard, etchings for her to empower with her runes, and the guard was a metallic skull that was close to the blade, with two branches that ended in smaller ornate metal skulls, all while ending in a handle that could withstand the use the blade would soon see.

"A wonderful weapon... our ally has my thanks." Sunset remarked, noting that the gleaming titansteel had been darkened by the methods, and likely madness, of the black dragonflight, though it bared no corruption inside it, that much she could tell, to which she grasped the handle and raised it, finding that the blade was as light as her old one and was likely just as powerful, and it wasn't long before the runes glowed, an icy blue like her old runeblade.

Following that Sunset stepped outside for a few moments, causing Kairoz and Mira to raise their eyebrows before finding that she started to swing her blade and remember what she had been told, allowing them to witness the sheer brutality of her blows, in just the motion of attacking, until she suddenly stopped and grinned.

"Oh yes, this will suit my needs quite well." Sunset said, because it was as she said, the blade was wonderful and was the perfect tool for her to fulfill her desires, though she needed to test it in battle before even attempting to take down Arthas, before he became the Lich King, and she had an idea of how to make sure she was ready for her quest.

Kairoz let a smile appear on his face as he watched Sunset with her new blade, the terrifying death knight that the Scarlet Crusade feared, and both the Alliance and the Horde feared the tales of, had been reborn, outfitted with the tools to bring her desires to live without having to worry about anyone standing in her way, and he was eager to work with her and work towards a better future for Azeroth.

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