• Published 3rd Jul 2022
  • 4,482 Views, 201 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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Shunned by the World

Mount Aris: Coast

Sonic continued looking at the group no longer dawning a smile but more of a sad frown, they had just seen what he had done on the Canterlot baseball field.

Which led to them knowing why The Storm King even invaded them in the first place, Applejack was the first to break the silence. “You mean to tell me! That y’all the one who made The Storm King invade our home!”

Sonic was taken aback by her angry tone, but sighed and replied. “Yes… but not intentionally.” He admitted, Pinkie was the next one to speak.

“The Queen was going to say yes! But then you set off the alarm!” Sonic grew annoyed. “That was an accident especially after ‘Book Master’ here decided to risk the chance to save our home!”

The others raised brows and looked at Twilight. “Oh you guys don’t know, you see she wanted us to go and help Skystar while she could take the Pearl!”

They all gasped and looked at Twilight with frowns. “I never would have done it but this isn’t Equestria! Besides you stopped me from doing so, but why didn’t you tell us about the Blue Explosion you caused?!”

“Well…” Sonic stammered.

Twilight pushed it further. “Did you think it was ok to betray our trust?!”

“No!” Sonic replied growing more angry by the second, the others were starting to get worried.

“Then why did you do it?!” Sonic faced away from them and gritted his teeth electricity sparking on him. “Because…”

“Because what?!” Sonic snapped around to face her. “IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS SCARED OKAY!!!” The outburst caused them all to step back in surprise, they also noticed his eyes change from green to blue as electricity appeared on his quills.

“After I caused the explosion I felt guilty about it! And I didn’t tell you guys because if I did, I would have lost the first friends I’ve had in years!” The others were to say the least shocked.

“And you should know that better than anyone! ‘Princess of Friendship!’ But I guess you aren’t that considering you almost botched everything!” Twilight grew an angry look now.

“Well I’m doing the best I can!” She stomped her hoof forward. “We can’t just dance around with con artists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! because we are not enough!”

“Yeah but you are also the one, who can’t even trust her own friends!” Sonic spat back, Twilight finally snapped and marched up to him.

“Or maybe we would have been better off without somepony like you!” Her horn flared with its normal lavender hue before it suddenly made both Twilight and Sonic’s eyes glow white.


Twilight opened her eyes and discovered she was floating in a dark void. “Where am I?” She darted her eyes around the place, she then remembered what had just happened.

She had yelled at Sonic out of frustration from the adventure, she then remembered how her horn flared and then everything went black. ‘Wait am I…’

Her thoughts were halted when she heard noise behind her, she spun around and saw something play. It was of Sonic when he was younger and had lost Longclaw.

‘Was that a memory from Sonic’s childhood?’ She then looked to the right and saw another memory, this time being the baseball field except this time she got to see why Sonic caused the explosion.

’He was alone. I can’t believe it, he was just looking for friends to be with.’ She felt more guilty as each memory came one after the other, then she came across one last memory.

It showed Sonic walking into a cave and grabbing something from his quills, he grabbed and revealed a white feather.

Twilight then saw something that shook her to the core of her soul, Princess Celestia was there in a vision Sonic was having. ‘Wait why is Princess Celestia here? Unless… no way…’

”Mom.” That one word was what made everything click for Twilight. Sonic’s mom was Celestia herself, and not only that but he’s been alone for a long, long time with his last parental figure, presumed dead.

’He was alone for so long and he felt so guilty. No wonder why he didn’t tell us! And I yelled at him and my friends, it’s All. My. Fault.’ She couldn’t delve any further as everything started to go white, until it consumed everything including Twilight.

Mount Aris: Coast

A total of five seconds had elapsed as both the Hedgehog and Alicorn stood there with white glowing eyes, then both of their eyes returned to normal both feeling dazed from what just happened.

Twilight shook her head before realising she was back to reality, she quickly looked behind her to see her friends with shocked faces of hurt.

She remembered what had happened before entering Sonic’s mind, she gasped silently before facing Sonic who was walking away slowly. “Sonic, I—“ But Sonic beat her to it and raised his hand up.

“I just can’t talk right now.” He continued to walk away silently, Twilight with the little courage left tried to approach him.

“Wait! I just need to—“ Sonic however spun around, facing her with raw rage and hurt on his face with his eyes, quills and body sparking.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Twilight along with the others took a step back from the sheer volume of his voice, it was filled with pain and sorrow from years of isolation.

