• Published 3rd Jul 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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The Lonely Life

The Friendship Express

Twilight was still deep in thought about the event that was happening. She was hosting the first ever Friendship Festival, all the way up in Canterlot she was very stressed but tried to remain as calm as possible.

She looked over at her friends, she’s known them for three years but it feels like they’ve been friends ever since they were fillies. At least that’s how Twilight feels, she always knew they would be by her side until the day they died.

But today she felt so empty like something or somepony was missing, she had Spike, her friends, a brother, sister and Nephew, even a mentor who was the goddess of the sun as well as her parents.

But still, she felt incomplete. She was so lost in thought she didn’t notice everybody was looking her way, noticing the lost expression plastered on her face.

Spike then gave her a light nudge to the side of her body, which pulled her back into reality. “Twilight are you okay?” Spike asked with slight worry, she turned to face her Assistant who carried a face of uneasiness.

She then noticed her friends also facing her with same expression that Spike held. “It’s nothing Spike just a little bit of Emptiness that I feel.” Spike stared curiously wondering what she could’ve meant.

“Did ya leave, anything behind?” Applejack spoke up, to which Twilight shook her head. “No, no. Not anything like that, it’s just I feel like I’m missing somepony.” She explained with an unreadable face.

Rarity raised a brow at the reply. “Whatever do you mean darling? Everypony is accounted for from what I can see.” She gestured to everyone else with her hoof getting nods in agreement from the others.

Twilight’s head perked up. “That’s just it! I know Everypony is here, but I feel like we’re missing Somepony even though we’re all here.” She exclaimed with doubt clouding her inner thoughts

‘I sound so ridiculous, why would there be Somepony missing if I don’t even know who?’ She scolded herself.

“Maybe you’ll find out in a later Chapter!” Pinkie exclaimed, making everyone tilt their heads in confusion to which Pinkie raised a brow with optimism.

“What? I might as well add something to the conversation that’ll go silent throughout the rest of the ride.” Pinkie complained before eating a random cupcake she pulled from her mane.

Twilight sighed, “Maybe pinkie’s right. Who knows maybe it might be a creature we haven’t met yet from the different species, or another Pony.” The others nodded in agreement, with Rainbow Dash closing the conversation.

“Don’t worry about it, Twilight just know we’re all here together right now for this big event you’re holding. Cause in my opinion, after the Festival we’ll help you figure who’s “Missing” and everything will go smooth sailing from their!” She declared, with the others openly agreeing.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you girls and Spike.” They had a quick hug before sitting back down in their respective seats, Twilight was a little more optimistic now she’ll figure out something.

‘Rainbow Dash is right, we’ll figure it out after the Festival. If it goes off without a hitch.’ She then relaxed back into her seat and began conversing, with Spike and the others catching up on their lives, with her previous thoughts being pushed to the back of her mind for the remainder of the ride.


Just on the outer borders of Canterlot a Blue trail, which quickly traversed the terrain and went through the entrance of the city, it moved through the streets a little bit not being noticed by the residents due to it moving to quick.

It arrived on top of a tall building and dissipated, leaving nothing but a Blue Hedgehog to stand there and watch the scenery, he took notice of all the Ponies ranging from Nobles to your Normal pony you would see down the street.

He loved it so much but restrained himself from just popping up, he also knew to not get to close to the castle because of the guards who would raise alarm of his presence.

But even he was aware that they wouldn’t be able to do much against him since in his words they quote. ‘Are just as bad as Stormtroopers trying to hit their target.’

In the corner of his eyes he caught sight of The Friendship Express, that was pulling up to the station with its whistle announcing its arrival to those nearby.

Sonic moved from the top of the building and got a bit closer to see, he arrived on top of the border wall (which thankfully didn’t have any guards) and watched in anticipation of who might arrive.

After it stopped and blew out its initial steam, the passengers were released from the transport.

Sonic gasped as a wide smile crossed his face, he saw The (Rainbow Ponies) Mane six and Spike hop off the train, along with almost all of the residents of Ponyville doing so as well with familiar faces such as Starlight, Trixie, Dj Pon 3, Lyra, Bon Bon, the CMC, Derpy and so on and so forth.

Sonic was on the verge of having a heart attack from seeing so many of the familiar faces, which he´s given nicknames to... (Let´s be clear I don´t want to suffer, trying to find perfect nicknames.)

He brought his attention back to the Mane six and Spike who had gotten all of their belongings, they began moving towards the entrance, with optimism high in the air exposing itself to the warmth of the sun, which burned brighter.

