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Ripto's Rage: Water you doing

Eventually Rarity recovered after Spyro learnt everypony's name.

"So, where were you brother?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Just finished up with Idol Springs." Spyro said.

"Ah yes. So then as you heard then, Spyro and me learnt how to swim thanks to Moneybags. Though I still don't agree with having to pay him so many gems." Cozy Glow said.

"But you said he was going to get his comeuppance several times, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh yes. Just not right away. Regardless, thanks to Spyro's Dragon magic, we didn't need to worry about needing to hold our breath underwater." Cozy Glow said.

"Dragon magic? Dragons here don't come with magic." Spike said.

"You probably don't realize that you do, because I can sense some in you and the orange dragoness here." Cozy Glow said.

"How can you even tell?" Smolder asked.

"Something I picked up from being around my brother." Cozy Glow said.

"But of course." Rainbow Dash said. Sparx buzzed some things.

"Sparx says that you're distracting Spyro." Cozy Glow said.

"So next up was Hurricos and the Gear Grinders being delt with. This officially was the first level where Ripto had secretly given the Gear Grinders an ace up their sleeves in the form of them removing diodes which powered electric gates." Spyro said.

"After that though, Spyro and I went to a different sort of level that I would later grow to hate: A speedway level. Because I hadn't learnt how to fly yet, I was forced to sit in an audience portion of the level. Looking back on it now, I wish I had never expressed interest in helping my brother with those Speedway levels because watching them and doing them are two totally different things. And I would later grow to HATE speedway levels." Cozy Glow said.

"I always had fun with them, but Cozy Glow...well as you can plainly hear, she didn't have fun with them. At all." Spyro said.

"Spyro loves Speedway levels as does Sparx. But I don't understand how they can enjoy something I most certainly HATE with a burning passion. I swear, if I EVER see another Speedway level, I am going to basically nope out of helping my brother with them." Cozy Glow said.

"Considering the last time we dealt with Speedway levels you injured your wing in one of them, I don't blame you. It's why I won't let you help me with them anymore. The last one you helped with you injured your wing. I refuse to let you do that to yourself again." Spyro noted. "Though I doubt we'll ever encounter another one of those levels." He added.

"I hope we don't. Just like you won't let me help you in another speedway level, I never want to see you do another speedway level for as long as we both live." Cozy Glow said.

"Well golly gee willikers, that sounds rough." Applejack said. Suddenly Cozy Glow got a headache which Spyro soon conforted her on.

"It's okay sis, the 'golly' voices can't get to you anymore." Spyro said.

"...What's that about?" Applejack asked.

"After the Avalar adventure, Cozy Glow had nightmares about a bunch of demonic voices repeating the word 'golly' at her." Spyro said. "Since then, she gets a headache everytime someone says 'golly' around her." He said.

"But that's what she said all the time back here." Apple Bloom said.

"I...I don't want to ever say that word again then. It's...it's too much..." Cozy Glow said.

Poor Cozy Glow...now more than ever I have to find her birth parents. Twilight thought to herself.

"Cozy Glow, let's take your mind off things by talking about your two favorite locations from Avalar: Sunny beach and Aquaria Towers." Spyro said.

"Th-that'll help. Thanks brother, you're the best ever. I'm so glad the dragon elder who adopted you adopted me as your sister." Cozy Glow said. "And that's after I remembered well...you know. But that's not for here." She added.

"Indeed. So, me and Cozy Glow soon came across Sunny Beach, one of Cozy Glow's personal favorite areas of Avalar." Spyro said.

"It's mainly because of the baby turtles. So cute." Cozy Glow said before taking out a picture of baby her, Spyro, and some strange baby turtle-like creatures. "We even got to have a picture with them. See, aren't they just adorable~" Cozy Glow said.

"So cute~" Fluttershy coo'ed at the photo of baby Cozy Glow and the baby turtles with Spyro.

"...For...once...I can't help it...I agree with Fluttershy: SO GOSH DARN CUTE! LIKE AWESOMELY SO!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Dang...if even Rainbow Dash says it..." Scootaloo said.

"But probably even better was Aquaria Towers. Once we cleared the place out of Waterworkers; who had taken over both places; we managed to flood Aquaria Towers to the top. And thus the entire level for the most part was underwater. Like I said, thanks to Spyro's Dragon magic, neither me or Spyro had to worry about drowning." Cozy Glow said. "It was an early taste of what it was like to fly." She added.

"I guess in a sense it would feel that way. Especially if you didn't have to worry about drowning." Rainbow Dash noted.

"It was so amazing too! Too bad it took me until my third adventure with my brother and our second run-in with Ripto and his goons to learn how to fly." Cozy Glow said.

"Too true. But hey, at least next we were to face off against Crush, one of Ripto's goons." Spyro said.

"Finally some fighting. I can't wait to hear what amazing stunts you did to beat some of the big bads you two fought." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually Crush was a disappointment. All my brother had to do was dodge Crush's attacks and flame him several times to win. It was rather disappointing." Cozy Glow said.

"Wait seriously? Darn I got all excited for nothing." Rainbow Dash said.

"Let's be fair Rainbow, aren't most first bosses in video games the easiest thing ever?" Scootaloo asked.

"Fair point Scoots." Rainbow Dash said.

Author's Note:

So here's a fun fact about me: I've played several Spyro games as it is, and do you want to know what my least favorite type of level is? It's the infamous speedway levels. Bar none, my least favorite type of level are the various speedway levels. And while three of the classic series Spyro games are devoid of Speedway levels, they are still in the majority of Spyro titles, being around since the very first game. Huh? What's that you say? The first Spyro game didn't have speedway levels, and instead had flight levels which were on a timer? My friend, those Flight Levels from the first Spyro game WERE speedways; they just weren't given the speedway moniker until the second game. In other words, the flight levels in the first Spyro game were still speedways in all but name only as they have everything else that make speedways my least favorite type of level: A giant checklist of destroyable objects all under a time limit. There's not a single Spyro game that has speedways that I enjoyed playing. I HATE speedways. And thus, Cozy Glow too hates speedways in this context, as I WILL use her to voice my undying hate for Speedway levels.