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Story Finale - Filly Amongst Dragons Bottom

It was some time later at the Castle of Friendship, the portal to the dragon realms was still at the School of Friendship.

"There was one thing I never did mention before now. But I might as well tell you now. You remember those one hundred light gems that I grabbed alongside Spryo and Cynder when we faced Red? By combining Avalar's orbs with Dragon Magic, Bianca's Magic, and the light gems, we were able to create a permanent gateway from the School and the Dragon Realms. So now, if you want to, you can go visit them whenever you all want to, and I can be over here whenever I want as well." Cozy Glow said.

"That's so cool." Rainbow Dash said.

"As cool as it is, there just remains one last loose end now: What's going to happen with Cozy Glow?" Cynder asked.

"Yes. That is the question now, isn't it; Princess Celestia." Twilight said, turning to her mentor. "As one of the princesses ruling Equestria, considering Cozy Glow now remembers full well what she's done, the decision on what happens to her falls to you after all." The purple alicorn said and teleported a documentation of separation to herself. "Just remember, make the wrong choice, and all I have to do is sign one of these, and Ponyville will no longer be part of Equestria." Twilight said.

"Twilight, are you sure that's wise?" Applejack asked.

"Cozy Glow has been through hell and back. We only got a taste of what she's been through with Ripto and The Sorceress turning into that two headed monster. Not only that, she's not only just a filly, but she's also an orphan without her adoptive dragon father back in the Dragon Realms. To choose to imprison some pony like her, after she just helped save Equestria AND the dragon realms from total war, if that hasn't made up for the fact she almost drained all of the magic from equestria, then I don't know what could." Twilight said. "Not to mention everything else she's done while away from us." She added.

"...Yeah that's a fair point. Consider the apple family behind you." Applejack said.

"She did some bad things yes, but she's more then made up for it. I'm on board." Fluttershy said.

"I need to throw her a 'welcome back and congratulations on defeating a bunch of evil bad guys' party, so count me in too!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Well I would most certainly like to see how Cozy Glow is going to be now that she's basically reformed, so count me in as well." Rarity said.

"I always stick by my friends, and Twilight's my friend to the end. Don't care if you kick me off the wonderbolts because of this Celestia, but my friends are more important to me than being a Wonderbolt so, I'm with Twilight one hundred and ten percent. Yes Twilight, I know that's not mathematically possible. Just this one time, can you let that go?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I actually wasn't going to say anything that time. Because I'm putting the same amount of support behind Cozy Glow." Twilight said. "So Princess, are you going to let the princess side of you be in control and lose me as a friend forever; or for once, are you going to do the right thing?" She asked.

"My employment is with Twilight, so yeah. What she says goes with me." Flash Sentry said.

"Aunty, please, for once, don't make a stupid mistake." Cadence said.

"Let me just tap in here. I know it's not my place to give my two cents, but my father willingly made sure I wouldn't throw away a life with Spyro as my mate because he knew I love Spyro to death, and didn't want me to regret leaving him. I realize that now. My father once made the mistake of making the wrong choice and not taking his mother with him to the Mystic Lands. She was the one good thing in my father's life. Just like how Spyro is the one good thing in my life. But my father made sure I wouldn't live with regrets. Do you want to live like my father Princess Celestia? Do you want to send Cozy Glow to prison so bad for what she's done, you're willing to declare war with the rest of your nation to do so? Do you want to be imprisoned in Tartarus forever, constantly living with the regret you had making the choice to imprison Cozy Glow? Because that's what it was like for my father: Constantly living in a prison without the one good thing in his life. Do you want to do the same, Princess Celestia? Do you want to throw away your friendship with Twilight? From what I understand, she's the one good thing in your life. My father made my choice for me. And he made his choice and the choice he made made him live forever in regret. You now have to make a similar choice: Do you throw away the one good thing in your life, or do you choose to keep it? It all depends on what you decide to do with Cozy Glow." Cynder said.

Every creature and pony in the room looked towards the white alicorn with baited breath; waiting to hear just what she was going to choose.

"...Fine...I'll make my choice..." Celestia said. And then she teleported away right then and there.

"...Good call Celestia. Good call." Twilight said.

The far future...

"...As it turns out, Celestia had made a judgement call: She could no longer rule Equestria, when she could no longer accurately understand how her country had changed. Equestria was entering an age where creatures of all sorts would mingle in the glow of the magic of friendship, and Celestia felt that in this approaching age, she and Luna were no longer fit to be Equestria's rulers. So, the crown was passed to Princess Twilight Sparkle in three months' time, and it's not uncommon to see her or Princess Sunset Shimmer wondering around chatting with the common ponies." Cozy Glow, now much older, said to a class of various creatures and students.

"Well done Cozy Glow. That was very well done for your first solo flight." Miss Cheerilee said. "Well class, does any creature have any questions?" She asked.

"So, why has Miss Cozy Glow chosen to become a teacher here instead of the Friendship School?" A male Kirin asked.

"Because someone needed to keep this school the CMC went to up and running. They are my friends. They would apricate it if Ponyville Elementary was no longer in service. Besides, it's technically part of the Friendship School, even if it's not on the same grounds as the Friendship School." Cozy Glow said.

"That's very thoughtful of you Miss Cozy Glow." A female Earth pony said.

"Thank you for that compliment." Cozy Glow said. The bell rung. "Oh, and everyone don't forget your projects on Equestrian history are due tomorrow." The pegasus said. The class left the schoolhouse.

"Speaking of choices, seems you made yours in a way." Cheerilee said.

"Yep. I'm a pony that goes between two realms. Because one thing still remains the same about me after all these years: I was raised as a filly amongst dragons." Cozy Glow said with a smile.

Author's Note:

This has been one CRAZY ass ride. And I'm sure all of you can agree with me on that one. But like all good things, it has come to an end. I would like to thank each and every one of you for tuning into this story and sticking with it to it's conclusion. Trust me, there were a few times I wanted to cancel this, there were even some irl things that were going on during the production of this thing that made me want to quit as well.

But I wouldn't let it get to me. I pushed through it. I persevered. And these past three chapters are the end product of all of that. And how ironic is it that I managed to finish this story off with the way that I did. The Malafor scene with Ritpo in the chapter before this one was always planned to go down that way, but in the wake of the death of Queen Elizibeth II, I couldn't have planned something like THAT to have occurred shortly before I finished this finale up.

It's very ironic that the timing turned out that way, and honestly, I wouldn't want to change that for the world. It just makes the ending that much more impactful because of it. The whole ending was about making the choice to not live with regrets; to not spend a single moment of your life regretting the choices you've made. That was the theme of this ending: Choosing to live with the good things in your life, then stowing in your regrets.