Sonic moved down from the wall and traveled up top another building closer to the Mane six and Spike, he could hear the voices of them much clearer from here and caught wind of this “Big Event” that was happening tomorrow.

He got even more excited by pumping his fist into the air in celebration, this could be his chance to finally reveal himself to the world and maybe finally meet his mom up close.

He then noticed Twilight stopped moving and tense up, Sonic got nervous believing he may have just caused noise to let her know of his position, with that he dashed away not wanting to see what would happen.

But now he was glad that he could finally have a chance to reveal himself to the world and finally reunite with his mom once more, but before he could indulge further into the pleasant thought his ears perked up to a sudden sound of cheering to which he changed course, and departed towards the source of the noise.

Canterlot: Minutes Earlier

The Friendship Express had finally arrived at Canterlot after only a few hours of traveling, it seemed every year since it was built it slowly got faster at arriving to its destination, Twilight and her friends all stood up and began to head out of the doors that lead to the outside world.

After making it out they proceeded over to the Stallion, who was pulling out the luggage that belonged to everyone on the train, he muttered something about ´crashing onto his bed once today was over.´

A few minutes went by and the Mane six and Spike got everything they brought from the Stallion, they proceeded through the entrance of Canterlot, the group were chatting up a storm about plans they had for the Festival which brought a smile to Twilight´s muzzle, but then she stopped moving all of a sudden and tensed her back feeling like she was being watched, she then heard the wind blow from somewhere above and quickly darted her eyes toward the noise.

Only to see nothing up on top of the building, she swore that something was there watching her but when she felt that presence it wasn´t that of Malice, hate or jealousy it was excitement and hope.

She then heard her friends call her name and advanced forward to catch up, not before giving one last glance at the building´s roof.

She caught up with her friends who looked at her with puzzled looks, Twilight took notice of their stares feeling nervous as each second passed.

“Twilight is there something you want to tell us about?” Fluttershy spoke up, breaking the silence.

Twilight stared for a few moments before replying with a shake of her head.

“N-no, it's nothing to worry about.” she reassured them, to which they respected her wishes and didn´t try to pressure her.

Twilight focused her attention back to in front of her as she and her friends made their way towards the giant castle, that loomed over them sending shivers down their spines even though they´ve been here before multiple times before, just the way the castle stood there towering over them was enough to make look on in awe and amazement that something this big was built.

Canterlot Baseball Field

Sonic managed to find the source of the noise which turned out to be a bunch of fillies and foals playing baseball, he peeked out from behind a tree that he was hiding behind for cover.

“Woah! The playoffs!” He whispered to himself with interest and awe, he saw a foal throw the ball at the filly holding the bat who swung it successfully hitting the ball and knocking out of the field getting a home run, with cheers rising from audience.

Sonic quickly dashed under the bleachers before anyone could see him, and continued to watch in awe and saw the filly run around the field, with a smile and began high hoofing the coach followed by the rest of the players on her team, Sonic saw this and really badly wanted to do that.

The filly got picked up by her whole team receiving high hoof after high hoof with smiles dawned on all of their faces.

Sonic smiled looking at a group of young ponies imagining himself alongside them. He really badly wanted to try the game himself but knew he had to wait patiently.

Canterlot Baseball Field: Hours Later

Hours after the victory, everyone left to go home and prepare for tomorrow´s big event.

Sonic on the other hand stayed and waited till there was no one in sight, he turned on all of the lights on the field and walked out still in awe of the sight.

“Whoa! So cool!” He whispered in amazement, he then drifted his eyes towards the equipment that was left on the field just waiting to be used by its next Players or in this case Player.

Canterlot Baseball Field: A Few Minutes Later

A bat tapped the home base which was being held by Sonic who raised it up and began to talk to himself.

“Bottom of the ninth, tie score. And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line--Sonic!” He then rushed over to where the Pitcher would be while swinging his arm with the ball in hand in circles with a glove on his other hand.

“But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Canterlot--also Sonic!” He returned back to the Home Base with the bat back in his hands.

“Okay. Focus, Sonic. If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Canterlot.” He swung the bat in a circle before returning to his normal position, he then dashed away again to Infielder position.

He then does a secret code with his fingers, straightens his cap, slaps his face a few times, does a couple of armpit farts, flaps his hands and cups them against his mouth.

“Hit to the guy on the left! He’s a real space case.” He then moves to the Left Fielder position blowing some bubblegum before returning to the pitcher position.

“Ugh, I can’t with that guy.” He whined to himself.

