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Year of the Dragon: The Truth comes out

After everyone recovered, it was time to continue.

"So after Bently, I decided to go ahead and do the speedway before much else. Then, we headed for Lost Fleet, where we had to help a prospector find his treasure. Which...some rynoc stuck an Egg in." Spyro said.

"That wasn't very nice." Fluttershy said.

"After Lost Fleet, we traveled to Frozen Alters where Spyro was given Ice Breath by the Ice Faries that live there. It was only for that world though. Moneybags had sold the locals a laser security system that they couldn't really operate but Spyro had no trouble using it. We managed to defeat the rynocs and living Snowmen--" Cozy Glow was saying.

"LIVING SNOWMEN?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Evil, living Snowmen." Spyro connected. "Anyways, we did find Moneybags there AGAIN but after dealing with what he was blocking that time, we went to--" He started.

"Brother, you forgot somehting." Cozy Glow said.

"I...did?" Spyro asked. Cozy Glow nodded, then Spyro's eyes went wide. "Oh right, I did. So, get this, while we were at Frozen Alters, Hunter had gotten caught up in the trap the Sorceress made by accident. We couldn't really do much for him, Bianca had told us, but because the trap captured the wrong person, she would make sure the Sorceress didn't learn of what happened as a favor if we left the Forgotten Realms. But we didn't agree to that, so we went to Charmed Ridge. Instead of dealing with the Rynocs, this was the only level from the levels before the final home-world where The Sorceress was located. In this level, we had to save the Princess of the Fairies from Prince Azreal." Spyro said.

"Of course, truth is, the Princess was never captured, and that both the fairies and the wizards of Charmed ridge didn't want them to marry with one another. So, they decided to just elope instead." Cozy Glow said.

"Sounds like Star Crossed lovers." Twilight said.

"Gee, where does that sound familiar?" Rainbow Dash said, teasingly.

"Shut it Rainbow Dash. Until you get married to Soarin I--" Twilight then noticed the blush on Rainbow Dash's face. "...You mean...he already..." She trailed off.

"I...didn't want to say anything until this whole situation blew over but...yeah." Rainbow Dash said.

"...I...I see..." Twilight said.

"DOUBLE WEDDING PARTY!" Pinkie Pie announced.

"Heh...sure why not make it a double wedding? That would be totally awesome! First one in eqeustria!" Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight blushed. "I admit there is some appeal to that." She added.

"Plan your wedding another time would you?" Cozy Glow said.

"Sorry." Both Twilight and Rainbow said at once.

"So, anyways, after clearing Charmed Ridge, we then found the area for the Fireworks Factory Moneybags had mentioned with Sgt. Byrd. There we met back up with Greta. Seems the Sorceress had stolen plans for a Rocket the Professor had made. We didn't even know he was around at the time but we would find out later he was which explained why we came across Greta and Handel in the Fireworks Factory. We stopped the rocket, and then took the real deal on a course for Midnight Mountain. But, as we would find out later from Bianca when we beat the Sorceress herself, The Sorceress never planned on keeping the baby dragons alive; she just needed their wings for a spell to live forever and she was willing to kill to get them." Cozy Glow said.

"Wait, so, Bianca believed the Sorceress was just trying to restore the magic? I admit the methods weren't good, but they'd be understandable at least." Fluttershy said. "But wanting to kill dragons for their wings just so one could live forever?" She asked.

"The Sorceress has a temper with dragons. She was the reason why the Dragons left in the first place, using her magic to send them to the other side of the world. It was shortsighted though, as it ended up starting to deplete the magic of the world. Regardless, we had to team up with Bently to take down another transformed Rynoc that had become a flying monster named Scorch. We had to use missles to defeat him as he was just that strong." Cozy Glow said. "Bianca had freed Hunter and was willing to work with us to stop the Sorceress's twisted plans. First on the list, freeing the next animal buddy from Moneybags, in fact the last one. A monkey named Agent 9. He was...well...eccentric. It was like he was hyped on sugar." She explained.

"Well after Bently's club...wait no, not saying anything." Rainbow Dash said.

"Meh...while Agent 9 did dish out karmic justice, it was just to make Moneybags flee in terror after making the bear dodge laser blasts for a while." Spyro said.

"Really? REALLY? After all that buildup, THAT'S the note things leave off on? How disappointing." Rainbow Dash said.

"Once Agent 9 had cleared out his homeworld, and helped us clear out the Fireworks Factory, it was time for the rest of Midnight Mountain. We didn't come across any rynocs in these levels, which made sense as they were most all gone at this point more or less. Inbetween levels, we would have Sparx take care of more Sparx Levels. There was even one last speedway in the homeworld too." Spyro noted.

"Yeah sadly there wasn't much that could be said about the remaing levels. For the most part, we were just dealing with certain problems or doing tasks for others. Kind of underwelming after dealing with Rhynocs for so long. But eventually, it was finally time to take down the Sorceress herself." Cozy Glow said.

"And with Bianca's help, we got into her lair, and Agent 9 was willing to help us take down the sorceress. Her magic made her invincible to my fire breath, and she was too big for me to charge into. So, we had to rely on other methods. We had to use various vehicles to shoot at her and eventually, we knocked her into, taking the egg she was using as part of her sceptor in the process." Spyro said.

"Once we finished with her, one more Sparx level happened, before we came across Moneybags who had one of the last two eggs we were missing. But he wasn't williing to sell it to us at the very least. So instead, my brother chased the bear down and charged into him several times, and in the process, got back all the gems he made us pay him." Cozy Glow stated.

"Heh...I bet you were looking forward to doing that for the longest time." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh I was. And it was a much better note to end off on for that adventure at least. A bonus area opened up afterwards, which had to be where the final egg was. After a series of challenges and much gem collecting, we eventually managed to gain access to the level's final area where, low and behold, we found out that the Sorceress wasn't quite dead and had survived her lava bath. Seems she had the 150th egg on her personally, and wasn't willing to give it up without one last fight. So, with Bianca providing us a saucer to take down the Sorceress's saucer, we eventually defeated the Sorceress once and for all." Spyro said.

"Oh my, it's almost night time already?" Luna noted the time.

"Wow...time flies when your finishing things up." Spyro noted.

"Yeah. Let's pick this up again tomorrow." Cozy Glow said.