His face slowly changed to one of remorse as he turned away with regret, slowing walking the opposite direction of the group.

The rest of the Mane five did so as well looking at Twilight with disappointment, she had messed up big time.

Spike walked up beside Twilight and reached out his hand to the others but could do nothing, Twilight turned the opposite way and hung her head low walking away slowly, tears brimming her eyes.

Mount Aris: Cliffside

Off by the edge of Mount Aris was cliffside that led to the sea below, that crashed against the rocks that populated the area.

Twilight walked up to the edge head still hung low, she sat down and let the tears spill from her eyes, unknown to her Spike walked up slowly behind her. “Twilight? It's okay. You'll figure it out.”

Unfortunately it didn’t work. “No! I can't. I ruined everything! There's no chance to save Equestria now. And I yelled at them because of a misunderstanding. It's all my fault!” She weeped heavily, tears falling from her eyes.

But she realised that Spike had gone silent, this made Twilight look to her right. “Spike?” She faced his direction only to gasp.

A Storm creature held Spike preventing him from moving, he tried speaking but it came out muffled. Twilight readied her horn for an attack when a cage came down and prevented her from doing anything.

She was trapped. “No, no, no, no, no! Noooooo!” She looked down and called for her friend.

“Spiiiiiike!!!” Spike breathed flames on the Storm creature’s arm causing it to let go of him, Spike ran forward calling back to her friend. “Twiliiiiiight!!!” It was futile, he wouldn’t be able to reach her.

He quickly ran back for the others to try and get help. The last thing Twilight saw of the outside world disappeared as she entered the ship.

Tempest’s Ship

Inside of the ship was Twilight in her cage, the light above shined down brightly preventing her from seeing what was above, she tried firing magic at the bars that surrounded her.

It did nothing as if her magic had been restricted. She tried slamming her body against the cage which also didn’t work, she fired another blast of magic only to see Tempest walking down the stairs that led into the room.

Twilight gasped she was truly stuck, and had been caught so easily by the one who’s been chasing her this entire time. Tempest came closer and walked around her. “Aww, the "Princess of Friendship". With no friends! And no way out.” She chuckled mocking the Alicorn.

Twilight felt hurt she was alone. “Why are you doing this? You're a pony! Just like me.” She said, Tempest then moved forward and slammed her hooves against the cage, causing Twilight to yelp as magic zapped around her cage.

“I'm nothing like you! I'm more than you'll ever be!” Twilight watched as Tempest began to sing.

Tempest: It's time you learned a lesson
It's time that you understand
Don't ever count on anybody else
In this or any other land
I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
Of someone who was blind
Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command
Open up your eyes
Give up your sweet fantasy land
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes
We all start out the same
With simple naive trust
Shielded from the many ways
That life's not fair or just
But then there comes a moment
A simple truth that you must face
If you depend on others
You'll never find your place
And as you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own
You see it all so clearly
The best way to survive is all alone
Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command
Open up your eyes
And behold the faded light
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes
Open up your eyes!

(End song.)

Twilight placed her hoof in front of her face after her cage rose up to the deck of the ship, before adjusting her eye sight to see Canterlot had been fully taken over, she couldn’t believe it.

She looked down in sadness, Tempest came up and walked forward. “I’m so sorry you felt so alone.”

“I saw the truth. My "friends" abandoned me when times got tough. Looks like I'm not the only one.” Twilight looked away ashamed.

Tempest looked at her with a blank stare. “Face it, Princess. Friendship has failed you, too.” She stared forward.

Twilight looked back over. “Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship. And most of all I failed at helping him.” Twilight looked forward as well.

“You mean that kid, he won’t be too far.” Twilight perked up. “What do you mean?” Tempest smiled evilly.

“He’ll come running back, and soon he will have to give up just like you.” Twilight remembered seeing Sonic’s memories, his power from what she gathered was limitless.

Meaning it could… ‘oh no, he’s a goner if it gets taken from him by force!’

She wanted to say something but couldn’t, she sat down defeated and waited for the inevitable arrival, to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done and hopefully it doesn’t feel rushed. One thing to point out is The Storm King is the Robotnik of this universe.

Also the song is there because it can be.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Question Time: What was your least favourite scene from the movie?