He then becomes the Umpire while making hand gestures. “Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic. "Suh-wing," batter Sonic.”

He then returns to the Pitcher position and throws the ball towards the batter, to which he becomes and swings the bat hitting the ball successfully.

The Outfielder Sonic is smelling a flower when he sees the ball coming towards him. “I got it, I got it, I got it!” He then misses. “I don’t got it.” He spoke with disappointment.

Batter Sonic then drops the bat and begins running and gets to the first base about to make it to the second base, to which Outfielder Sonic throws the ball at him and misses barley as Batter Sonic doges it and passes the second base.

He then runs towards the third base as he sees a teammate which is just him yelling. “Go Home! Go Home!” He then rounds the third base to which Umpire Sonic smacks his fist into his glove.

“Come on!” Batter Sonic then dives for the home base just as the ball passes him, Umpire Sonic catches the ball which is followed by Batter Sonic sliding across the Home Base as Umpire Sonic puts his glove down onto the base just missing his chance.

“Safe!” Umpire Sonic called. To which Sonic jumped up in victory after sliding on the ground.

“Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes! I did it! Did you see that? I did it! I did it.” he looked to the right and saw no one. He then slowly looked left and yet again saw no one in sight.

He then looked down and whispered in a depressed voice. “I really am alone. All alone… forever.” He pulled the helmet off his head and began running around the field in circles.

He felt tears on his face but it didn’t stop him from slowing down he progressively got faster and faster, with anger slowly crawling across his face.

Blue Lightning started producing on his quills making its way over his body, the dirt began going deeper as he kept going. His speed kept going up and up with him panting heavily before screaming in anguish and pain.

“AHHHHHH!!!” A bright blue electromagnetic pulse explodes in the air, causing the lights in the baseball field to explode. The brilliant pulse blooms outwards and spreads across Canterlot. Several cities and Towns across Equestria black out, plunging into darkness.

Sonic stood there mouth dropped at what just happened. “I’m pretty sure no one saw that giant Blue explosion, right?” He then zoomed off back to his home hopefully to hide away from anyone coming by to check what had just happened.

Canterlot Castle

To say that everything was in chaos would be an understatement everyone had been shaken up from the explosion, that had just occurred the Mane six, Spike and other Ponies inside of the castle appeared in the throne room which had very limited light.

Celestia, Luna and Cadance were all up the front with everyone else trying to get their heads wrapped around the situation.

“Calm down my little ponies! We know that you´re all wondering what has just happend, but fear not as the Royal Guard have already gone to investigate the disturbance. As for the rest of you I suggest getting some sleep for tomorrow!”Celestia called, to which everyone listened and followed the instructions.

Twilight made it back to her room with Spike who collapsed onto his bed immediately and was out cold, meanwhile Twilight hopped into the comfy confinements of her bed, with all sorts of thoughts appearing in her head.

But she chose to ignore them for now and focus on getting some sleep, she had an idea to tell the princesses about in the morning.

But that wouldn´t get here sooner if she continued to listen to her plagued thoughts. She finally closed her eyes and dozed off into the realms of sleep but not before having a last minute thought.

´I really hope everything goes right, cause it would be a disaster if anything went wrong.´ she finally blacked out and began snoring softly into the night.

???: Hours Away from Canterlot

Somewhere away from Canterlot there were airships hovering above the land heading towards Canterlot at a rather slow pace, but something happend a shockwave of sorts hit it.

The airships deactivated for a second before reactivating once more, Inside of the Biggest airship there stood a shadow that walked toward someone sitting on a chair the figure having sparks of light accumulate off her head.

it then stopped before speaking in a low, threatening, female voice. “We´ve sensed a massive energy spike from the capital of Canterlot. What should we do?”

The figure sitting in the chair held his staff tight before speaking in an equal voice to the former being. “Let us quicken our pace... I suspect that whatever caused that Energy spike will be the source to my victory.” He chuckled evilly.

The shadowy figure nodded slowly before making their way out of the room, she made her way towards a room with a small black Antrho hedgehog who was piloting the ship. “Orders, General.” He asked with slight fear.

The figure stood in the shadows looking at the Small Hedgehog, “Make haste to Canterlot. Something interesting has come to fruition.” she began to chuckle evilly as she left the room with the doors closing behind her as she left leaving a dead atmosphere to take over the echoey ambiance that filled the room.

Author's Note:

Holy hell this took a bit to write and hopefully it provides enough to keep you interested for the next chapter, which is where the movie events officially start.

Hope you enjoy it, and I´ll see you all later.